"men Dont Love Women Like You"

Definitely in a funk lately, I am getting the book and feeling grand about self, but the meeting men ish/thoughts concern me... I know I know, I told another poster to leave it to wind and all just in a funk about life right now... blahhhh...
Definitely in a funk lately, I am getting the book and feeling grand about self, but the meeting men ish/thoughts concern me... I know I know, I told another poster to leave it to wind and all just in a funk about life right now... blahhhh...

:angeldevil:This is how I view nearly everyone I come in contact with now. A situation happened on Saturday (not romantic) which made me lose faith in people. I think a combination of gl lambert' blog, issues with some friends, dealing with the aftermath of an unhealthy relationship, wanting everything to badly to fall in place in my life in general, and this weekend just broke me and my faith in people in general. In the past I use to always believe things would get better. I don't believe that anymore.

I believe in the law of attraction so I'm not trying to concentrate too much negative energy out in the universe, but it will take some time to heal b/c my heart literally hurts from losing faith/trust in people.
I feel a lot more positive now lol.

I think GL Lambert lays out a great foundation, but I have to make changes to become a completely unbothered Spartan. I've always had very deep regrets about being naive in past relationships and judging myself for what I couldn't possibly know at the time. Reading his work makes me feel empowered, but also horrible that I didn't learn this 10 years ago.

Instead of wallowing in negativity and pain, I started changing. I deleted all my social media apps, connected with good friends, mediated, and did things that make me feel good. Ive been listening to Abraham Hicks audio on YouTube and that has helped rebuild my faith and trust in the Laws of Attraction and myself as a powerful creator.
So if a man doesn't contact you a day he said you should hang out ,do you ask what's up or you ignore him.
If you go on a third date and the man asks you to meet halfway do you go or not
Girl I was barely paying attention to him off in Lala land until he said "what do I have to do to take you on a date?" I was like "oh, hi all it takes is your first born son"

But check it out, he's so country- he's never even heard of r&b music. Wtf. I told him it's what beyonce sings. And he's like oh ok I like Beyoncé. Lolol

Wowwwww. Verrrry countryy
So if a man doesn't contact you a day he said you should hang out ,do you ask what's up or you ignore him.
If you go on a third date and the man asks you to meet halfway do you go or not

I don't make plans to hang out. We have a solid plans.- not tentative. If he does not contact me-he stood me up. I would call if I don't hear from him to see if he died or is in the hospital. If he is in good health- he gets ignored forever. Meeting "halfway" sounds like he does not want to go the extra mile. Since I am not quick to have a man come to my home. I would meet him at a favorite restaurant, but not because its halfway.

I have the book, but realized that it does not help me, I have always made men go through the fire to get with me.
You can care and love them from afar. It doesn't make it any less real. Just don't let it turn you into a doormat, trying to twist yourself into a pretzel to "fix" everything and please everyone. Try to find out what happened. If it was something you did, it's your job to go to them and apologize. If you're innocent then all you can do is respect their wishes and move on. No resentment. If you can't find out what happened for whatever reason then move on.
"Every guy you invest time and energy in from this day forward must be Top Shelf, A1, Alpha Male, husband material, not a work in progress, not a struggle story, and never generic Dick!"

Yes!!!! Ive been meeting these work in progress and struggle stories. After reading this book I started cutting them off quickly and easily.
"Every guy you invest time and energy in from this day forward must be Top Shelf, A1, Alpha Male, husband material, not a work in progress, not a struggle story, and never generic Dick!"

Yes!!!! Ive been meeting these work in progress and struggle stories. After reading this book I started cutting them off quickly and easily.


Girl let me tell you how I became done with The Struggle™ I been ride or die with my ex from day one through med school and errythang. Soon as this negro starts making a little cash and got a little equity in his company, he started calling me a gold digger. I was there when you got kicked out of medical school and you gonna call me a gold digger?

If that's the thanks I get then I am absolutely not doing this. Negro no. Watch me go get a **** with some real gold and post some pics in our mansion. I promise you (general you) I will and mark my words.
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Spartan Cassandra checking in.

I was :sekret: in this thread until I was in the right head space to read this book. Wow. It is ridiculously insightful :yep:
So far I've learned that indecision is keeping me from landing my guy. I'm a flip flopper and so the universe sends me guys who are perfect, but not perfect for me :look: There's a guy in orbit now, who is a step up from the last dude, but again, we are not a good fit. We may be able to be friends (because we have similar hobbies) but this? This ain't going nowhere :/ But hey! This means I've been doing something right :yep:

So here's Cassandra: She's serious and studious but very sweet once you get to know her. She's the type of woman who rocks all white every now and then. Her hair looks fab (I imagine her having a french roll for some reason. Idk why she's old school but hey). She's very sexy. Fashionable, because she dresses for her type. Thrifty because she prefers squandering her man(s) money :look: (just kidding :drunk:)

**Marjorie Harvey comes to mind :drunk:
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I don't understand how that makes you a gold digger. He had nothing...

It's always men with NOTHING that want to holler golddigger

Yep. Dudes out here making $50k a year worrying about being taken. Meanwhile, women can make six figures and are expected to be humble and almost apologetic for it. I think we need to be comfortable stealing men's bravado and applying it to ourselves.