I think this needs to be unpacked more. If all you ever knew was getting by (struggling), because that's all you witnessed growing up, how do you break out of that paradigm? There's so much that comes into play that I think we don't consider.
I grew up in a working middle class family and one of the things my mom taught me was that she chose my dad because he was loyal to the bone and a hard working man. She had tons of suitors but specifically chose him because she knew he would break his back to give her a better life, which he did. Dad came to the states in 79, set up shop and filed for my mom to get here in late 81. Almost 40 years later, I can honestly say that my mom made an excellent choice. The takeaways from that have been priceless for me because I unapologetically know I'm valuable and what to look for in a man to bring home to my parents, specifically mom. When she met my current boyfriend, she gave me her approval speech and grin.