It's 1/2/15 How many dates have you had?

I've had 2 over the weekend. One was a breakfast date with a dude I've been knowing for awhile we have some history. And the second was a lunch date with a new guy I met. I hope I didn't come off too thirsty to the 2nd dude but the date went really well he was a complete gentlemen and very upfront. I was nervous and he could tell but it was comforting too. Now I'm not sure if he is really interested or not. And he was with his last ex-fiancé for 7 years and they just ended like 7 to 8 months ago. So I think he was nervous too even though he kept stating he wasn't but I could tell. He kept saying he's been out of the dating scene for awhile and doesn't know where to begin. I left it at that I'm open for other dates if he is open to it to get to know each other more. But I don't know. I think he is worried as well because when I checked out his ex-fiancé on FB she is a bartender and he kept stating that he is not trying to groom a woman into a woman and the woman has to be ambitious. I didn't want to toot my own horn but yea no grooming needed here.

So I'm going to keep going on dates. On paper he has everything and seems very level headed. I'm going to be picky about who I meet and strategize to meeting that one this year.

I'm honestly on the fence as to whether or not I wanna get back out there. It's so frustrating and I'm just SO tired of the bulls***. I can't kiss anymore frogs. :nono: But I also know that I'm coming up on 37 in less than a month, haven't had a real SO in about 8 or 9 years,and I can't keep taking myself off the market if I really wanna settle down.

What to do, what to do...

I'm honestly on the fence as to whether or not I wanna get back out there. It's so frustrating and I'm just SO tired of the bulls***. I can't kiss anymore frogs. :nono: But I also know that I'm coming up on 37 in less than a month, haven't had a real SO in about 8 or 9 years,and I can't keep taking myself off the market if I really wanna settle down.

What to do, what to do...

I feel the same way. Last year was horrible for me in dating. I just stopped all together after September/October.

I'm approaching 37. I just keep telling myself it only takes that ONE! And this is just part of it in order to meet that ONE and I have to do something to put myself out there.
I got asked to go on a date to JAMAICA :spinning: (that counts as a date right??) Oh em gee....I'm about 25-30 lbs away from being bathing suit ready but I have a couple of months.... I guess this diet I've been planning starts tomorrow if I say yes!
Travel dates can be the best or the worst.

My two dates went well yesterday both for different reasons. I think one could possibly be someone I see again. The other is good for networking.
0, but I hope to change that in a few months. Dating will be a priority this year. It hasn't been one at all in the past.
Does not compute. Details please

I posted a few times about him in the single ladies thread but he basically wants to hang as friends to get to know me because he just got out of a relationship (from the people I asked he basically said he wants to fluck) but he wants me to make the plans. Nope. Not having it. So we're both playing the "I see you but I'm going to pretend I don't see you" game.

But I am "going out." I went to the casino Friday with a male coworker. He just asked me to go again next week. But we're friends. But I liked that he came up to me and just went "Hey! When are we going to the casino again? How about next Friday?" Is that so damn hard men?!
had date number 3 and he is a very nice guy. I liked his hairline it was almost perfect :lachen: We might have a second date this week. Is two dates in the same week with the same person too much? We shall see. I like him but plan FRIENDZONE/Take it slow is in full effect.
Had date #2 with Jamaican guy. The more we talk the more he looks great on paper and I know he really likes me. But after date 2 and still no tingles I know it's not going to go anywhere.

He tried to reach in for a kiss on my cheek while he gave me a goodnight hug and I dodged it. I'm like at least aim for the lips! If you're going to try to get a kiss try to get a real one! But maybe he knew I'd try to dodge that too LOL or maybe confirms how square and bland he is. I know that's why I'm not that into him haha. I need more spunk and personality! Got date #1 with finance director guy on Wed. We've been emailing and he's very funny. The type of wit I like
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Zero and I'm completely okay with that!

There is this one guy who is "trying" to take me out again but I'm not interested.
Had a great date last night. He would be great for an older woman he was 53 and kept saying he didn't look it :look: Bless his heart. He wants to go out again I will but we are not a match. He is cool. If you have a cool auntie or mom in Houston let me know I can try to hook her up.
Zippo..... :perplexed

Nada last year also.... :ohwell:

Oh well, this year I really told myself I'm just going to focus on ME for a change. I'm taking a year off this year lol :lol: I'm OFF the market hahaha! :lachen: I'm living in a new state right now, and I just don't meet enough new guys who are God-fearing men and are serious about relationships to be bothered right now. :hand: I'm in my early 30s' now, so I can't be dealing with time-wasters and immature guys anymore. :nono:

If a guy wants to come up and approach me and seriously try to get to know me better, then of COURSE I will entertain his advances and will try to date/get to know him also. :yep:

But this year, I made a conscious effort to just focus on ME, stay happy, stay FIT, and just STOP with the "looking"...:look:

I honestly think I had more guys after me when I wasn't even worrying so much about it... :ohwell:

So dates this year yet, but I'm honestly okay with that right now! :yep: I've dedicated 2015 to MYSELF. Whatever happens will happen. :yep:
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I had my first date of the new year last night. Marine Guy drove 1.5 hours to meet me. We went out for drinks and had a great time. He asked to see me again today so another date it is. My son comes back from his visit with his father tomorrow so I need to take advantage of the child free time I have.
Had another date last night.... I really like this guy. He seems to have his head on straight and he has a lot of positive male role models. We went out to eat and had a great time talking- just amazing. I learned a lot about him and slavery (he was telling me where his family was from/history). He is very socially aware and just smart. We kissed for the first time last night and it was nice.

I didn't think I would ever feel like this again. After my ex and learning about relationship cycles, I figured my innocence was gone. I constantly see red flags now with every guy I come into contact with and I pay attention. I figured I would be single for the rest of my life because I was that scarred. Now I am thinking there is a chance.
Went on another date last night. Dude was a lot chunkier than his pics AND he kept talking about how he hates going to the gym, especially around New Years bc it's so crowded. Um I can tell.

Guys try to act that it's only women that pull this mess.
I've been out with 4 different guys this month (all military). Being stationed in SK the past 10ish months I have learned to keep a rotation going at all times when dating, lol. It keeps things interesting and never has me sweating one single guy too much. At this point I am just dating for fun, though, because I literally PCS in 2 months. Anyway, soooo there are pros/cons to each guy....

Guy number 1.....I have been seeing since December. It will never work out. Our last date was over NY weekend. He is a nice guy, smart, and we have good conversation (important to me). There's definitely some chemistry there, but I have noticed he is kind of bossy. I actually prefer decisive males who make decisions easily, but he is beyond that and just bossy. He also has an issue accepting boundaries. I don't believe in having a guy over my place until I am comfortable, and by the end of date 2 he was being really pushy about coming inside even though I explained specifically why. He is cute, though, with a nice smile, GREAT arms (I love nice arms lol), but he is kind of on the short side for my tastes. I know it will never work out because we are both too stubborn and I don't like pushiness. We've already gotten into an argument this early on. He apologized, but nahhhhh.

Guy number 2.....tall, dark, total clown. He is so lighthearted and ridiculous, he keeps me laughing from beginning to end. THIS is what I love most about him. I love to laugh and he always has something silly or funny to say. He is also a perfect gentleman, it's quite refreshing. We have been out three times already, and each time I have a complete blast. Big bonus is that his next duty station is England, just like me. I leave a few months ahead of him, but he will be there eventually so even though I'm kind of dating for fun since I leave soon, it's definitely in the back of my mind that this guy will be going where I'm going if I want to take things to the next level. Cons about this guy are that he doesn't seem all that motivated to me. We are the same rank, but he has been in several years longer than me, and he just doesn't seem eager to make the next stripe. That's kind of a turn off, I like go-getter men. Also, he is sometimes a little too lighthearted. I love laughing, but not everything is a joke. He's only 26 (I'm 25) so I think he may just need to mature a bit. But still, really like this guy. I don't sit on his messages or avoid his calls (I have a bad habit of doing this LOL), I respond as soon as I can, because the conversation is always entertaining/engaging.

Guy number 3.......went out with for the first time last night. Never again. I've known him for a while because sometimes our career fields cross paths at work, but he's never asked me out until recently. Anyway, we have some things in common like our cultural background and similar families, but he is just not my type at all. He paid for everything, but he did not hold the door open for me (yes I notice!!!), and he did not offer to walk me after the taxi dropped us off at the end of our date. I understand we both live in opposite directions, but it was COLD and NIGHT out, and he just let me make the walk by myself. He is the only one of the 4 to not walk me back. I just think it shows a lot about his character. Plus, he kind of complains a lot about other people, situations, etc. He's also not very funny. I'm not particularly physically attracted to him either aside from his height. Like I said, it's just a never again.

Guy number 4.......I think I like the most even though I've only known him for the shortest period of time. I literally met him 2 weeks ago, and we've already been out 3 times. He is older age 31 and is a lot more grounded than the others. He's never been married, never had any kids, he is really goal-oriented and traditional. We have a lot of the same "thoughts" on a lot of that type of stuff. He is Latino and we come from the same country so we have that in common as well. I feel like I can relate to him in ways I can't with a couple of the other guys. He is also really intelligent and seems ambitious (I know this because he's made rank very fast and is always an award winner). He's also a pretty good listener. What I don't like about him, though, is that he's shy! I'm shy. Two shy people just do not work out lol. I almost never make moves with men, so the fact that he is hesitant to make moves as the man leaves us stuck. He was so awkward about our first kiss. I do think it's a bit cute he's shy, but at the same time I normally go for more alpha types. Biggest con is that he PCS's in a week back to the States. He has asked to come visit me in England, and I told him he can. But I'm not into the whole long distance thing.

Long post I know lol. Really I don't think any of these guys are it. I'm just biding my time til I get to leave. :lol:
Zero, story of my life. I am working on making myself more attractive in order to attract the kind of many I am looking for. Will be subscribing to this thread and making another post at a later date.
Had another date last night.... I really like this guy. He seems to have his head on straight and he has a lot of positive male role models. We went out to eat and had a great time talking- just amazing. I learned a lot about him and slavery (he was telling me where his family was from/history). He is very socially aware and just smart. We kissed for the first time last night and it was nice.

I didn't think I would ever feel like this again. After my ex and learning about relationship cycles, I figured my innocence was gone. I constantly see red flags now with every guy I come into contact with and I pay attention. I figured I would be single for the rest of my life because I was that scarred. Now I am thinking there is a chance.

WOw...your post is giving me hope lol :yep: :grin:

Zero, story of my life. I am working on making myself more attractive in order to attract the kind of many I am looking for. Will be subscribing to this thread and making another post at a later date.
Same here...:yep: I've officially given up the search. :perplexed

But I'm focusing more on myself this year, and if someone happens to "pop" into my life, then I'll see where it goes! :grin: But as far as looking, searching and worrying about it? Naahhh....I'm taking a year off from all of that. Maybe NEXT year I'll worry again, but THIS year, I'm not doing it. :nono2:
Well, it's the 25th day of January. No date. Honestly I cannot get out of this mindset that I shouldn't date until I have my crap together. But I know that's wrong! This guy at work asked me to come over to his house during the day because he "has the house to himself" but we have never been anywhere together before. Was I wrong to reject that idea? I don't think so but I wanted to run it by the forum.
Well, it's the 25th day of January. No date. Honestly I cannot get out of this mindset that I shouldn't date until I have my crap together. But I know that's wrong! This guy at work asked me to come over to his house during the day because he "has the house to himself" but we have never been anywhere together before. Was I wrong to reject that idea? I don't think so but I wanted to run it by the forum.

You made the right choice. He's just looking for sex.

Sent from my iPad mini mini.
I've been on 4 dates with 2 guys this month. I have another date with a 3rd guy on Wednesday. Another guy invited me to a party on Friday, but it's not a date. Hopefully, there will be some nice eligible bachelors in attendance.
Well, it's the 25th day of January. No date. Honestly I cannot get out of this mindset that I shouldn't date until I have my crap together. But I know that's wrong! This guy at work asked me to come over to his house during the day because he "has the house to himself" but we have never been anywhere together before. Was I wrong to reject that idea? I don't think so but I wanted to run it by the forum.
Please don't ever second guess that decision.
Please don't ever second guess that decision.

Okay, I won't. Thanks. Sometimes I think I'm too fridgid and I make it hard for guys to take interest in me.

You made the right choice. He's just looking for sex.

Sent from my iPad mini mini.

See that what that message he sent me conveys, but in real life he really doesn't seem like that kind of guy. Sigh idk. I'm not even attracted to this guy but we're friends at work so I would hate for us to become uncivilized.
I've been on 4 dates with 2 guys this month. I have another date with a 3rd guy on Wednesday. Another guy invited me to a party on Friday, but it's not a date. Hopefully, there will be some nice eligible bachelors in attendance.

GO 'HEAD MISS THANG:bdance::gorgeous: you seductress you.