Men-free Zone ~ The Non-romantic Relationship Thread

Awww! Great thread.....My good friend is a producer for a gala tonight featuring attending that...tomorrow relaxing..doing nothing at all. NADA..Zilch. As for B girl I will post in the entertainment thread about all her shenanigans we had to deal with...

Sounds like fun! Enjoy! I saw Brandy in person up close once at the NAACP Image Awards after party and was surprised at how gorgeous she was in person. Petite, beautiful, skin like butter. She is not photogenic.
my sister, who i don't really have a relationship with (no bad blood, just same dad/diff mom sort of thing), sent me a snapchat message asking for money. literally SIX days ago she was on snapchat flexing about being in miami and now she can't pay rent?!

her tax refund has been garnished and she has no job. her 3 kids are in the custody of their father. she is one of those facebook/instagram girls who posts selfies all day and has thousands of followers but doesn't do much else. she is dating a loser who is also unemployed and who is the reason she doesn't have custody of her kids.

what sort of job do you think i have that allows me to afford my rent and yours? why are you sleeping with a man that cannot provide for you? how do you reconcile the fact that the life you want/pretend to live is not congruent with the life you're actually living? are you not embarrassed or ashamed of any of this? and not to be too petty but i've never received so much as a "hbd" text.

i have several trips planned this year and many financial goals to meet. i don't have time for this ****.
my sister, who i don't really have a relationship with (no bad blood, just same dad/diff mom sort of thing), sent me a snapchat message asking for money. literally SIX days ago she was on snapchat flexing about being in miami and now she can't pay rent?!

her tax refund has been garnished and she has no job. her 3 kids are in the custody of their father. she is one of those facebook/instagram girls who posts selfies all day and has thousands of followers but doesn't do much else. she is dating a loser who is also unemployed and who is the reason she doesn't have custody of her kids.

what sort of job do you think i have that allows me to afford my rent and yours? why are you sleeping with a man that cannot provide for you? how do you reconcile the fact that the life you want/pretend to live is not congruent with the life you're actually living? are you not embarrassed or ashamed of any of this? and not to be too petty but i've never received so much as a "hbd" text.

i have several trips planned this year and many financial goals to meet. i don't have time for this ****.

Wow, she is bold. :nono:
Great thread!!

I got my monthly massage last Thursday and it was FANTASTIC! I had a lady I hadn't had in a while..
Idk why I ever stopped going to her! She will be in constant rotation lol. Can't wait for my next one!
I have an Asian (and male) masseuse like that, don't know why I ever stopped going to him. He be like a samurai on my back, not friendly or pleasant at all but he goes in. :lol:

I'm out with my cousin and our former mayor comes in. He must have decided he was gonna come talk to the only negroes in the bar cuz he come over, sits down and starts having a convo with us. My cousin insists it was my #blackgirlmagic. He's super into politics and will be running for office so he's all in his feelings right now. :lol:.

Is this Tito? :lachen: He's hosting a skate night at Chez Vous next week that I may or may not go to :look: :lol:

I turn 25 next week and unfortunately won't be able to celebrate for a few weeks because #gradschool smh. But I am going to visit one of my girls in NY and she offered to let me stay as long as I want and then I'll go visit my other girls in the DMV. It's gonna be a week and a half of sister time and I am AMPED!
Perhaps it's because I'm busy working my second job about 5 days a week BUT I'd like to cultivate more friendships or a support system. I admit that I don't have the energy and wish it could happen at the snap of my fingers. I've seen people have friends rally around them to celebrate accomplishments or be supportive and I don't have that. I'm a dedicated friend but I don't DO much with or for them :(
I don't have many family members to hang with. Next year I'll have more time I guess....
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I went to a "networking" event for AA professionals with my colleagues/girlfriends on Friday. It was held at a lounge. I hadn't been to a lounge in so long. I'm glad I went, but the introvert in me couldn't wait to get home! Saturday me and my sis went to breakfast. Just the two of us. It was really nice. I plan on going to the movies by myself on Tuesday (matinee) to see the new black horror flick.
I had such a nice weekend. Especially yesterday. I'm an early riser so sleeping in for me is not getting up until 830 lol. Anyway, as soon as I woke up I got into a nice hot shower and used one of my new bath & body works cream/spray sets. I don't know if it was that particular fragrance or what but after that I was in such a nice comfortable mood and it set the tone for my whole day.
A co worker and I have become really good friends at work! She is crazy fun just like me! We really "get" each other! Our first time hanging out with each other will be Sunday! I'm so excited for a new female friend! :)
Oh my gosh!!! We had sooooo much fun! Our DH's ended up coming too! We were laughing the WHOLE time!!! We both snort when we laugh to hard so we were like two little piglets :lachen:
Saturday night was so awesome with the exception of that awful Uber ride. Miami heat won and I was surprisingly so excited and hype to root for them. All throughout the basketball game I was getting mouthy and shouting for better teamwork... watching sports live is very different from watching sports on television. My girlfriend's friend and his plus one were cool dudes. Very easy to get along with, we all have sorta crude humor and hit it off really well. The guy's friend was a wee bit annoying to me because he kept making fun of my fear of heights. He acted exactly as how a little boy acts pulling a little girl's hair because he like's her :look:

Today on campus was really nice. I had lunch with both of my girlfriends on campus. Since one friend graduated we missed our weekly lunches all together.But today was just lovely. I played hookey because my last class is nerve wrecking and I just needed an extended weekend from it, so we drove home together. I helped to start reorganizing and cleaning up her room since she's been so stressed. Started with the closet and hygiene/beauty section but a lot more needs to be done. I'm going to over time help her declutter and donate what she doesn't want or need. When organizing her closet I realized as women we keep a lot of clothing we don't like because someone gifted it to us and we don't want to be rude. So we hold on hoping to like the style and maybe wear whenever we see the gifter. But honestly it's unnecessary and takes up needed space in our wardrobe.

Girlie was so sweet she gave away some of her stuff she didn't want to me, so now I have a nice little growing nail polish collection, Mary Kay satin Hands scrub and L'Occitane Hand Cream.
I love this thread!

I know its Monday. But I cant wait until this weekend. I'm not doing a flipping thing.

Apartment hunting is a pain in the butt!! The amount of money these people are asking for is straight highway robbery!! My goal is to get a house next year and I can't wait!


How exciting to be planning on buying a new home next year!
Watching the movie Moana with my DD. She's been waiting for it to come on DVD so we can watch :2inlove:.

Such a cute movie. DD wanted me to take her twists out so her hair could be like Moana's :gorgeous: I was so happy because she always wants one braid like Elsa from the movie frozen.

I went shopping with my sister on Sunday and had a great time. Found a new fragrance and glasses that I'm in love with. I love my little sisters so much and glad I'm closer to my family even though they get on my nerves. This thread has inspired to spend some time with my mom.
My sister called me today to ask for my help suing her landlord. I know nothing about landlord/tenant court and told her so and this little witch hung up on me. SMH Her and my mom like to go around telling people that I'll sue them whenever someone wrongs them. It doesn't work like that. Like the last time my sister was having trouble getting her medical records from a shady doctor I called the office and threatened them with a subpoena. I didn't send anything with my firm letterhead on it but I did identify myself. Afterwards, this girl tells me she's going to sue them. I was like I can't help anymore because they'll think my firm is involved. Again, she hung up on me even after I helped her get her records. :spinning:.

And now that I'm in medmal my mom will say things like "I'll ask my daughter, she's sort of a doctor" Lady, NO I AM NOT. I know the little bit of medicine I know to help my case and as soon as the case is over it's erased from my memory. These women are crazy.
When my friend was having man issues, we spoke often and she always wanted to hang out. Now she has a new boo in her life. I sent a text to a few weeks ago about when we are going to catch up and she didn't respond. Meanwhile she is posting her locations on FB. A day or two later she is posting her daily 50-11 memes so, knowing what was next, I 'liked' one of them.

Incoming text messaging "Sorry I didn't anwer your text but..." insert excuse here. OK, but she could have followed up with me, as I always had the courtesy to do. Now almost every night she is out and posting pics on IG.

Hmmmm. Noted.
When my friend was having man issues, we spoke often and she always wanted to hang out. Now she has a new boo in her life. I sent a text to a few weeks ago about when we are going to catch up and she didn't respond. Meanwhile she is posting her locations on FB. A day or two later she is posting her daily 50-11 memes so, knowing what was next, I 'liked' one of them.

Incoming text messaging "Sorry I didn't anwer your text but..." insert excuse here. OK, but she could have followed up with me, as I always had the courtesy to do. Now almost every night she is out and posting pics on IG.

Hmmmm. Noted.
This always annoys me because when I don't respond to a text it's deliberate. Sometimes I will look at one and then say I'll respond later and forget but either something will jog my memory and remind me to respond or my friend will send a follow up and I respond right away at that time. I never just ignore ignore ignore and then come with excuses about why I didn't respond. I hate when people do that to me.

Yesterday I walked over the Brooklyn Bridge after work. Usually I will go for a run after work over the bridge but yesterday I hadn't planned on it because it was cloudy and a little cold. But I figured there wouldn't be as many people so maybe it would a nice time to talk a stroll. No exercise. It was so nice to walk and not have a crowd around. It felt so peaceful and was actually beautiful.
My birthday is Sunday. My mom asked me what I wanted and I said money. Then she says "I want you to open an ira with the money". Lady, how you gonna dictate what someone do with their birthday gift? :lol: nah, but I would actually love to open an ira lol. I told her what if I take half of it and open it, how bout dah? She said aight lol.

I wonder how much she's giving me?! Go mom!
I am currently restoring my relationship with one of my favorite best friends. I feel so happy about that. It looked for a minute like we were drifting apart. Last week when we were talking for the first time in like forever, at the end of the conversation she told me that she missed talking to me so much, that she missed her best friend. This year I'm going to make it a point to nurture relationships with the good people in my life.
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I am currently restoring my relationship with one of my favorite best friends. I feel so happy about that. It looked for a minute like we were drifting apart. Last week when we were talking for the first time in like forever, at the end of the conversation she told me that she missed talking to me so much, that she missed her best friend. This year I'm going to make it a point to nurture relationships with the good people in my life.

Aww, that's great!
Spent the day with my goddaughter/niece on tuesday. Her hair didn't look very good so I decided to undo it, wash it and style it. This is always a laborious process and it doesn't help that she cries through much of it. Towards the end, when it was time to drop her off at my mom's place, I thought she would be happy that we were parting ways. But instead she got sad that I had to leave.