No, a Boyfriend Doesn\'92t Have to Pay Bills Like a Husband

I think that the friend delivery was wrong. I wouldn't have asked that. I would give what I can and keep it moving.
I do not make it a habit to give money to women who have men. He should be willing to help you, if that is dip into savings and buy you a little $3k car til you can afford something better. I really dislike it when coupled women are going around to uncoupled women especially with their hands out.
In another thread I responded to about loaning your man money I got beat up on cause I said I have. Most LHCF women said they would never and he aint a man and blah blah blah. BUT here it is expected though not obligated for her boyfriend to GIVE not LOAN her money. Some of you are just funny to me.:lachen:

SouthernStunner, As long as men make more on the dollar and as long as women continue to do the majority of housework (as proven statistically), I expect any man I deal with to have the money thing handled. I'm not working my @ss off for free.
In another thread I responded to about loaning your man money I got beat up on cause I said I have. Most LHCF women said they would never and he aint a man and blah blah blah. BUT here it is expected though not obligated for her boyfriend to GIVE not LOAN her money. Some of you are just funny to me.:lachen:

There isn't anything wrong with loaning anyone money. If you do it and it works out great. If you do it and it doesn't work out then you complain about it then....someone may come back and say in hindsight that wasn't a good idea.

Ime women seem to be ashamed to ask the man who has seen them naked for money. That's odd to me but ok. Men seem to have less shame. Now if you're woman im a sexual relationship with a man or heck another woman then I would you expect you to ask them for help and get it. Now if you skip over them out of shame that's on you. If you skip over them because they won't give it to you or get it for you then you bet on the wrong horse and that's also not my problem. If you ain't got it and he/she ain't got it that's cool. I would suffer together before I ask someone else. I would expect him/her to be the one asking for help for you two but I seldom see this....
The blurred lines of shacking...

I would have asked what the SO was doing because THEY LIVE TOGETHER. If they weren't then I would have been curious but MAY have kept the question to myself. Living together is engaging in expenses together. If you're man will not help you then I would feel some kind of way giving my money to something he is going to benefit from but wont contribute to. And when you live together you benefit/suffer loss together.
I would have answered her request for money with a simple yes or no but I wouldn't dig deep into her dude situation during her time of need.
There are several alternatives here:
1) Bus Pass
2) Carpool w/ a co-worker
3) BF's car :look:
4) Insurance - But I'm assuming she let coverage slip
5) Personal bank loan
6) Parents and/or close relatives
7) Taxi/rental/loaner car

Has she shopped around for the most cost effective repair rates? What repairs are a MUST vs what is a cosmetic/nice-to-have?

I would had wayyy too many questions as well. Why in the world would she send out a mass email, "cc-ing" all her friends! Friendship don't come with monetary commitments and this young lady sounds a bit entitled, not in dire need of help.

Emailing her friends was the easy thing to do versus grindin' with her boo thang, trying to figure ish out!

I'm not suggesting that she should be too prideful to ask for help but it sounds like she trying to benefit from economies of scale and take the easy road by sending out this MASS email. WTH!!

I'm more turned off by her approach. Uh-huh :nono: No ma'am!

Call me one-on-one if we're that close and you really need something from me. Don't include me on your bootleg email campaign. Get some bahls!
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There is no need for all that judgment for a BFF. If it was my BFF, I'd already know her boyfriend's financial situation (IRL currently single) and I'd loan what I could, see if DH could make the repair (he's made home repairs for her) or loan her our spare car. It would never be a mass email though. For something like that you need to pick up the phone.
Im trying to think of any instance where someone sends me an email begging for money would I oblige. At least have the decency to call people. Also, where is her family? Did family and bf say no to her? Thats a red flag to me.