"men Dont Love Women Like You"

Ok so I'm curious, what kind of content are we talking here? I joke , A LOT, on social media but that's it. Are y'all posting flirty, sexy stuff or just literally whatever pops in your head? I have too many family members on my FB but I could get a little ratchet on twitter :sekret:
I'm just posting whatever pops into my head and not keeping it PC. If it has sexual undertones then so be it. If it offends someone then so be it. I'm showing the world that i'm being myself and that self is ratchet, petty, classy, sexual, raunchy, smart, etc... I'm multi faceted.
I'm just posting whatever pops into my head and not keeping it PC. If it has sexual undertones then so be it. If it offends someone then so be it. I'm showing the world that i'm being myself and that self is ratchet, petty, classy, sexual, raunchy, smart, etc... I'm multi faceted.

Hmmm ok this is pretty much what I do but I mostly keep it on Facebook, I need to branch out because my FB is closed up & private. I guess it does work though because I stay getting pests in my inbox :look: but I never thought about it before reading the book.
I use this vocabulary building app and spartan came up and I wanted to share the definition
A person unconcerned with comfort
Lemme see...In Lambert language...Unconcerned with staying in Basica's comfort zone where settling for anything was better than fighting for something, ...ready for battle for your greater good and ultimately a COMFORT worth having.
I just purchased the book and Amazon recommended the power of pu$$....... and that book has over 1400 stars and I got his other book solving single might get ho tatics
I'm so saddened by how someone I know is handling the problems her marriage.
He's left the house, he's checked out and now she learned that he slept with another woman during this 'separation.'
She's so lost and has no idea how to 'take back control' because he bates her with the honey, the sweetie but doesn't come home at night and she doesn't even ask where does he stay. Honestly, I want her OUT! I knew from jump that he was a class act player and a known
pathological liar, even lies to his boys. They nicknamed him the Lying King. Anyway, I can't tell a married woman to leave but damn it LEAVE.
She compromised soooo much, from having kids, to where she lives, to her self-esteem. She hid it soooo well. But last night it all came out.
Everything I suspected was going on in that house, in her heart, was.
Anyway, I told her to read the book TODAY.
I hate fear.

ETA: Reading this today 6/3/2020- they are still together and she seems happy. When times are down, it's down but then she's so happy again...from the outside. I had to think hard about who I was talking about!
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Am I the only one who found this book oddly freeing? His tone is harsh, but there's still something comforting there. Here society says you have to be a domestic goddess, perfect hair, perfect nails, perfect wardrobe, perfect body, swinging from chandeliers and here it is from the horse's mouth.



I have a male friend I speak to about gender issues and relationships. I asked him what he thinks black women should do and he said we need to define ourselves outside of our relationships with men.

Right now I'm dating but I'm not even looking for a man. I'm just looking for what makes me happy.
I just purchased the book and Amazon recommended the power of pu$$....... and that book has over 1400 stars and I got his other book solving single might get ho tatics
I got "The power of the puss.." Before I got this one (MDLWLY). I say save your money. Not because it's a bad book but because if you buy this one then you don't need it. It's about raising your self-worth by knowing the power of what's between your legs and how men will do anything to get to it. The book only costs $5 though so it's not really a huge loss if you choose to buy it too.
I started reading the first half of this book again, I'll admit a part of me still tried to fight against some of the things I was reading. I'm trying to get it all to really sink in before I really venture out, although, I did have a date last week and I was totally & completely myself.

I usually down play my personality on a first date because I can be out there when I get really comfortable with folks but I went in with the mindset of not giving AF about trying to impress him and it was fun :giggle:
What does this book say that other books haven't said already ?
Girrrrl! Plenty! This dude is like your gully ass thug ass usetobe player ass uncle who pulls no punches, and couldnt give two shyts about your feelings when telling you the truth. He wants to make sure you know the deal on men and WHAT THEY REALLY THINK OF YOU. He wants you to know that men play you with your own shallow ass ego and self absorbed ways.... Men have always had this game on lock. He is trying to unlock that game for us. By teaching women (willing to learn) to KNOW HERSELF and settle for nothing less than what she wants.
I have read no book or and have heard no relationship guru that goes there like he does. He makes you face the truth about yourself..(if you care to see it)....you'll know when he is speaking directly to your ego.

On another note (not at you Kindheart), I think a lot of women need to get past the "why is he only talking to us" mentality. Well it's because we stand to lose the most in this game. We get hurt the most...in this game. It's our clocks that are ticking ....in this game.
Im just glad that A MAN decided to say these things at all.
Ok so I got approached by a cute guy today and i confirmed that I definitely haven't Spartan-ed up yet :look: :cry:

I was doing a workout around the track and he was playing soccer - he kept looking at me and finally approached me.

I'm still awkward ya'll. Definitely better and more confident than usual- I made eye contact with him a few times before he spoke to me.
I gave him my number. he already text me and told me I'm beautiful and I have no idea what to respond- I'm being such a typical basica right now smh :nono:
This is gonna be a journey...
Ok so I got approached by a cute guy today and i confirmed that I definitely haven't Spartan-ed up yet :look: :cry:

I was doing a workout around the track and he was playing soccer - he kept looking at me and finally approached me.

I'm still awkward ya'll. Definitely better and more confident than usual- I made eye contact with him a few times before he spoke to me.
I gave him my number. he already text me and told me I'm beautiful and I have no idea what to respond- I'm being such a typical basica right now smh :nono:
This is gonna be a journey...
Lol you are. Just say thanks, I know.

Or if I'm feeling saucy I'll say yeah and my beauty is the least of my greatest attributes.

But tbh I don't trust dudes who keep telling me I'm beautiful like duh that's why you're all up on my cooch say something else

But I feel you on not having spartaned up fully.
But part of me spartaning up is wearing makeup more often. I usually don't because of all the attention I get whenever I put on some but spartan up **** lol
I've also been forcing myself to not speed walk everywhere and take my time. I used to walk super fast partly because I'm a native NYer but also as an awkward defense mechanism

My goal this week is to make eye contact and smile at every dude I pass vs speeding past and averting my eyes
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I actually feel the most Spartan when I'm drunk. My desire as a Spartan is to look my best, know I'm the sh!t, and not seek any form of male validation

When you are like this you realize how NEEDY men are. So many of them CRAVE attention every ****** minute. Just waiting and hoping someone will notice them, say something to them, flirt with them. Thirsty!

Not responding to the drunk part here, more to you knowing you look great and not needing male validation.
Girrrrl! Plenty! This dude is like your gully ass thug ass usetobe player ass uncle who pulls no punches, and couldnt give two shyts about your feelings when telling you the truth. He wants to make sure you know the deal on men and WHAT THEY REALLY THINK OF YOU. He wants you to know that men play you with your own shallow ass ego and self absorbed ways.... Men have always had this game on lock. He is trying to unlock that game for us. By teaching women (willing to learn) to KNOW HERSELF and settle for nothing less than what she wants.
I have read no book or and have heard no relationship guru that goes there like he does. He makes you face the truth about yourself..(if you care to see it)....you'll know when he is speaking directly to your ego.

On another note (not at you Kindheart), I think a lot of women need to get past the "why is he only talking to us" mentality. Well it's because we stand to lose the most in this game. We get hurt the most...in this game. It's our clocks that are ticking ....in this game.
Im just glad that A MAN decided to say these things at all.

Especialy the bolded!!
Ok so I got approached by a cute guy today and i confirmed that I definitely haven't Spartan-ed up yet :look: :cry:

I was doing a workout around the track and he was playing soccer - he kept looking at me and finally approached me.

I'm still awkward ya'll. Definitely better and more confident than usual- I made eye contact with him a few times before he spoke to me.
I gave him my number. he already text me and told me I'm beautiful and I have no idea what to respond- I'm being such a typical basica right now smh :nono:
This is gonna be a journey...

Lol um start by saying thank you :look:

I'm so saddened by how someone I know is handling the problems her marriage.
He's left the house, he's checked out and now she learned that he slept with another woman during this 'separation.'
She's so lost and has no idea how to 'take back control' because he bates her with the honey, the sweetie but doesn't come home at night and she doesn't even ask where does he stay. Honestly, I want her OUT! I knew from jump that he was a class act player and a known
pathological liar, even lies to his boys. They nicknamed him the Lying King. Anyway, I can't tell a married woman to leave but damn it LEAVE.
She compromised soooo much, from having kids, to where she lives, to her self-esteem. She hid it soooo well. But last night it all came out.
Everything I suspected was going on in that house, in her heart, was.
Anyway, I told her to read the book TODAY.
I hate fear.
Did she read the book?
This landed in my email inbox today. Coincidence? I think not! This article is another way of describing Spartanhood. He uses different terminology but the gist is the same:



The lion doesn’t get bothered when the lamb acts passive aggressive and petty.

The lion doesn’t waste energy holding grudges or hoping the lamb fails.

The lion doesn’t stay up at night trying to figure out the fast, guaranteed way to get ahead of the lamb.

The lion is the king of the jungle.
Fearless. And without pretense.

If he wants something, he goes out to get it — using all the skill and ferocity in his disposal to achieve success.

There is no thought of backing down or playing it safe.

The lion gets what the lion wants. At all costs.

He might die trying.

But that doesn’t stop him from trying.
Pit that lion against a flock of hundreds of sheep and the lion wins every time.

He might be outnumbered. The flock might be louder. The shepherd might have a stick. The lion still wins.

It’s a lesson worth remembering. You have a choice each day to be a lamb and follow the flock or to be a lion and take what you want from life.

There is always a pretty good reason why you should let what others think of you drive you to be less courageous.

Being a lamb is easier.
There’s always a good reason why being passive aggressive, petty, negative, or fearful is the right course of action this time.

If you choose to live your life needing a shepherd to make all your decisions for you, don’t complain when life tears your guts out.

Unlike the animal kingdom, you aren’t born a lamb or lion. You get to choose who you want to become.