Married & Single Ladies! Would you marry a man who is mediocre in the sack?

Would you marry a man who is mediocre in the sack?

  • Yes, I am single and I would.

    Votes: 33 25.4%
  • No, I am single and I would not.

    Votes: 62 47.7%
  • Yes, I am married and I did.

    Votes: 20 15.4%
  • No, I am married and I did not.

    Votes: 15 11.5%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


I know of a guy who married a woman who has come back to me and told me that his wife is not all that in the sack (he knew this before he married her) and eventually he plans on cheating because of it.:blush: (He's not necessarily looking to cheat but if an old boo comes back into the picture and throws it at him he would oblige.) I am curious to know how important this is to the ladies when picking a man to marry. If everything about a man is stellar but that is the only department he is lacking, would you still be interested in marrying him?
I wouldn't marry a person with bad sex. It's important BUT--BUT........

I think good sex is good when you're totally in love with that person, b/c you both give it your all. I could be wrong but I don't think dh's sex was this good when I first met him :scratchch, I mean the basics were there:look: but yeah it sounds corny but our love, our relationship, etc has made it SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO good:yep:
I wouldn't marry a person with bad sex. It's important BUT--BUT........

I think good sex is good when you're totally in love with that person, b/c you both give it your all. I could be wrong but I don't think dh's sex was this good when I first met him :scratchch, I mean the basics were there:look: but yeah it sounds corny but our love, our relationship, etc has made it SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO good:yep:

I know if I were completely in love with my SO the s*x would be even more amplified. When he told me he loved me, the s*x felt more passionate, conversely, if he hurt me or upset me, I wouldn't enjoy it as much.. if at all :look:
I know of a guy who married a woman who has come back to me and told me that his wife is not all that in the sack (he knew this before he married her) and eventually he plans on cheating because of it.:blush: (He's not necessarily looking to cheat but if an old boo comes back into the picture and throws it at him he would oblige.) I am curious to know how important this is to the ladies when picking a man to marry. If everything about a man is stellar but that is the only department he is lacking, would you still be interested in marrying him?

His wife isn't the problem. The problem is that he's DISHONEST. :yep:

He should discuss the issue instead of 'planning' to cheat and fill the void elsewhere.
^^ I agree. I told him to discuss it with her that he wasnt being satisfied but he said that he did and she still wasnt into it. He even had her bffs approach her about it. He never mentioned that he may find pleasure elsewhere though!
I would b/c techniques can be learned, but being a good, loving husband can't necessarily be learned/taught.

I agree. Mediocre is average, and average, imo is okay because that's not what I'm basing my whole marriage on. Realistically, we can only do the sex part a small part of the day, for the most part, so I'm more worried about how is he in other aspects of his life.

On the other hand, he can be off the charts in the bedroom, and be a butt-head the rest of the time:ohwell:; I wouldn't want that:nono:.
What is more important to me, is a partner who is open to learning and teaching. With time, practice and listening... you can learn to be a great lover.

It's all about communication and connection.
I broke it off with a 'stellar' man because of exactly that. I think if I was older I would probably be more willing to accept it.
My DH only had sex with one person, one time before me. So he wasn't that great at first, but since being married and being together, he is great. He knows how to please and satisfy me now. So yes is my answer.
Unless a person is completely selfish and not willing to work to please his partner at all ever, I can't see how sex can really be that bad in a supposedly loving marital relationship.

I think people don't focus enough on the mental/emotional part of sex and solely classify good/bad sex based on one's physical "skill."
Umm no. Even though I'm currently celibate, I couldn't imagine sex with someone who was just adequate. That would frustrate me. I need to feel the earth move when I'm touched.

I will say the more you love and care about the other person, the better the sex is but I'm not one to teach. I'll make it known what I like but you already need to have the basics down pat and IMO, you can figure that out way before you get naked.
What if he is lacking the proper equipment (e.g. the equiment is small)?

My answer is I don't know... :)

That's hard to say....Some people dont dont subscribe to the "it's the motion in the ocean" theory. It's a personal choice what some people may think is mediocre.

I think small package + mediocre love making = wack!
I am single and chose yes, I'd do it. I've pondered this before. I feel like if he cares about me and we are compatible outside the bedroom, then we will both put in the effort to get the bedroom game on point.

However, I do think I have a tolerance level as far as size is concerned. I definitely know what my minimum acceptance rate is:look:

Luckily my current dude is a champ in this area (size and performance):grin:
Yes. I wouldn't know until after we were married anyway. Sex is something we will talk about as a prerequisite to marriage. So long as he is willing to work at it, I'm all for it :yep: