OCT/Mega-Tek Challenge October '08

i didn't have any matting in the part where the rows were. I did have the beginnings of some at the very bottom of my head. I left my nape out so that was perfect. It wasn't dry either. Once I took it down I put pantene hair mask and coconut oil on it and let it sit on it for a few hours then rinsed it out really good added some carefree curl and my mixture again and put it in the ponytail in my fokti. The next day I got a blowout! Will put it back up next week until January. Detangling is the key to minimal hair loss.
Hi Ladies,
I'm happy to say that I started the MT challenge last night!! I CWC'd my hair as usual last night and then after I rinsed out my deep conditioner, I mixed the MT with a little wild growth oil to help avoid the shedding and itching that some of the girls talk about (no hair in the comb this morning, no more itching that my normal head so, so far so good!) I didn't realize how thick MT is and I see now why girls use it as a DC. I double checked the instructions on the bottle which said that you didn't have to wash it out so I am going to try to apply it stright every night this week to my scalp and follow my usual regimen and conditioner wash 2 times a week. Depending on how my hair feels I may try to increase it to 3 times a week, we'll see.

After I applied it to my scalp last night, I moisutured my ends and then I sealed them with oil and then roller set my hair for the night under my normal satin cap. I have to say that I was nervous because my hair felt so wet after applying it and rubbing it into my scalp. I am going to consider moisturizing and sealing my hair first next time and then applying it to my scalp as I roller set...Hmm, what do you all think? :spinning: I tried to part it in strategic places around my head and focused on my hairline where my hair was a little thinner and I wasn't sure that I got my whole head. I think that I need to get a better technique for application, any suggestions? :spinning:

Needless to say, I woke up this morning and unrolled my hair (not sure what to expect) and I have to say that my hair was full and shiny probably due to my entire regimen but I am happy with what the Megatek did, my scalp feels moisturized and my hair looks good. I will post again after a week and share my progress. I should be getting my OCT in the mail in the next day or so and I plan to add that to the mix and see how we do!

Thanks ladies!
Mega-Tek is doing a good job for me. I am only around 6 weeks post relaxer and the new growth is kicking my butt. I am usually able to go 10 weeks before I get a touch up, but I am about to make an appointment really soon.
Ladies!!!!!! Look :yay:


I love how they packaged it so nice of them..... I suspect they know its not going to be used on a horse. I got the package in 2 days. I ordered monday. Omg it was fast.


For those who think it was intended only for horses..... here read this.


Please add me to the challenge.. Im so excited.. I going to start tonight. :grin:
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I am still OCT'in and I have noticed steady, gradual but continued growth. My hair texture feels a little softer, too. I really am loving this - I think more than the MT. The thickness with the MT was hard for me to keep up with. I'm happy!
Okay, I need to ask a really DUMB question. If we are not applying MT to the length of our hair, how it is going to get thicker. I mean I understand that the new growth closest to the scalp will be thicker because that's where the MT will be concentrated the most but what about the rest of my hair? I want the length of my hair to be thicker too :yep:, can I put it on the length? Has anyone done/or is doing this? Thanks
bumping, because i'm planning to relax in december...anybody??:perplexed

Well glamchick84....

I had a spur of the moment thought and went ahead and did a touch up on my hair this past sunday....MIND you I hadn't used MT for may 4days I had however washed it prior to relaxing ....
everything turned out fine...I guess to be on the safe side...I say go 1wk without using MT.
Hi Ladies,
Just wanted to share, I am on Day 2 of application, so far my hair is looking great, I have a little bit of itchyness (nothing to write home about, I am glad I am using a bit of oil with it) I am still trying to figure out the best way to apply it. Last night, I was much more methodical with the parting and application, I think the consistency is just thicker than I am used to. I am sure that in applying it every day, I will get better at it and covering my scalp. I will keep you posted on how my first week goes!

Ta-Ta for now :)
Hi Ladies,
Just wanted to share, I am on Day 2 of application, so far my hair is looking great, I have a little bit of itchyness (nothing to write home about, I am glad I am using a bit of oil with it) I am still trying to figure out the best way to apply it. Last night, I was much more methodical with the parting and application, I think the consistency is just thicker than I am used to. I am sure that in applying it every day, I will get better at it and covering my scalp. I will keep you posted on how my first week goes!

Ta-Ta for now :)

Thank you for the update. I mixed mine in a color applicator bottle with Jbco, grapeseed, avocado, almond and peppermint oil. I applied to my scalp since Im in twists. Im getting the itches but its ok. the peppermint and coconut smell mixed smells like candycane.
Okay, I need to ask a really DUMB question. If we are not applying MT to the length of our hair, how it is going to get thicker. I mean I understand that the new growth closest to the scalp will be thicker because that's where the MT will be concentrated the most but what about the rest of my hair? I want the length of my hair to be thicker too :yep:, can I put it on the length? Has anyone done/or is doing this? Thanks

I have been using MT unmixed on the length of my hair especially the ends to help strengthen those fragile ends that I will need to obtain longer lengths. I use it like a DC and my hair is fine. I also apply to the scalp. I would think that even if you apply to the scalp when you wash it out that MT will slide down the hair shaft anyway. If you would like to apply to the length of your hair then by all means do so, but don't forget to use a moisturizing conditioner as well.
IDK about you guys but I am finding it so hard to remember to apply this stuff regularly. I try to do it at least 3 times a week as Shimmie and others suggest, but I'm not sure how often I'm doing it to be honest.

My hair is def a bit thicker, but I'm not sure how much length I am actually getting from this stuff . . .

I would say keep notes in your calender/daily planner. It has helped me tremendously. I also write down evreything that I did to my hair, what I used and how I used it on that day. Hope this helps.
I have been using MT unmixed on the length of my hair especially the ends to help strengthen those fragile ends that I will need to obtain longer lengths. I use it like a DC and my hair is fine. I also apply to the scalp. I would think that even if you apply to the scalp when you wash it out that MT will slide down the hair shaft anyway. If you would like to apply to the length of your hair then by all means do so, but don't forget to use a moisturizing conditioner as well.

Thanks so much for replying. If I can get my hair to your thickness I'll be in hog heaven :yep:
Okay, I have the product and just started using on Monday...I didn't wanna sign up for the challenge, but I think it'll help with my accountability and dedication to use if I have someplace to check in so--

Sign me up for the MT jubilee, write my name on the rooollllll.......:grin: old song, I know.

Off to PM DSD :cowgirl:
Ladies, I got my Mega Tek yesterday. I washed my hair and rollerset it. Then I applied Mega Tek to my scalp. I can't wait for my other products to arrive because I didn't intend to use it raw. I put a little wild growth on my scalp as well. Today I am officially 5 weeks post relaxer. I normally relax my hair at 5 weeks. I have about .5-1 inch of new growth all over. It depends on the area. No shedding. I will keep you ladies updated. Thank you ladies for all of your support. I wouldn't be able to do it without any of you here on the LHCF. I am looking forward to beautiful hair results. Thanks again, Silkydreamgirl
I've been apply MT to my balding edge spots every other day for about 2 1/2 - 3 weeks now. I leave on 15-30 minutes each time and rinse off with water. No change yet.
Ladies who use garlic Supplments, How many mg do you take a day? I ordered some MT and I bought some garlic pills but I dont know how much to take.
I got my MT in the mail yesterday. I put it on my scalp and left it on overnight. This morning I mixed a little garlic powder w/ my conditioner and left on for about 40 mins and wash out. I can't wait to start seeing results. I'm also waiting for my OCT to arrive. Please sign me up for the Challenge. I will take a picture soon.
I have been on MT a little over a month. I am natural so I have no idea what progress I have if any. My OCT came today. It was delivered to my leasing office...hopefully I can get it and start using it tonight! Whoo hooo APL here I come. I WILL be APL by APril 09 if not before!

Oh and I plan to staighten sometime between now and next week to give myself an OCT starting point. I didn't really take an official pic before I started MT...I have pics but they aren't the best.