"men Dont Love Women Like You"

Ok can someone give me the rundown of how much of the book each version contains? ie. ebook vs audiobook vs iBook vs Kindle vs hardcopy

Ideally I'd prefer an audiobook version as I feel this would be the quickest most efficient way to get thru the book lightning fast but I also want all the chapters, bonus materials couldn't hurt either, do I have to get the hardcopy to get all chapters of the book? Is there an electronic version of the book that at least has all the chapters?

Thanks in advance.
@sweetvi I did read chapter 7. What I got from it was to be yourself, your 100% authentic no holds barred self. I loved how Phoenix wasn't afraid to come off as thirsty online. I always thought that leading with your sexual foot (so to speak) made men put you in the "good time only or p*ssy" category. I thought that meant that they wouldn't take you serious or consider you as relationship material otherwise. It worked for Phoenix cuz that was her brand. I'm still trying to figure my brand out. I do act a lot more "real" online now. Meaning I don't overthink what I write anymore. I used to censor myself something serious! Now if something raunchy crosses my mind sometimes I post it (not all the time to be honest). I don't care if I come off as vulgar anymore (which is a lot since I'm known as miss "prim and proper" who always toes the line and never says a bad word). Men I didn't expect are commenting and agreeing with me!

In real life I'm not afraid to openly flirt with men and show my interest. Phoenix was awesome at that! Ogling men is nerve racking but fun! Relishing all the male attention I get daily is scary at first but feels great. Holding eye contact while flirting with them or smiling at them works wonders. Again I'm no longer afraid of looking thirsty. I'm not perfect. I still fail at it but I'm not giving up! I need to get my self esteem so strong that even if Shemar Moore is there I'll treat him like he's typical. That's the goal.
I'm working on all this too!! Trying to be my most authentic self including the raunchy parts :look:. That's the best message I get from this book. I haven't had time to try things out since I just returned from vacation and I've been half-resting/half-running around like a jack rabbit trynna take care of stuff but I'll have some opportunities coming up next week!
Ok can someone give me the rundown of how much of the book each version contains? ie. ebook vs audiobook vs iBook vs Kindle vs hardcopy

Ideally I'dI had the prefer an audiobook version as I feel this would be the quickest most efficient way to get thru the book lightning fast but I also want all the chapters, bonus materials couldn't hurt either, do I have to get the hardcopy to get all chapters of the book? Is there an electronic version of the book that at least has all the chapters?

Thanks in advance.

I had the same question. I can only speak for the hardcover and audiobook. The first half is identical. but

- the audiobook has a 3 day Spartan refresher course

- the hardcopy has a Part II:
- Date Like a Spartan - 170 pages
Includes: Five Reasons You Failed At Dating, Pre-Date Battle Plan, Date Night Domination, Ask The Right Questions, Date Checklists, Add Him to the Roster, Transition From Dating to a Relationship, etc.
- Risk the D**k - 62 pages
Includes: Do You Know How to Be a Girlfriend, How to Avoid Manipulation, Conquering Early Relationship Problems, Growing Apart, Emotional Support, How To Stop a Breakup

Now I just need to find out what the Kindle has.
Ok can someone give me the rundown of how much of the book each version contains? ie. ebook vs audiobook vs iBook vs Kindle vs hardcopy

Ideally I'd prefer an audiobook version as I feel this would be the quickest most efficient way to get thru the book lightning fast but I also want all the chapters, bonus materials couldn't hurt either, do I have to get the hardcopy to get all chapters of the book? Is there an electronic version of the book that at least has all the chapters?

Thanks in advance.
The Kindle version has everything except bonus material.
The bonus chapters are spartan up in 3 days and 8 reasons why something lol I can't remember the exact name I don't feel a need for bonus chapters especially since I haven't heard any raves about it
The Kindle version has everything except bonus material.
The bonus chapters are spartan up in 3 days and 8 reasons why something lol I can't remember the exact name I don't feel a need for bonus chapters especially since I haven't heard any raves about it[/QUOTE

I have the audio i was going to order the hardcopy but Im going to just get the Kindle.
I had the same question. I can only speak for the hardcover and audiobook. The first half is identical. but

- the audiobook has a 3 day Spartan refresher course

- the hardcopy has a Part II:
- Date Like a Spartan - 170 pages
Includes: Five Reasons You Failed At Dating, Pre-Date Battle Plan, Date Night Domination, Ask The Right Questions, Date Checklists, Add Him to the Roster, Transition From Dating to a Relationship, etc.
- Risk the D**k - 62 pages
Includes: Do You Know How to Be a Girlfriend, How to Avoid Manipulation, Conquering Early Relationship Problems, Growing Apart, Emotional Support, How To Stop a Breakup

Now I just need to find out what the Kindle has.

The Kindle version has everything except bonus material.
The bonus chapters are spartan up in 3 days and 8 reasons why something lol I can't remember the exact name I don't feel a need for bonus chapters especially since I haven't heard any raves about it
Thanks so much yall! I'm gonna get the kindle version today:yep:
Sooo I finally got the book and so far I can just categorize myself as someone who hasn't dated in a while so that is negatively impacting me. I don't date mainly cause I don't meet guys... so I need to get out more.

I was trying to go out with my one friend here but she was flaking and I ended up going out by myself to a salsa spot I like. Met several successful guys who were trying to get my attention/impress me with their dancing. I gave the attorney one my number and he texted me twice before I woke to make sure I made it home safe and he'd like to see me again.

Definitely was a much needed confidence booster night. And I'm a great catch so I really do need to just go out and meet more ppl.
Sooo I finally got the book and so far I can just categorize myself as someone who hasn't dated in a while so that is negatively impacting me. I don't date mainly cause I don't meet guys... so I need to get out more.

I was trying to go out with my one friend here but she was flaking and I ended up going out by myself to a salsa spot I like. Met several successful guys who were trying to get my attention/impress me with their dancing. I gave the attorney one my number and he texted me twice before I woke to make sure I made it home safe and he'd like to see me again.

Definitely was a much needed confidence booster night. And I'm a great catch so I really do need to just go out and meet more ppl.

Woww! That's awesome..

I like that some of the girls here are embracing this change full force!
so im usually very inhibited on social media- i took the author's advice and became more blunt and uninhibited- not thirst trapping or anything :lol: but also not afraid of being judged or appearing thirsty...and needless to say i saw some results - very interesting

I met this older man today. He waited for me to finish talking to my friends before approaching. He walked me to my car, was been very affectionate already, and asked for my number. I declined since I wasn't interested. This is new for me cuz normally I used to give men like him my number cuz I felt pressured by them or sorry for them. No more! I'm a ***** now! I stuck to my guns and left. Man this is fun.
I'm married.

The book sounds very interesting.

What are the married ladies getting out of this? Any results?
Has it taken the marriage to a better level? Made the DH step up more, etc?
Yes it does. Each woman will get out of it what she needs. I know the parts spoke to me and the way I thought in my past and how that thinking shaped my present. There are things I would do or say that I didnt even know were Basic and T Y P I C A L.
A lot of what I put into practice has changed the dynamic of our marriage. But I started manning up (so to speak) before this book. In fact it was on my journey of elevation that led to finding this book.
will be back with a response to the married woman inquiry....


a few points....in regard to this book...also my writing style is very conversational and random so apologies

ive been a spartan since forever..i think i am actually so far left on being spartan like it has allowed for a really good life...in regard to making sure my needs are met allowing me to be happy...and still being a good person....being selfish is one thing...self preservation in regard to putting oneself first guilt free is really a freeing and emotionally healthy existence..especially as a wife

i like this book because it speaks to MENTAL shift for women...this book is more than another relationship book about men its very awesome in the sense that its yelling at woman to put themselves first without feeling guilty...like why do we as women always think about other ppl? what will he think or she think ? why are we being do desperate with men?

married ladies dont necessarily need the dating info in this book..BUT it does provide closure one why past relationships prior to marriage may have failed....it provides clarity on some actions that we may have exhibited in which that man who you loved and thought was the one, the relationship didnt pan out....

but wives def need to be Spartans.....

marriage is considered a relationship... a life long commitment but what i realize is in 2016 and beyond marriage principals and etc aint what it use to be like... it takes two really dedicated ppl, in this day and age to really be committed to making their relationship work....because relationships of all kinds are being tested and everything is so blaze'

just because a woman is married dont mean she is all set so to speak...like its still a relationship that has to be maintained....like i see so many wives living unhappily in marriage just to have a husband....like NONE of their needs are being met...and that bothers me because these are women who are awesome mothers and wives while their husband is not valuing how amazing they are....we have to set the tone early....day one!

like for us women sometimes we try harder, maybe if i sex him better or cook a better meal or do all the chores this will make my dh happy and xyz--what about what he is doing to keep you happy..what about him going as hard to maintain your happiness..like we give men so many excuses to treat us mediocre...like we're so afraid to lose him..even while married that we put up with so much....nah..not on my watch...only one life to live i accepted your proposal to be your partner for life, you have a commitment to me to be the best you to me...

husbands be the worst offenders because they have you and think your not going anywhere...wives definitely need to spartan up..being taken for granted suckssss...they get the sex, the mother to their kids and etc...so being a spartan even with your dh is key....to be honest i feel like men respect you more when they have to work to keep you happy...in return you reward them with job well done....

clearly we are married so im not relying on you for my internal happiness...your actions add to my overall happiness...im not looking to you to make me whole...but you my partner can make sure its a priority to add to the happiness in the life we share together...

as a married woman ive always hinted that i keep dh on his toes as my happiness is key here...
i just want women to be happy and the things im seeing and what women are allowing is just not right....wives, gf's women in general in this day and age are being treated poorly and its something i just cant wrap my brain around

two of my single friends who are well accomplished in their 30's both recently this yr relayed to me that in public settings the men they were out with or dating made them cry...im like what!!!!! ( i replied you should've called me i would've came down there!!!! hell nah) i know these women they are beautiful, smart, etc but there is a disconnect on what they are allowing to happen with these dudes...there is a disconnect on how they should be treated and the treatment they are receiving...

a man your dating shouldn't be treating you poorly, your husband shouldn't be treating you poorly, the men at work shouldn't be treating you poorly..no man should....

only way for us to get back our power and be treated accordingly is if we put ourselves first..the mind is a very powerful tool when you are putting yourself first your world speaks to you more and works in your favor more versus against you.....:rose:

@Honey Bee
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Yes it does. Each woman will get out of it what she needs. I know the parts spoke to me and the way I thought in my past and how that thinking shaped my present. There are things I would do or say that I didnt even know were Basic and T Y P I C A L.
A lot of what I put into practice has changed the dynamic of our marriage. But I started manning up (so to speak) before this book. In fact it was on my journey of elevation that led to finding this book.
This! You get exactly what you need out of it.
I noticed our dynamic changing and didn't like it at all. I've been working on shifting things and this book has helped. It just makes you realize how truly unique, special you are and own it in everything.

Dh has definitely sensed my changes and has stepped in the direction that works for me :look: I don't even have to say anything he just knows. He can feel my energy and acts accordingly :yep:
Called Amazon yesterday.
My hardcopy never arrived.
The USPS driver probably dropped it off at a neighboring home.

I need those extra chapters.
I guess I'll listen to the audible version again today and tomorrow for reinforcement.

I finally finished the last few chapters of the audible version.

I wasn't as inspired by the last few chapters, but I can understand how people would be. Talking to men, feeling envious of others, thinking the world of myself and knowing I'm going to win have not been hangups for me.

Overall, the book made a lot of sense to me and it forced me to understand why I get the treatment I do from men and women, so I am very appreciative of it.

I'll say again, this book is definitely code switched Think & Grow Rich directed towards romantic relationships.
This book, all relationships depresses me out, I am trying to get it, but so very lost in sauce, which is why at 35 a single lifer, let me watch the words I put into universe... I just got to end of Kindle sample, I want to to read more but then again, am I even able to incoroporate what is being relayed in book. Already feeling defeated and I dont want to be....

Audio or Book, hmmm, are also questions, I wasnt really feeling te voice on Audio version, when reading I felt/pictured a black man...

Funny I work in IT around nothing but men, I tend to come off way to much like the homegirl, switching up M.O. is cumbersome. Lol, Le sigh

Hey Sis :wave:
I feel you, as I'm 40 and never really learned how to date, but it's not too late. My advice to you that will get you to stop being seen as the homegirl: stop being emotionally available to these men (I'm assuming they come to you with woman issues). I used to be that "friend" that would try to be "cool" and to give them encouragement when they were doubting themselves . . .*** that! You can still be friendly while cutting ish short.
Sex it up . . .just a little. Not in an obvious way that makes it seem like you're "trying too hard", but play up your assets. :) Take a little time to put on concealer/lip gloss in the morning. Man, if I worked around a bunch of men, I would have SO much fun just EXPERIMENTING on them. :lachen:
You're beautiful and it's not too late. :)
Called Amazon yesterday.
My hardcopy never arrived.
The USPS driver probably dropped it off at a neighboring home.

I need those extra chapters.
I guess I'll listen to the audible version again today and tomorrow for reinforcement.


I'm sorry to hear about your delay. I'm assuming someone else felt like they needed the book, too. In a few weeks, you'll be able to tell if the neighbor has it, especially if he/she "Spartan" up.
Isn't it fun? It's usually people you don't expect who are rising to the occasion.

so im usually very inhibited on social media- i took the author's advice and became more blunt and uninhibited- not thirst trapping or anything :lol: but also not afraid of being judged or appearing thirsty...and needless to say i saw some results - very interesting


Ok so I'm curious, what kind of content are we talking here? I joke , A LOT, on social media but that's it. Are y'all posting flirty, sexy stuff or just literally whatever pops in your head? I have too many family members on my FB but I could get a little ratchet on twitter :sekret:
How on earth do people meet on social media? Like it really befuddles me.
You have access to hundreds of thousands of people all over the world, all in one tiny app. It's bound to happen as people post, comment, and otherwise interact with each other.

A Youtuber I follow met her husband through Twitter. A popular show she liked was trending, so she clicked on the hashtag, and made a comment to someone's post about the show. They gradually begin messaging each other on the app, then take it to texting and talking. And the rest is history, as they say.

I wouldn't be opposed to meeting someone this way but you have to vet them, like you would any man. None of my exes were big social media users and I liked it that way.