Ladies, I'm thinking about doing an experiment....

I was dressing for women, and I really needed to tone down according to Maggie. I am still working on a more simple but sexy wardrobe.

I agree with the tone done in dressing. I noticed I receive alot more attention from men; when I'm not all "done up." But the thing is you can "tone down" and still have something that POPS! Like your hair, shirt, necklace, etc.
very interesting @ the last two clips

Yes, exactly! Have you noticed that the more casual-sexy you are dressed, the more positive reactions you get from males?

Yeah I think I will start to smile more because I think it is a projection of how I feel about myself really.

I also wonder if her techniques would work in a serious relationship. I'm willing to bet that the chances of success only increase though or at least stay the same.

What do you think about this lady? I have been watching her videos and find them very simple but good reminders/basic insight.

(all these videos are very short but you don't have to watch them all LOL)

How To Appear More Approachable

What is Flirting?

I like how she reminds us to smile and that flirting isn't a "marriage proposal" but is used to be more warm and make the person feel better about themselves without acting desperate

And the basic things that guys look for that's not so deep:

What Are Men Looking For?

What Else is Visually Important?
I agree with the tone done in dressing. I noticed I receive alot more attention from men; when I'm not all "done up." But the thing is you can "tone down" and still have something that POPS! Like your hair, shirt, necklace, etc.

This. I noticed that if your hair is done for the gods and you're not doing too much with your clothing, the men will come running. These are the times when they do approach the most.
I ended up watching a bunch of that lady's videos. She has some good advice. Mostly stuff we've talked about around here, but I like the way she presents it :yep:

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Wow just read that snippet of the ring formula and i really liked it. I've already ordered the kent book but now i want this one....i might just read them both like OP so i can have a man and woman's POV
Wow just read that snippet of the ring formula and i really liked it. I've already ordered the kent book but now i want this one....i might just read them both like OP so i can have a man and woman's POV

Keep us updated!

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Keep us updated!

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I sure will but i dont really have much time to date because im in i dont even know when i will have time to read these books. i said i was going to start smiling at every man i see but i wonder...what happens if some men approach me and i really dont want them to all because i smiled at them?
This. I noticed that if your hair is done for the gods and you're not doing too much with your clothing, the men will come running. These are the times when they do approach the most.

I think it's because men appreciate physical beauty more than a woman's clothing.

I do well heels when I'm out and about. I like feeling tall.
:yep: Yes to all of the above. I think the idea is to look pleasant and not crazy when you smile. Smiling makes you appear more approachable. Everywhere you go smile at people.

This is what I had to work on. I was dressing for women, and I really needed to tone down according to Maggie. I am still working on a more simple but sexy wardrobe.

Lol, the more you smile at guys the more natural it will become.

I wonder if her techniques work once you are in a serious relationship.

This is interesting. This pretty much describes my wardrobe. Awhile ago, I figured out what my style was, and its something that is easy to put together, comfortable to wear, and flatters my figure. I think flattering your figure is the most important thing.
Keep us updated!

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So...I got an interesting compliment tonight. "Seriously. If I could marry anyone tomorrow I would be you."

Alright so he might be full of **** or just got caught up in the moment but I take this to mean at the very least these techniques have been working in a positive way.
So...I got an interesting compliment tonight. "Seriously. If I could marry anyone tomorrow I would be you."

Alright so he might be full of **** or just got caught up in the moment but I take this to mean at the very least these techniques have been working in a positive way.

Girl, that's what I like to hear......

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I just read Margaret Kent's book and all I can say is WOW. If I had read this earlier there is not a doubt in my mind I would be married by now. I am finding so many mistakes I have made and so may times men have actually been trying and I just missed the signs. Oh well, I will start to employ her ideas and methods on the next man.

What makes me mad is that I have had this book for two years. A friend who got married passed it on to me and it has been sitting on my shelf. I read the other book she gave me but left this one untouched.
When guys give me personal information and spend dates focused on conversation more so than doing activities. I always wanted to do activities when talking should have been my focus. Last dude told me all about his family and got kind of deep and I was sitting thinking that was to much. When I should have been paying attention to his relationships with his mother and sisters as they form his ideas about women.

I just never paid a whole lot of attention to men's behavior towards and what that meant for me. Sometimes the whole idea of interviewing to me felt like the Spanish Inquisition when it was really so much more.

I guess I was really overlooking the whole idea of purposeful dating with marriage in mind.
When guys give me personal information and spend dates focused on conversation more so than doing activities. I always wanted to do activities when talking should have been my focus. Last dude told me all about his family and got kind of deep and I was sitting thinking that was to much. When I should have been paying attention to his relationships with his mother and sisters as they form his ideas about women.

I just never paid a whole lot of attention to men's behavior towards and what that meant for me. Sometimes the whole idea of interviewing to me felt like the Spanish Inquisition when it was really so much more.

I guess I was really overlooking the whole idea of purposeful dating with marriage in mind.

Gotcha! It seems relationships are made with conversation and the nature of your conversation is indicative of the nature of your relationship.

After reading the book, it seems like if when you're in convos with guys, if you reciprocate sharing, you'll likely end up just friends; if you withhold while he shares, you may end up in a relationship. I didn't say that very eloquently, but I hope you know what I mean.
Do any of these books say anything about how to meet these marriage minded guys and how to get them to approach you?

The book I read listed 20 places to meet men. All the places listed seem to be very good ideas and doable. As far as getting them to approach you now that is another issue. Kent talked about how to dress and how to be more approachable. This is a huge issue for me and something I will focus on.

You may benefit from reading the book because you may be sending off the wrong vibrations thus causing men to walk on by. Friendliness and approachability are major areas woman can improve to get more men to speak up. I know I am also not the best at flirting so I will be getting some tips on that one too. HTH

Glad you like the book. It has been a real eye opener for me. Keep us updated on what's working for you when you apply her methods.


You should get the book. Its a really great read, and it seems like you are looking for a healthy long lasting relationship. It will give you some great pointers.

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hey so I actually downloaded the book on to my kindle

didn't finish it... (she started to go into the details of the marriage process which is still pretty far away for me)

but from i did get to, i thought it was good read. she reaffirmed several things that I had noticed about my dating life.... she open my eyes to some things that I have def experienced, but hadn't really picked up on yet.... and I learned some new things, so I was happy with it.

The "criticism" thing, as mean as it sounds, I can see it working. For example, last night I went out to this social event. I was dancing by myself, and I noticed this guy who was pretty cute. He was passing directly in front of me, and he was just cheesing, almost like he was laughing about something. I thought it was so cute, and I was curious, so I stopped him and asked him what was so funny (I know... that's pretty forward. I was a lil' tipsy, probably wouldn't done something like that if I was totally sober).

Anyway, he said he just finds certain things funny sometimes, and I was like, "okay, but tell me what you're laughing at, I wanna laugh too!" (I know kinda pushy right :nono:? It was the EtOh!)

And he said something like, "Oh its just funny that the DJ is playing all this good music, but nobody's dancing with each other."

Which actually wasn't true, there were a lot of ppl dancing.

So I told him "Umm... no.... actually ppl are dancing, its just that ppl aren't dancing with you. Sounds personal." :lol:

And he gave me this kinda shocked look, kinda like... did you really just say that to me? And I'm kinda just standing there laughing at my little joke (I crack myself up sometimes), and then he said "Okay, that might be true, but if wanted to be dancing with someone, I would be dancing with someone. Trust."

And I laughed and kinda shrugged, just said "Okay!" , and went back to dancing, and he walked away, kinda staring at me, shaking his head a little incredulously. :lol:

FFWD awhile later, he was passing by again, and we made eye contact and I smiled. Then he walked over and asked me my name, and I told him... and we made some small talk. We realized we knew some of the same people. It wasn't until later in the convo that he let some stuff drop and I was like whoa... this guy might actually be a great catch! He was actually pretty humble about it, and almost apologetic about it, which was refreshing... I rarely see that nowadays.

That might have been why he was so surprised I made that initial comment to him, I'm sure he's used to people bending over backwards for him.

Anyway, he said he wanted to meet up to hang out sometime, and we traded numbers :yay:

Small victories, I know... who's to say if anything will really come of it. But it was a good exercise for me either way.... So thanks Margaret Kent! :lol:
I have putting myself out there like Maggie suggested. I have 4 dates coming up, so the techniques start.

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Sorry for all of the questions...when you say around town, do you mean like randomly walking down the street or going to a social event?
Sorry for all of the questions...when you say around town, do you mean like randomly walking down the street or going to social event?

Girl no problem, ask away. At restaurants and when I am out running errands.

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Well, I went out today to an art exhibit and I was looking cute. I had several men "look and hover" around me. But I know I was giving off bad vibes. I was SO disappointed about the art exhibit which made me unapproachable.

I have to work on being more positive, irregardless of what's going on around me. Off to re-read Michelle's book.
Well, I went out today to an art exhibit and I was looking cute. I had several men "look and hover" around me. But I know I was giving off bad vibes. I was SO disappointed about the art exhibit which made me unapproachable.

I have to work on being more positive, irregardless of what's going on around me. Off to re-read Michelle's book.

Sorry you were putting out bad vibes. Atleast you know what the problem is and you are in a position to correct the issue. Good luck!

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