Marrying up


Well-Known Member
Hi ladies - of you single ladies out there - who wants to marry "up" and improve their social status in life? I ask this question b/c I am watching the Housewives of New York City's reunion show and Simon, Alex's husband, just said everyone is trying to improve their station in life.

Let's keep the discussion positive!
Why not? I'd much rather marry up than down. I'm not trying to be with no homeless dude. :lachen: I think I heard that in general people do marry others with the same type of backgrounds as far as education and economics. Most people don't marry millionaires so how much "up" can you get. I have a BA (may get a masters) my bf is working on his Phd so I guess for me if I married him that would be marrying up.
I'll start. I never thought about it as marrying up but I knew I did not want to be married and BROKE with nothing to do but sit in the house looking at him within the 4 walls b/c we could not afford to travel or go anywhere. To me it wasn't romantic to "struggle".

As far as improving my social status - I come from working class, single mother so I was definitely not in Jack and Jill, Boule or any upper crust societies or "clubs". I went to college with a bunch of 2nd and 3rd generation college graduates while I was first generation.

I did enjoy going out with men who came from money (and I have) but I also enjoyed going out w/ the average Joe. I married a man who is middle class, not b/c he was born into that but because he worked to get to that. He had the nice car, designer clothes, owned a home (fully furnished) and money in the bank (investments as well as substantial savings).

I enjoy mingling in the upper crust circles on occasion but I also enjoy hanging with my friends and peeps who were with me from my meager beginnings!
Yep. I can do what I'm doing now by myself. That is not to say that I am marrying a man for his money because for me, it's not about marrying up...I want to marry WELL...and that means he can enhance my life spiritually, emotionally, physically, and financially. I work hard at being the very best woman I can be, and I am not interested in settling. I'm not going after some vision in my head of the "perfect" man, but I will not settle for mediocrity. I don't demand perfection from myself or others, but I will expect excellence. I'll remain single before I'll settle for a man who is insufficient.
Yep. I can do what I'm doing now by myself. That is not to say that I am marrying a man for his money because for me, it's not about marrying up...I want to marry WELL...and that means he can enhance my life spiritually, emotionally, physically, and financially. I work hard at being the very best woman I can be, and I am not interested in settling. I'm not going after some vision in my head of the "perfect" man, but I will not settle for mediocrity. I don't demand perfection from myself or others, but I will expect excellence. I'll remain single before I'll settle for a man who is insufficient.

Very well said...LOVE the bolded.
I want to marry well like DI said. My dad always tells me to marry someone who is at least on my level; that has at least some higher education (even if he didn't finish college). He said otherwise he'll resent me, and not be able to relate to the people I work and hang with. I agree with him.

Right now I'm a semi-broke grad student. It wouldn't take much to have more money than me right now.

But the most important thing to me is to marry a man with the right mindset. I believe that men are the ones responsible for the financial security of their family. Whether I work or not he should be able to handle things financially all by himself. A man with this mindset (even if he's not rich) will have a drive about him to succeed and make sure his family is as well taken care as he can afford to provide. That's the kind of man I want to marry. :yep:
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Yep. I can do what I'm doing now by myself. That is not to say that I am marrying a man for his money because for me, it's not about marrying up...I want to marry WELL...and that means he can enhance my life spiritually, emotionally, physically, and financially. I work hard at being the very best woman I can be, and I am not interested in settling. I'm not going after some vision in my head of the "perfect" man, but I will not settle for mediocrity. I don't demand perfection from myself or others, but I will expect excellence. I'll remain single before I'll settle for a man who is insufficient.

Sen's Mom speaks the truth!

This very subject has presented itself in my life over the past few days after speaking with another woman who is stuck on the vision of the "perfect" man... and letting that same vision cloud her view of "excellence".


Excellence is in the eye of the beholder.

In my area of the world there's Karen and Yvonne and Mike.

Karen and Yvonne are on the same level. Early-to-mid 30's, degreed, single women, no children, well travelled etc etc etc...

Mike did not even attempt college, but around his late 20's/ early 30's he decided to pull up his pants and start his own business. Keeping the specifics light... he's the one you call in to handle one of the messiest parts of taking care of your home.

Most nights he comes home with dirty nails and grimy clothes.

He met Yvonne and she shrugged him off after two dates. She's on a mission to marry up and Mike didn't qualify.

Then he met Karen and.... cue the musical intro...

Karen and Mike dated for a few months. Three weeks in Mike was telling all of us that Karen was going to be his wife.

A year later, Mike bought a house. And told Karen (and us!) that he did so because he saw her and his children there.

A few months after that, he proposed. Surprise!!!!!!!!!

Fast forward through a wonderful wedding, and another "surprise" announcement and next thing we all knew we're matching funds against a registry at BabiesRUs.

Yvonne dated varied men who measured up on paper. They had all of the education, career, environment... but she's still sitting at the "Me Next!" table at every bridal and/or baby shower we're all invited to.

Ramble Wrap up... I find that too many women pass on truly excellent men in favor of chasing a false ideal of what excellence really means.

Most of the women in my circle passed on Mike because he doesn't wear a suit to work and only has a high school diploma.

But they claim to want marriage and children and a home with a man who will help them build a life.

Karen married a man who is willing to get dirty and break his back to provide a home for his family.

A man who has been viewed insufficient by more than a few. Funny how they are the same ones picking over what he hasn't accomplished and at the same time throwing tsks at Karen for her "dire" situation.

Karen married down.

Yvonne married... ??????????
i definitly plan on marrying up

but Mike has his own business so would that not be marrying up?
Well it's not just about improving social status.

I'm going to be successful so I want the man in my life to be successful as well...

I've dated wealthy--not purposely I just attract dudes with money--and then I went through a time where I 'dated down' because I didn't want to pass up a good man because he wasn't as educated/didn't make as much, etc...
But then I got over it. I mean I'll give any man a chance as long as he is my type but there' nothing wrong with wanting security? Or wanting a man who is you equal?

I have two issues with it:

1. I got tired of the being the BREADWINNER!!!

I don't want to run anything. That's not my job. I'm not the man. I am a woman who believes in 'catering' to my man. I take care of him; he takes care of me. I feel as his woman--that's my job. This is damn near impossible if I hold the power. Then it's like I'm doing EVERYTHING--when are you gonna step up?

Yeah I'm independant and driven and goal oriented. I have many things I want to do on the business frontier but...there's a place for everything.

I don't enter relationships to compete with men for dominance.
Regardless of what's going on in this society--I still believe that the man is the head of the home. There are male/female dynamics that are ingrained in our psyches.
Problem is trying to find someone who is strong enough to step up to the plate and handle ish while respecting my role as a woman.

2. When you get used to certain treatment. You get accustomed to certain things. That's just the way it is....I'm used to being pampered.
Not pamper-ING...
So ... don't see a reason why I must settle for less when settling hasn;t brought any happiness?
You don't see men settling...

Abyway my dating criteria is influenced by my childhood. Everything I do is. It's the reason I horde money like I do. Why I'm dumping money into retirement funds and trying to find new ways to turn 2.00 into 4.00. Honetsly I don't even feel this recession because roughly 65% of my biweekly check goes into savings. Everytime. Without fail.
It's why I'm going back to school(to make more money).
I didn't have that growing up. I had a very hard upbringing. A rough start.

Money is important because it is opportunity. Money is a tool. Ppl that run around with this 'money isn't everything' mess are deluded. Half the ppl in this country live paycheck to paycheck. Some little more than a small financial issue away from being completely homeless.
Yeah, we'll see what they say then if that ever happens. Money may not be everything--but it is MOST things. No one can tell me different really; because I know better.
There are working poor in America...

Anyway when I was 12 I told myself I'd never be poor again. I'll never struggle. I'll never 'not have enough'.
It holds to this day.
Screw that. I'd rather be unhappily married chilling on the beach sippin martinis than struggling between 2 jobs unable to pay my mortgage because there simply isn't enough...
Or selling cans and other items to feed my family.
Ya'll can keep that.
I have so many plates set in motion right now to ensure that I die a rich happy old woman in my 1000 thread count Egyptian cotton sheets.

As I get older I'm just gonna make more money. I need someone who makes as much--or more. I have financial legacy that I'm trying to build for the sake of my future kids.
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i definitly plan on marrying up

but Mike has his own business so would that not be marrying up?

Yes, in away....Mike with his own business has potential for a saavy girl. He'd be a good investment. ;) Mike can be easily passed up, because some prefer their catch already made (successful) and refined. However, rugged unrefined entrepreneurs usually marry a classy chick, from old money or at least classy, educated and refined...a woman like that would compliment him as well, when he begins to move in other social circles.

Many black male professionals and those considered rich are not choosing black women for spouses. This can impact the romantic opportunites for black women looking for Mr. Right $.

No matter what the occupation or social status, both individuals should be able to move in one another's social circle with ease. Unfortunately or perhaps fortunately, your spouse can often times make or break your career progress in corporate America. Strange, but often times a very true statement.
Many black male professionals and those considered rich are not choosing black women for spouses. This can impact the romantic opportunites for black women looking for Mr. Right $.

No matter what the occupation or social status, both individuals should be able to move in one another's social circle with ease. Unfortunately or perhaps fortunately, your spouse can often times make or break your career progress in corporate America. Strange, but often times a very true statement.

Is that really the case or is that what the media shows us... I dont work in corporate so i'm not sure how it works but my g/f's husband plays profootball and although many of the men are with non-black women the majority of them are with black women. Sometimes i thinks its our fault... those non-black women are aggressive when it comes to getting a successful man (black or other) they don't play that sit back and let him choose me game...they are go gettas when it comes to that sorta thing...atleast the ones I've dealt with
Well it's not just about improving social status.

I'm going to be successful so I want the man in my life to be successful as well...

I've dated wealthy--not purposely I just attract dudes with money--and then I went through a time where I 'dated down' because I didn't want to pass up a good man because he wasn't as educated/didn't make as much, etc...
But then I got over it. I mean I'll give any man a chance as long as he is my type but there' nothing wrong with wanting security? Or wanting a man who is you equal?

I have two issues with it:

1. I got tired of the being the BREADWINNER!!!

I don't want to run anything. That's not my job. I'm not the man. I am a woman who believes in 'catering' to my man. I take care of him; he takes care of me. I feel as his woman--that's my job. This is damn near impossible if I hold the power. Then it's like I'm doing EVERYTHING--when are you gonna step up?

Yeah I'm independant and driven and goal oriented. I have many things I want to do on the business frontier but...there's a place for everything.

I don't enter relationships to compete with men for dominance.
Regardless of what's going on in this society--I still believe that the man is the head of the home. There are male/female dynamics that are ingrained in our psyches.
Problem is trying to find someone who is strong enough to step up to the plate and handle ish while respecting my role as a woman.

2. When you get used to certain treatment. You get accustomed to certain things. That's just the way it is....I'm used to being pampered.
Not pamper-ING...
So ... don't see a reason why I must settle for less when settling hasn;t brought any happiness?
You don't see men settling...

Abyway my dating criteria is influenced by my childhood. Everything I do is. It's the reason I horde money like I do. Why I'm dumping money into retirement funds and trying to find new ways to turn 2.00 into 4.00. Honetsly I don't even feel this recession because roughly 65% of my biweekly check goes into savings. Everytime. Without fail.
It's why I'm going back to school(to make more money).
I didn't have that growing up. I had a very hard upbringing. A rough start.

Money is important because it is opportunity. Money is a tool. Ppl that run around with this 'money isn't everything' mess are deluded. Half the ppl in this country live paycheck to paycheck. Some little more than a small financial issue away from being completely homeless.
Yeah, we'll see what they say then if that ever happens. Money may not be everything--but it is MOST things. No one can tell me different really; because I know better.
There are working poor in America...

Anyway when I was 12 I told myself I'd never be poor again. I'll never struggle. I'll never 'not have enough'.
It holds to this day.
Screw that. I'd rather be unhappily married chilling on the beach sippin martinis than struggling between 2 jobs unable to pay my mortgage because there simply isn't enough...
Or selling cans and other items to feed my family.
Ya'll can keep that.
I have so many plates set in motion right now to ensure that I die a rich happy old woman in my 1000 thread count Egyptian cotton sheets.

As I get older I'm just gonna make more money. I need someone who makes as much--or more. I have financial legacy that I'm trying to build for the sake of my future kids.

I read this entire post and I could swear you've been in my head lately. I was the breadwinner when I was making a third of what I make now (and I make under $40K--not a whole lotta' money but beats working at McD's). I fell for the 'money isn't everything' BS. Harsh truth is, the less money you have, the less comfortable you'll live, and I'm working toward living very comfortably. The man who can't ensure we'll both be 'comfortable' and starts becoming dead weight can keep stepping. It might sound harsh, but being nice and 'supportive' kept me broke and broke's gotten old real fast.
Lots of interesting perspectives in this thread. Love DI and Lag's POVs.

Personally: I will not pass up a 'good' man who has cashed in on his potential and will work hard for a family.

However, it is just as easy to marry poor as it is to marry rich.