My Dating Quest in 2011. Is He the One?

What do you guys think about what happened with Nathan?

Damn, that's crazy and here I was thinking it was divine providence that you ran into him again! Thank God you paid attention to the signs girl and took appropriate action too!
What do you guys think about what happened with Nathan?

You definitely found him out in the nick of time. He could of come out and told you the full story earlier on but, he chose to withhold that info.

You are better of out of it.

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What do you guys think about what happened with Nathan?

I have a male friend like that. Can't be alone --- he was on three dating sites while he was still in the house with wife #2. He is currently engaged and making a big deal about it. :rolleyes:

He is trouble.....
You were absolutely right to weed him out and that is what this process is all about....
Wooooow....I so didn't see that one coming.

This is why dating multiple guys is good. A few are bound to take themselves out the running.
Wooooow....I so didn't see that one coming.

This is why dating multiple guys is good. A few are bound to take themselves out the running.

Naw, I knew something was wrong with dude. :look:

Whenever I date again, I plan to do thorough e-detecting on each and every one of them as soon as they disclose their full gov't name to me. :yep:
Wooww i was rooting for Nate but now...WTF!?!?? :shocked: so glad your sister felt the need to ask you that. And did you ask him about the other two times..wouldnt have made a difference though because one lie is enough.
What do you guys think about what happened with Nathan?

Girl you saved yourself from a headache! I cant stand liars and guys will lie about anything until the end. I met this one guy who was/ is married, I could show him his marriage license AND he still would deny it SMDH. We went back and forth for hours on if he was married and he still wouldn't admit it. Only thing left was for me to show him wedding pictures. Nathan sounded good but you did the right thing. A lot of women would've kept him and believed everything he said. I guess this is the benefits of dating multiples, it opens up your choices so that you didnt fall back on him after this mess.
Too bad about Nathan but you still got some awesome ones left in the running. 2 divorces does raise a red flag and lying about it is an even bigger one.
Hey Ediese, you mentioned that you and Nathan go to church it possible that he was getting married for religious reasons, i.e. to avoid "fornicating"?....Gosh I hate that word! :lol: I know people who do/have done that, unfortunately. Either way, I would question his decision-making abilities if he were engaged or married four times in the past five years. :perplexed
So now that I've finished the thread, I'll add my commentary. Thank God for intuition! The whole time that you were dating Nate, your intuition was warning you that all was not as it appeared to be. There are so many people that can't be honest with others, let alone themselves. I have to echo previous comments in saying that it's best that you found out when you did. That's why he didn't really trip about the phone incident. He knew his ish was messy!

I've never been Team Nate, Luke, Dee or Michael. I'm Team Ediese! I've thouroughly enjoyed reading this thread. So much so, that I've decided to give online dating a try. I have profiles on two sites as we speak. So, I really want to thank you for sharing your story. You've motivated me to try something new. Thanks Ediese!
What do you guys think about what happened with Nathan?

Wow! That made me sick to my stomach. I HATE being lied too. I'm so glad you found out before you got too far in. You deserve better and i'm sure you find a guy that deserves you cos he certainly did not!:nono:
You already know you made the right decision with Nathan. You know what you want (and don't want)....nothing wrong with that.

Michael: no spark is dang near impossible to overcome.

Luke: the only thing people were thinking is "that is a gorgeous couple....why is he dressed like that?"'s ok because he had a good reason. I'm excited to hear more about your dates with him!
Was Nathan married FOUR times?!... and wants you to stick around?!
he's a piece of work :ohwell:

Wait, no he was only married twice, but he filed for a license 4 times.

You did right dumping Nate. Serial marriage is bad enough, lying about it is even worse.

Thanks! Yep, I still don't understand that he thought there was nothing wrong with lying like that.

That was a close call! Thank God you didn't find out 6 months into a relationship with him.

He could have been honest from the start!

Can't wait to read more about Luke :yep:

Exactly! I'm really happy about that too. He's very charming, so it's no wonder he was able to talk 4 women into it. Really close call. :nono:

I have a male friend like that. Can't be alone --- he was on three dating sites while he was still in the house with wife #2. He is currently engaged and making a big deal about it. :rolleyes:

He is trouble.....
You were absolutely right to weed him out and that is what this process is all about....

I know a lot of women like that, but never really ran across a man that felt the need to be with someone, anyway. lol I think men that are like that are so pathetic. Good riddance..

Wooww i was rooting for Nate but now...WTF!?!?? :shocked: so glad your sister felt the need to ask you that. And did you ask him about the other two times..wouldnt have made a difference though because one lie is enough.

I am so happy that she planted that seed. It could have definitely been a different ending. Yea, he told me about all 4 attempts. The crazy thing is he kept saying he learned from his mistake. Excuse me? How could that be when you were marriage 2x in a 2 year time period?

Girl you saved yourself from a headache! I cant stand liars and guys will lie about anything until the end. I met this one guy who was/ is married, I could show him his marriage license AND he still would deny it SMDH. We went back and forth for hours on if he was married and he still wouldn't admit it. Only thing left was for me to show him wedding pictures. Nathan sounded good but you did the right thing. A lot of women would've kept him and believed everything he said. I guess this is the benefits of dating multiples, it opens up your choices so that you didnt fall back on him after this mess.

:yep: Thank you! If it's one thing I can't stand, it's a liar. I couldn't help but to question everything he said. Who wants to be with someone like that? :nono:

Too bad about Nathan but you still got some awesome ones left in the running. 2 divorces does raise a red flag and lying about it is an even bigger one.

Yep, there is one in particular that is definitely putting in hard work. lol :lol:

Hey @Ediese, you mentioned that you and Nathan go to church it possible that he was getting married for religious reasons, i.e. to avoid "fornicating"?....Gosh I hate that word! :lol: I know people who do/have done that, unfortunately. Either way, I would question his decision-making abilities if he were engaged or married four times in the past five years. :perplexed

Nope. Trust me it was not for 'religious reasons.' He mentioned having relations, living with those other women prior to marriage. I think he mentioned the first marriage took place because his ex had just completed college, and had to decide whether to move back home with her parents, which was 2 hrs away from him, or move in together. She wanted to get married instead of shacking, so he went along with it. :look:

So now that I've finished the thread, I'll add my commentary. Thank God for intuition! The whole time that you were dating Nate, your intuition was warning you that all was not as it appeared to be. There are so many people that can't be honest with others, let alone themselves. I have to echo previous comments in saying that it's best that you found out when you did. That's why he didn't really trip about the phone incident. He knew his ish was messy!

I've never been Team Nate, Luke, Dee or Michael. I'm Team Ediese! I've thouroughly enjoyed reading this thread. So much so, that I've decided to give online dating a try. I have profiles on two sites as we speak. So, I really want to thank you for sharing your story. You've motivated me to try something new. Thanks Ediese!

Thank you! :-) You should definitely give it a try. I've had a fun experience so far, and I believe even if nothing comes of it, at least I'm putting myself out there and really enjoying my life. Good luck hun!

So Ediese, how did you find his public records/divorce history? I'd like to know how to do that. :)

I googled public marrage record + city, state. The state's website came up, and had a link to databases. Once you click on that link, you could perform a search. lol

You already know you made the right decision with Nathan. You know what you want (and don't want)....nothing wrong with that.

Michael: no spark is dang near impossible to overcome.

Luke: the only thing people were thinking is "that is a gorgeous couple....why is he dressed like that?"'s ok because he had a good reason. I'm excited to hear more about your dates with him!

Thanks! Yea, I've tried before to hold onto a relationship even when I didn't feel the chemistry. It's just a shame though because this guy is just too attractive. lol

Luke, well, there is a lot to say about this one. :-)
Wait, no he was only married twice, but he filed for a license 4 times.

Thanks! Yep, I still don't understand that he thought there was nothing wrong with lying like that.

Exactly! I'm really happy about that too. He's very charming, so it's no wonder he was able to talk 4 women into it. Really close call. :nono:

I know a lot of women like that, but never really ran across a man that felt the need to be with someone, anyway. lol I think men that are like that are so pathetic. Good riddance..

I am so happy that she planted that seed. It could have definitely been a different ending. Yea, he told me about all 4 attempts. The crazy thing is he kept saying he learned from his mistake. Excuse me? How could that be when you were marriage 2x in a 2 year time period?

:yep: Thank you! If it's one thing I can't stand, it's a liar. I couldn't help but to question everything he said. Who wants to be with someone like that? :nono:

Yep, there is one in particular that is definitely putting in hard work. lol :lol:

Nope. Trust me it was not for 'religious reasons.' He mentioned having relations, living with those other women prior to marriage. I think he mentioned the first marriage took place because his ex had just completed college, and had to decide whether to move back home with her parents, which was 2 hrs away from him, or move in together. She wanted to get married instead of shacking, so he went along with it. :look:

Thank you! :-) You should definitely give it a try. I've had a fun experience so far, and I believe even if nothing comes of it, at least I'm putting myself out there and really enjoying my life. Good luck hun!

I googled public marrage record + city, state. The state's website came up, and had a link to databases. Once you click on that link, you could perform a search. lol

Thanks! Yea, I've tried before to hold onto a relationship even when I didn't feel the chemistry. It's just a shame though because this guy is just too attractive. lol

Luke, well, there is a lot to say about this one. :-)
Dun dun dunnnnnnn.....waiting for the scoop...
I am so glad you decided to probe Nate's background, what a lying tool!

*on to the next one*

sooo what's the deal with Luke? you ain't right worth a damn making us wait like damn addicts feenin' for a hit:look::lol::lol::lachen:
Ohh I just HOPE there's more to read when I get back from lab tonight :lol: Please Ediese , please add more! *scratches like a feignnnnn* :lol:

I used to read B2K fanfiction on msn groups when I was younger (shutup yall lol) and this brings me back. Waiting for updates about the characters lives :lol: I love reading stories online!
Ok, I need to catch up BIG TIME!

Seriously Ediese,

I have a question…

Has any of these guys tried to lock you down prematurely-- either by hinting about you not needing to stay on the dating site or asking point blank for you to take down your profile.

If so, how have you handled this request?