Well-Known Member
Yeah the sexless sleep overs during the roster stage got a NO from me too. I'd obviously want to go to his place during the roster stage but me sleeping over is something a man's not entitled to receive until after he's been made my Favourite aka we're dating exclusively.
I do actually agree with meeting friends during the roster stage just because I have a diverse circle of friends and it will allow me to see if he truly fits in my world, without me asking and him giving me a BS answer lol. If a man can't get along with my friends then he won't get along with my family. I'd only do this if I was 90% sure I want him to be my boyfriend so towards the late end of the roster stage.
As for his friends, if I don't meet them during the roster stage then I'd take it as a red flag he's not serious. A man truly into a woman wants to introduce her to his friends. One man I dated wanted to introduce me to his friends on our second date. Another man I met while studying abroad, his friends were super nice to me. Again this would be toward the end of the roster stage when I pretty sure I want him to be my boyfriend.
I'm glad Lambert gave a number for how many men a roster is supposed to have but there's no way I could do 4 men especially staying over a men's houses. Even 3 is pushing it. Between work, exercise, family-time and hobbies/other interests, it just wouldn't work.
Re meeting his friends: Right. I agree that if he doesn't want you to meet his friends he's not into you. I just don't be caring about people's friends and they be so eager for me to meet them! Like damn I don't wanna hang out with your friends, I have friends, thanks lol. But I understand the importance.
And on that note Re him meeting my friends: I don't care about that ish either I don't care how they get along, if they like each other, etc. I guess a spartan should care. sigh lol.