Do you get jealous of another girl with a goodloooking boyfriend/husband?

Okay, here is a scenario......say your out at the mall with your good friend who isn't hideous but not the most attractive woman, here comes David Beckham (he isn't a star just some regular guy) and he hits on your best friend and not you, even though your wouldn't feel once of jealousy?.....



Okay, here is a scenario......say your out at the mall with your good friend who isn't hideous but not the most attractive woman, here comes David Beckham (he isn't a star just some regular guy) and he hits on your best friend and not you, even though your wouldn't feel once of jealousy?.....



This has happened many times before and :nono:. Not phased by it :shrugs: In fact, I'd probably be more jealous if it was a smokin' girlfriend of mine.
I'M SORRY. But I don't know what you ladies are talking about, but I feel like I am jealous..and maybe it stems from insecurity issues.....but mayne.....let me have a fine a ss man with the good qualities......i will be in bliss
nope. Sometimes I think ppl might think that about me and my bf, not that i'm not cute(I am), but we both have really different looks, but we're both what the other finds attractive in the opposite sex, so i guess it's all subjective. i feel lucky i get to be w/ his fione self, but it's more then looks.

but i'd never feel jealous about another woman's joy. Good for her!
Nope. THere's no point. Look are relative and different strokes for different folks. Maybe he thinks she's beautiful. maybe he looks good but is dumb as rocks. Looks can only go so far....
Okay, here is a scenario......say your out at the mall with your good friend who isn't hideous but not the most attractive woman, here comes David Beckham (he isn't a star just some regular guy) and he hits on your best friend and not you, even though your wouldn't feel once of jealousy?.....



Dont get mad at me k?! Buuuuuuuut

1.Assuming your would you be able to determine the "attractiveness" of another woman

2.You feeling your prettier is all based on your perception, beauty is subjective...always in the eye of the maybe the man approached who he felt in his mind as a hetero man,was the most attractive...nothing to get down about or be jealous of!
Dont get mad at me k?! Buuuuuuuut

1.Assuming your would you be able to determine the "attractiveness" of another woman

2.You feeling your prettier is all based on your perception, beauty is subjective...always in the eye of the maybe the man approached who he felt in his mind as a hetero man,was the most attractive...nothing to get down about or be jealous of!

re: the bold: i think there is a difference between knowing when someone is attractive and actually being attracted to someone. i know many women are attractive. i'm straight, therefore i'm not attracted to them.

anyway, i don't think i've ever felt jealous per se. i have wondered "how" and "why" but i know relationships are often founded on more than simply looks. at various points in my life, coming across couples like this has made me think about what kind of personality i'm projecting out there and if i should be more socially active since i'm single and find it hard to meet decent men.

also, i agree with your final point. where we may see a woman who is a not that pretty, a man could think this woman is totally gorgeous. i've seen this prove true time and time again.
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re: the bold: i think there is a difference between knowing when someone is attractive and actually being attracted to someone. i know many women are attractive. i'm straight, therefore i'm not attracted to them.

anyway, i don't think i've ever felt jealous per se. i have wondered "how" and "why" but i know relationships are often founded on more than simply looks. at various points in my life, coming across couples like this has made me think about what kind of personality i'm projecting out there and if i should be more socially active since i'm single and find it hard to meet decent men.

also, i agree with your final point. where we may see a woman who is a not that pretty, a man could think this woman is totally gorgeous. i've seen this prove true time and time again.

I guess all i was getting at was that what a hetero man find "attractive", can't be gauged by how a woman deems another woman "attractive"..honestly I think its a completely different set of standards...women IMO are about 80% more critical I think towards another woman then a man is...but being that i'm hetero and I don't sleep with other women, I can't really get into trying to understand what a man "sees" in another woman that I "think" I'm prettier me as I said its all subjective, my definition of whats "pretty" isn't the next persons definition...and certainly just because I may think I'm the "prettier" one between me and my friend...does not mean that another man, or another person believes that to be the case....for all i know despite me thinking how pretty I am,it could be the other way around to the person approaching her, hence them feeling that my friend is the more "attractive/pretty" one and I'm not....
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I guess all i was getting at was that what a hetero man find "attractive", can't be gauged by how a woman deems another woman "attractive"..honestly I think its a completely different set of standards...women IMO are about 80% more critical I think towards another woman then a man is...but being that i'm hetero and I don't sleep with other women, I can't really get into trying to understand what a man "sees" in another woman that I "think" I'm prettier me as I said its all subjective, my definition of whats "pretty" isn't the next persons definition...and certainly just because I may think I'm the "prettier" one between me and my friend...does not mean that another man, or another person believes that to be the case....for all i know despite me thinking how pretty I am,it could be the other way around to the person approaching her, hence them feeling that my friend is the more "attractive/pretty" one and I'm not....

I agree with this post, especially the bolded. There have been many times my brother pointed out an "attractive" woman to me. And the girl's face was busted... and I'm like "what?" but he would say "yeah but she has a great body" and I'm like :perplexed And it happens all the time with guy friends, family and even my SO. If SO pointed out an attractive woman, sometimes I agree and sometimes I'm like "what?... I don't see it" It's all very subjective... and women are much harder on other women where looks are concerned.
I agree with this post, especially the bolded. There have been many times my brother pointed out an "attractive" woman to me. And the girl's face was busted... and I'm like "what?" but he would say "yeah but she has a great body" and I'm like :perplexed And it happens all the time with guy friends, family and even my SO. If SO pointed out an attractive woman, sometimes I agree and sometimes I'm like "what?... I don't see it" It's all very subjective... and women are much harder on other women where looks are concerned.

So true...
The best tip i ever got was to smile - all the time - even when you don't feel like it. Doesn't have to me a big cheesy grin - just have a pleasant look on your face and you will have men flocking you. You will look approachable.

I've always had attention but a friend told me to smile as i can look a bit fierce. I went out and smiled my face off and that night i met my SO!!!

Girlllll YES!!! :lachen: That is the secret! :grin:

I did the "Smile Experiment" once and couldn't last but ONE day. I had so many guys hitting on me that day it was almost scary lol. :lachen:

Okay, here is a scenario......say your out at the mall with your good friend who isn't hideous but not the most attractive woman, here comes David Beckham (he isn't a star just some regular guy) and he hits on your best friend and not you, even though your wouldn't feel once of jealousy?.....



:lachen: :lachen:

I've had the experience of a friend getting hit on when the two of us are out, and although it can make you feel a little hurt inside, I don't think I've EVER been jealous unless it was a guy that I personally liked as well. :yep:

I'm happy if ANY of my fellow single friends are getting some play :yep:, and the way I figure it.....If the guy is more interested in HER and not in ME, then he simply wasn't the right guy for me anyway. :hand: So therefore, he automatically becomes less attractive to me. ha! :lol:

I want a guy who truly wants ME! :yep: :yep:
^^^yeah, in my experience and observation guys like happy pleasant looking women. They almost always want to come up to her to see what she's all about and if she is as appealing inside as she is on the outside.

When I go anywhere with a half smile or cheerful look on my face, there is always some man focused in on me and trying to start a convo. I'm married so I do it because I like looking and feeling happy, not to attract anyone. BUT for me it started off being a rebellious thing. When folks try to convince black women that they never look happy. I challenged that and it eventually became natural for me.

And you don't have to be a dime piece to get that attention. Beautiful natural smiles and pleasant facial expressions with expressive eyes make most women beautiful to men. They are not judgmental like women are. Again...IMO
No. I do not. Average/unattractive people deserve good looking people too. That is why I get upset when people stay ranking on Tiny. Like her looks should not have landed her TI. :rolleyes:
Well when I was in my freshman year of college I started talking to a really attractive guy.
I just wanted to be friends, and he was with a girl anyways so I wasn't thinking of him in that way.

When I finally met his girlfriend, I was like....really? :perplexed
I wasn't trying to be mean, but I was like why?
Her face :look:
And she had an attitude with me before I even said hi....I guess because girls were constantly trying to get with him. :ohwell:

He told me they were together since high school.
When he said it he looked kinda ashamed...I guess a lot of people ask him why.

I never get jealous when I see it at times, but I wonder whats going on with them.