"men Dont Love Women Like You"

I have become so much more comfortable in my skin. It makes getting pretty and fancy All the more fun. When something feels off, I dont stress about it, I tell myself "I still look good because I'm me" :lol: Then I go on with my day without thinking twice about ish. Life just got so much easier inside my spirit. I feel so good these days. Grateful AF.
Been scrolling through this thread and this guy sounds like he talks about what I believe.
I think I will pick it up
Hi fellow Spartan ladies!
I have a question & would like input from the ladies who are reading/ have read the book.

The guy I'm dating, his birthday is coming up soon. Should I get him a gift?

I'm taking him to dinner, but he is not my official SO.

He likes me more than I like him. I've pretty much followed the guidance in this book for the past few years, but the advice in this book took it up a notch.

sidenote, he is wealthy and can technically buy himself anything he wants..
Hi fellow Spartan ladies!
I have a question & would like input from the ladies who are reading/ have read the book.

The guy I'm dating, his birthday is coming up soon. Should I get him a gift?

I'm taking him to dinner, but he is not my official SO.

He likes me more than I like him. I've pretty much followed the guidance in this book for the past few years, but the advice in this book took it up a notch.

sidenote, he is wealthy and can technically buy himself anything he wants..

I think it depends on how long you've been dating him. If you guys aren't exclusive, a gift plus dinner seems "Un-Spartan-like". It reads as if you're courting him, and not the other way around. Shiid . . .if we're not exclusive, I'm not even taking youto dinner. I may get you a cake pop or something. :lachen: Just my two cents. :)
Thanks:2inlove:. So true.
I've been seeing him since February but I was soo not here for it. He was the placeholder lol.
Now I like him.
uggh I want to cancel dinner now lol.. j/k I won't because I'm looking forward to the food and convo.

I think it depends on how long you've been dating him. If you guys aren't exclusive, a gift plus dinner seems "Un-Spartan-like". It reads as if you're courting him, and not the other way around. Shiid . . .if we're not exclusive, I'm not even taking youto dinner. I may get you a cake pop or something. :lachen: Just my two cents. :)
Not giving advice perse
But since he is wealthy I would've planned a fun almost free day of activities

Running, biking, picnic and etc

At most I would've taken him totally out of his luxury comfort zone with fun active couple activities and would've worded the invite or run of show like meet me here at 12noon then off to run the canyon path and etc

Jogging, cycling and nice walk spending time being in your presence for the day is a gift lol...time being totally comfortable and vulnerable would make for a good day overall for a couple who wants to solidify the next step
At no real expense to you

Dinner is okay as you both get to enjoy it and you already confirmed it so can't quite back out now lol

No I would not buy him a gift
Gifts are for your man

Happy birthday thoughtful e-card would work as well, with a personal message

Also if he likes you more than you like him, spending his birthday with you is a gift! A priceless gift that he should cherish as you've agreed to enjoy his special day with him, you've given him a memorable experience by obliging

Hi fellow Spartan ladies!
I have a question & would like input from the ladies who are reading/ have read the book.

The guy I'm dating, his birthday is coming up soon. Should I get him a gift?

I'm taking him to dinner, but he is not my official SO.

He likes me more than I like him. I've pretty much followed the guidance in this book for the past few years, but the advice in this book took it up a notch.

sidenote, he is wealthy and can technically buy himself anything he wants..
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Thanks:2inlove:. So true.
I've been seeing him since February but I was soo not here for it. He was the placeholder lol.
Now I like him.
uggh I want to cancel dinner now lol.. j/k I won't because I'm looking forward to the food and convo.

I was going to ask you if you were interested in him or if he was just a friend.

My vote is no gift and if you can find a way to wriggle out of paying for dinner, take it. Do the old "Hey, look there's the check" dodge where you take your time picking it up so he has time to swoop in and take care of it. I doubt he'll let you pay if he's pursuing you because they generally just like the gesture. And for God's sake, don't offer to leave the tip. Women kill me with that one.
Wow....I'm getting deep into Chapter 7 and let me just say....it is DEEEEEEP!!!! :eek:

I'm like:


By the time I finish this book I will be like: :lol:



EVERY single point in this book is good so far. :yep:

I swear, it makes sense now why the guys I've been interested in have always been lukewarm or not interested in me! #eyeopener
It's all making sense now.

I'm learning SO many good pieces of advice and techniques!



I think it depends on how long you've been dating him. If you guys aren't exclusive, a gift plus dinner seems "Un-Spartan-like". It reads as if you're courting him, and not the other way around. Shiid . . .if we're not exclusive, I'm not even taking youto dinner. I may get you a cake pop or something. :lachen: Just my two cents. :)

That's what I'm saying lol..... :look: :look:

Thanks:2inlove:. So true.
I've been seeing him since February but I was soo not here for it. He was the placeholder lol.
Now I like him.
uggh I want to cancel dinner now lol.. j/k I won't because I'm looking forward to the food and convo.
Yea don't cancel your plans with him if you made them already. Just enjoy dinner. Imo dinner in itself is a "gift". I don't buy men any presents or gifts until we're exclusively dating....but that's just me. I made the mistake of buying cards and gifts early for a man, and come to find out he didn't even appreciate them. :rolleyes: We ended up breaking up.
Thats all nice.
I need to "up" my planning game. I'm not the planning/ gift giving/ cooking type. Lol
Not giving advice perse
But since he is wealthy I would've planned a fun almost free day of activities

Running, biking, picnic and etc

At most I would've taken him totally out of his luxury comfort zone with fun active couple activities and would've worded the invite or run of show like meet me here at 12noon then off to run the canyon path and etc

Jogging, cycling and nice walk spending time being in your presence for the day is a gift lol...time being totally comfortable and vulnerable would make for a good day overall for a couple who wants to solidify the next step
At no real expense to you

Dinner is okay as you both get to enjoy it and you already confirmed it so can't quite back out now lol

No I would not buy him a gift
Gifts are for your man

Happy birthday thoughtful e-card would work as well, with a personal message

Also if he likes you more than you like him, spending his birthday with you is a gift! A priceless gift that he should cherish as you've agreed to enjoy his special day with him, you've given him a memorable experience by obliging

Since you've booked for dinner, get 1 velvety cupcake with nice colourful icing on it. I will put 1 single candle stick in it. Have it in a nice looking box and tie the box with a ribbon. I'll have a ligher in my purse for when he opens his gift. I will also sing him a happy birthday song in my most unsingable voice that he will be begging me to shush before I get to the end.

Just have fun at the dinner.
I also umm dislike the advice about sexless sleepovers during the roster stage. And a real 'roster' is comprised of men who've proven they are worthy of you by you vetting them and that you can see yourself with. Ok bet. And this consists of 2-4 men? Ehhh. How about a solid 2 lol. And then you be having house dates, sleepovers, and meeting these 2 (to 4) people's friends to see if yall are compatible for a relationship?

And you still supposed to have hobbies, friends, and go the gym?! Wow. Lol

I always thought those things (meet friends, house dates, sleepovers) happen once you're official with someone. I don't want to meet a roster guys friends :/ and I don't want to spend the night at 2-4 guys houses :/


I would always dislike it when a roster guy suggested a "friends" date. Like meet his friends in a casual setting/my friends will be there. I thought that was inappropriate :/
Yeah the sexless sleep overs during the roster stage got a NO from me too. I'd obviously want to go to his place during the roster stage but me sleeping over is something a man's not entitled to receive until after he's been made my Favourite aka we're dating exclusively.:look:

I do actually agree with meeting friends during the roster stage just because I have a diverse circle of friends and it will allow me to see if he truly fits in my world, without me asking and him giving me a BS answer lol. If a man can't get along with my friends then he won't get along with my family. I'd only do this if I was 90% sure I want him to be my boyfriend so towards the late end of the roster stage.

As for his friends, if I don't meet them during the roster stage then I'd take it as a red flag he's not serious. A man truly into a woman wants to introduce her to his friends. One man I dated wanted to introduce me to his friends on our second date. Another man I met while studying abroad, his friends were super nice to me. Again this would be toward the end of the roster stage when I pretty sure I want him to be my boyfriend.

I'm glad Lambert gave a number for how many men a roster is supposed to have but there's no way I could do 4 men especially staying over a men's houses. Even 3 is pushing it. Between work, exercise, family-time and hobbies/other interests, it just wouldn't work.
Hi fellow Spartan ladies!
I have a question & would like input from the ladies who are reading/ have read the book.

The guy I'm dating, his birthday is coming up soon. Should I get him a gift?

I'm taking him to dinner, but he is not my official SO.

He likes me more than I like him. I've pretty much followed the guidance in this book for the past few years, but the advice in this book took it up a notch.

sidenote, he is wealthy and can technically buy himself anything he wants..

Wealthy? Hmmm, he likely won't be impressed by anything material and you shouldn't buy him anything since y'all aren't official.

I dealt with a man with a nice coint and had this dilemma early in the relationship. I baked him a cake for his bday. I'm good at baking desserts but this was an after work rush job and I wrote his name in icing across the top. It looked so remedial but, hey, it was last minute. This man acted like I gave him the world. My bday came around a couple of months later and he took me to Vegas.

Box cake = Vegas? Who knew. He said no one ever made him anything before.

Think about the part of him that may be neglected by other people.
@Crystalicequeen123 your last post cracked me up with the GIFs! :lachen::lachen::lachen:I can relate though. I've highlighted so much on my kindle but even then I'm still going to make handwritten notes for easy reference.:look: Lambert really does explain how men operate though. I'm still on vacation but I can't wait to put these rules to use and :pray: get me a SO.

@yaya24 I'd do something simple but sentimental--something he can't buy with money. Part of that is easy since you'll be there lol but plan a nice day out doing free (or really cheap) activities. I would bring a gift but it would be something I made or put my own spin on. Don't stress yourself though since he's still on the roster lol.
Taking notes.
My ex almost made feel bad for never getting him anything.

He's an ex for a reason.
In my experience men don't feel like they deserve gifts. Every man I've known has always bought his own gifts. They be like unless you're buying me land, a house or something I just don't care.

So I never bothered.
This is it!!.Thanks!!

Since you've booked for dinner, get 1 velvety cupcake with nice colourful icing on it. I will put 1 single candle stick in it. Have it in a nice looking box and tie the box with a ribbon. I'll have a ligher in my purse for when he opens his gift. I will also sing him a happy birthday song in my most unsingable voice that he will be begging me to shush before I get to the end.

Just have fun at the dinner.