OCT/Mega-Tek Challenge October '08

i relaxed today, im so confused i really cant tell. I have been using mt for about 3 weeks. Anyway ill post pics in the am. But I dont think its much of a difference yet.
which helps how curly moo? do u use it after MT'ing?

A cream rinse helps to smooth the hair cuticle after a protein treatment. That's why the Mega-Tek products include the Cream rinse to give the hair more slip and softness after you use protein. And concidering that I use MT as a DC, I really need that Cream Rinse. I love it. The cream rinse is not really a moisturizer. So I also follow up with a moisturizing conditioner. :yep:
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Okay, I have the product and just started using on Monday...I didn't wanna sign up for the challenge, but I think it'll help with my accountability and dedication to use if I have someplace to check in so--

Sign me up for the MT jubilee, write my name on the rooollllll.......:grin: old song, I know.

Off to PM DSD :cowgirl:

Welcome Eisani, Happy Hair Growing. Ride that horse gurl. :lachen:
I changed things up a little. Now , I am using my megatek mix twice a day on my problem area and once a day on the rest of my scalp.
okay guys get ready for this dumb ?, i was thinking i can see how applying mt to your scalp can make your hair grow, but how can applying to the hair help? Im trying to find different ways to apply it. right now im doing the night before i wash, i apply to my scalp, but im not sure if that is working. I tried applying every other day on scalp as a leave in, but that caused itching.
okay guys get ready for this dumb ?, i was thinking i can see how applying mt to your scalp can make your hair grow, but how can applying to the hair help? Im trying to find different ways to apply it. right now im doing the night before i wash, i apply to my scalp, but im not sure if that is working. I tried applying every other day on scalp as a leave in, but that caused itching.

From what I've read about the product and what other ladies have stated, it's a really good protein treatment for your hair. I've been applying it to my scalp for an hour and the length of my hair for five minutes (I'm not too keen on lots of protein) then rinsing. I then follow up w/my moisturizing DC, but some ladies here DC w/heat w/their MT too. Check a couple pages back :).
I just signed up for this challenge :grin:

Hi Everyone,

This challenge hooked me into becoming a member. :newbie:

I've been browsing various threads on this forum for the past year. Every time I would search the internet for hair care advice and tips, LHCF was always one of the first few sites that would come up. So thanks to everyone (too many to name) for creating such a positive and edifying environment.

My goal with this challenge is to increase the length of my back hairline and recover the length lost in my first texturizer attempt (July 16, 2008).

To combat anticipated shedding, I added a garlic supplement to my multi-vitamin regimen last week. I received my MT this week and I applied the MT to my scalp for the first time today. My hair at the scalp feels very soft. I plan on applying it 2-to-3 times a week (day before no-poo/poo). So far, I don't feel any itching or tingling. I even added peppermint EO. Tomorrow is poo and DC day so I will take my first hair photo tomorrow.

I used the recipes listed on the first page as a guide to create an MT mix. I had a bad experience with leaving Mane&Tail condish in my hair (breakage) so I diluted the MT with oil and aloe. My 4a/b hair gets very dry. Also, this cold weather and the hard water doesn't help so I need all of the moisture I can get.

I had dreads from 2002 to 2006. The weight of the dreads and not regularly moisturizing them caused a lot of breakage along my hairline. Regular henna usage helped to thicken my hairline. But, my hairline (especially the back) either is not growing or it's breaking off.

I texturized my hair in July after having my last relaxer on Nov 22, 1999. The ends of my virgin hair kept knotting and breaking. I got tired of always trimming the knots out of my hair. The texturizer helped a lot. My ends don't knot or break off as much. However, my first texturizer didn't go so well. Some of my hair was over-processed (almost straight) and the comb-through during smoothing caused breakage. My second texturizer (Oct 5th) attempt went much better. I used my fingers to smooth and I texturized, rinsed and neutralized in sections. So, I'm on my way to healthier, softer and longer hair.

Thanks again LHCF for helping me on my journey.

IvyS :rosebud:
Welcome Ivy!!!

I know what you mean about dreads doing a number on your hairline!!! I'm still recovering from that, and the MT has been a great help. :yep:
Well glamchick84....

I had a spur of the moment thought and went ahead and did a touch up on my hair this past sunday....MIND you I hadn't used MT for may 4days I had however washed it prior to relaxing ....
everything turned out fine...I guess to be on the safe side...I say go 1wk without using MT.
well i'm going to relax today, these naps are kicking my butt! my hair is breaking off too, i'm like 10-12 weeks post maybe:ohwell: but anyway i have mild shedding with the mt, but i'm taking 2 garlic tabs when i remember:ohwell:

my shedding is no concern, just the breakage from trying to stretch my relaxers.

also i was cw's and applying the mt overnight like 2-3x per week. but now i think i'm just gonna apply it everyday with oils. i hope to see results from this.plus i can pinpoint my growth better once my hair is relaxed
I know what you mean about dreads doing a number on your hairline!!! I'm still recovering from that, and the MT has been a great help. :yep:

Thanks for the encouraging words JustKiya. I'm happy to hear the MT has helped your hairline. Now I'm even more excited. :yay:
:morepics: Come on y'all. grab a camera and take some pics. i'm about to order some right now and start applying on my one year nappyversary in 3 weeks. i wanted to see what my hair could do by itself in one year and then see what it could do with growth aids. this seems to be the best so far as i can see. i will straighten and post pics in 3 weeks!! i'm excited about you all's reports but would LOVE to see more pics.
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well i'm going to relax today, these naps are kicking my butt! my hair is breaking off too, i'm like 10-12 weeks post maybe:ohwell: but anyway i have mild shedding with the mt, but i'm taking 2 garlic tabs when i remember:ohwell:

my shedding is no concern, just the breakage from trying to stretch my relaxers.

also i was cw's and applying the mt overnight like 2-3x per week. but now i think i'm just gonna apply it everyday with oils. i hope to see results from this.plus i can pinpoint my growth better once my hair is relaxed

Stretching for longer than 8 weeks is not for everyone. I learned this the hard way.
my pics are in my siggy. I haven't experienced growth yet really just great health of my hair. I am hoping to see thickness and growth next. I just relaxed on the 24th so now I will be able to accurately tell what my difference will be.
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A cream rinse helps to smooth the hair cuticle after a protein treatment. That's why the Mega-Tek products include the Cream rinse to give the hair more slip and softness after you use protein. And concidering that I use MT as a DC, I really need that Cream Rinse. I love it. The cream rinse is not really a moisturizer. So I also follow up with a moisturizing conditioner. :yep:

oh ok thanks gotcha.
Hey ladies,

Still using MT- perhaps every other day. I definitely noticed that my hair has thickened.
I attached photos- the first is my starting MT pic in June. The second is my October pic after relaxing.


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Hey ladies,

Still using MT- perhaps every other day. I definitely noticed that my hair has thickened.
I attached photos- the first is my starting MT pic in June. The second is my October pic after relaxing.
Wow...you hair:spinning: What a difference. So thick and lush.
FINALLY......(yes I am yelling it out loud) I got two people to sell me some OCT

JUSTKIYA and JAMAICALOVELY you ladies are the best. JK thanks for looking out for me and JL thanks for encouraging me to not give up the hunt.

Yes I am buying both of the bottles.

I am so excited.....

Congrats Mandy!!! Two peoples, huh?!? Go head!

So how do you plan on using it?
Girl I have no clue:look::ohwell:
I guess I have some reading to do.
I was thinking of appying it nightly to the scalp and cowashing in the morning or, since it is getting cold, applying it in the morning and cowashing at night.
This is how I use my MT, would this work for OCT?
Just checking in.
I had a touch up yesterday at 10 weeks.

My hairstylist had to trim my ends though. He said it looked like someone had been chewing on them. So I lost 1/2" which I was sad about.
are people applying this and then rinsing it out? Is that the only way to use to this to see good results? This wouldnt work well for me because I dont wash my hair that often esp if its weaved up. when its out typically between 1-2 weeks
My Mega-Tek arrived on Thursday. I could not hardly wait 'til bedtime to apply it. Well, when I finally opened the bottle figuring a stench to the high heavens I was so pleasantly surprised I had to wonder if I got the right stuff. It's from Eqyss (sp.?), and it smells WONderful. The bottle states for human and animals, btw. I put some on scalp and a lil down the strands, had every intention of co-washing it out in the a.m., but I did not. I'll probably co-wash this a.m. Thinking my regime with the MT will be 2-3 times a week at night, to be co-washed out in the a.m. before work.

I'll most probably go back over my notes to see what's which. One lady was so kind as to consolidate the 4-1-1 on MT/OCT and basically was like, "Don't even worry about all the dialogue, it'll only confuse you . . . " I appreciated her work. I printed and placed her thread in my "Hair Binder".

Thanks again to you all.

Oh, I said I would conduct a 4-week Mega-Tek challenge and put up on You Tube. Now, all I have to do is decide which technological medium I will use to capture and upload: the iMac or my digi cam, neither of which do I feel like learning new stuff with (lazy me). I'll try to begin it today. Plus, need to figure how I'm gonna present the information. Like do I do a You Tube (for day 1), that lasts, what 3 min. 'cause basically it'll be me showing my length now and saying I'll be back in a week . . . . duh . . . and wind up with four mini-You Tubes to show growth (or lack thereof)???? Gotta figure it all out.

Still don't think I made the list here, last I checked though I PM'd. I found this:
, but not sure if it's me. Thought I saw another with this name; however, mine has no "g" as you can see, so perhaps it's her.
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FINALLY......(yes I am yelling it out loud) I got two people to sell me some OCT

JUSTKIYA and JAMAICALOVELY you ladies are the best. JK thanks for looking out for me and JL thanks for encouraging me to not give up the hunt.

Yes I am buying both of the bottles.

I am so excited.....

Yeah, Congrats!! I know you can't wait. I mixed my OCT with MT and OMG my hair did a serious growth spurt. I took down my weave yesterday and did a length check comparison to my Aug pics. You'll see when I do my big reveal on my anniversary in Dec.

Let us know how you like OCT.

I'm going to request early for someone to sell OCT so that I'll have some for my next batch.
Just checking in.
I had a touch up yesterday at 10 weeks.

My hairstylist had to trim my ends though. He said it looked like someone had been chewing on them. So I lost 1/2" which I was sad about.

How could your ends have looked chewed up if you protect them all the time? :perplexed Don't you wear your hair in a bun most of the time?
are people applying this and then rinsing it out? Is that the only way to use to this to see good results? This wouldnt work well for me because I dont wash my hair that often esp if its weaved up. when its out typically between 1-2 weeks
