"men Dont Love Women Like You"

im no where near chapter 7 yet and this book is getting to me. agree with all your gifs

Wow....I'm getting deep into Chapter 7 and let me just say....it is DEEEEEEP!!!! :eek:

I'm like:


By the time I finish this book I will be like: :lol:



EVERY single point in this book is good so far. :yep:

I swear, it makes sense now why the guys I've been interested in have always been lukewarm or not interested in me! #eyeopener
It's all making sense now.

I'm learning SO many good pieces of advice and techniques!



That's what I'm saying lol..... :look: :look:

Yea don't cancel your plans with him if you made them already. Just enjoy dinner. Imo dinner in itself is a "gift". I don't buy men any presents or gifts until we're exclusively dating....but that's just me. I made the mistake of buying cards and gifts early for a man, and come to find out he didn't even appreciate them. :rolleyes: We ended up breaking up.
so I bought this book when this thread was started but I just started it tonight. it's making me want to cry. the author is so spot on. reading it is sort of painful in some ways. I'm feeling disheartened instead of encouraged. Will this feeling change?

Yes. He's harsh but he gives solid advice on making changes in your life (not just getting a man). Keep reading :)
Thanks @Lucie...I also want to say I'm well aware of life's imperfections and blah days ...and I accept those better too. It's just that when I'm having really good days, I feel like I want to shout them out just as I would complain about some of the bad ones.

I really dig you. I appreciate your candor, and depth. xx
so I bought this book when this thread was started but I just started it tonight. it's making me want to cry. the author is so spot on. reading it is sort of painful in some ways. I'm feeling disheartened instead of encouraged. Will this feeling change?
Yes keep reading. He tears you down at first. The old you must you die in order for the real you to be born. Change is painful. Truth is painful. Both are necessary to live a full and authentic life.
This morning I had a phone conversation that completely locked off a situationship I've been in for a while. I didn't initiate it and neither did he really it just kinda happened. I'm a little sad but it's clear that the things I said as a result of this book are manifesting really quickly. ("I want something serious".)

Has this type of thing happened to anyone else?
I was also thinking that the right guy for you will be proud of you for your accomplishments. That may not be the thing that initially attracts him, but a man who loves you will be proud. I don't believe a loving, mature man's attitude will be like good for you, you did that for you, and it's not that special. He will be like my boo got her Master's from ___. It won't matter if it's from Harvard or a State college. He will be proud if you are a manager at McDonald's. I believe the right guy will be impressed with everything about you.
I was also thinking that the right guy for you will be proud of you for your accomplishments. That may not be the thing that initially attracts him, but a man who loves you will be proud. I don't believe a loving, mature man's attitude will be like good for you, you did that for you, and it's not that special. He will be like my boo got her Master's from ___. It won't matter if it's from Harvard or a State college. He will be proud if you are a manager at McDonald's. I believe the right guy will be impressed with everything about you.

True. I also think there's a bit of nuance though. Like if you lead with your job, accomplishments, education then it's more bragging or trying to prove yourself which is pretty annoying.

But if you have layers and they happen to find out through their own Q&A process then yeah your accomplishments become cool.
I was also thinking that the right guy for you will be proud of you for your accomplishments. That may not be the thing that initially attracts him, but a man who loves you will be proud. I don't believe a loving, mature man's attitude will be like good for you, you did that for you, and it's not that special. He will be like my boo got her Master's from ___. It won't matter if it's from Harvard or a State college. He will be proud if you are a manager at McDonald's. I believe the right guy will be impressed with everything about you.
I forget where I read this but when a man is really into a woman, everything about her becomes beautiful. One of my BFF's fiance is like this. He brags about every little thing she does. For example, he's Persian and she's Mexican and a group of us went paint balling and were starving afterward so we went to the first restaurant we could find which was a Mexican restaurant. My BFF ordered in Spanish and he was talking about how amazed he was that she could do that. I was thinking 'big deal dude, I speak Spanish too.':ohwell: But I get it.:giggle:

so I bought this book when this thread was started but I just started it tonight. it's making me want to cry. the author is so spot on. reading it is sort of painful in some ways. I'm feeling disheartened instead of encouraged. Will this feeling change?
I don't know what chapter you're on but yes, this feeling will change. He brings you down to build you up on a stronger foundation. He does it to make you realize the thing that you think attract a man are not what actually attracts a man. And to think this way is a critical error women make in relationships.:yep: It's very Saturnian-like for those who pay attention to astrology.:look:

Random thought: The part Lambert says about just because a woman loves a man, that doesn't mean anything. His mother, friends, family etc. all love him, what's so special about you? That's how it is with me.:look: Because of my upbringing, I've gone out with men who although were ok on paper, didn't do anything for me, on the basis that they really liked me. But during a recent family discussion on something similar to this, I realized a man being into me without me feeling something for him isn't going to cut it because I already have people who love me. It's why I haven't been aggressive about dating, especially when I'm hearing about my friends/colleagues' relationship issues.
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I forget where I read this but when a man is really into a woman, everything about her becomes beautiful. One of my BFF's fiance is like this. He brags about every little thing she does. For example, he's Persian and she's Mexican and a group of us went paint balling and were starving afterward so we went to the first restaurant we could find which was a Mexican restaurant. My BFF ordered in Spanish and he was talking about how amazed he was that she could do that. I was thinking 'big deal dude, I speak Spanish too.':ohwell: But I get it.:giggle:

I don't know what chapter you're on but yes, this feeling will change. He brings you down to build you up on a stronger foundation. He does it to make you realize the thing that you think attract a man are not what actually attracts a man. And to think this way is a critical error women make in relationships.:yep: It's very Saturnian-like for those who pay attention to astrology.:look:

Random thought: The part Lambert says about just because a woman loves a man, that doesn't mean anything. His mother, friends, family etc. all love him, what's so special about you? That's how it is with me.:look: Because of my upbringing, I've gone out with men who although were ok on paper, didn't do anything for me, on the basis that they really liked me. But during a recent family discussion on something similar to this, I realized a man being into me without me feeling something for him isn't going to cut it because I already have people who love me. It's why I haven't been aggressive about dating, especially when I'm hearing about my friends/colleagues' relationship issues.

My daughter is the same. I will be like oh he seems to realllly like you and she'll be like so:look:.
It truly depends on what your end goal is, it is NOT a relationship book. It's all about how to get money from a dude, I always joke that I'm a gold digger but he's on some other stuff with that book. It's all about manipulation lol so if you're strictly about getting money & not worried about love right now then definitely get it.

Interesting like how? Is it worth it?
I tried listening to the audible version but the narrator's voice is irritating. I am going to read the e-book. I went back through my Kindle book shelf and saw that I also have his book Solving Single but I never got around to reading it so that is on my list to read after finishing this one.
I'm really bad at maintaining eye contact with men I'm attracted to. I have this fear of him possibly having a girlfriend/wife nearby who of course wouldn't appreciate it. This is the main reason I have a hard time meeting men. I avoid eye contact with them.

How in the world do you get over this fear?
I am listening to it again, this time for understanding. In chapter 2 he says a dickmatist can weed out your behavior type and then cater his response towards you, the girl suffering from daddy issuses, or trust issues, the flighty, the hard type.

I think it is important to figure out what type of girl you are. It hard to Spartan up if you don't acknowledge the issues that got you here then reframe it. So don't reflect on it negatively, just see it as a reference and use it as a self care checklist. In his bonus chapter about backsliding into Basica, he says day one tell the story as if yoh are an omnipresent voice transcribing how this being got to this point. Right now divorce the Spartan from your weaker self because the two are currently existing where they cannot. Are you being a basic today or a Spartan? The negative aspects you write is your basic self. Reframing it is you, the Spartan.

You are an Ethereal type. On the surface you seem like you go with the flow of the universe or some bull spit and let things develop natural. You WERE a Netflix and Chill girl. Wanted an intimate setting to cut out the steps when you were inviting a stranger you did not properly vet into your temple without him paying the proper respects. You felt he should feel privileged to be here, because you let few enter anyways. That leads them to get used by friends, families, work, and partners. This person let you in so you can worship (love) her and still end up unappreciated. And you end up being more closed off.

And when it eventually ended and it always does, it was just a lesson of growth and development, but really it was a cycle of self mutilation. Every ethereal you know has gone through some sort of life trauma and I bet more than half have gone through a sexual type and use "ethereal" to transcend the traditional ideas or systems that abused them, without taking a hard look at ones self to transcend the trauma.

Now that I know I have ethereal behavior I can make it into a positive. I am in tune with nature so that makes me grounded with a strong sense of self when I am at my best, but I am inquisitive so my knowledge and experiences are far reaching, so I can easily adapt to situations and get along easily with others. I am empathetic and highly intuitive. I can trust that intuition. I working on strong bulletins.

So what is your behavioral type?
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