Lessons you have learned in relationships

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Don't discuss past relationships under any circumstances
Don't talk to him like he's one of your girls.
Don't discuss your girlfriends business with him
Don't try to change him
Don't feed his insecurities
You must love yourself completely before you can love anyone else completely.
Never tell everything about your past,some things are best to be taken to your grave.
Know how to please and be open to being pleased.
--No matter how happy your relationship makes you, there's a certain amount of happiness only you can bring to yourself. Don't let being in a relationship stop you from taking charge of your own happiness.

--When a man truly wants you, time and distance won't stop him.

--If you have to guess if a man is interested, he's not.

--When a man (or anyone) shows you his true colors, take notice.

--Honesty is key to any successful relationship.

--Pick your battles wisely but don't be afraid to rock the boat if it's something that means a lot to you. Always going with the flow to avoid conflict only breeds resentment.

--Big One: Don't ask a man to open up/show his vulnerable side and then criticize him when he does it.:nono:
I've learned not to give/do for a man who's not willing to give and do for me. I lot of women give 110% and some men get by by giving 70%. That's not good enough for me.
A man is going to do what he is going to do... I cant make him do a d*** thing

There's nothing I can do about a grown man's insecurities... he has to work that out for himself

It's not always about me, he is in the relationship too :look:

As long as he is committed to working it out, I can stick around to see what happens
Things I've Learned in Relationships

The biggest thing I've learned is that nothing is guaranteed to last forever. This can be a scary and pessimistic idea, but when you think about it, there are many more reasons why a relationship could go bad than good. Your chances of staying together are definitely heightened after marriage, but many marriages these days go under too. I think the best thing you can take from this is that you need to put your emotional energies more towards the good memories & lessons you share with your partner and less towards the negative ones. If it isn't going to last, then at least make the best of your situation and create a relationship you can leave feeling proud of yourself. I think the mindset also prevents a lot of regrets from happening, like falling into pressures to do things you dont want to do in a relationship. If it's not going to last, you're less likely to sacrifice your dignity over it. This idea can also save you (but not make you immune from) a lot of heartache.

You cannot change or control other people, only yourself! This goes for any type of relationship (friends, family, etc.) You can cry, beg, plead, you can approach with determination, rage, optimism...but changing someone is impossible if the individual does not do it for themselves. Even if they do make the effort to change for you, the change will be short lived because they are not doing it for themselves.

Its important that if you choose to be with someone, you need to accept them for all of their entirety, even their annoying tendencies or quirks. As long as their quirks do not conflict with your values and personal safety, you should accept them--and yourself--as complex, flawed, but essentially unique human beings.

In a relationship, you need to learn to DO YOU. A lot of relationships die early because the two love birds spend way too much time together. There's only so much you can talk and laugh about before you run out of topics, so if you spend some time apart, you learn more about each other over time and not all at once. Also, spending time apart is important because you need to focus on making yourself a better person by relishing in your own hobbies, spending time with friends and family, learning new skills, etc. These are things that make you an even more attractive person.

Don't be discouraged when you're *not* in a relationship. Know that there are billions of people in the world and there's no way that not one of them could not like you. Don't let any negativity that past partners or others have said about you traumatize you into doubting or hating yourself. Use your time as a single person to indulge in yourself (see DO YOU) and also expand your horizons to meet new and interesting people (aka potential boos!)

I know many people may not agree with this one so I will just speak for myself: as a woman, it's okay to be feminine if you so desire! I know as black women/women of color we aren't typically represented or expected to be feminine as much as we are presented as hypersexualized. However, I think one of the things I love about my current relationship is that I feel very feminine and cherished without feeling like I've lost my independence or sense of self. In fact, I've actually taken it upon myself to explore and learn more about my own femininity just because this is the first relationship where I really feel proud to be the woman in the picture. I'm not promoting that all women put on a skirt and become part of a girly monolith, but if it's something you're considering, don't be afraid to do things that make you feel more like "a lady" (have your partner pay on dates, be chased and not have the one chasing, wear makeup/get your hair done, etc.) Some people will argue that you are falling into traditional gender roles, but at the end of the day, it's your choice.

Be upfront about what you want in a relationship right away. If you're looking for something long term, don't act like you're just "here for fun." If you think it's time to meet the parents, let your partner know! As long as they are reasonable, don't be afraid to share your wants/needs with your partner. I think as a younger woman, I was afraid to tell some of my first boyfriends that I wanted more than to just fool around. I felt disgusted by my relationship and with myself for never really staying true to my standards and expectations. There are some things you can compromise on, but your standards are not one of them. On the flip side, it's really unfair to your partner to expect them to just know what you want without ever communicating your needs. Communication is everything, and if you've done all the talking you can do and your partner still doesn't comply, considering ending the relationship because someone so selfish is probably not for you.
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Don't give too much too soon-- that goes for sex, intimacy, information, etc. Be a mystery.

Be an effective communicator. Men do not know what you're thinking. They have to be told.

I need to control my temper. I guess that goes with the above and communication.
Laginappe, I'm starting to think we were separated at birth! I agree wholeheartedly about men who were raised without fathers. My mama told me this one when I was young, but I kept trying. Finally it sank in, it's simply not going to work. Poor guys are absolutely clueless about being a husband![/QUOTE]

Not true in every case. If a man had happily married father figures (uncles, grandfather, etc.) in his life, then he may understand how to be a husband...and a darn good one. My brother!
Don't put your self worth in the idea of being someone's wife.
Focus on being able to identify good personality traits.
Your husband shld be your best friend - nothing more, nothing less.
Pick a man that puts God first.
Here are some that I haven't read:

Some people don't' agree...but I say the man should love you more. Not saying you should be with someone you don't love, but he just needs to love you a little bit more than you love him :wink2:

Don't down play emotional abuse. Mind games can be destruction to your self esteem and yourself as a whole.

Make sure you keep doing the things that drew him to you in the beginning of the relationship.

Don't let anyone take your individualism.

Don't compare your relationship with anybody else's or your relationship with an ex.

Don't blab about your problems on social media, family, friends or co workers. If you have a problem with you SO, talk with him about it.

Don't base others on their looks and status...you may pass up a king in disguise.
Here are some that I haven't read:

Some people don't' agree...but I say the man should love you more. Not saying you should be with someone you don't love, but he just needs to love you a little bit more than you love him :wink2:

Don't down play emotional abuse. Mind games can be destruction to your self esteem and yourself as a whole.

Make sure you keep doing the things that drew him to you in the beginning of the relationship.

Don't let anyone take your individualism.

Don't compare your relationship with anybody else's or your relationship with an ex.

Don't blab about your problems on social media, family, friends or co workers. If you have a problem with you SO, talk with him about it.

Don't base others on their looks and status...you may pass up a king in disguise.

Here are some that I haven't read:

Some people don't' agree...but I say the man should love you more. Not saying you should be with someone you don't love, but he just needs to love you a little bit more than you love him :wink2:

Don't down play emotional abuse. Mind games can be destruction to your self esteem and yourself as a whole.

Make sure you keep doing the things that drew him to you in the beginning of the relationship.

Don't let anyone take your individualism.

Don't compare your relationship with anybody else's or your relationship with an ex.

Don't blab about your problems on social media, family, friends or co workers. If you have a problem with you SO, talk with him about it.

Don't base others on their looks and status...you may pass up a king in disguise.

I've read through this thread and it seems that there are a handful of prejudice women that are blind to this fact. However, that just means that there's more for me to choose from! :look:
Here are some that I haven't read:

Some people don't' agree...but I say the man should love you more. Not saying you should be with someone you don't love, but he just needs to love you a little bit more than you love him :wink2:

Don't down play emotional abuse. Mind games can be destruction to your self esteem and yourself as a whole.

Make sure you keep doing the things that drew him to you in the beginning of the relationship.

Don't let anyone take your individualism.

Don't compare your relationship with anybody else's or your relationship with an ex.

Don't blab about your problems on social media, family, friends or co workers. If you have a problem with you SO, talk with him about it.

Don't base others on their looks and status...you may pass up a king in disguise.

what would be the purpose in staying with a man you found physically repulsive?

why be with a man, because of his 'status'. What does a status mean when he backhands

you for not fixing his meal the way he likes?

I have learned the best person to find when you want true love, the best person to be your best friend, confidante, cheer leader ...is yourself.

Once you get yourself in order, you will be the mate you seek. Once you get yourself together you won't mistake a king for a kang.

You will be blessed. You will find that special someone. Not by making a list, checking the latest statistics for affluent men in your county or even being turned on for hoping his ugly face means a big dick.
there are ups and downs and the natural downs don't mean you should break up but that it is something to work through.
what would be the purpose in staying with a man you found physically repulsive?

why be with a man, because of his 'status'. What does a status mean when he backhands

you for not fixing his meal the way he likes?

I have learned the best person to find when you want true love, the best person to be your best friend, confidante, cheer leader ...is yourself.

Once you get yourself in order, you will be the mate you seek. Once you get yourself together you won't mistake a king for a kang.

You will be blessed. You will find that special someone. Not by making a list, checking the latest statistics for affluent men in your county or even being turned on for hoping his ugly face means a big dick.

For emphasis!:yep:
Here are some that I haven't read:

Some people don't' agree...but I say the man should love you more. Not saying you should be with someone you don't love, but he just needs to love you a little bit more than you love him :wink2:


THIS. I grew up hearing this from all the women in my family. I tend to agree.
To T.H.I.N.K before I speak.
Don't wait around for the apology you think you deserve. It won't happen, and frankly, you don't need it. Instead of waiting for something that will never come, use that time to move on with your life and leave him in the past.
what would be the purpose in staying with a man you found physically repulsive?

why be with a man, because of his 'status'. What does a status mean when he backhands

you for not fixing his meal the way he likes?

I have learned the best person to find when you want true love, the best person to be your best friend, confidante, cheer leader ...is yourself.

Once you get yourself in order, you will be the mate you seek. Once you get yourself together you won't mistake a king for a kang.

You will be blessed. You will find that special someone. Not by making a list, checking the latest statistics for affluent men in your county or even being turned on for hoping his ugly face means a big dick.

Loves it!!!
I am so happy that I stumbled into this thread. I read the whole thing in a short period of time and learned some things that were helpful. The most impactful thing that I took away from this thread (there were many, trust me) is that it is important to notice actions more than words.

Thanks to all you ladies who posted ... this was invaluable game for yours truly.
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