"men Dont Love Women Like You"

I am listening to it again, this time for understanding. In chapter 2 he says a dickmatist can weed out your behavior type and then cater his response towards you, the girl suffering from daddy issuses, or trust issuses, the flighty, the hard type.

I think it is important to figure out what type of girl you are. It hard to Spartan up if you don't acknowledge the issues that got you here then reframe it. So don't reflect on it negatively, just see it as a reference and use it as a self care checklist. Am I being a basic today?

I am an Ethereal type. On the surface I seem like I go with the flow of the universe or some bull spit and let things develop natural. I WAS a Netflix and Chill girl. Wanted an intimate setting to cut out the steps when I was inviting a stranger I did not properly vet into my temple without him paying the proper respects. I felt he should feel privileged to be here, because I let few enter anyways. That leads them to get used by friends, families, work, and partners. I let you in so you can worship (love) me and still end up unappreciated.

And when it eventually ended and it always does, it was just a lesson of growth and development, but really it was a cycle of self mutilation. Every ethereal I know has gone through some sort of life trauma and I bet more than half have gone through a sexual type and use ethereal to transcend the traditional ideas or systems that abused them, without taking a hard look at ones self to transcend the trauma.

Now that I know I have ethereal behavior I can make it into a positive. I am in tune with nature so that makes me grounded with a strong sense of self when I am at my best, but I am inquisitive so my knowledge and experiences are far reaching, so I can easily adapt to situations and get along easily with others. I am empathetic and highly intuitive. I can trust that intuition. I working on strong bulletins.

So what is your behavioral type?

Well said!! Well according to my guy friend..he said I was emotionally withdrawn. I cut guys off and dont look back. I remember a chapter where he mentioned about women who havent dated in a long time being a target! That's me.. because once I like someone then i get attached and start picturing our kids together lol. This is probably why im afraid to open up and find any excuses to cut the guy off..
Oh and the answer to what makes you so special? Why should I date you? Or some other bull spit...

Rephrase it, "what do I bring to the table?"


Do it just like that. If you are having dinner, take a long sip of your drink. Get your throat nice and prepped for this response, because this is the game changer. Then raise your eyes with confidence and say

"I AM THE FRACKING TABLE." No inflection, just straight. Everything he rehearsed goes out the window at this moment and you have the upper hand. He may laugh off how impressed he is or be baffled you are not here to play with these hos.

If he is intimidated, he is not worthy. No need to list accomplishments and personality. He can see that for himself. Your personality speaks for itself. Anybody that needs to know more than this response slides in the Fboi category.

They want you to justify being in their presence. No, no. They must bow!

And if he rephrases, just response, "well I guess you will have to find out."

That deads that line of questioning.
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Well said!! Well according to my guy friend..he said I was emotionally withdrawn. I cut guys off and dont look back. I remember a chapter where he mentioned about women who havent dated in a long time being a target! That's me.. because once I like someone then i get attached and start picturing our kids together lol. This is probably why im afraid to open up and find any excuses to cut the guy off..
So let it out. What are your fears and what makes you into this emotionally conservative individual and then write how you can reframe it.

You are conservative because a Queen doesn't allow just anyone to hold court in her palace. You have vision. You know what you want, without listing them and if after you vet them, they are not worthy, off with their heads and on to the next.

Reframe the negative into a power.
So let it out. What are your fears and what makes you into this emotionally conservative individual and then write how you can reframe it.

You are conservative because a Queen doesn't allow just anyone to hold court in her palace. You have vision. You know what you want, without listing them and if after you vet them, they are not worthy, off with their heads and on to the next.

Reframe the negative into a power.

Wow...thank you girl. @HappyMadison I didn't see it that way. My guy friend also mentioned that trait about me but i focused on the negative..

Im loving this thread!
Wow...thank you girl. @HappyMadison I didn't see it that way. My guy friend also mentioned that trait about me but i focused on the negative..

Im loving this thread!

I am traveling and hearing it with new ears.

It is like saying, " I hate dogs."

You think the world is going to scold you for hating dogs? That is your perspective reflecting on the world, because YOU view it as a disadvantage. But reframing it to "I prefer cats."

It removes the negativity and asserts who you are. Not as a dog "hater", but as a cat lover lol, if that makes sense. Rebrand yourself so every perceived disadvatage is advantageous.
Well said!! Well according to my guy friend..he said I was emotionally withdrawn. I cut guys off and dont look back. I remember a chapter where he mentioned about women who havent dated in a long time being a target! That's me.. because once I like someone then i get attached and start picturing our kids together lol. This is probably why im afraid to open up and find any excuses to cut the guy off..
Sounds familiar. I'm extremely emotionally guarded with everyone outside my inner circle and in all things. Sometimes it works to my advantage but not always. Earlier this year my therapist helped me get to the root of why I'm like this through EMDR. I wasn't even thinking about getting into a relationship really, it was for my own self development.
I'm up to chapter 7. The book said to take a break and to take in what you just read so I'm doing that. That part about accepting what's its in the mirror was powerful. Totally different than other self help books encouraging you to make improvements. The author was totally right when he said even if you lose weight if you don't love yourself now you'll still have the same,e problems after the weight loss. Ain't that the truth. Exactly what happened to me when I lost a lot of weight in 2012 reached my goal weight but I was still insecure as hell. Smh where was this book years ago???
I am listening to it again, this time for understanding. In chapter 2 he says a dickmatist can weed out your behavior type and then cater his response towards you, the girl suffering from daddy issuses, or trust issues, the flighty, the hard type.

I think it is important to figure out what type of girl you are. It hard to Spartan up if you don't acknowledge the issues that got you here then reframe it. So don't reflect on it negatively, just see it as a reference and use it as a self care checklist. In his bonus chapter about backsliding into Basica, he says day one tell the story as if yoh are an omnipresent voice transcribing how this being got to this point. Right now divorce the Spartan from your weaker self because the two are currently existing where they cannot. Are you being a basic today or a Spartan? The negative aspects you write is your basic self. Reframing it is you, the Spartan.

You are an Ethereal type. On the surface you seem like you go with the flow of the universe or some bull spit and let things develop natural. You WERE a Netflix and Chill girl. Wanted an intimate setting to cut out the steps when you were inviting a stranger you did not properly vet into your temple without him paying the proper respects. You felt he should feel privileged to be here, because you let few enter anyways. That leads them to get used by friends, families, work, and partners. This person let you in so you can worship (love) her and still end up unappreciated. And you end up being more closed off.

And when it eventually ended and it always does, it was just a lesson of growth and development, but really it was a cycle of self mutilation. Every ethereal you know has gone through some sort of life trauma and I bet more than half have gone through a sexual type and use "ethereal" to transcend the traditional ideas or systems that abused them, without taking a hard look at ones self to transcend the trauma.

Now that I know I have ethereal behavior I can make it into a positive. I am in tune with nature so that makes me grounded with a strong sense of self when I am at my best, but I am inquisitive so my knowledge and experiences are far reaching, so I can easily adapt to situations and get along easily with others. I am empathetic and highly intuitive. I can trust that intuition. I working on strong bulletins.

So what is your behavioral type?

Where can I get the bonus chapters?! Is this from the audio book?
I'm up to chapter 7. The book said to take a break and to take in what you just read so I'm doing that. That part about accepting what's its in the mirror was powerful. Totally different than other self help books encouraging you to make improvements. The author was totally right when he said even if you lose weight if you don't love yourself now you'll still have the same,e problems after the weight loss. Ain't that the truth. Exactly what happened to me when I lost a lot of weight in 2012 reached my goal weight but I was still insecure as hell. Smh where was this book years ago???

This is so very true. I had bad acne years ago and swore that was the root of my self esteem problems and everything would magically improve if it cleared up. Well it did clear up, and although it boosted my confidence, ultimately it didn't boost my self esteem. It was only a temporary fix. My low self esteem still surfaced in my choice of men and self doubt/projection and eventually my mind just found something else I deemed wrong with me to blame. Never ending cycle.
Well said!! Well according to my guy friend..he said I was emotionally withdrawn. I cut guys off and dont look back. I remember a chapter where he mentioned about women who havent dated in a long time being a target! That's me.. because once I like someone then i get attached and start picturing our kids together lol. This is probably why im afraid to open up and find any excuses to cut the guy off..

The go-to cure for this is dating multiple men so you're not just stuck on one.

But coming from someone who suffers from the same problem, it is much easier said than done lol. My mind usually fixates on one person. Usually the most unavailable one, unfortunately.
@nlamr2013..Spartan Up!

I'm almost half way through the book and my self-confidence at this moment is on 100%!!

The author is ON POINT!!

Forget about what the cover looks like.
Some authors don't pick them per se.

Start reading to change your life!
Unless he is self published he didn't pick the cover.
Hey yall,

I gave a testimony and am back to share more. I really cant speak enough about the second half of the book! The way I have been received is INSANE. I would feel like I was bragging if I shared my experiences since reading this book but it really is amazing how the energy I am giving off has (CLEARLY) changed.

People were always nice and pleasant to me but these days I've got folks (yes, women too) tripping over themselves to compliment or help me. People who have told me no in the past, have made their way to tell me yes; without my prompting.

Just today, as I walked to a restaurant from my car for lunch, I saw a man jump up from his food and hurried to the door. I thought "damn, I wonder why he jumped up like that?" Do you know he did that just to open the door for me.. He was eating lunch with what I assumed to be co workers; the women didn't even give me dirty looks yall. Just smiled and nodded. He was cute too! In the past, that guy would've surely gotten my number after professing his interest to the whole restaurant :lol:; Not today. I gave a smile and continued with my cell phone conversation with the confidence and knowledge that that type of treatment has become the new norm.
Hey yall,

I gave a testimony and am back to share more. I really cant speak enough about the second half of the book! The way I have been received is INSANE. I would feel like I was bragging if I shared my experiences since reading this book but it really is amazing how the energy I am giving off has (CLEARLY) changed.

People were always nice and pleasant to me but these days I've got folks (yes, women too) tripping over themselves to compliment or help me. People who have told me no in the past, have made their way to tell me yes; without my prompting.

Just today, as I walked to a restaurant from my car for lunch, I saw a man jump up from his food and hurried to the door. I thought "damn, I wonder why he jumped up like that?" Do you know he did that just to open the door for me.. He was eating lunch with what I assumed to be co workers; the women didn't even give me dirty looks yall. Just smiled and nodded. He was cute too! In the past, that guy would've surely gotten my number after professing his interest to the whole restaurant :lol:; Not today. I gave a smile and continued with my cell phone conversation with the confidence and knowledge that that type of treatment has become the new norm.

What change did you make?
What change did you make?

My thinking mostly. Firm and secure with myself, my opinions, my actions..I cant really explain it but I FEEL different. Loving every part of yourself (flaws, politically incorrect stances, big ass forehead lol) really make the difference.

If you truly LOVE EVERY PART of yourself, you don't second guess yourself and you know you are the **** (not in a boastful way). And when you know youre the ****, you become fearless, when you become fearless I guess you develop a certain air..walk a little differently.

For me, I have always had Spartan like qualities but second guessed myself. I no longer allow that to happen because I KNOW my intentions are pure. In the past where I may have had to make a self serving decision, I allowed myself and others to make me feel selfish and bad if it left them with the short end of the stick or couldn't think as big as me. And remember you are what you feel.

Now, I don't allow this.

I limit my interactions with people who I feel would feel slighted by my success. (If that makes sense..) I rest comfortably knowing that love is the basis of most of my actions.

I'm rambling and this doesn't even apply specifically to men :lachen:but that was my personal hurdle that needed to be crossed. Yours may differ but it feels damn good to feel unapologetic about being favored! :-)
My thinking mostly. Firm and secure with myself, my opinions, my actions..I cant really explain it but I FEEL different. Loving every part of yourself (flaws, politically incorrect stances, big ass forehead lol) really make the difference.

If you truly LOVE EVERY PART of yourself, you don't second guess yourself and you know you are the **** (not in a boastful way). And when you know youre the ****, you become fearless, when you become fearless I guess you develop a certain air..walk a little differently.

For me, I have always had Spartan like qualities but second guessed myself. I no longer allow that to happen because I KNOW my intentions are pure. In the past where I may have had to make a self serving decision, I allowed myself and others to make me feel selfish and bad if it left them with the short end of the stick or couldn't think as big as me. And remember you are what you feel.

Now, I don't allow this.

I limit my interactions with people who I feel would feel slighted by my success. (If that makes sense..) I rest comfortably knowing that love is the basis of most of my actions.

I'm rambling and this doesn't even apply specifically to men :lachen:but that was my personal hurdle that needed to be crossed. Yours may differ but it feels damn good to feel unapologetic about being favored! :)
Your post is probably why he only released the 1/3 of the book as the audiobook. He said he wanted women to really focus on that before jumping into dating. I agree with him. If you've got the mindset and truly become a Spartan and leave your weak ***** ways behind you then you don't really need the rest of the book. You'll be doing those things by default. I plan on relistening to the audiobook over and over again until it becomes second nature. I'm ready for a change.
Your post is probably why he only released the 1/3 of the book as the audiobook. He said he wanted women to really focus on that before jumping into dating. I agree with him. If you've got the mindset and truly become a Spartan and leave your weak ***** ways behind you then you don't really need the rest of the book. You'll be doing those things by default. I plan on relistening to the audiobook over and over again until it becomes second nature. I'm ready for a change.

Yup. I'm reading the rest of the book just to finish it but then I know I have to go back and focus on the beginning and really internalize it.
I can see advice like this working if you take it as a given that men don't have to make any changes to how they treat women.

I see what you're saying but the tricky thing is the same man can treat 2 women differently. If woman 1 is meek and insecure they'll take advantage and if woman 2 issecure and confident they'll treat her how she is demanding (not necessarily demanding verbally just by behavior) to be treated. we all see this play out in real life.
I see what you're saying but the tricky thing is the same man can treat 2 women differently. If woman 1 is meek and insecure they'll take advantage and if woman 2 issecure and confident they'll treat her how she is demanding (not necessarily demanding verbally just by behavior) to be treated. we all see this play out in real life.
I think women do this too. I know I don't treat everyone the same.
This book, all relationships depresses me out, I am trying to get it, but so very lost in sauce, which is why at 35 a single lifer, let me watch the words I put into universe... I just got to end of Kindle sample, I want to to read more but then again, am I even able to incoroporate what is being relayed in book. Already feeling defeated and I dont want to be....

Audio or Book, hmmm, are also questions, I wasnt really feeling te voice on Audio version, when reading I felt/pictured a black man...

Funny I work in IT around nothing but men, I tend to come off way to much like the homegirl, switching up M.O. is cumbersome. Lol, Le sigh
This book, all relationships depresses me out, I am trying to get it, but so very lost in sauce, which is why at 35 a single lifer, let me watch the words I put into universe... I just got to end of Kindle sample, I want to to read more but then again, am I even able to incoroporate what is being relayed in book. Already feeling defeated and I dont want to be....

Audio or Book, hmmm, are also questions, I wasnt really feeling te voice on Audio version, when reading I felt/pictured a black man...

Funny I work in IT around nothing but men, I tend to come off way to much like the homegirl, switching up M.O. is cumbersome. Lol, Le sigh
You needed this book like yesterday. Get it!! :lol: