raising the child of your man's AFFAIR? WOULD YOU?

would you help to raise the child from his adultry

  • yes, i would willingly do it. the child did not ask to be here.

    Votes: 41 20.0%
  • no, i would forgive but not be able to forget, with a child as proof of the affair.

    Votes: 164 80.0%

  • Total voters
I wouldn't be with a man who fathered a child out of wedlock before I married him, much less raise someone's lovechild.
what would you do in this situation? no, it's not me.

hubby cheats.

you forgive and hubby now has a few "new" sex moves that you all have never done.

he wants you to do it and you oblige.

you tell your gf's and ask what they think...

ummm...now, my thing is, we know where the hell he got it from.

now, you licking her dried up leftover vajayjay crumbs????

somebody pass me a vomit bucket.

hells no!!!!
No. No. No.

If my husband ever put his naked penis in some other woman, not only would I NOT take care of any resulting crotch fruit, I would take this house, everything in it, half his money, all of my money and one of his balls. He knows this to be a fact. :yep:
what would you do in this situation? no, it's not me.

hubby cheats.

you forgive and hubby now has a few "new" sex moves that you all have never done.

he wants you to do it and you oblige.

you tell your gf's and ask what they think...

ummm...now, my thing is, we know where the hell he got it from.

now, you licking her dried up leftover vajayjay crumbs????

somebody pass me a vomit bucket.

hells no!!!!

EWWWWW!!! All the more reason NOT to take him back!
What about the baaabbbbbiesssss?????? Save the world Save the world! In my best Ledisi voice!:lachen::lachen:mean *** heifas!

Whatever! :rolleyes: The only way I'm taking care of that baby is because I made him a damned orphan! Both Mama and Daddy SHOT. :yep:
A few of you have me CRACKING UP!
RE: Vajayjay crumbs? *ded*
RE: bEat him to Kingdom come *keels over*

Ahmn, I would have to bow out gracefully. There will be a lot of crying and praying and fussing going on.
Yes the poor baby, but I wouldn't be able to love the child without thinking about him and the woman. Call it harbouring pain, call it grudging, that's just me.

I help my husband and his baby moms raise their kids and have gotten nothing but stress for it, much less for also helping him raise another child.

It would hurt, but I would have to leave. What makes it worse is I don't want to have kids of my own, and then to have to take care of this child would be forced labour.

my husband and I are in a situation very similar to this and I have been bitter for quite some time. However, I am a doer, so I still do what needs to be done to make things work out.
what would you do in this situation? no, it's not me.

hubby cheats.

you forgive and hubby now has a few "new" sex moves that you all have never done.

he wants you to do it and you oblige.

you tell your gf's and ask what they think...

ummm...now, my thing is, we know where the hell he got it from.

now, you licking her dried up leftover vajayjay crumbs????

somebody pass me a vomit bucket.

hells no!!!!

i'mma need ur people to wise up and move on... she is getting PLAYED left and right... that ain't love...
I'mma be honest and say that if I prayed on it and chose to stay, I would have no problem raising the child--especially if we have a child/ren together already as the child would be my biological children's brother/sister. Yes, I'm serious. My husband and I would certainly be in therapy and fasting and praying up something serious but truth be told, I would never resent a child.

There is no way I would stay with him. That "child" that he is giving you...could have easily been AIDS that he is giving you. And in all honesty that would freak me out beyond repair...just the thought that his actions could have killed me and then left MY kids without a mother :nono::nono::nono::nono::nono::nono::nono::nono:

I have too much self-esteem and I love my self too much to stay with a man that does not value my life or his life as much as I do. IMO you have to be really desperate to stay in a situation that bad....next time it might not be a child it will be a disease.
HELL NO!!!!!!


People are always saying the child is innoncent. The child has nothing to do with it. **** the child and their mother.

Truth be told I don't like any child that's not related to me. And I don't like some of them that are related to me. So there is no way in hell I would raise someone else's child in my home. If I had children, my kids would never see thier father's bastard child.

Nope, nope, nope, nope, nope

And as for the hubby, oh man ---- I would ruin him!
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There is no way in hell I would stay with a man who betrayed me that way. Also, if we had children, I would demand sole custody and would not allow my children to have contact with that child....:look:
HELL NO!!!!!!


People are always saying the child is innoncent. The child has nothing to do with it. **** the child and their mother.

Truth be told I don't like any child that's not related to me. And I don't like some of them that are related to me. So there is no way in hell I would raise someone else's child in my home. If I had children, my kids would never see thier father's bastard child.

Nope, nope, nope, nope, nope

And as for the hubby, oh man ---- I would ruin him!

I know it may be unpopular...but ITA with you. I actually knew someone in this situation. She chose to leave with her dignity and self-respect intact. Her kids HAVE NO CONTACT with said bastard child.

I have already said in the case of adultery I would most likely stay with my husband and work it out with two no-way-in-hell exceptions: Herpes/AIDS and kids. No working anything out in that circumstance.

You screw a married man, you suffer the consequences. You get pregnant by a married man, you just stoopid as hell and you and your child suffer the consequences. The child may be innocent, but that does not change the circumstances he or she was born into. I refuse to roll out a welcome wagon and sing kumbayah(sp) when I have to experience the hurt and shame of the whole thing.
If he cheated, yes I'd leave. If we broke up and got back together and during that period he made the mistake, I may stay. It depends on the dynamic of our relationship. Everyone makes mistakes but I wouldnt punish a child that didnt ask to be put in that environment.
If anybody could do it, Im just going to tell you that are a better woman than me because I couldnt do either. I'd be OWT as fast as I could because not only does it make it bad that he cheated on you, but the fact that he didnt protect himself well enough to prevent from making a baby. Uh uh I couldnt trust him and I was in an almost similar situation (which I care not to go back there) and it hurts. :sad: Cant do it!
i'mma need ur people to wise up and move on... she is getting PLAYED left and right... that ain't love...

no, he is not still with the woman. he has been to counseling and they go together and they have accepted to move on. she forgave him.

however, imo, the new "move" is left over remnants from the old relationship.

we don't believe he is still cheating.

but how can you sleep at night knowing that you are doing something another woman taught your HUSBAND while he was cheating on you?

it's just f'd up all the way around.
I'm a big believer in forever families and lifelong marriages. There are dealbreakers, though: abuse (of spouse OR kids) or abandonment. In my view, exposing me to disease and destroying the wholeness of our family equals abuse.

If my kids were still under 18, I'd stay with him for thier sake. *However* my children would never hear of this bastard. They would never see this bastard. The bastard child BETTER NOT cross one pinky toe onto my property, OR the mother of said bastard.

I would expect DH to send checks to support said bastard, and maybe visit with the CHILD ONLY (babymomma not welcome) at the park or someplace. And once my children were all grown and graduated from college, he and I would split.

I know people like to think that they would not harbor ill-will toward the bastard... but frankly it would be near impossible not to. I guess we have 50-11 Mother Theresa clones on here, but I'm not among them.

DH and I have talked about this, and he is so much more accepting than me... he said if I stepped out and got up the pole by someone he'd raise the kid in our home with our kids and treat them all the same. I let him know that I do NOT agree and would not accept such behavior.
HELL NO!!!!!!


People are always saying the child is innoncent. The child has nothing to do with it. **** the child and their mother.

Truth be told I don't like any child that's not related to me. And I don't like some of them that are related to me. So there is no way in hell I would raise someone else's child in my home. If I had children, my kids would never see thier father's bastard child.

Nope, nope, nope, nope, nope

And as for the hubby, oh man ---- I would ruin him!

I really admire and appreciate your honesty. I agree with a lot of what you said but didn't have the courage to admit it. I was just going to say a simple NO. But you said it better.
I'm a big believer in forever families and lifelong marriages. There are dealbreakers, though: abuse (of spouse OR kids) or abandonment. In my view, exposing me to disease and destroying the wholeness of our family equals abuse.

If my kids were still under 18, I'd stay with him for thier sake. *However* my children would never hear of this bastard. They would never see this bastard. The bastard child BETTER NOT cross one pinky toe onto my property, OR the mother of said bastard.

I would expect DH to send checks to support said bastard, and maybe visit with the CHILD ONLY (babymomma not welcome) at the park or someplace. And once my children were all grown and graduated from college, he and I would split.

I know people like to think that they would not harbor ill-will toward the bastard... but frankly it would be near impossible not to. I guess we have 50-11 Mother Theresa clones on here, but I'm not among them.

DH and I have talked about this, and he is so much more accepting than me... he said if I stepped out and got up the pole by someone he'd raise the kid in our home with our kids and treat them all the same. I let him know that I do NOT agree and would not accept such behavior.
Ha! Joyousnerd does not mince words at all.:lol:
I'm a big believer in forever families and lifelong marriages. There are dealbreakers, though: abuse (of spouse OR kids) or abandonment. In my view, exposing me to disease and destroying the wholeness of our family equals abuse.

If my kids were still under 18, I'd stay with him for thier sake. *However* my children would never hear of this bastard. They would never see this bastard. The bastard child BETTER NOT cross one pinky toe onto my property, OR the mother of said bastard.

I would expect DH to send checks to support said bastard, and maybe visit with the CHILD ONLY (babymomma not welcome) at the park or someplace. And once my children were all grown and graduated from college, he and I would split.

I know people like to think that they would not harbor ill-will toward the bastard... but frankly it would be near impossible not to. I guess we have 50-11 Mother Theresa clones on here, but I'm not among them.

DH and I have talked about this, and he is so much more accepting than me... he said if I stepped out and got up the pole by someone he'd raise the kid in our home with our kids and treat them all the same. I let him know that I do NOT agree and would not accept such behavior.

Well Hello...:lachen: I agree with you 1000%. Minus the staying part. Knowing my vindictive self, I would probably try to kill him...:nono:
I'm a big believer in forever families and lifelong marriages. There are dealbreakers, though: abuse (of spouse OR kids) or abandonment. In my view, exposing me to disease and destroying the wholeness of our family equals abuse.

If my kids were still under 18, I'd stay with him for thier sake. *However* my children would never hear of this bastard. They would never see this bastard. The bastard child BETTER NOT cross one pinky toe onto my property, OR the mother of said bastard.

I would expect DH to send checks to support said bastard, and maybe visit with the CHILD ONLY (babymomma not welcome) at the park or someplace. And once my children were all grown and graduated from college, he and I would split.

I know people like to think that they would not harbor ill-will toward the bastard... but frankly it would be near impossible not to. I guess we have 50-11 Mother Theresa clones on here, but I'm not among them.

DH and I have talked about this, and he is so much more accepting than me... he said if I stepped out and got up the pole by someone he'd raise the kid in our home with our kids and treat them all the same. I let him know that I do NOT agree and would not accept such behavior.

Well dayum! :lachen:
Never :nono:
Ive made it clear in other threads what I think about this subject.
The child will be getting C/s and nothing else.

No guilt whatsoever :yep:
no way would i have anything to do with that child. he would have to find a way to take care of that baby without it effecting me and mine's and if he couldn't then kick rocks! i have been through a lot so far and i couldn't handle something like that, i think i might leave or just stick around until my kids are older. no need for my children to struggle because their father is a cheatin jerk.
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I'm a big believer in forever families and lifelong marriages. There are dealbreakers, though: abuse (of spouse OR kids) or abandonment. In my view, exposing me to disease and destroying the wholeness of our family equals abuse.

If my kids were still under 18, I'd stay with him for thier sake. *However* my children would never hear of this bastard. They would never see this bastard. The bastard child BETTER NOT cross one pinky toe onto my property, OR the mother of said bastard.

I would expect DH to send checks to support said bastard, and maybe visit with the CHILD ONLY (babymomma not welcome) at the park or someplace. And once my children were all grown and graduated from college, he and I would split.

I know people like to think that they would not harbor ill-will toward the bastard... but frankly it would be near impossible not to. I guess we have 50-11 Mother Theresa clones on here, but I'm not among them.

DH and I have talked about this, and he is so much more accepting than me... he said if I stepped out and got up the pole by someone he'd raise the kid in our home with our kids and treat them all the same. I let him know that I do NOT agree and would not accept such behavior.

