"men Dont Love Women Like You"

Yeah the sexless sleep overs during the roster stage got a NO from me too. I'd obviously want to go to his place during the roster stage but me sleeping over is something a man's not entitled to receive until after he's been made my Favourite aka we're dating exclusively.:look:

I do actually agree with meeting friends during the roster stage just because I have a diverse circle of friends and it will allow me to see if he truly fits in my world, without me asking and him giving me a BS answer lol. If a man can't get along with my friends then he won't get along with my family. I'd only do this if I was 90% sure I want him to be my boyfriend so towards the late end of the roster stage.

As for his friends, if I don't meet them during the roster stage then I'd take it as a red flag he's not serious. A man truly into a woman wants to introduce her to his friends. One man I dated wanted to introduce me to his friends on our second date. Another man I met while studying abroad, his friends were super nice to me. Again this would be toward the end of the roster stage when I pretty sure I want him to be my boyfriend.

I'm glad Lambert gave a number for how many men a roster is supposed to have but there's no way I could do 4 men especially staying over a men's houses. Even 3 is pushing it. Between work, exercise, family-time and hobbies/other interests, it just wouldn't work.

Re meeting his friends: Right. I agree that if he doesn't want you to meet his friends he's not into you. I just don't be caring about people's friends :look: and they be so eager for me to meet them! Like damn I don't wanna hang out with your friends, I have friends, thanks lol. But I understand the importance.

And on that note Re him meeting my friends: I don't care about that ish either :look: I don't care how they get along, if they like each other, etc. I guess a spartan should care. sigh lol.
@Crystalicequeen123 your last post cracked me up with the GIFs! :lachen::lachen::lachen:I can relate though. I've highlighted so much on my kindle but even then I'm still going to make handwritten notes for easy reference.:look: Lambert really does explain how men operate though. I'm still on vacation but I can't wait to put these rules to use and :pray: get me a SO.

@yaya24 I'd do something simple but sentimental--something he can't buy with money. Part of that is easy since you'll be there lol but plan a nice day out doing free (or really cheap) activities. I would bring a gift but it would be something I made or put my own spin on. Don't stress yourself though since he's still on the roster lol.

LOL Yes girl..... My Kindle is so highlighted it's not even funny lol. AND I'm making notes on some of the quotes. It really helps me to learn and let that information sink on in.

One thing I have found about this book is that I really have to be consciously viewing myself as a Queen/Goddess every single day....otherwise, it's so easy to allow the negative programming that society has done on women to take affect again. I think with regular practice it will come more naturally, to the point where I won't have to even think about it anymore.

You almost don't realize how society is basically conditioning us as women almost every single day and playing into our insecurities. TV Commercials, ads, movies, articles, books, TV commentators, news casters, etc. If you pay close attention you'll start to see it more.
LOL Yes girl..... My Kindle is so highlighted it's not even funny lol. AND I'm making notes on some of the quotes. It really helps me to learn and let that information sink on in.

One thing I have found about this book is that I really have to be consciously viewing myself as a Queen/Goddess every single day....otherwise, it's so easy to allow the negative programming that society has done on women to take affect again. I think with regular practice it will come more naturally, to the point where I won't have to even think about it anymore.

You almost don't realize how society is basically conditioning us as women almost every single day and playing into our insecurities. TV Commercials, ads, movies, articles, books, TV commentators, news casters, etc. If you pay close attention you'll start to see it more.
To the bolded, me too. Writing it myself helps it sink in for me too.

I stopped watching most TV awhile back because of the police brutality and racial politics stuff but I picked up on the way the media plays on women's insecurities sometime ago. Part of my self-care as a black person has been to heavily censor and scrutinize what I absorb but I also realize I need to do some the same as a woman.
I just had another epiphany......

You ladies know how in the book TQC (those who have read/are reading it) the author mentions how women should try to refrain from "Frog Farming", and also encourages allowing men to be chivalrous towards you (ie. open doors, pull out chairs, etc....)??? One of the points she was making was how many times women will try to stop a man from being chivalrous ("I can open the door myself thank you very much!"), and how men feel regarding that....etc. I could say so much about the feminist movement and my conflicting feelings about it....but I'll refrain...

Well anyway, while reading MDLWLY I came upon an epiphany. If you truly are supposed to be presenting yourself as a QUEEN or a Goddess, and truly embodying that mindset, then I can see how men opening doors for you and trying to be chivalrous would not be an "insult" to you, but more so a compliment and welcoming act for you. After all, you're a QUEEN! Of course men want to make your life simpler by doing things for you, allowing you to walk through the door first, opening your car door, etc!!! :lol: When I started having the mindset of a Queen, I started viewing men's chivalrousness in a very different way. :yep:

I've never really had a problem with men wanting to open doors for me in the past, but I have noticed and heard that some women really have an issue with men doing that for them. Even some men have complained about how women act when they do. I think some women almost feel like they are treated as being helpless, when they don't feel like they should be viewed in that way. But when you are a Queen...and have the Queen's mindset, you KNOW you're not helpless or incapable....But people do things for you anyway. :)

Imo it shows respect and honor for the woman.... Now if a man opens a door for me, I'm thinking: "Well of COURSE he opened the door for me...I'm the Queen! Get in formation peasant!" :spank: :whip: :lol: :lachen:

To the bolded, me too. Writing it myself helps it sink in for me too.

I stopped watching most TV awhile back because of the police brutality and racial politics stuff but I picked up on the way the media plays on women's insecurities sometime ago. Part of my self-care as a black person has been to heavily censor and scrutinize what I absorb but I also realize I need to do some the same as a woman.
YES....I couldn't have said it better.

I too have been trying to limit and filter out what I see/read/watch and allow to enter into my brain and head space, but it's so hard for me to completely avoid it. :( I like to read about controversial topics lol. I like to debate.... :look:

But I know I need to do better. I need to really make sure I'm not allowing the negativity of the world to enter into my mindset. Not anymore...:nono2:
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Derrick Jaxn and Lambert should team up.

Facts!!! I love the way men put things, this is why I'm so happy I have a big brother, I finally started coming to him first for relationship advice and it was the smartest move ever, he knocks me out of any haze I'm in in 10 seconds flat straight no chaser, he put all the games out on the table for me lmaoooo
Ditto I have 3 older brothers and they've prepped me well
Even in marriage....
Men speak is priceless

I will say two of my bro's are very attractive and charming so they had a ton of advice for me always
All married now but saved me any heartache
I don't have many stories about heartache or fluckery because of my bro's

Which is why I'm always flabbergasted at what some women tolerate and which is why I operate on I'm a queen keep me happy and you'll be good

Good male input is priceless but the source has to be a man whose life represents what's advice he is giving

Facts!!! I love the way men put things, this is why I'm so happy I have a big brother, I finally started coming to him first for relationship advice and it was the smartest move ever, he knocks me out of any haze I'm in in 10 seconds flat straight no chaser, he put all the games out on the table for me lmaoooo
Facts!!! I love the way men put things, this is why I'm so happy I have a big brother, I finally started coming to him first for relationship advice and it was the smartest move ever, he knocks me out of any haze I'm in in 10 seconds flat straight no chaser, he put all the games out on the table for me lmaoooo

I have 6 brothers. They give me a lot of advice (sometimes unasked for :lol:) about men, especially if they see me with some dude about to mindf*ck me. Thank God!

You guys are lucky you grew up with brothers lol..... :lol:
Ditto I have 3 older brothers and they've prepped me well
Even in marriage....
Men speak is priceless

I will say two of my bro's are very attractive and charming so they had a ton of advice for me always
All married now but saved me any heartache
I don't have many stories about heartache or fluckery because of my bro's

Which is why I'm always flabbergasted at what some women tolerate and which is why I operate on I'm a queen keep me happy and you'll be good

Good male input is priceless but the source has to be a man whose life represents what's advice he is giving

Is that low-key shade? :lol:
:lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen: Lil shady lmao
My middle bro is very smart and very wealthy but he is very nerdy so I go to him for business/ financial advice

He dated like two women in his life and married the second so ixne with him on the relationship advice

He comes to me for that lol
I've been wanting to make him over since forever he is who he is good looking but nerdy lol it works for him

Is that low-key shade? :lol:
Hi fellow Spartan ladies!
I have a question & would like input from the ladies who are reading/ have read the book.

The guy I'm dating, his birthday is coming up soon. Should I get him a gift?

I'm taking him to dinner, but he is not my official SO.

He likes me more than I like him. I've pretty much followed the guidance in this book for the past few years, but the advice in this book took it up a notch.

sidenote, he is wealthy and can technically buy himself anything he wants..
Even without the book I probably wouldn't buy a non so a gift.

Maybe give him your time all weekend as a treat.
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It works!

A guy just came into a restaurant I'm having lunch in because he saw me through the window and wanted to tell me how beautiful I looked. I hadn't even noticed him.

This morning I put myself in Spartan mode and as I left my office for lunch I said in my head 'Spartan up!' :lol:

We exchanged numbers but I'm not that interested. He looks a lot like my brother in law and that would be too weird. But maybe this will be a chance to see if the other tips work...

ETA- I haven't been approached like that in a very long time although I know this happens to most members daily lol
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Yes names that will forever stand out. Spartan, Placeholder, Game Changer, Basica.

I've been in love with the Spartan title since discovering his blog a few years ago. I hope this man never loses his edge. I hope he does not become mainstream and change. Keep it RAW always Mr. Lambert.

DH's college mascot is the Spartans. LOL. Our uni's are in the same conference, so I NEVER wear his school's apperal. I may actually wear some of his Spartan appearal now!!!
I have become so much more comfortable in my skin. It makes getting pretty and fancy All the more fun. When something feels off, I dont stress about it, I tell myself "I still look good because I'm me" :lol: Then I go on with my day without thinking twice about ish. Life just got so much easier inside my spirit. I feel so good these days. Grateful AF.

Beautiful honey! I am happy for you!
Dangit! Should I just get the hard copy too?? I don't want to miss any goodies..
Yes!! But only if you bought the audiobook. The ebook still doesn't have the bonus chapters but it's not as limited as the audiobook.
It works!

A guy just came into a restaurant I'm having lunch in because he saw me through the window and wanted to tell me how beautiful I looked. I hadn't even noticed him.

This morning I put myself in Spartan mode and as I left my office for lunch I said in my head 'Spartan up!' :lol:

We exchanged numbers but I'm not that interested. He looks a lot like my brother in law and that would be too weird. But maybe this will be a chance to see if the other tips work...

ETA- I haven't been approached like that in a very long time although I know this happens to most members daily lol
Isn't that the best feeling in the world? You weren't even checking for him!! The Universe is already bending to your will. Keep at it cuz Lambert says the quality of men will get higher and higher. I'm already experiencing that in my life too! So exciting!!