For ladies in serious relationships/marriages, did you abide by the 90 day rule?

Nope...I never really do. I asked my SO months ago if he regretted the fact that we in so soon after we started dating. He said he didn't because it just felt right....I told him I felt the same way.

People in my thread about cooking for your man said I broke the LHCF cardinal rule by doing so before we were married.

Isn't 'waiting' a rule as well, the only way to get him to respect you. IDK. :look: I broke that one too. I only waited like 5 weeks, mostly because we spent 3-4 days out of a week together from the moment we met.

You followed it or no?
My exhusband I was with for 20 years, I waited 3 months before sleeping with him. I didn't know it was a rule at the time. Just felt right to wait.

Cooking? Not so much. I was a broke student. It made sense to save money and cook after a while...

Now, 20+ years later, would I wait? Depends on what I'm looking for. I've slept with dudes right away, one who wanted to get married asap! Cooked for him too. Then again, when I want a man, I tend to meet the serious and intense types anyway... I dont want one right now, so... it's all up for grabs. lol.
I believe in waiting, but I don't believe in a set number of dates or days. And I certainly wouldn't tell him if I was, but getting back on the market, I think I am going to wait for exclusivity.
I don't think "how long" matters as much as "how much" work he is putting in to show you he's committed. I'm not going to wait for a man's respect. I'm going to wait to see if he shows me we are on the same page in terms of exclusivity.
I wanted a good girl gone bad experience, so I only wanted him for sex initially (we were friends/acquaintances prior).

We slept together on our 3rd alone meeting up. However, he said I was cold/reserved emotionally and he wanted to crack the ice queen:lol:.

In most of the circumstances like this I find my friends that sleep early, but are emotionally unavailable, tend to get the men hanging off them most of the time. :spinning: Reminds me of Eddies obsession with Robin Givens in Boomerang. They are used to being the cold one, so when a woman isn't interested sometimes they are like :confused:
On the other hand, the women that sleep with a guy early, but then wear their heart on their sleeve and get clingy seem to have guys running away. :perplexed Not all the time, but quite a lot.

Apart from SO, it's been 2 months ish.
I THOUGHT IT WAS A 3 DAY RULE???! Lol hell naw im not waiting months before getting it on. With current SO, we moved pretty fast and i broke my rule of not kissing on the 1st date and plenty more as our relationship progressed :look:
Nope...I never really do. I asked my SO months ago if he regretted the fact that we in so soon after we started dating. He said he didn't because it just felt right....I told him I felt the same way.

LMAO Of course it felt right to him.!
No we did not wait. Personally I can't afford to wait 3 months to find out that your coloring game is whack. There are certain things that I need sexually and I have to make sure that you know how to do them before we commit.
No we did not wait. Personally I can't afford to wait 3 months to find out that your coloring game is whack. There are certain things that I need sexually and I have to make sure that you know how to do them before we commit.

are there things that you can't simply teach/tell him to do? :giggle: jk
The 90 day rule is crap. It's not foolproof. Making a man wait for sex after 90 days is sure way to get played. I can guarantee you he will be smashing a bunch of chicks on the side while he waits the 91st day to smash you off. Just keep your legs closed til marriage and you will be good. Men have no problem waiting for sex until after marriage if they genuinely want to be with you.

I respect this viewpoint, but I certainly don't believe that waiting until marriage is right for everyone. If I was a dude, I would be a "kang" when it comes to this subject because there's no way I'm waiting until that serious commitment to know if I like sleeping with you or not, no matter how much I like your personality, looks, and everything else. I would be SO BLOWN if my new spouse turned out to be horrible in bed. I like physical intimacy waay too much to not enjoy it for the rest of my life.

I'm not in a serious relationship or married at the moment, so I'm not sure how much my view means, but for me, I've had serious relationships where I waited, and serious relationships where we barely waited at all. I think it depends on the person you're with.
nope. and i always joke about how i was such a s*** giving in to him so soon. but a year later we're still going strong.
The 90 day rule is crap. It's not foolproof. Making a man wait for sex after 90 days is sure way to get played. I can guarantee you he will be smashing a bunch of chicks on the side while he waits the 91st day to smash you off. Just keep your legs closed til marriage and you will be good. Men have no problem waiting for sex

and yet there are plenty of wives here who didnt wait til marriage, and then those who are waiting and still imagining that wedding with no one in sight.
I abided by the 90 hr rule. With the other serious relationships, we were friends (for months and years) first so I guess I more than met the 90 day "rule."
I didn't know there was a "rule". Me and SO waited about 60 days (not purposely, just how things happened) after we started dating exclusively after knowing each other for two years.

I did the whole waiting-until-marriage deal and it was a disaster. He was the worst lover ever. I felt I went back in time during the Puritan days and would never make that mistake again.

In terms of cooking, I LOVE to cook so it was never a burden for me. Like a previous poster mentioned we are both into fitness and meals after a heavy workout is critical, so I cook. He buys the groceries for the meal and then some so its not like I'm being put out. We don't want to eat out every single time we're hungry.

are there things that you can't simply teach/tell him to do? :giggle: jk

Some people are "unlearnable". :lol:
For me, it wasn't about respect. I just wanted to make sure the dude met my series of tests :look:

Me too! Before there ever was a "Joan Clayton" or Steve Harvey's book, I waited because I'm not to quick to sleep with people and I wanted to see if this person was not only worth me sharing my body, but having a relationship.

Mine was only 60 days though, but it wasn't like Day 61 and I was shoving my panties in is mouth. :lick: Lol.

I don't think there are concrete rules, each woman must do what is right for her. A long as she is secure, safe, and satisfied with her decision. :yep:
I did the whole waiting-until-marriage deal and it was a disaster. He was the worst lover ever. I felt I went back in time during the Puritan days and would never make that mistake again.

I hear this a lot. Which is why I gotta sample the wares before I buy. Sex is second to money for me, so why waste that kind of time in this area? After he's proven he can provide he's gotta prove he can bring it :lol:
I don't have a timeframe, but its not quick. My longest relationships we were friends and when we transitioned we still waited a while to seal the deal. I don't know. Its all about comfort.....if it can happen in 1 month cool....if it happens in 8 aren't it and are in the friend zone. LOL
I guess you could but if you're not open to sucking toes or front to back then I don't want you! LOL
and yet there are plenty of wives here who didnt wait til marriage, and then those who are waiting and still imagining that wedding with no one in sight.

i think that statement was meant to suggest that some of their BFs, now husbands, might have been getting it in on the side anyways:look: this is obviously not the case for all couples. men can wait. but i've seen guys faithfully waiting with the main girl and getting it in with randoms.:ohwell: sometimes main girl finds out and sometimes she doesn't and they live happily every after.
i think that statement was meant to suggest that some of their BFs, now husbands, might have been getting it in on the side anyways:look: this is obviously not the case for all couples. men can wait. but i've seen guys faithfully waiting with the main girl and getting it in with randoms.:ohwell: sometimes main girl finds out and sometimes she doesn't and they live happily every after.

What I've always wondered is when the 90 day clock starts. is it 90 days from the first date? Is it from the time you become a committed couple? B/c that makes a difference.

I mean if we're dating non-exclusively, he can date or do whoever he likes (b/c I also have that option). In fact, I assume that if we're not exclusive he's seeing others.

But if we're exclusive and waiting, then I would expect him to be faithful and celibate with me b/c if not you dont need to be in a relationship.