post ONE rule you have for dating

So what do you think of this video?
Should You Pay On The First Date With A Guy?

CurlyMoo Honestly, as soon as he said "when I ask a woman to hangout" I knew we weren't on the same page. That word alone tells me that we're not thinking the same things when it comes to dating.

I agree with cheetarah1980 and those that say we shouldn't pay and not feel like a gold digger mentality about it..
That a man should be looking to protect me. Not fist fighting protection...but protect my reputation, my dignity, my emotional well being ...I can't even fully express it. At any age, a man should be thinking about you and what is best for you..or at the very least trying not to cast you in a bad light in your own mind or in the mind of others.

He should protect your heart. Not playing mind games about what he is looking for and if he is seeing other people.

He should protect your public image. If the President can protect his wife from a wardobe malfunction, then a date can and should do the same. I'll take that further and also point out that no man should want a woman to be dressed in a short tight dress with her boobs popping out while wearing 6-inch platform heels to draw unnecessary attention to herself. In the past, I told dates when they were ill-attired for an event because I wanted them to feel comfortable, be respected, and quite frankly.....look good by my side at a function. :look: A man should want the same for a woman.

He should protect your emotional wellbeing. Be upfront. Be attentive. Be honest. Be open and transparent in his dealings with you. Don't stress you out or emotionally abandon you with the silent treatment when things don't go his way or when he wants greener pasture.

Lastly, he should protect your body. He should not put you in an enviroment where you may compromise yourself by having sex of any kind (oral, etc.). Should you agree to it later on, he should insist on using protection to prevent pregnancy, etc. A man who is eager to be with a woman in that way AND who could care less about the consequences of unprotected sex is not protecting you, your body or your future.

i really really like this post. so spot about EVERYTHING! thank you! :yep:
Heed the warning signs. Don't blow them off. Try to understand exactly what you are dealing with by his actions, not words.
If he makes excuses that he always busy move on.... people make time for what they want always! If he was too busy he wouldn't be trying to date at all and would only focus on the tasks at hand like his career. He's busy alright, its just not busy with you!

One of my BFFs fell for that twice in the past two years -_-

She actually waited and didn't date anyone else for 7 months because he said he was busy with training and would be free at a future date. Didn't call her, text her or meet up once in that 7 months.

Then one day she's walking across a bridge and passes him holding hands with his new girlfriend. :yawn:

I agree. If they really want to be around a woman they will be. Even if he is genuinely under pressure then you gotta move on.
Don't be the first to say "I love you" no matter what you're feeling or thinking.

Usually, when men say it first, they mean it. Sometimes they may not even be conscious of the fact they are saying it.
Don't be the first to say "I love you" no matter what you're feeling or thinking.

Usually, when men say it first, they mean it. Sometimes they may not even be conscious of the fact they are saying it.

Somebody said this and it just stuck with me.

She said "I don't care what he tells you, if he has a baby mama, he's still having sex with her. When I don't have a man, I don't care if he has a girlfriend or not, I can still call him over when I want some. He and his girlfriend will never have as close a bond as he does with the mother of his children".

Sorry but that's simply untrue. I ended things with my DDs father when she was 1 and a half years old and she's now 14. In that time, I have never- I repeat never slept with him again. I was single or just dating for a good while after but never did that on principle no matter how desperate I may have been to color... So you need to question the person who said that. 'Babymothers' are not a monolith....
Rule: never start jokingly calling each other derogatory names. It will quickly or slowly slide into disrespect and verbal abuse.

You are on point on this. Also, do not let anyone start poking fun at your culture or beliefs in a joking manner. For ex. I heard haitians, jamaicans, etc are... nip it in the bud.

Pretty soon they will disrespect you
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Don't make a person a priority in your life, if you're an option in theirs.

One of the best pieces of advice I've received. It came from a friend who has very low tolerance for b.s.
two pieces rolled into one sentence

Be patient, For a man will pursue you when you let go of wanting to control everything
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