SPINOFF: Okay, so who's thinking about transitioning?

ayanapooh said:
No Jamiette, don't cave!!! :spank: You have no idea how many times I almost caved during my transition, and now I LOVE my natural hair! :love: You'll never know what your natural hair will do unless you give those little kinks, curls, and waves a chance! I'm so happy that I hung in there. My philosophy during my transition was to take it bit by bit, usually in 4 week intervals. I didn't relax very often anyways, so getting to 16 weeks wasn't too hard, but after that it was really a challenge to stay on track. So my first goal was to get from 16 weeks to 20, then 20 to 24, and so on. Before you know it, you'll have a head full of beautiful natural hair! :yep: The longer I went, the easier it was to keep going, b/c I knew that I could always go to the BSS and get a relaxer, but I couldn't just up and have 6, 8, or 12 months of natural hair. Stick it out for a little while longer sweety! You just may fall in love w/ your hair! ;)
Ok!!!! I will try to hang in there. I have printed out your post for inspiration :lachen: Thanks.
Good luck to all you transitioners! I had natural hair for several years in college and really enjoyed it. I sincerely believe that EVERY woman should be natural atleast once in her life. It was a time for me to learn to love my hair texture- something I had NEVER done. Now, I am in a phase where I want to believe that I can have long, swinging hair, something else I have NEVER done and that I have always been told I can not do, so I will be relaxing until I see some long, straight, shiny hair hanging down my back and can show myself and others that the black woman can do ANYTHING she wants to do. I plan to enjoy that for a while (okay a long time like 10-15 years!) and then when I am like 40, I am planning another shocker- cut it all off - just when everyone thinks they have me defined- and go for my finest moment- long, natural hair. I'm not trying to perm my hair for the rest of my life, but I'm on a little bit of a mission right now, and relaxers fit in really well. Okay, that's my hair life plan:) So for all of you that can transition and that have naturals now, keep up the good work, I love just looking at your hair. .. and dreaming of coils and curls.

Okay all that side, don't look at me crazy if I go natural like, next year, sometimes this board has a way of changing your mind, and opening your eyes to things you didn't think you were ready to do:)
Well...I might as well stop avoiding this thread and come on in.

Former natural, here. I got a relaxer and then hated it! I don't like straight hair anymore! :cry3: So, I'm growing out the relaxer...again.


I haven't totally made up my mind yet.....All I know is that I won't get a relaxer again ever!!!!!!
TigerLily said:
Well...I might as well stop avoiding this thread and come on in.

Former natural, here. I got a relaxer and then hated it! I don't like straight hair anymore! :cry3: So, I'm growing out the relaxer...again.


I haven't totally made up my mind yet.....All I know is that I won't get a relaxer again ever!!!!!!

Yes, you might as well come on in. You know you want to go natural AGAIN!!! Sorry things didn't work out with the relaxer, but...what do you mean by "I haven't totally made up my mind yet...":confused: when you never plan to get a relaxer again?:p Good luck with whatever you do. I don't like straight hair anymore either, hopefully that will keep me away from heat.:look:
Well there are other things I can get besides a relaxer. A curly perm or a body wave...Because my hair is very fine, there's not a lot I could do with it when it was natural. (I'm not saying it's like this for everyone, just me, okay?) I couldn't wear twists because they were just...anemic for lack of a better word. Afro puffs made me look 17, which would be good if I wanted to look 17. Because I don't have a curl pattern, twistouts and braidouts, just made my hair look somewhat crinkly and blah looking. Hardly a change at all. Rollersets....HAH! didn't work...My hair laughed at that! There wasn't much I could do with it besides an afro....and that got boring.

Again...this is my hair and MY experience. Obviously, it differs from person to person.

TigerLily said:
Well there are other things I can get besides a relaxer. A curly perm or a body wave...Because my hair is very fine, there's not a lot I could do with it when it was natural. (I'm not saying it's like this for everyone, just me, okay?) I couldn't wear twists because they were just...anemic for lack of a better word. Afro puffs made me look 17, which would be good if I wanted to look 17. Because I don't have a curl pattern, twistouts and braidouts, just made my hair look somewhat crinkly and blah looking. Hardly a change at all. Rollersets....HAH! didn't work...My hair laughed at that! There wasn't much I could do with it besides an afro....and that got boring.

Again...this is my hair and MY experience. Obviously, it differs from person to person.

Tigerlily, hope you did not think I was being insensitive. I was trying to encourage you and I honestly didn't understand what you meant when you said you would not get a relaxer again. Thanks for explaining the other options. Sorry the relaxer or going natural didn't work out for you. Hope you find what your hair needs to be the way you want it to be and make you happy. Good luck.
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Oh no hopeful, I didn't think that you were being insensitive! :kiss: It's just that when people talk about natural hairstyles not working for their hair, people sometimes get defensive as if you're downing THEIR hair. To avoid any of that, I was just clarifying that that was my experience and that I was not speaking for all natural heads. I've just seen some instances where people got their heads bitten off here when they're experiences with being natural weren't all on the up and up, esp. when if someone says that the hairstyles make them look too young.

Sorry for the misunderstanding.
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TigerLily said:
Oh no hopeful, I didn't think that you were being insensitive! :kiss: It's just that when people talk about natural hairstyles not working for their hair, people sometimes get defensive as if you're downing THEIR hair. To avoid any of that, I was just clarifying that that was my experience and that I was speaking for all natural heads. I've just seen some instances where people got their heads bitten off here when they're experiences with being natural weren't all on the up and up, esp. when if someone says that the hairstyles make them look too young.

Sorry for the misunderstanding.

Thanks for clearing things up Tigerlily. We're cool sweetie.:kiss: :Rose:
Kikootie said:
I was natural for 27 years and I texturized late 2004 because I just got tired of combing my hair. I read Cathy Howse's book but I was not seeing alot of progress. If I had known about this site before texturizing, I probably would not have done it. Now I've been debating for the last few months about returning to natural. I am currently 10wks post. My hair used to be so much stronger and I miss that but I love the manageability I get with the texturizer. Decisions, Decisions. I think I'll get one last retouch this week and then go from there as a natural. If not this, I'll wait until I reach my goal, then go natural.

OK. So I made an appointment to get my hair done this friday and I told her to skip the retouch. Once I get there, I must be strong and stick to my guns. I hope I can do it. :look: Yall pray for me!!!
TigerLily said:
Well...I might as well stop avoiding this thread and come on in.

Former natural, here. I got a relaxer and then hated it! I don't like straight hair anymore! :cry3: So, I'm growing out the relaxer...again.


I haven't totally made up my mind yet.....All I know is that I won't get a relaxer again ever!!!!!!

I did the same thing...natural all my life, then got a relaxer and hated it! My natural hair is so much fuller and healthier.
Kikootie said:
OK. So I made an appointment to get my hair done this friday and I told her to skip the retouch. Once I get there, I must be strong and stick to my guns. I hope I can do it. :look: Yall pray for me!!!

Good luck Kikootie! Don't give in girl!
I transitioned years ago at the urging of my then hairstylist in Philly. All of her clients are chemical free. As far as styling options go, I feel that I have more. I can do natural syles and straight styles. My hair has been in the best condition since before I started getting relaxers (big mistake for me). I love it and I would never go back. Everyone has different hair, but I feel that society has conditioned us to think that we need this to make our hair beautiful. Our hair is beautiful the way it is, it just needs to be trained to do what you want.
So true!!! :yep: :yep: :yep:

Supastar said:
As far as styling options go, I feel that I have more. I can do natural syles and straight styles. Everyone has different hair, but I feel that society has conditioned us to think that we need this to make our hair beautiful. Our hair is beautiful the way it is, it just needs to be trained to do what you want.
Kikootie said:
I was natural for 27 years and I texturized late 2004 because I just got tired of combing my hair. I read Cathy Howse's book but I was not seeing alot of progress. If I had known about this site before texturizing, I probably would not have done it. Now I've been debating for the last few months about returning to natural. I am currently 10wks post. My hair used to be so much stronger and I miss that but I love the manageability I get with the texturizer. Decisions, Decisions. I think I'll get one last retouch this week and then go from there as a natural. If not this, I'll wait until I reach my goal, then go natural.

OK I did it. I got my hair done and I told my hair dresser not to do a retouch.My heart skipped a beat. I guess it is official girls. I am transitioning. I'll keep you posted on how it goes and whether I break or not.
Kikootie said:
OK I did it. I got my hair done and I told my hair dresser not to do a retouch.My heart skipped a beat. I guess it is official girls. I am transitioning. I'll keep you posted on how it goes and whether I break or not.

Congrats and good luck!:yay:
I use to think about it, but I just say to myself I barely manage the permed stuff, I'd be a mess with some natural stuff :)