"men Dont Love Women Like You"

Can anyone summarize the confidence chapter or post the main points? I don't think I can read the book because of the language...
I know what you mean and I thought the language would put me off but it really does serve to make his point in a way that sticks. I'm not opposed to cursing when it makes sense. I don't think summaries would serve this book justice really. I agree with @ChasingBliss you would be cheating yourself.
Aww come on...dont cheat yourself. Remove your sensitivities for a bit and read it for yourself.
The saying "chew the meat and spit the bones out" comes to mind.

Reminds me of that thread where someone said "Stay mad sis!" to the OP who was not angry enough at the guy who lied and lied and cheated and then tried to make her feel bad. You don't want to stay mad forever but sometimes you have to get mad, feel the anger, express the anger, learn the lesson, then move on. Anger is a beautiful, necessary, and very helpful emotion, especially when used well.
Reminds me of that thread where someone said "Stay mad sis!" to the OP who was not angry enough at the guy who lied and lied and cheated and then tried to make her feel bad. You don't want to stay mad forever but sometimes you have to get mad, feel the anger, express the anger, learn the lesson, then move on. Anger is a beautiful, necessary, and very helpful emotion, especially when used well.
Yep. Because the truth of the matter is this is how dudes (in general) really think and express themselves amongst each other. Even though 90% of them may clean up their language for us. Lambert is giving this to us raw.

eta: my hardcopies came and I see what folks are talking about. There seems like much more in the book.
I was also thinking and these are just my personal thoughts, but no woman can be a gamechanger for a a man who is a misogynist, a narcissist, or a psycho/sociopath. When you see signs of this type of man run, run quickly, and far away, and keep it moving. Trust your instincts and how you really feel when you are with a man, namely ask yourself do you feel safe, secure, cherished, and respected? Abusive men cannot be changed by anyone except themselves. Most women with soft hearts cannot win a power struggle with men like these. They enjoy the challenge. Just some thoughts I had percolating in my mind this morning.
If a dude I'm dating is asking me what's so special about me he can catch a quick fade. I've never had that happen before though. How disrespectful.

As far as what I want I honestly don't think I've dated enough to articulate
Because my non negotiables be petty more than anything else nothing that would sustain a marriage long term

I've had the question about what I want in the back of my mind all weekend and I'm also struggling to articulate it. I want to be able to frame it in my mind as a lifestyle I'm after more so than qualities to look for in a potential guy. I don't want to be like "he must be XYZ" but more like "will I get to do the things I want to while I'm on this planet?" Will he enhance that? So I'm trying to figure out what those ideals are. I feel like I've gotten lost in these short term meaningless life goals like career and education.

I don't think your cousin is as reformed as you think.

He's definitely not as harmful now but you're probably right. What I really appreciated is the way you worded this.

You finished the book?

Yes. I completed the audiobook and I'm halfway through the ebook.

I'd be killing brain cells thinking about what's special about me.
It's really what the other person projects on to you. More about what they can see and are open to IMO.
Just be you, that's special enough. *Phew, this is exhausting*

It is exhausting! But it's worth thinking about to me not so I can answer it to a direct question but so I can articulate it to myself. Somewhat confusing and I know it's one of those the sum is greater than its parts type things. I'm me. Uniquely me like everyone else. I'm special and one of kind just like everyone else. But what about me do I really like and want to enhance? Not accomplishment-based, like degrees. I've actually tabled the question this weekend. The best I could come up with is my honesty and I'm great a picking friends. So yeah I'm being me the best I can but if I'm going to be confident in me and exude my me-ness I guess I just thought it would be neat to ask myself what makes me so special?
Thanks for yalls answers. I was leaning more towards No. But I guess being a spartan doesnt stop human nature lol

I've had the question about what I want in the back of my mind all weekend and I'm also struggling to articulate it. I want to be able to frame it in my mind as a lifestyle I'm after more so than qualities to look for in a potential guy. I don't want to be like "he must be XYZ" but more like "will I get to do the things I want to while I'm on this planet?" Will he enhance that? So I'm trying to figure out what those ideals are. I feel like I've gotten lost in these short term meaningless life goals like career and education.

He's definitely not as harmful now but you're probably right. What I really appreciated is the way you worded this.

Yes. I completed the audiobook and I'm halfway through the ebook.

It is exhausting! But it's worth thinking about to me not so I can answer it to a direct question but so I can articulate it to myself. Somewhat confusing and I know it's one of those the sum is greater than its parts type things. I'm me. Uniquely me like everyone else. I'm special and one of kind just like everyone else. But what about me do I really like and want to enhance? Not accomplishment-based, like degrees. I've actually tabled the question this weekend. The best I could come up with is my honesty and I'm great a picking friends. So yeah I'm being me the best I can but if I'm going to be confident in me and exude my me-ness I guess I just thought it would be neat to ask myself what makes me so special?

Thats a good way to think about it in terms of what you want ot do long term and what a man needs to be to help get you to that.
I was also thinking and these are just my personal thoughts, but no woman can be a gamechanger for a a man who is a misogynist, a narcissist, or a psycho/sociopath. When you see signs of this type of man run, run quickly, and far away, and keep it moving. Trust your instincts and how you really feel when you are with a man, namely ask yourself do you feel safe, secure, cherished, and respected? Abusive men cannot be changed by anyone except themselves. Most women with soft hearts cannot win a power struggle with men like these. They enjoy the challenge. Just some thoughts I had percolating in my mind this morning.
Agreed! I hope men like this will be eliminated by the vetting process.
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So question. Yall think a dude would cheat on his game changer?
Read his chapter in cheating. If a man is a cheater, he'll cheat and it's not your responsibility to get him not to cheat.

The point of the book is not to get a man to want you, love you, not cheat on you etc. it's to get you to love yourself so much that you don't need to audition for anyone or need to show ppl how to love and respect you. if he cheats then you make the best choice for you! You're not here to live in fear of getting or keeping a man.

Hopefully the vetting process will eliminate shady men.
Wow....this book is really opening up my eyes....

I now see how so many times in the past I was doing things wrong, or not really viewing myself as a "Queen"or a "Goddess". Now I see that little things here and there were actually "signs" (probably picked up by men I was interested in) that I didn't feel like a "boss" around them.
  • Trying to impress them with my "accomplishments", talents, smarts/intelligence
  • Wondering..."does he like me?" :rolleyes:
  • Accepting less

NOW it is so clear to me why the men I wasn't interested in were always clamoring to get to me, and the men that I HAVE had an interest in either played games, were lukewarm about me, or just plain not interested. It FINALLY makes sense! It was my mindset that changed when I was around guys I was interested in. I think men instinctively pick up on this. Plus, now that I know this "weeding out" game they do, I can be better prepared.

I'd be killing brain cells thinking about what's special about me.
It's really what the other person projects on to you. More about what they can see and are open to IMO.
Just be you, that's special enough. *Phew, this is exhausting*

Exactly... Me too. I shouldn't have to spell it out for you.

I think the point of the book is that you are special just by you being yourself alone. No need to list accomplishments/qualities or anything.


That's the point
You don't answer that question, not even a little bit
The only feasible response I would give is
You'll find out if I decide your worthy....

I've never had a man ask me some mess like that


Hahaha! I LOVE it! :lachen: I agree 100%

The more I think about it the question is a real mind fluck. It sets you up to prove something that really isn't proveable and turns the tables so that women are then pursuing men by validating why the guy should spend time with them. Men know there's no right answer so the only point is finding out the woman's angle or weakness. It's the first move in a chess game.
^^BINGO!!! You've got it. :yep:

It has now dawned on me that men have been taught that they are basically the prize in society, but in actuality, WE as women are the prize. We get the short end of the stick though, because if you pay close attention, you'll see how commercials/tv/movies/books are usually geared to make WOMEN feel inferior and are about "fixing" something of women so that they can be more desirable (usually) to men. Women (especially black women) really have been dealt an unfair hand in society. :nono: This book is opening my eyes up to that.

I also realized that men may not ask "what makes you so special?", but they may ask the equivalent: "Why are you still single?" UGh....I cannot STAND this question! :wallbash:

Imo...both questions are basically asked to weed you out and to try to tap into your insecurities. I have had a guy ask me that question before ("why are you single?") and it really turned me OFF big time. I'm sure in their minds maybe they were shocked that a great attractive woman such as myself was still "single" :rolleyes:, but in my mind it just turned me off completely. I wanted to retort: "the same reason why YOU'RE still single!!!" What does the reason matter? The point is we're getting to know each other now right???

Do you think men ask this to weed women out?

I was listening to a relationship expert say that when men ask you "what do you do" you shouldn't lead with your job, education and accomplishments. You should tell them what you do for leisure. "I like to play tennis, I like to travel, I go to the movies" etc. It's not that I think men can't handle an accomplished woman but I think it's more feminine to be a little coy about it?
I've heard this too. :yep:

In fact, I definitely try to steer the convo away from work and business. I used to spout out what I did without any hesitation, but I realized that it kind of intimidated men, or didn't really make the conversation flow as smoothly. I feel like it leads the conversation into a "business deal" or "bro-chick" territory. It's like...womp womp. BORING! Snooze fest! It doesn't lead the conversation into life, spice, flirting, and femininity. Imo it just makes the conversation become a bore when you bring up what you do for work. I actually HATE this question being asked on dates now. I'm so much MORE than just my job. In fact, away from work I actually hate to bring up work lol.
I hope at the root of all of this we women realize that it is ALL ABOUT YOU. This information is for our reflection on the self, our personal power. We are not trying to impress each other or men. We just have to comfortably be ourselves. We have to love ourselves unconditionally with no strings attached...whether eyes are on us or not. We are not trying to out do ANYONE but the person we were yesterday.

Quoted for emphasis.... :yep: :up:

I would never tell a guy I just met straight up what I do for a living. That's just asking for trouble lol. When I was dating multiple folks and guys would ask me what do you do? "Ohh, a little of this a little of that" "I like to read" lmao "ay man, I'm just tryna get by like errbody else" etc :lol: I mean I would tell them eventually, but I would never come right out and say the exact words. Haha no. But I don't like telling anyone what I do anyway, so...

"So what do you do? " And I never thought they cared anyway. It's just an ice breaker/something for them to say. So i make a joke out of it: ice broken, mission accomplished lol.

:lachen: I agree!!

If the guy specifically asks me: "What do you do for work?" I may just give him a little brief (seriously, one sentence) statement about where I work, and I'll then quickly ask him another question that has nothing to do with work: "Where would you love to travel to if money,time, or safety weren't an option?" :eyebrows2: It brings the conversation away from boring, drab, work-related stuff imo. I NEVER mention my job title, or what I exactly do unless I'm probed further. And even then, if I feel a guy is getting TOO job-focused I'll just kindly say with a smile..."ugh...I'm away from work, I really don't want to talk about work ....". :)

But usually, if a guy just asks "What do you do?", I don't have to assume that means work. I'll mention my travels, hobbies, or just stuff I like to do in my spare time.

I was also thinking and these are just my personal thoughts, but no woman can be a gamechanger for a a man who is a misogynist, a narcissist, or a psycho/sociopath. When you see signs of this type of man run, run quickly, and far away, and keep it moving. Trust your instincts and how you really feel when you are with a man, namely ask yourself do you feel safe, secure, cherished, and respected? Abusive men cannot be changed by anyone except themselves. Most women with soft hearts cannot win a power struggle with men like these. They enjoy the challenge. Just some thoughts I had percolating in my mind this morning.

EXCELLENT point! :yep:

And I think this goes back to what this book is basically preaching ......have complete and TOTAL self LOVE. Not based on accomplishments, not based on male validation, not based on your comparison of yourself to other women, but based on PURE self love. Get IN LOVE with YOURSELF! When you truly love yourself, you won't be attracted or drawn to guys who are misogynists, narcissists, or who treat you any less than the Queen that you are. They just won't be appealing to you.

Trust me, men will notice. :yep:
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Can anyone summarize the confidence chapter or post the main points? I don't think I can read the book because of the language...

Trust me girl...If I can handle it, I think YOU can handle it lol. :lol: I'm probably one of the most sensitive when it comes to foul language. I just skip over the words and KIM lol...:look:

I honestly chose the book version for that very purpose. I think HEARING the foul language would be worse and more imprinted in your brain than skimming over them imo. Plus, after a while you almost forget the words are there. I'm getting the points without any trouble. I thought I would be clutching my pearls...and at first I admit, I was lol..:look: , but after the intro, I was HOOKED. :yep:

Believe me, this information is too good to miss. It is like a man giving you an All-Access Backstage Pass into the mind of most men. :yep: It has given me so many "A-ha!" moments I can't even list them all lol. My mind is literally dizzy with all of the epiphanies in this book. :spinning::drunk:
Trust me girl...If I can handle it, I think YOU can handle it lol. :lol: I'm probably one of the most sensitive when it comes to foul language. I just skip over the words and KIM lol...:look:

I honestly chose the book version for that very purpose. I think HEARING the foul language would be worse and more imprinted in your brain than skimming over them imo. Plus, after a while you almost forget the words are there. I'm getting the points without any trouble. I thought I would be clutching my pearls...and at first I admit, I was lol..:look: , but after the intro, I was HOOKED. :yep:

Believe me, this information is too good to miss. It is like a man giving you an All-Access Backstage Pass into the mind of most men. :yep: It has given me so many "A-ha!" moments I can't even list them all lol. My mind is literally dizzy with all of the epiphanies in this book. :spinning::drunk:

I always enjoy your posts--very insightful :yep:
A couple thoughts running through my head

1) Men with malicious intent are beyond game changers. And true Spartans recognize that and KIM. Lambert says it without saying it pretty early on. I would also include men with serious emotional issues. The first man I fell for is like this. He tries to deflect and blame women without realizing he is the common denominator AND he's got issues with both his parents that he needs to resolve before he can be a good enough man to attract a game changer. A woman with an ounce of self respect will pick up on this immediately and run in the other direction. A woman can only be a game changer for a man who is open to it and who has done his inner work.:look:

NOW it is so clear to me why the men I wasn't interested in were always clamoring to get to me, and the men that I HAVE had an interest in either played games, were lukewarm about me, or just plain not interested. It FINALLY makes sense! It was my mindset that changed when I was around guys I was interested in. I think men instinctively pick up on this. Plus, now that I know this "weeding out" game they do, I can be better prepared.

2) I had a similar revelation. Whenever I was really interested in a man, I'd make things too easy for him. I'd be too available and I'd also analyze everything he did to see if it meant he liked me or not. Such an insecure move. Now with the men who liked me but I didn't like them back, I'd never be available and difficult to reach. Whether it's real or exaggerated on my part I thought the men would take the hint that I wasn't interested and move on. NO. They're more attracted because they see me as a valued commodity.:ohwell::eh: The more unavailable I am, the more they try. It's the strangest thing to me. I remember with one man he would not give up and I had to break it down and tell him point blank I was not interested which was really hard for me to do. Lambert says that's basically what it comes to. I'm in a similar situation now actually.:ohsnap:

I also realized that men may not ask "what makes you so special?", but they may ask the equivalent: "Why are you still single?" UGh....I cannot STAND this question! :wallbash:

3) I've never been asked what make me special but if I did I'd say "special enough to not dignify that question with a response" or "I could ask the same thing about you." :look: It's a ridiculous question. Objectively, everyone is special. I believe that. But subjectively the question goes against everything Lambert is talking about. Merely because we exist, we are special, we are the ****. A man's ability to recognize that determines how special HE is.:look:

I have been asked why am I still single on a date and I forget how I did it but I turned the question back on him and got him to reveal his hook up past and he even said men can afford to be patient about settling down but women cannot.o_O He did not get a second date.

4) Talking about work is a tricky one for me. Most men I've been out with don't like to talk about it much but for me, what I do is the culmination of my life long passion, the subject matter anyway, not the actual work. Plus I'm attracted to a man's mind first and foremost and if he can't maintain a conversation about it then it's off with his f****** head. But thanks to the book I know how to plan dates to figure this out without making it a huge focus. Because I know it can't be.
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Read his chapter in cheating. If a man is a cheater, he'll cheat and it's not your responsibility to get him not to cheat.

The point of the book is not to get a man to want you, love you, not cheat on you etc. it's to get you to love yourself so much that you don't need to audition for anyone or need to show ppl how to love and respect you. if he cheats then you make the best choice for you! You're not here to live in fear of getting or keeping a man.

Hopefully the vetting process will eliminate shady men.
Lol thanks for the word sis, but I was just asking. Lol curiosity
I always enjoy your posts--very insightful :yep:

Awww...thanks love. :kiss:

I love all the insights you ladies bring out on here. Very informative. :yep:

2) I had a similar revelation. Whenever I was really interested in a man, I'd make things too easy for him. I'd be too available and I'd also analyze everything he did to see if it meant he liked me or not. Such an insecure move. Now with the men who liked me but I didn't like them back, I'd never be available and difficult to reach. Whether it's real or exaggerated on my part I thought the men would take the hint that I wasn't interested and move on. NO. They're more attracted because they see me as a valued commodity.:ohwell::eh: The more unavailable I am, the more they try. It's the strangest thing to me. I remember with one man he would not give up and I had to break it down and tell him point blank I was not interested which was really hard for me to do. Lambert says that's basically what it comes to. I'm in a similar situation now actually.:ohsnap:

YES! I'm glad we came to the same revelation. :yep:

And honestly, I think men can sometimes instinctively pick up on whether or not you really love and believe in yourself. That's what I think they mean when they say they want a woman with "confidence". Confidence definitely attracts.

It's not that your "things" make you confident, it's that you innately feel deep down inside that you are worthy. "The Rules" book has only tapped onto a snippet of what the actual revelation is. They teach you how to "behave" as if you have confidence, but if it's not real, you will crumble. The problem isn't "liking" a man....the problem is liking a man MORE than you love yourself. So much so that you will settle for less, or compromise yourself in hopes of "winning" him. And men believe me, can sense it.

This book (MDLWLY) is actually teaching you HOW to have that deep in-grained confidence in yourself that is undeniable.

4) Talking about work is a tricky one for me. Most men I've been out with don't like to talk about it much but for me, what I do is the culmination of my life long passion, the subject matter anyway, not the actual work. Plus I'm attracted to a man's mind first and foremost and if he can't maintain a conversation about it then it's off with his f****** head. But thanks to the book I know how to plan dates to figure this out without making it a huge focus. Because I know it can't be.

Well you might have a different situation here. Your job may actually be something quirky or interesting and "different" enough that a man might actually be more intrigued by you because of it and because it's your passion. Men love to see/hear things that women feel passionate about. So you might be alright in that area.
Not to mention....men are not going to choose you for your cooking skills. Men marry women who CANT cook every day.


I totally agree with this.

Unfortunately for me I genuinely enjoy cooking. I enjoy watching other people enjoy my good. But Ive always have since I was a girl.

My personality is what is is tho. I rarely cook for men on principle. I hate it when a woman gives food that I gave them to a man to try cuz then I'm forced to be an azzhole like I'm offended even though everyone just watched me voluntarily cook someone else food that I hand delivered too them. :lachen:

When men learn I like cooking they always fix their lips to ask simple ish like when am I going to cook for them. My answer is almost always a resounding HELL NO. Then I like to rub salt on the wound talkinbout what I'm about to make myself. :lachen::nono:

Cooking is actually one of the things I look forward to doing when I it's time for me to settle down. It kinda socks sometimes that I can't do it now because I'm so good at it. Lol. But nah, man, my pride won't let me. Just ask my brothers and cousins how many times I've cooked for them. I don't lub dem ninjas that much, dey ain't special. They get treated like every other man I'm not married too. :lol:

It's funny how there are women out here thinking that feeding greedy men actually mean something--esp when half the time the broads that do it can barely cook anything beyond the basics lol
Hence all of the unhappy, frustrated, unappreciated wives.

I can totally see this. It explains several women I know. They were always more into him than he ever want with her.

Im not kidding when I say I don't know anyone can even be remotely open to someone who already doesn't love them the most. I can't love someone who doesn't already love me first.

This is why always had difficulty understanding how someone could be with someone dor years who just thinks that they're iight. Like how can you reside space with a person who who doesnt thinj youre valuable and considers you dispsable. I dont see how an woman can even get wet for a man wo treats them like a charity case or believes being with them was an act of settling bc he "could have/can" do better. Why subject yourself to be that???

I swear I dont think Id make it to the end of the week having to state that man in the face everyday without going psycho postal. If you don't want then I need for you to get the *** away from me TODAY before I'm pissed off then youll have to run from me TOMORROW.

For me it doesn't really matter what may actually be in someone's head, I just need to be convinced that someone thinks I'm the bee's knees to functional properly like a normal person. :lol:
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I dont like the chapter about online dating. Like at all. What he's saying Phoenix did IS thrist bucket ****, but I've never online dated.

I didn't like it cuz I just couldn't relate to the "don't do anything you normally wouldn't do/don't go out of your way". If I utilized SM to "date" I'd be going out of my way, cuz I don't utilize SM in the first place. All I have is a fb, and I haven't posted anything at all in 5yrs lol.

But I read the chapter. It was cool.
I'm glad he kinda addressed men saying I love you during the "roster" stage. I didn't know that was normal. Interesting.
I also umm dislike the advice about sexless sleepovers during the roster stage. And a real 'roster' is comprised of men who've proven they are worthy of you by you vetting them and that you can see yourself with. Ok bet. And this consists of 2-4 men? Ehhh. How about a solid 2 lol. And then you be having house dates, sleepovers, and meeting these 2 (to 4) people's friends to see if yall are compatible for a relationship?

And you still supposed to have hobbies, friends, and go the gym?! Wow. Lol

I always thought those things (meet friends, house dates, sleepovers) happen once you're official with someone. I don't want to meet a roster guys friends :/ and I don't want to spend the night at 2-4 guys houses :/


I would always dislike it when a roster guy suggested a "friends" date. Like meet his friends in a casual setting/my friends will be there. I thought that was inappropriate :/
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