Locked his butt out

I mean well when I say this but..these are issues you should have worked out before you moved in together. If this is going to be thepattern of behavior every time there's a conflict, you guys should call it a wrap now. Just from the language you used, I sense you feel its more like he's living in your space versus you two living together, not the right frame of mind for moving forward. Is couples counseling something you two woud consider?

OP that's too much drama for you. If you let him in he's going to see it as you're just bluffing. My guess is that he'll continue like this forever. If you have no kids with him, chuck it up to experience and move on. I am so sorry you're going thru this.

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REGARDLESS, of the reason why ya'll are living together.

Girl, keep that door close. Take your keys and tell him to find another place to live.
Put him out...run..don't look back..and try to find a man who doesn't need to live with you.
op, there's nothing up for discussion with this fool. change the locks tell him he has 24-48hrs to pick up his ish and keep it moving girlie. this fool isn't worth your time or energy.
This is MY apartment, lol. And I am much too grown to be playing games or moving back to my parents. Did I mention that this fool moved in with me only 9 days ago???

Hmmm:look::perplexed.... how long have you been dating? Also, you said that you call his past girlfriends/lovers the harem? Did you know about his past relationships before you started seriously dating him ( and allowing him to move into your home)? It sounds like you might be bothered the the quanity of his past relationships, if so then you need to reevaluate whether or not you want to hold on to the relationship. It does seem kind of like you're insecure if you don't want him talking to certain people.....

This just doesn't sound good at all...the whole thing. His actions and your actions together :nono:
Ok now that I have read the thread, I just have to say you will get what you pay for OP.

Sounds like you are paying for a loser and user.

Good luck.
Update: He came back after 45 minutes from taking out the trash....attempted to open the door and found the chain on. He proceeded to call and I proceeded to ignore. His night was spent in the car....

To reiterate or if perhaps I wasn't clear on a few things....this is my place, everything in my name and all bills paid by me. He is walking into my world and it is my belief that he should be willing to live by the rules of this house and the rules of the relationship. We are only just getting back together and these women who I refer to as his harem are chicks he keeps around for sex. Point blank he has no other use for them so what's the reason for them to be part of his life if he ain't supposed to be sleeping with them? And there is one in particular who is carrying on so much and crying how sad she is and how she misses him and how her world is ending. I don't think it is unreasonable at all to say this contact has got to stop if he wants to be with me and be in MY home.

He did not call the cops and I wish some cop would tell me I have to let him stay.... PLEASE!!!! He has been here less than two weeks and doesn't have the right to a damn thing. Say what you will, I'm glad I locked the door on him. Some anonymous chick sent me a message on Facebook saying that he was with her just this past Tuesday and they supposed to "hang out" next week on her birthday. If he got so much going on with his friends and they are so important to him then perhaps he should be living with them.

OP, I'm trying to figure out why you're with this dude to begin with. Sounds like he's been stepping and has no plans to stop and it also doesn't sounds like he's going to be carrying his financial load either.

Why???? Seriously why??? Not enough love in the world to wanna live with that in my opinion.
Be glad you don't live in GA, OP. The police would not make my ex leave and being the kang that he was he decided to stay until I got on the Batphone and called my brothers.:look:

Or in SC. We tried to get my sister's bf out and the cops said that they wouldnt make him leave even though her name was on everything.

Apparently in SC if a person is there 24 hours, you are considered a tenant.

Wouldn't nobody be staying the night at my house if that was the case :nono:
Or in SC. We tried to get my sister's bf out and the cops said that they wouldnt make him leave even though her name was on everything.

Apparently in SC if a person is there 24 hours, you are considered a tenant.

Wouldn't nobody be staying the night at my house if that was the case :nono:
The cop told me it was the same in Georgia and I couldn't file charges against him for breaking in my apartment or taking my car because we were in a "common law marriage":rolleyes: He got a common law cussing out too :lol:
Update: He came back after 45 minutes from taking out the trash....attempted to open the door and found the chain on. He proceeded to call and I proceeded to ignore. His night was spent in the car....

To reiterate or if perhaps I wasn't clear on a few things....this is my place, everything in my name and all bills paid by me. He is walking into my world and it is my belief that he should be willing to live by the rules of this house and the rules of the relationship. We are only just getting back together and these women who I refer to as his harem are chicks he keeps around for sex. Point blank he has no other use for them so what's the reason for them to be part of his life if he ain't supposed to be sleeping with them? And there is one in particular who is carrying on so much and crying how sad she is and how she misses him and how her world is ending. I don't think it is unreasonable at all to say this contact has got to stop if he wants to be with me and be in MY home.

He did not call the cops and I wish some cop would tell me I have to let him stay.... PLEASE!!!! He has been here less than two weeks and doesn't have the right to a damn thing. Say what you will, I'm glad I locked the door on him. Some anonymous chick sent me a message on Facebook saying that he was with her just this past Tuesday and they supposed to "hang out" next week on her birthday. If he got so much going on with his friends and they are so important to him then perhaps he should be living with them.

Assuming this position is only healthy for a relationship with a child. You are both adults; you're supposed to be agreeing on the rules TOGETHER. Your relationship is doomed straight out of the gate. I'm sure he is already feeling somewhat emasculated before your demands about his friends were made.

You're never going to change him. You need to find a man who has the same feelings as you do.

BTW - I feel exactly the way you do about exes. When you're intimate with someone, you form a connection. It's not fair to keep those connections alive while you're building a relationship with another.
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Update: He came back after 45 minutes from taking out the trash....attempted to open the door and found the chain on. He proceeded to call and I proceeded to ignore. His night was spent in the car....

To reiterate or if perhaps I wasn't clear on a few things....this is my place, everything in my name and all bills paid by me. He is walking into my world and it is my belief that he should be willing to live by the rules of this house and the rules of the relationship. We are only just getting back together and these women who I refer to as his harem are chicks he keeps around for sex. Point blank he has no other use for them so what's the reason for them to be part of his life if he ain't supposed to be sleeping with them? And there is one in particular who is carrying on so much and crying how sad she is and how she misses him and how her world is ending. I don't think it is unreasonable at all to say this contact has got to stop if he wants to be with me and be in MY home.

He did not call the cops and I wish some cop would tell me I have to let him stay.... PLEASE!!!! He has been here less than two weeks and doesn't have the right to a damn thing. Say what you will, I'm glad I locked the door on him. Some anonymous chick sent me a message on Facebook saying that he was with her just this past Tuesday and they supposed to "hang out" next week on her birthday. If he got so much going on with his friends and they are so important to him then perhaps he should be living with them.

If you feel he is stepping on your toes then end the relationship. It's not right to use your possessions to control someone. Men can't stand their pride being hurt and if u keep on doing that, he won't marry u.
So to address some of the questions.... This man was someone who I dated in the past. We broke up last May to be exact and had virtually no contact except for the occasional text from him "to see how I was doing". His relationships with those women are who he calls "friends" they just so happened to have provided extra benefits and according to him he never wanted go be exclusive with him and vice versa. When we met a few years ago and I questioned why he seemed to only have female friends he basically explained it was all one stop shopping and they were filling in the gaps between him finding a woman he would want to be exclusive with. They all knew about each other and didn't seem to have any issues with the arrangement. I came along, he wanted exclusivity and I didn't want his friends around. He broke ties and we dated. Once he and I broke up he went back to his "friends" for maintenance.

When we began talking about getting back I asked him about his status and he revealed that mist of those chicks dropped off because they didn't like the fact that he chose me. Apparently they all wanted to be exclusive but put up with the nonsense figuring he would eventually chose one of them. There are a few who he communicates with now that are strictly platonic. However the one hanger on who he last messed with asked him to be her man and he told her that he was not ready or looking for a serious relationship. He turned around and got back with me, this pissed her off and she's been begging him and carrying on, which brings us to the problem we have now.

Yes, I pay all the bills here and my point is that I am not having somebody coming in and running all over me. He was only here for 9 days so there wasn't even time for his mail to be forwarded. Is it emasculating for him to be moving in with me, perhaps it is but I'm not a man so I can't really say what he is feeling and that is for him to resolve. There were lots of reasons why he came here, but first and foremost I was NOT going to mo e into his place.

Regardless of what day and age we live in, I wasn't too convince that living together was a good idea but I said what the heck. Do I expect him to behave a certain way now that he moved in....I say ya damned skippy I do. Because all relationships come with a compromise and sacrifices of some sort. I am not insecure about him having all the male friends and platonic female friends he wants, I draw the line at former lovers. And I don't think it's an unreasonable request when you consider this man told me I was not permitted to speak to the waiters when we go out because he felt o e was flirting with me. Give me a break.
If you feel he is stepping on your toes then end the relationship. It's not right to use your possessions to control someone. Men can't stand their pride being hurt and if u keep on doing that, he won't marry u.

I don't know him but based on what I've read, why WOULD she want him to marry her? I would have put him out too.
So to address some of the questions.... This man was someone who I dated in the past. We broke up last May to be exact and had virtually no contact except for the occasional text from him "to see how I was doing". His relationships with those women are who he calls "friends" they just so happened to have provided extra benefits and according to him he never wanted go be exclusive with him and vice versa. When we met a few years ago and I questioned why he seemed to only have female friends he basically explained it was all one stop shopping and they were filling in the gaps between him finding a woman he would want to be exclusive with. They all knew about each other and didn't seem to have any issues with the arrangement. I came along, he wanted exclusivity and I didn't want his friends around. He broke ties and we dated. Once he and I broke up he went back to his "friends" for maintenance.

When we began talking about getting back I asked him about his status and he revealed that mist of those chicks dropped off because they didn't like the fact that he chose me. Apparently they all wanted to be exclusive but put up with the nonsense figuring he would eventually chose one of them. There are a few who he communicates with now that are strictly platonic. However the one hanger on who he last messed with asked him to be her man and he told her that he was not ready or looking for a serious relationship. He turned around and got back with me, this pissed her off and she's been begging him and carrying on, which brings us to the problem we have now.

Yes, I pay all the bills here and my point is that I am not having somebody coming in and running all over me. He was only here for 9 days so there wasn't even time for his mail to be forwarded. Is it emasculating for him to be moving in with me, perhaps it is but I'm not a man so I can't really say what he is feeling and that is for him to resolve. There were lots of reasons why he came here, but first and foremost I was NOT going to mo e into his place.

Regardless of what day and age we live in, I wasn't too convince that living together was a good idea but I said what the heck. Do I expect him to behave a certain way now that he moved in....I say ya damned skippy I do. Because all relationships come with a compromise and sacrifices of some sort. I am not insecure about him having all the male friends and platonic female friends he wants, I draw the line at former lovers. And I don't think it's an unreasonable request when you consider this man told me I was not permitted to speak to the waiters when we go out because he felt o e was flirting with me. Give me a break.
The bold says a whole lot. It seems like hes always chasing the greener grass on the other side and is looking for someone to take care of him.

Only you know him so.....take what I say with a grain of salt I guess.

Good luck!
So to address some of the questions.... This man was someone who I dated in the past. We broke up last May to be exact and had virtually no contact except for the occasional text from him "to see how I was doing". His relationships with those women are who he calls "friends" they just so happened to have provided extra benefits and according to him he never wanted go be exclusive with him and vice versa. When we met a few years ago and I questioned why he seemed to only have female friends he basically explained it was all one stop shopping and they were filling in the gaps between him finding a woman he would want to be exclusive with. They all knew about each other and didn't seem to have any issues with the arrangement. I came along, he wanted exclusivity and I didn't want his friends around. He broke ties and we dated. Once he and I broke up he went back to his "friends" for maintenance.

He told you all of this? :look: :ohwell: :spinning: nappystorm and SparklingFlame are right. He's a true KANG!! :yep::yep:
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Waidaminit....hold up.

*pulls newport n lighta outta bra*

Awwww hell nawww! Dayum!
I got one newport left. ONE!!!

Dis is critical. Im not even workin wif a full staff cuz we also dranked all da licka at da kickball game t'day.

So on dat note, imma hafta getup wif yall t'morro on dis shytuation.
Waidaminit....hold up.

*pulls newport n lighta outta bra*

Awwww hell nawww! Dayum!
I got one newport left. ONE!!!

Dis is critical. Im not even workin wif a full staff cuz we also dranked all da licka at da kickball game t'day.

So on dat note, imma hafta getup wif yall t'morro on dis shytuation.

*reserves spot*
Not that you don't have enough advice I just wanted to add that I would feel somewhat humiliated if I knew my SO posted something about me on Facebook. He doesn't seem like he is ready for a relationship.

You don't put your SO on blast like that if you care about them. No matter how many times I may get mad at my SO or he gets mad at me, its between us and us only.
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Not that you don't have enough advice I just wanted to add that I would feel somewhat humiliated if I knew my SO posted something about me on Facebook. He doesn't seem like he is ready for a relationship.

You don't put your SO on blast like that if you care about them. No matter how many times I may get made at my SO or he gets mad at me, its between us and us only.
Exactly. I wanted to rip DHs head off a few hours go and I never even thought about putting that on FB.
When we began talking about getting back I asked him about his status and he revealed that mist of those chicks dropped off because they didn't like the fact that he chose me. Apparently they all wanted to be exclusive but put up with the nonsense figuring he would eventually chose one of them. There are a few who he communicates with now that are strictly platonic. However the one hanger on who he last messed with asked him to be her man and he told her that he was not ready or looking for a serious relationship. He turned around and got back with me, this pissed her off and she's been begging him and carrying on, which brings us to the problem we have now.

Ehh.. I don't believe most of what he's saying, I doubt he had a clean break with these chicks. Sounds like the typical lines to get you to feel special about him choosing you above all the throngs of women pressed for his attention :rolleyes:. Also there's no reason to have "strictly platonic" dealings with sex buddies. He's probably making all types of promises to multiple women - including you unfortunately.

rant: whyyyy do women keep strokin these men's egos- throwin pannies and beggin for a crumb of a relationship. ugggh. some of yall get mad when I say some women ruin it for the rest of us, but I stand by my opinion.
Or in SC. We tried to get my sister's bf out and the cops said that they wouldnt make him leave even though her name was on everything.

Apparently in SC if a person is there 24 hours, you are considered a tenant.

Wouldn't nobody be staying the night at my house if that was the case :nono:

What? This sounds like a steaming bowl of Lie. I don't believe it. So your friend spends the weekend at your place and they are a tenant? GTFOOH! They just didn't want to put him out. Cops like this make me sick.

The cop told me it was the same in Georgia and I couldn't file charges against him for breaking in my apartment or taking my car because we were in a "common law marriage":rolleyes: He got a common law cussing out too :lol:

Some more lies! What is wrong with these lazy cops? A quick google search told me even in GA common law marriages are only recognized if they began before 1997. Ole lazy ignorant $#@ers.

If you feel he is stepping on your toes then end the relationship. It's not right to use your possessions to control someone. Men can't stand their pride being hurt and if u keep on doing that, he won't marry u.

in the nicest way possible, :fishslap:
That was childish of him. I bet if you took to Facebook it would be a problem. You should change your name to HES WHIPPED just to make him mad.

Good going, girl!

lol, love it.

Droid typing leads to typos for me
I mean, I hate to say it, but moving in with your girlfriend is not screaming masculinity to me. You are moving in with HER dude, not the other way around.

This right here is DA TRUTH. That's the first thing that jumped out at me. He moved in with her.

Sent from my iPhone using LHCF
Short & simple he is not ready for a committed relationship OP.

Either you can see & wait until he is or tell him to get the heck on.
I say, you are going to do what you want when you want and how you want to do it. Until then, protect yourself by wrapping it up.