Dealing with ex's and their new loves...

Yeah all the signs point to they were/are in a relationship. It's so obvious to me. :lol: I know there are crazy chicks out there, but for her to get so worked up over op's calls tells me all I need to know.

Right. I'm wondering if op is even reading what she is writing??? None of what she said tells me he is husband material, let alone boyfriend material. Desperate and pathetic don't even begin to cover it. Seriously. I won't even pretend with the well wishes because I want the record to show that I believe this is pure foolishness and a waste of any woman's time who claims to want a marriage and family.
I totally get the seriousness of this here foolishness that is this thread, but Bahahahahahahahahaha!! @ this :lachen::lachen::lachen:
You want to focus on raising your value, and tactically lowering her value, so that she begins to think she would be missing out on something if she continues down the path of irksome aloofness.

It’s good to make a girl chase you. It’s even better to make her compete for you. Nothing rouses a woman’s heart like beating another woman to a man.


I've learned so much these last few days. Thanks ladies, as usual, you provide insight and entertainment.
Since the OP has no problem being friends with exes and asking favors of men in relationships, I wonder if she'll be okay with her man being friends with his exes and doing them favors...and I wonder if she'll apologize to the ex if she ever calls the ex out of her name in anger.
Seems like it would have been much easier if he called you on Christmas, brought a gift and asked if you wanted to try a relationship again
Nothing wrong with calling an ex or entertaining his affection in this case ( although personally I believe an ex is an ex for a reason) but if he's with another women on Christmas Day, then he was never someone you need to be with.

Sounds like you were stringing him along and once you saw his attention might be elsewhere you called back to mess up whatever he had going with the next chick.

You need to stop messing with this guy and start anew. You've no business getting salty. He's not your man.