Husband material

Your such a great writer!! I can totally relate to a lot of what you went through (minus him being married thing) and the devastation after breaking it off is so real and debilitating . I had an ex that completely consumed every part of my being and I too was madly in love with him.... And then crap hit the fan. I remember when I knew it wasn't going to work and we broke up It felt just as you said- like an amputation of a part of yourself. still to this day I haven't experienced heartache to that extreme, and nor do I want to. Men like your ex and mine are so intoxicating that it's dangerous :nono:

I am glad you found an amazing man who is able to give you all that your heart desires!! :yep:
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This is randoms but I remember when my ex told someone that "I looked good on paper" but that I didn't make the hairs on the back of his neck stand up; that cut me deep. I hate those words now.
@Fine 4s What a complete and utter a:censored: . Did you tell him he too looked good until he opened his mouth and became a complete and utter a:censored:?

Sorry to hear that. Hope it is not still "cutting" because he doesn't deserve a second longer of your thoughts, even if it's a random thought that comes and goes.:nono: Really remind yourself that his opinion doesn't count. That's only something someone says to be vindictive. There are more gracious ways of ending a relationship. A person like that isn't worth your tears or time.
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Thanks for sharing this. I had one of these men in my life and he never gave me a sense that he could cherish me and that he would attempt to go to the ends of the earth for me.

Coming to that realization was devastating because we talked of marriage and he was good in a lot of ways. However, I know in my heart that I will not settle for less than God's best in my life.