I'm at Chapter 15. I'm trying to pace myself and work my way through slowly but this book is so good it's addicting. I'm finally getting how men and women are wired differently. Women consciously look for a man to settle down with. Men wait for a woman to present herself that makes him
want to settle down. It's the classic, picking a man while making him think he chose you.
My mom always repeats Oprah's saying that dating is about gathering data. I agree but my new mantra is dating is about exposing him, exposing who he is so I can figure out if he's worthy to be my boyfriend and later husband.
For this book to be of good use, you really have to know yourself, your brand--what kind of relationship you want, what things truly excite you, what clothes make you feel good when you wear them. I love the idea of being a Queen and dates being auditions for being a courtier, my favourite, and then a King. Anything less, and it's off with his f****** head.
I can see how Lambert's humor and language might turn some women off but I love it because he's telling the truth and it's funny.
While reading I remembered times when I unintentionally exposed something that would be a deal breaker either pre-date or during the date and it was a wrap but I was told by other women to give him a chance or not cast him off based on that. Like one guy I was set up with left everything up to me for our date, which I hate. I was done then but the Cupid-wannabe wasn't taking no for an answer. So I picked a place. An hour before we were supposed to meet up, he asks questions about the place which put me on guard because it's not hard to find at all. Turns out, he didn't have a car. He bikes everywhere and to get to the place I picked, you either have to drive through the hills or take the freeway. I still met up with him at a different place but I knew nothing would come of it and during the date it was confirmed multiple times. I found out later he is a major flake with a lot of insecurities, even pissing off the woman who set us up.
Chapter 8 was the hardest part to read because I don't want to go through the process of eliminating men. I'd rather already be in a relationship and make that work. Oh well.
But I get how dating is very important as a screening process and how women I know ended up in bad relationships because they didn't properly screen men before investing, and gave men boyfriend perks before he actually earned them. I like how Lambert breaks this process down with examples, you just have to put your stamp on it and look at dates as missions.
I like the way Lambert describes how to walk away from dates with actual knowledge about a man because he's specific about the things you need to know to take things further, yet there's enough freedom to put your own spin on it. Like for the second date, which is about how he fits into your world. I already know places to take a date to so I can figure these things out.