Ovation Cell Therapy/Mega-Tek Challenge Sept. '08

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Re: Ovation Cell Therarpy/Mega-Tek Challenge Sept. '08

Has anyone used the megatek shampoo and conditioner? has anyone thought of using it. I want to join the challenge but I need a good poo and con and I was wondering if using the MT poo and con was a good idea?

I have the MT Cream Rinse and Botanical Spray. I don't use the shampoo because personally after reading the ingredients I can do better. :yep: I use a gentle organic cleanser (Aubrey Organics) to help the Rebuilder penetrate and not strip my hair at the same time. You can't go wrong with the Cream Rinse, it works perfectly with the Rebuilder.

I'm running out of shampoo and will be getting something new.
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Re: Ovation Cell Therarpy/Mega-Tek Challenge Sept. '08

i have a question. i just received my mega-tek, and i was wondering how are you guys using it. some say use it straight, massage scalp with it, or rinse it out after 1 hour. i want to know the best way to use so i won't get breakage or mush shedding. thank you for any advice.
Re: Ovation Cell Therarpy/Mega-Tek Challenge Sept. '08

Hi Ladies,

I have officially made the switch to MT. I am using it everyday by applying my mixture with an applicator bottle to my scalp.

I have been using the MT for about 4 days now and I am currently in a weave. My braids have already started loosening up. I have terrible itches. I usually try to keep my weaves in for six weeks but since starting on this challenge that seems like the impossible.
Re: Ovation Cell Therarpy/Mega-Tek Challenge Sept. '08


Any ladies that need to be added to the challenge list please pm me. I will update the list a little later today.

The ladies that have sent me a pm will be part of that update.

Thank you!
Re: Ovation Cell Therarpy/Mega-Tek Challenge Sept. '08

I'm in! I started using Ovation on the 3rd and just got my MT. I'm mixing them both with jojoba and applying them to my scalp with an applicator bottle everyday. Here's a picture of my cute little TWA with conditioner in it.:grin:


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Re: Ovation Cell Therarpy/Mega-Tek Challenge Sept. '08

I have the MT Cream Rinse and Botanical Spray. I don't use the shampoo because personally after reading the ingredients I can do better. :yep: I use a gentle organic cleanser (Aubrey Organics) to help the Rebuilder penetrate and not strip my hair at the same time. You can't go wrong with the Cream Rinse, it works perfectly with the Rebuilder.

I'm running out of shampoo and will be getting something new.

what is ur regimen? do you only wash once a week and apply daily?
Re: Ovation Cell Therarpy/Mega-Tek Challenge Sept. '08

say what?? :perplexed Are you for real? And I just ordered more MT! :blush::rolleyes::wallbash: I want length; I already have mad thickness.

shoot i just recieved my mt. my hair is crazy thick already i wanted length. Oh well. ill try it.

You'll still get length :yep: You'll just get it with a 'bonus'. :woot:

Oh ye of little fath. Don't worry we may have some drama yet. :lachen:

Please refer to my siggy and notice the pix and date. MT is perfect for both thickness and growth. I think they may work the same but in reverse, based on what I have read. MT-thickness first and length 2nd. OCT-Length 1st then thickness 2nd. If someone could REPOST the links of the ingredients of both.

Please, please go over the links listed at the beginning of the thread to help you as a guide. At your leisure, it is truely an education. They can actually be fun. Also if you could change your settings to show more posts per page it will go a lot faster. I went through both of the old threads and I feel very knowlegeable. I'm still learning but with more confidence. :yep:

Good luck and happy growing! :grin:

Exactly, exactly!!! Take a deep breath ladies - if you've got the MT, you can still use it, and you'll still get growth - with a bonus, as Shimmie said. :lol:

My hair has gotten thicker and softer, so the extra thickness - it's not really harder to handle, to me.

The ingredients of both are in the second or third post of this thread, if I remember correctly.
Re: Ovation Cell Therarpy/Mega-Tek Challenge Sept. '08

Shimmie/Nice and Wavy? anyone else who wants to weigh-in,
I need thickness and length, I am recovering from illness. I have both OCT and MT. Any recommendations on how to use both at the time?

Thank you in advance for taking the time to help me.
First of all, I'm so glad you are better, please stay well precious one :kiss:

You can't go wrong with the Mega Tek. Look at my siggy strip at my June picture. My ends are thin and wispy. I started Mega Tek right after that. Then look at the difference in the thickness of my ends in my September picture? I gained both thickness and length.

Also, in picture #5, you can see the fullness from using the Mega Tek on the top of my head. (Note: The red highlights in my hair are from being in the summer sun, but this product makes my hair darker. :yep:)

I alternate the two products every other treatment. I try every night but my schedule is really busy. I've still been getting great results with at least 3 times a week or more. My pictures tell it all. :yep:

Do the best you can and don't stress on perfection, your hair will still grow. I've learned that I don't have to 'overdue' this product :yep:. Keep your hair conditioned as much as you can. This is still a lot of protein and it dried my hair when I went into overload. :lol:

Hope this helps. I'm so glad God healed you....:bighug:
Re: Ovation Cell Therarpy/Mega-Tek Challenge Sept. '08


Exactly, exactly!!! Take a deep breath ladies - if you've got the MT, you can still use it, and you'll still get growth - with a bonus, as Shimmie said. :lol:

My hair has gotten thicker and softer, so the extra thickness - it's not really harder to handle, to me.

The ingredients of both are in the second or third post of this thread, if I remember correctly.
You're totally right Pretty Kiya, with Mega Tek, you DO get a Bonus. I still got length. But I needed the thickness that I wasn't quite getting with the Ovation.

I started Mega Tek after my June 30 Reveal (see pic #2 in my siggy strip). In the June pic, I had length gained from my February picture, but my ends were still thin and wispy.

Now, Look at the HUGE difference in my September picture, pictures #3 and #5. My hair ends are MUCH fuller....my ENTIRE HEAD is much fuller from the Mega Tek and I still got the length. Although I am alternating both products, I used and still use the Mega Tek more often.

I'm just in love with Ovation before it was my 'First' .... :blush3:
Re: Ovation Cell Therarpy/Mega-Tek Challenge Sept. '08

Important Note:

I know some members are upset with me about the rinsing out of the product, but I HAD to rinse it out.

I started using these products straight (full strength) and I can't leave protein on my head without consequences....the recurrence of shedding.

Even when I was mixing the oils with the products, and oiling my scalp, I still had recurring shedding.

The Garlic treatments are REMARKABLE and it works, it stops the shedding, but the Garlic does not address the CAUSE, only the symptoms. The Cause had to be addressed.

FOR ME.... the cause was product build up and lack of conditioning.

It didn't take rocket science for me to figure this out; I didn't shed before using these products, but I was so determined to use them for the results and yet I was only masking the symptoms with the Garlic treatments. It was resolved for me with rinsing the product out (because it does get into the hair - which is connected to the scalp we apply the product to :lol: ) and giving my hair frequent conditioner washes to avoid dryness.

Again, Garlic stopped the symptoms but I still had to address the cause. My hair has taken off in growth. My pictures speak it loud and clear.

I've had 7 months of many trials and errors with this product.

7 months of tears, frustrations, and constant prayers.

7 months of not knowing where my hair was truly going.

I had good days and bad. But I had to put a halt to the "Cause" of the shedding and the fear of it.

Reading through these threads, and the posts of the precious ladies who are in tears because of shedding, there is No Way, that I can not share this. It took me a while to realize it, but in this life, we live and learn and we share because we care.

I'm not out to ruin anyone's routine. But things worth while mean sacrifice. I hate getting up extra early or going to bed later, from the 'extra' efforts, but the rewards of having longer, stronger hair are worth it.

For those who have excessive shedding, I hope that this helps you. I will not sit back and read another 'shedding' post knowing how it truly stopped for me. I've discovered the Garlic was a 'band aide' for the real cause...too much protein which I had total control over.

Ladies you will find what works for you and it WILL work. :yep: Your hair will grow. Yes it will. :woot: :happydance:

Hugs and love to each of you.... :love2:
Re: Ovation Cell Therarpy/Mega-Tek Challenge Sept. '08

Ok Ladies, I broke down and ordered OCT on Thursday...I want the lenght faster. Although I will still use the MT. I will alternate days I think. I am doing co-washes every night now..so far for three days. So I shouldn't have product overload. I only condition on co washes and I still plan to do shampoo/conditions on Sunday and Wednesday. I do oil the scalp first every night before applying the MT. I might start to use it straight but since my scalp/hair is dry I might not. I don't think I will have a problem with product overload now that I co-wash. I do have a couple questions. For those that ordered OCT did you get a tracking # from ovation and how long did it take for you to get it? I would really like a tracking #. Tried calling to get one. No luck. I did get emailed a order # but that's it.

Also, do you all think I should stop with the oils or not? I kinda like the way my scalp feels with the oils and I'm afraid to use the products straight although a lot of you all say it's better that way. Please help a sista out!
Re: Ovation Cell Therarpy/Mega-Tek Challenge Sept. 08

Hi Beauti:

This is a new journey for you and your hair and it's a HUGE change. We will help you make this change for the better. :yep:

I used to pre-oil my scalp and also added oil to the Ovation and Mega Tek, but I stopped and started using the product 'straight'. I also started rinsing the product from my hair after an hour or so; definitely the next day before re-applying more product.

I don't have all the answers, :nono:, I never will, but I can share my experiences with you and I hope this helps you.

First --- Limit applying the Mega Tek to 3 times a week. (Your hair will still grow :yep:).

Try to Condition Wash your hair first using your favorite hair conditioner.

Rinse it out and then apply the Mega Tek (straight) to your scalp.

After an hour or so, rinse out the Mega Tek (it's strong enough to be effective for an hour) and condition your hair again. Put on a plastic cap for about 30 minutes to an hour; Rinse and place into your favorite protective style.

Between Mega Tek Days, give your hair a DC treatment. Use your favorite conditioner...but no protein.

If you want to add a little oil to your DC hair conditioner (Castor Oil, or Jamaican Black Castor Oil, or Jojoba Oil or Emu Oil), that will help with moisturizing. Stay away from heat.

I hope this works for you. I made a lot of mistakes in the beginning with these products. Many lessons I learned the hard way. I stopped adding other products to the Mega Tek and my Ovation because it was 'diluting' the product. I wanted to have the full benefit of them as they were. I stopped leaving it in as much, because it caused my hair to shed and it was a little dry.

Okay, let's Recap: Limit apply Mega Tek to 3 times a week.

1. Condition Wash Your Hair (Use your Favorite Hair Conditioner);
2. Rinse out Hair Conditioner
3. Apply Mega Tek (or Ovation Cell Therapy) to scalp (straight...no oil for full effect of product).
4. After at least one hour or longer if you wish, rinse your hair of the Mega Tek (or Ovation)
5. Re-condition your hair with your favorite hair conditioner; adding a little oil to the hair conditioner for extra moisture. (Use Castor Oil or Jamaican Black Castor Oil, Jojoba or Emu Oil).
6. Cover hair in plastic cap; leave on for at least 30 minutes to an hour or overnight.
7. Rinse out and place hair in protective style.
8. Between Mega Tek days, DC your hair with your favorite conditioner but no protein.
9. No heat. :nono:

This is only until your hair rehydrates than you can minimize the extra work.

Again, I sure hope this helps. The one thing I've learned is that with these protein products, I have to keep my hair conditioned.

For an extra treat, Treat yourself to a Kiya Fizzie - The KF Solution (Just Kiya's Wonderful Hair Softening Creation :up:).

Once a week, just add a little sea salt to your hair conditioner. Your hair will be soft as silk. Add about 1/2 teaspoon of Sea Salt to a huge handfull of conditioner and apply to hair and fall in love :love4:.

Shimmie, I am honestly a serial lurker, but I am still a "fake" part of the MT challenge. I have done an accidental version of your regimen for the past two weeks, always erring on the side of moisture since I am using MT.

I can say that yours is the best/most simple regimen I have seen so far ...hand's down. I like everyone else's as well, but for my hair type the overuse of moisture while adding protein...well, this is just wonderful and relatively low maintenance. I am a wife, a mom, an employee, a cook, TTC (trying to conceive), and absolutely devoted to my extended family (on my and on hubby's side!). I cannot spend major hours on my hair, but I HAVE to wash at least twice per week....sometimes three. I just DC'ed last night and was happy to not use MT for one day, but I just applied it to my scalp a few moments ago. I was trying to figure out what to do next to keep me from stressing about my hair when I read your post.


This is it!!!

I had already found my protective style (roller sets) but if I do anything else like length check with heat and flat ironing like I did last night, I have no other options since I am not going to stop using MT for any reason.

This regimen makes such a huge difference and gives me a little less pressure to length check any sooner than every 2 months. I am not measuring, but I can see in the mirror that I have probably gained about half an inch in a little over two weeks. I can use this regimen in less time than usual.

I could kick myself for all the length I have lost since arriving in Britain due to ignorance, but I think this will help me to compensate for hard water and the massive amounts of limescale that I try to diminish with a filter.

BLESS YOU!!! THANKS FOR POSTING THIS!!! I am praying for a realistic 6-7 inches in a year.

Happy hair growing everyone!!! Shimmie, you really are a Queen and a real woman of God. You posted this and I am sure that it took some time in your day to do so when I am sure you have a real life outside of this website. I am one who is a bit unwilling to spend too much time here because...well...my hubby just will not stand for it and I feel guilty if I do so and neglect anything...despite what others in my home might do. I don't have the time to just sit and read..at least not yet. And to be honest, I prefer to spend family time than be online. I could cry for the amount of information on this website. It's WONDERFUL! And Shimmie...you and women like you are the very reason I joined in the first instance.

Thank you for pouring out of yourself for others who are working on our self image. I am growing my hair mainly for myself, but I know that eventually my husband will reap the benefits of it as well....and maybe it will expand in ways that I cannot see at the moment.

Bless you.

Bless us all as we grow our hair and try to regain what has been lost through so many years of misinformation/prejudice/lack of faith...whatever.

The Lord's precious love to us all....and again, thank you, Shimmie!

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Re: Ovation Cell Therarpy/Mega-Tek Challenge Sept. '08

Thank u sooo much shimmie u and kiya ar wonderful I never thought I could grow my hair back mbl but u give the courage thank u guys so much im ordering oct today and im going to mix them 2gether thanks again
Re: Ovation Cell Therarpy/Mega-Tek Challenge Sept. '08

I'm pretty sure this question has been asked a million times but that other thread is too long to sift thru. i bought some oct this morning bc my hair grows at a slow pace. 1/4 a month which equates to only 3 inches a year. that sux!!! so i saw that justkiya grows slowly like me but since she started mt she's averaging 3/4 a month. that is awesome. so i jus want to know the pace ur hair grew compared to after using oct or mt. i know everyone will not get the same results bc everyone is different but i would love to hear a/b the ladies who grow at a pace like me but their growth has accelerated twice or even three times as fast... TIA

I don't know if this will help you at all, but in my entire life - ENTIRE LIFE THAT I RECALL SINCE TAKING CARE OF MY OWN HAIR SINCE AGE 17 - I have never gone beyond top of shoulders or base of neck. I am now past base of neck and can imagine APL.

This is in 2 WEEKS of MT. I have always used it straight, and as of today, I use Shimmie's method. I used a jacked up, personal version that took 6-7 hours from start to finish but Shimmie's will take me about 2-3 hours without sacrificing family time.

So...in the past, I have been a 3-4 inch grower due to bad styling practices, but I think I can honestly expect 6-7 inches if I take care...plus I am a trimming maniac. I have seen...

one half inch in 2 weeks.


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Re: Ovation Cell Therarpy/Mega-Tek Challenge Sept. '08

Re: Ovation Cell Therarpy/Mega-Tek Challenge Sept. '08

Shimmie/Nice and Wavy? anyone else who wants to weigh-in,
I need thickness and length, I am recovering from illness. I have both OCT and MT. Any recommendations on how to use both at the time?

Thank you in advance for taking the time to help me.

i just started alternating my OCT w/ MT back on the end of July. I just alternate days, applying to the scalp straight..but I make sure to do a strengtening treatment w/ the MT on my entire head 1x per week. Ususally that's on my wash day when I use the OCT Color poo.
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Re: Ovation Cell Therarpy/Mega-Tek Challenge Sept. '08

I'm pretty sure this question has been asked a million times but that other thread is too long to sift thru. i bought some oct this morning bc my hair grows at a slow pace. 1/4 a month which equates to only 3 inches a year. that sux!!! so i saw that justkiya grows slowly like me but since she started mt she's averaging 3/4 a month. that is awesome. so i jus want to know the pace ur hair grew compared to after using oct or mt. i know everyone will not get the same results bc everyone is different but i would love to hear a/b the ladies who grow at a pace like me but their growth has accelerated twice or even three times as fast... TIA

I would average 1/4th to 1/2 inch every month. When I am consistent with MT, I average and inch a month. HTH Q
Re: Ovation Cell Therarpy/Mega-Tek Challenge Sept. '08

I found this on a MEG-tek website describing how to uwed the prodict on human hair , so i going to tried this , because applying daily it a liyttle messy and time consuming , O think it just like Shimmer recommendation.

Product Description
Mega-Tek is a revolutionary formula and a technological breakthrough.
Strengthens without the use of synthetic polymers, oils, or peroleum based products.
HAIR : For men and women who are losing hair. Megatek makes the hair 30% stronger so less hair falls out. You will see a difference the first time you use it. Anyone concerned about losing his or her hair should be using this product. It absolutely works like we say it will. Chemotherapy patients really like this product. It is also used by people who are experiencing hair loss due to high blood pressure medication
NAILS:Will make your finger nails 30% stronger. Apply a little on the cuticle daily and you will have finger nails like youhave never seen before. It can also be used as a super - moisturizer for dry, calloused hands. TRULY AN AMAZING PRODUCT! Contains Hydrolyzed Keratin Protein

Label Information - Equine

Dosage & Administration: Apply to wet clean hair. Used like a conditioner 3 times a week after shampooing, your hair will be thicker and fuller. Just rub a small amount in your hair and let it stay on from 2 to 5 minutes, then rinse out. Works faster when used with Premier Shampoo. For nails apply a little on the cuticle daily.
Re: Ovation Cell Therarpy/Mega-Tek Challenge Sept. 08

r u serious?! this seems like far too much work. another thread just said to apply mt to your scalp as many times as u'd like and to wash out once a week, and lots of ladies have testified that they applied mt daily and washed out once a week. so if ur saying we need a clean scalp to apply why would we only co wash instead of shampooing? and if people are leaving it on all day and only washing once a week, why are u saying we should only apply after we co wash and then rinse after an hour only to dc again???? please let me know how to correctly use this cuz no one else said n-e-thing about protein overload and my head is spinning :drunk: thanx in advance.
I know it seems like a lot, but nothing worthwhile comes easy. :nono:

Ask God to show you what's the right regime for you, He'll show you and give you the answers you need that will be fitted to your needs. Yes, He will.

The suggestions that I was sharing with Beauti, were to help with her dryness she was experiencing. Nothing I share is set in stone. It's either from my personal experience and what I hope will help.

I've had a rough journey, but it paid off and it still is. :yep: I wish this for you, that all of your efforts will pay off with the rewards of beautiful long and healthy hair and a smile in your heart that will never fade.

Blessings to you.... :giveheart:
Re: Ovation Cell Therarpy/Mega-Tek Challenge Sept. '08

I spent the last two days taking out my micros. I am really impressed by the growth and thickness that I achieved over the last 8 weeks. Megatek gave me thickness that I never knew could achieve. I also believe that it contributed to my length as well. I have a henna treatment in overnite and will shampoo/condition/dc in the a.m.

Thanks ladies- Special shot-out to JustKiya for always being their and DSD for adding me to the list so quickly.

P.S. I will add pics on the next update which is Nov or Dec.
Re: Ovation Cell Therarpy/Mega-Tek Challenge Sept. '08

I found this on a MEG-tek website describing how to uwed the prodict on human hair , so i going to tried this , because applying daily it a liyttle messy and time consuming , O think it just like Shimmer recommendation.

Product Description
Mega-Tek is a revolutionary formula and a technological breakthrough. Strengthens without the use of synthetic polymers, oils, or peroleum based products.

HAIR : For men and women who are losing hair. Megatek makes the hair 30% stronger so less hair falls out. You will see a difference the first time you use it. Anyone concerned about losing his or her hair should be using this product. It absolutely works like we say it will. Chemotherapy patients really like this product. It is also used by people who are experiencing hair loss due to high blood pressure medication.

NAILS:Will make your finger nails 30% stronger. Apply a little on the cuticle daily and you will have finger nails like youhave never seen before. It can also be used as a super - moisturizer for dry, calloused hands. TRULY AN AMAZING PRODUCT! Contains Hydrolyzed Keratin Protein

Label Information - Equine

Dosage & Administration: Apply to wet clean hair. Used like a conditioner 3 times a week after shampooing, your hair will be thicker and fuller.

Just rub a small amount in your hair and let it stay on from 2 to 5 minutes, then rinse out. Works faster when used with Premier Shampoo. For nails apply a little on the cuticle daily.
:kiss: Thank you Kathy, you called me "Shimmer" :blush3: I'm honored. :giggle:

Thank you for posting this information. I never read the instructions for Mega Tek but I used it the same way that I did the Ovation. It's good to know.

Happy, Healthy Hair Growth to you :giveheart:
Re: Ovation Cell Therarpy/Mega-Tek Challenge Sept. '08

I don't know if this will help you at all, but in my entire life - ENTIRE LIFE THAT I RECALL SINCE TAKING CARE OF MY OWN HAIR SINCE AGE 17 - I have never gone beyond top of shoulders or base of neck. I am now past base of neck and can imagine APL.

This is in 2 WEEKS of MT. I have always used it straight, and as of today, I use Shimmie's method. I used a jacked up, personal version that took 6-7 hours from start to finish but Shimmie's will take me about 2-3 hours without sacrificing family time.

So...in the past, I have been a 3-4 inch grower due to bad styling practices, but I think I can honestly expect 6-7 inches if I take care...plus I am a trimming maniac. I have seen...

one half inch in 2 weeks.


:lol: I'm a trimming maniac too. I 'fight' for even hair ends....to no affair, it seems. :lol:
Re: Ovation Cell Therarpy/Mega-Tek Challenge Sept. '08

Thank u sooo much shimmie u and kiya ar wonderful I never thought I could grow my hair back mbl but u give the courage thank u guys so much im ordering oct today and im going to mix them 2gether thanks again
Beauti, you are so very welcome. My heart and prayers for you is the right regime and care for your hair. Whatever works for you and gives you 'beyond' your dreams is what I pray for you to have in every area of your life.

Not only will the dryness be combated in your hair, but in the challenges you have had in obtaining other goals in your life will be hydrated in full life and God's favor.

God bless you, Beauti :giveheart:
Re: Ovation Cell Therarpy/Mega-Tek Challenge Sept. 08

Shimmie, I am honestly a serial lurker, but I am still a "fake" part of the MT challenge. I have done an accidental version of your regimen for the past two weeks, always erring on the side of moisture since I am using MT.

I can say that yours is the best/most simple regimen I have seen so far ...hand's down. I like everyone else's as well, but for my hair type the overuse of moisture while adding protein...well, this is just wonderful and relatively low maintenance. I am a wife, a mom, an employee, a cook, TTC (trying to cenceive), and absolutely devoted to my extended family (on my and on hubby's side!). I cannot spend major hours on my hair, but I HAVE to wash at least twice per week....sometimes three. I just DC'ed last night and was happy to not use MT for one day, but I just applied it to my scalp a few moments ago. I was trying to figure out what to do next to keep me from stressing about my hair when I read your post.


This is it!!!

I had already found my protective style (roller sets) but if I do anything else like length check with heat and flat ironing like I did last night, I have no other options since I am not going to stop using MT for any reason.

This regimen makes such a huge difference and gives me a little less pressure to length check any sooner than every 2 months. I am not measuring, but I can see in the mirror that I have probably gained about half an inch in a little over two weeks. I can use this regimen in less time than usual.

I could kick myself for all the length I have lost since arriving in Britain due to ignorance, but I think this will help me to compensate for hard water and the massive amounts of limescale that I try to diminish with a filter.

BLESS YOU!!! THANKS FOR POSTING THIS!!! I am praying for a realistic 6-7 inches in a year.

Happy hair growing everyone!!! Shimmie, you really are a Queen and a real woman of God. You posted this and I am sure that it took some time in your day to do so when I am sure you have a real life outside of this website. I am one who is a bit unwilling to spend too much time here because...well...my hubby just will not stand for it and I feel guilty if I do so and neglect anything...despite what others in my home might do. I don't have the time to just sit and read..at least not yet. And to be honest, I prefer to spend family time than be online. I could cry for the amount of information on this website. It's WONDERFUL! And Shimmie...you and women like you are the very reason I joined in the first instance.

Thank you for pouring out of yourself for others who are working on our self image. I am growing my hair mainly for myself, but I know that eventually my husband will reap the benefits of it as well....and maybe it will expand in ways that I cannot see at the moment.

Bless you.

Bless us all as we grow our hair and try to regain what has been lost through so many years of misinformation/prejudice/lack of faith...whatever.

The Lord's precious love to us all....and again, thank you, Shimmie!

:kiss: Precious Lady, I can't even thank you, at least not with words, the right words for you coming in here to share this.

However, I can pray for God to 'perfect' all that surrounds and concerns you. To Perfect your hair growth, it's health, it's beauty, and it's length and thickness. That you will never be a minute late for all that you have to do, and where you have to be...not ever. That love will be parked at your feet, eternally. For you truly walk in love. :yep:

I pray God's favor and blessings over your time for 'you' and your husband and family.

Your hair WILL Grow! It Will! And the time you spend on it will lessen; your regime will be tailor fit -- fitly joined to your frame in time, mind and money.

I'm still learning and all of us here will continue to learn together and share; for we each have a "Hair" twin here among each other, whose regime will fit the other.

We may all share different views and different Hair, but we will always share the same heart. Your post and YOUR TIME you took to post it, proves just that. We here are all 'one.'

So, Beautiful One, Grow that beautiful Hair and let it swing :rocker: to your individual Melodie.

Love and blessings to you and yours... :love2:
Re: Ovation Cell Therarpy/Mega-Tek Challenge Sept. '08

Hi Shimme
So are so welcome
Be blessed :drunk:

:kiss: Thank you Kathy, you called me "Shimmer" :blush3: I'm honored. :giggle:

Thank you for posting this information. I never read the instructions for Mega Tek but I used it the same way that I did the Ovation. It's good to know.

Happy, Healthy Hair Growth to you :giveheart:
Re: Ovation Cell Therarpy/Mega-Tek Challenge Sept. '08

My husband is letting me get OCT!!! :D He was like --->
<--- when he saw the price...so how I was able to convince him to let me add expensive hair products to the budget is that I let him use my WEN to shave with. He really likes WEN :yep: almost too much :rolleyes: we had an animated discussion on who gets the Fig WEN. I promised to purchase him his own. :grin: I hid the rest of them. :sekret:
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