I have decided to relocate. I need a more family friendly area, lower cost of living, and a better commute. I will miss my friends and DS's current daycare is awesome. But overall I need a better quality of life. I am looking at a few cities, mainly southern and mid-western. Putting in applications and trying to get this train on the road. There are a lot of things to love about the west coast but I man it's expensive as heck.
The decision feels peaceful, I don't feel anxious about it, so that's always a good sign. I'd been interviewing for higher level roles, I am getting good feedback but I don't have enough people management experience. So I am looking at roles that will get me that, so far I am finding some good roles that I think will pay me comfortably, especially for the areas. This is the longest I have lived anywhere as an adult so it will be an adjustment, but it's time. The seasons have changed and what worked for me before isn't working now. C'est la vie!
I was thinking of moving near family, but quality of life would not improve and I find I have to really build my own community because my family, though I love them dearly, aren't the best environment for me. I will be closer for visits and that's quite enough!