Should she expose this trifling woman? I say YES!


New Member
My girlfriend called me the other day highly upset cause her husband received a video from this explicit video. Then she found some messages this woman sent her husband on myspace talking about how she wants him, doesn't want him to be with her, etc. Just disrespectful. She's already confronted the husband about it (might be leading to divorce) but now she wants to send the video to the girl's husband. yes, she's married too...with KIDS! I say go ahead and expose her!

She blatantly disrespected my girlfriend with her vids and messages so I say go for it and expose her for the type of woman she is.
If she's dumb enough to send a video, then I say go ahead and send it to her husband. :yep: People can be so dumb... Maybe she wants to get caught!
Me being me...I told her to expose herrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! Put it out there. LIke you said, she stupid enough to send it! You want somebody to see it, let your husband see it too!
Her beef is with her husband, not the other married woman. Unless she knows her husband is totally innocent and this other married woman is harrassing him, I say forget about the skank and deal with her hunsband.
Yea I say send it to the husband but if I was her I'd be wondering what my husband was doing to encourage this type of behavior or make her think its ok.

There might just be two couples getting a divorce :ohwell:
She needs to deal with both of them. The other husband needs to know what his wife is up to, because she may be propositioning other men who maybe taking her up on her offer, and putting the guy at risk.
I'd send it with a quickness. Sure her beef should be with the husband but when you have women like her that KNOW about the wife and still decide their bold enough to disrepect like that....why not expose what she's really about. Lawd knows who else she's propositioned and it would fair for her husband to know that she's chasing a married man.
Yea I say send it to the husband but if I was her I'd be wondering what my husband was doing to encourage this type of behavior or make her think its ok.

There might just be two couples getting a divorce :ohwell:

you darn right he is encouraging her and she does need to be exposed
Ummm yea I'd be sending it to her husband...what exactly is she doing in this video just talking about how she wants him or what? Granted her beef is with her HUSBAND. But I also don't get with people causing havoc in other peoples lives then walking away unscathed KWIM? Your friends relationship is either over or forever seriously flawed.The trust is gone.

So while two wrongs don't make it they say, it damn sure makes it even.

Hell you never know, if that woman is that bold to be sending videos and what not, she may have done this before. This proof may be just what her husband needs to have the strength to leave.

There are men who stay for the kids too and endure bad relationships for various reasons.
I'd send it with a quickness. That wench is ruining her marriage and causing her stress. Why should she get away scott free? Besides her husband needs to know what he's married too.

I 'd send it to him and cc all three of them.
Yall are speaking the truth. Her husband is trifling too and I bet he was definitely encouraging it! The video was explicit meaning boobs and birth canals being shown!
Yall are speaking the truth. Her husband is trifling too and I bet he was definitely encouraging it! The video was explicit meaning boobs and birth canals being shown!

What the hell on heck nah i surely would hand deliver that piece myself and when i ring the bell i hope he answers and she is standing right behind him when i hand him over the video
I wouldn't send it. I'd deal with MY husband and move on with MY life. I'm not up for seeking revenge on people.
I don't believe in hurting others, just because I've been hurt. Although, I have thought about the possibility of the wife sleeping with other men but I just couldn't send it.
I would send it...and make sure I make extra copies to share it around in the courtroom!!...I would also post the video on HER myspace and ALL her friends!!! just to make sure...
I would send it. I understand that your friend needs to deal with her own husband. However, I still feel like the woman's husband needs to know. What a freaking tramp!
Best believe I'd sent it. And my *husband* would be handled.

Don't forget to come back and tell us what she did.
She sent it. The girl's husband thought it was a joke at first until he saw the video and she said he was pissed. Serves her right. He's been emailing my girl. I'm going to find out what else he said.
because i just sent some crap to a *****'s husband but my attorney (friend) wrote the note and expressed that she may advise me to take out an injunction. So him being a doctor don't need this kind of thing going on with his wife acting a fool.

Folks use to be able to call single women yamps who did these types of things but I see some married sistas got issues too.
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She sent it. The girl's husband thought it was a joke at first until he saw the video and she said he was pissed. Serves her right. He's been emailing my girl. I'm going to find out what else he said.

Good! serves her right. It seems that technology is making people more stupid with their mess. He deserves to know that he is married to a no good woman. Better late than never. Keep us posted.