Dealing with ex's and their new loves...

Where's that "you in danger girl" gif? I sincerely wish you all the best. I really, really do. And now I'm gonna go hug my momma and aunties for raising me to know my worth. Sent from my iPhone using LHCF

My ex was living his life so what? So just because he was dating I'm suppose to be like oh no I can't be with you cause you were dating other women? As long as those woman were dates that understand that's it I'm good. He meets all the qualifications I want now and since he is serious about marriage why shouldn't I give it a chance. He's looking for a wife and has decided he wants me so let me at least give myself a chance. He has a career.", working on purchasing his home, comes from a good family that loves me and my family loves them. I will be salted if he marries someone else cause I know he was not a bad guy I was just wishy washy half the time. He even admitted he wanted to be prepared before coming back after me cause he know how I am. Once if finished his degree and got a good position he knew those things would impress me. I am impressed and the added bonus is his more handsome than ever I really would be crazy not to explore this. We both have our flaws but with the help of God we will be working on it.
Like I said, she wants to be single. If marriage was your goal you would've left this loser alone. A loser who was spending Christmas with another chick and didn't even think to call your arse. A chick who clearly has caught feelings over him after the drama that went down over your multiple unnecessary phone calls. You think that's the last you will see/hear from her????? Yeah..... :perplexed

And was riding around in HER car. I don't know why that stuck out to me but it did. And he's supposedly marriage minded?

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Every time I come in here, I want to post more...

But why? 7 pages of advice wasted...

OP I wish you the best with your new relationship.
I hope it leads to a fulfilling marriage like you hope.

Please remember,
"if you cannot learn from history, you are doomed to repeat it"
Let me get one of those Newports.....

this can't be real...we all just got punk'd. Don't know how to post gifs but someone needs to post that Antoine (hid ya kids/wife etc) "you are so dumb"
On the brighter side, I applaud you for making your OWN decisions, good or bad.

*Frank Sinatra* kinky did it heeeeeerrrrrr way!
Good for you.
When someone shows you who they are believe them the first time But now you are going back for thirds? After ratchet Christmas call?

ThatJerseyGirl please, please, please be on the innanet today.
I don't want folks to think their advice was wasted but some did say if I have a problem with him dating then just be with him. I cannot remain his friend when I still have feelings. We both have the same goal which is to marry and start a family. I would be proud to call him my husband because he has proven to become the man I desire. Some of you all are saying good luck but I know it's sarcasm. I wish it could be real but whatever. We are dating to see what develops. If it's good great if it's bad then I learn a lesson, that's life! This guy has always been good to me always and people who knows us in real life knew that. Folks never understood why I did not stay but I had my reasons at the time.
Don't be shocked when she (or any other chick) calls multiple times when you're together with him, refer back to 12/25/2013 and how you felt.
Better watch out for the clothes tearing, name calling Christmas chick. She's going to be livid when she finds out he's dating the "woman on the phone" and he was just with her... For freakin Christmas.
I don't want folks to think their advice was wasted but some did say if I have a problem with him dating then just be with him. I cannot remain his friend when I still have feelings. We both have the same goal which is to marry and start a family. I would be proud to call him my husband because he has proven to become the man I desire. Some of you all are saying good luck but I know it's sarcasm. I wish it could be real but whatever. We are dating to see what develops. If it's good great if it's bad then I learn a lesson, that's life! This guy has always been good to me always and people who knows us in real life knew that. Folks never understood why I did not stay but I had my reasons at the time.

Kinky, I mean this with no sarcasm. Don't respond to this thread anymore. You brought forth a situation, people shared their opinion, you considered their views and made your decision. That's great! Anything more is fodder.
Don't waste your time here anymore. Seriously.
Girl, bye.

My ex was living his life so what? So just because he was dating I'm suppose to be like oh no I can't be with you cause you were dating other women? As long as those woman were dates that understand that's it I'm good. He meets all the qualifications I want now and since he is serious about marriage why shouldn't I give it a chance. He's looking for a wife and has decided he wants me so let me at least give myself a chance. He has a career.", working on purchasing his home, comes from a good family that loves me and my family loves them. I will be salted if he marries someone else cause I know he was not a bad guy I was just wishy washy half the time. He even admitted he wanted to be prepared before coming back after me cause he know how I am. Once if finished his degree and got a good position he knew those things would impress me. I am impressed and the added bonus is his more handsome than ever I really would be crazy not to explore this. We both have our flaws but with the help of God we will be working on it.
Well, good luck to you.

Seriously, I wonder if you are so blinded by your desire to get married, you are not looking at the glaring warning signs. It doesn't matter if everyone and their mama think you should be together. He was just with some other girl two days ago and now he's sure that you are the one? He has all the 'earthly things' that you want so you are going to go for it? As you said before it won't matter to you if Christmas chick starts calling him wanting him to do stuff with her so be prepared for more drama.

According to some of your other posts, you are a Christian. Have you prayed about this? Is he a Christian (I didn't see that in your list of his attributes)? Have you sought Godly counsel (outside of your respective families)? Take it slow, girl.

Anyway, the women here have given good advice- I hope it helps someone who might be in the same situation as the OP.
I don't want folks to think their advice was wasted but some did say if I have a problem with him dating then just be with him. I cannot remain his friend when I still have feelings. We both have the same goal which is to marry and start a family. I would be proud to call him my husband because he has proven to become the man I desire. Some of you all are saying good luck but I know it's sarcasm. I wish it could be real but whatever. We are dating to see what develops. If it's good great if it's bad then I learn a lesson, that's life! This guy has always been good to me always and people who knows us in real life knew that. Folks never understood why I did not stay but I had my reasons at the time.
I am speechless.
This thread makes me sad. I know you ladies have given great advice but at this point it seems to be a dead horse beating. I truly wish you all of the best OP.
Kinky, I mean this with no sarcasm. Don't respond to this thread anymore. You brought forth a situation, people shared their opinion, you considered their views and made your decision. That's great! Anything more is fodder. Don't waste your time here anymore. Seriously.

I agree with Fine 4s

Let this thread go for now and let us know how things turn out in a few months. I imagine he is thrilled that despite everything that happened you are giving him a real chance. Your life, your choice. I really and truly hope things work out for you one way or the other. Even though I disagree with you, I can still care for you and wish you the best. It sounds like you are very lonely and believe he is the one, so good luck (no sarcasm).
And was riding around in HER car. I don't know why that stuck out to me but it did. And he's supposedly marriage minded?

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And don't forget living with his parents. Yeah,yeah it's until he buys his house:rolleyes: I know!
Just read the 1st post again: his special friend called you a b 2 days ago... and now you think he's husband material ? ! iCan't
ETA: I wish you well ( no sarcasm)
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And was riding around in HER car. I don't know why that stuck out to me but it did. And he's supposedly marriage minded? Sent from my DROID BIONIC using LHCF

Yeah all the signs point to they were/are in a relationship. It's so obvious to me. :lol: I know there are crazy chicks out there, but for her to get so worked up over op's calls tells me all I need to know.

Just read the 1st post again: his special friend called you a b 2 days ago... and now you think he's husband material ? ! iCan't ETA: I wish you well ( no sarcasm)

Right. I'm wondering if op is even reading what she is writing??? None of what she said tells me he is husband material, let alone boyfriend material. Desperate and pathetic don't even begin to cover it. Seriously. I won't even pretend with the well wishes because I want the record to show that I believe this is pure foolishness and a waste of any woman's time who claims to want a marriage and family.
But we all know the definition of insanity...

Doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.

*.~.*Sent from a distant Galaxy in the Unicorn-verse*.~.*