Would You Date A Married Man (under these conditions)

Would you date a married man?

  • I have before.

    Votes: 19 10.1%
  • I would if I felt chemistry with him.

    Votes: 11 5.8%
  • I would if the cash was right.

    Votes: 7 3.7%
  • I wouldn't but I'm not mad at those who would.

    Votes: 19 10.1%
  • NEVER and anyone who would is dead wrong.

    Votes: 141 74.6%

  • Total voters
I would think something's wrong. Somebody had to have a STD or something. Sorry...couldn't do it, BUT i'm not mad at people who do. That would be their business.
no, i mean i dont claim to be the most moralistic (is that a word lol) person in the world but i look for real intimacy in a relationship and i also am not comfortable with using people or being used myself
A married man is off limits. I don't care what's going on between him and his wife. He made a promise, he need to keep it or get a divorce.
Yes, until I found someone I truly wanted to be with. Couldn't date a married man long-term and couldn't carry on a serious relationship with him in there.

Would I have to sleep with him? If so, then no.
Where I live I run up on a lot of Gold Diggers and I have never EVER in my life ever met one that was willing the share the person that is funding their lifestyle. Married or not.

Sorry sounds kind of off on the wife part. Put yourself in her shoes have you ever met her. How do you know she does not care. Ummmmm Leave it alone you don't need to sleep your way to the top.

In the situation that I know about, the wife is a former gold digger herself and since she is paid, she doesn't care what the man does with his time. The man doesn't care that she doesn't care and the potential side piece is actually debating getting into this situation because the man is very successful and generous. Trippy, huh? :drunk:
No For two reasons:

One - I wouldnt want to date a man who's not ALL mine. Who I couldn't call and talk to when I wanted, who couldn't come over if I found a bug in my house that I couldn't kill.. LOL!!!

Two:I could never do that to someone else. I believe in karma and the Bible and so, what you do in the dark will come the light AND if you do bad things bad things will come back to you. Plus, if he snuck around and cheated on his wife with you, you can bet that, even if he left his wife, you would never feel comfortable with him because you know that he is capable of doing that with you...

So, in short, hell no.
Yep, I can put a price tag on it! Now that I gone through the struggling anything for love routine, I'm going to take filthy rich willing to part with cash. I would also prefer that no sex is involved and that he just wants to be seen with a middle age chocolate woman! No need to risk his health with Viagra!

I have very simple needs, free and clear principle residence and vacation home, plus 3 million in cash deposited in a my name only bank account-- sorry no stocks or bonds accepted!
My head and my heart hurts reading this stuff. HELL NO I WOULD NOT DATE A MARRIED MAN UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE. Imagine being someones wife and some whore is running the town with your man. The idea makes me sick to my stomach. Why would any woman do this to another, especially since we all know the level of pain/distress that a broken relationship can bring to a woman. I don't want anyone to suffer because of me. Any woman that knowingly dates a married man should know that it will come around. Stuff like that surrounds you with negative energy and in the end you will come up on the losing end.

My father was/is the kind of person to cheat (I love him dearly) but he just doesn't care period, he is gonna do it. Needless to say I have two little siblings (that I love) but their mother is not the woman he is with and I am telling you I am waiting for the perfect chance to CUSS this woman out. She calls his house carrying on, she acts shamelessly, she drops the kids off and drives off. Man I am waiting for this hefier to come at me wrong. She never messes with his daughters but with his woman she had no respect. Just tasteless and classless. UGH
Gold Diggers married or not don't like to share. Sorry but they don't. Especially the married ones they would cut a b i ch from ear hole to a hole if they had to share another woman