Would you marry your friends DH?

Don't do it !

If it was like you met someone in africa and its real love then maybe not just someone you don't know and to top it he is already married to someone here.
I wouldn't do it, but if money is a motivating factor for wrong I want big dollars. She's asking a lot for $250 a month. The govt. will give you more in food stamps.
Wheew! I've had a lot happen these past two weeks.

My friend who is African is married to an man that still lives in Africa (they were married in Africa after she came to America), problem is, she wants him to move to America with her, but says that he will not be able to work and the paper work (she is her on a visa) will take so long and asked me if I would marry him, she says that it would only be for about 1yr , get a divorce and she would pay me $3k upfront. She wanted me to talk it over with my SO and give her an answer.

I politely told her no, I could not do that. My SO was definately against it.
The next man I marry is going to be my husband and my husband only.

How many of you would do this for a friend or in general so someone can have citizenship?

first of all as someone who is very familar with this (havent done it ) she is not your friend because she is trying to get her ish done for free honey chile this is 2008 she should be offering you at least 25,000.00. and you should only take that if you want to do her favor.
Now the days the rules are more than just get married. I met this African guy and he tried to play the role and offer me 5k :lachen:. No you have to live and sleep and eat with that person as if they were your husband and wife its not good enought to just get married anymore they will research and ask you questions that are relevant for a true husband and wife to know each other.
the reason why people charge so much is because its a serious business commitment you are making. people save their money for YEARS.

my moms friend has been trying and she is now screwed no more trying the guy she married didnt show up to the interview the first time and the second time they found shady going ons in his bank account and she didnt know and was rejected again. thats it.

Its illegal but I dont know about going to jail. like I said my mothers friend got screwed twice and she just got rejected for her papers for becoming a citizen and will never become one. she will not be able to go to her home country ever again unless she planned to stay there