Is dating a white man a "step up"?

Is choosing a white man a "step up" for black women?

  • Yay. White man got that paper.

    Votes: 44 6.2%
  • Who ever answered the above needs to be banned.

    Votes: 126 17.6%
  • No: All men are equal.

    Votes: 426 59.7%
  • No: No man is better than a black man.

    Votes: 104 14.6%
  • N/A: I like women.

    Votes: 14 2.0%

  • Total voters
How about just a good man? A man who doesn't hit you, sleep with other broads, snort/smoke/sell crack? A man who pays his bills ON TIME? A man who has seen the inside of a church after puberty? A man who is employed? A man who doesn't think 401K is 50Cent's new prodigy? A man who wants to experience and try new things? A man who doesn't think going to the local Chinese resturant counts as world travel? A man who doesn't invest his entire life into Madden '09 or fantasy football? A man, if he happens to have kids, doesn't have amnesia and takes care of them? I don't care what color he is. Love is love. If he is willing to do a little homework, and understand that sex with me doesn't equal street cred, then that is fine with me.
Dating a GOOD (honestly GOOD) God fearing man is a step up. Hell, there are bums in every color, white, brown, yellow, black, red, purple, green, orange or blue...
I think the question is funny.

Men are Men are Men -- My grandmother speaking -- Ant no big deal white or black, blue or green
Funny, I think black women in the UK (just going by what I've seen in classified ads, etc) are more demonstrative with this idea, just by the % of them that will explicitly say they're looking for a white man. (Or maybe such BW form a disproportionate % of those ads because, compared to BW who date BM or don't care about the colour of their partner, they would have a more difficult time finding what they want.)
In the south, when a white women marries/dates/procreates with a black man, the black and white community views it as a step down.
I've seen this type of behavior at work. We had a young white girl who started working her. All of the white folk commented on how pretty she was and blah blah blah. After she showed everyone pictures of her children, the white folk started acting funny. :( Instead of "awwww your kids are so cute" they frowned at her in disgust after realizing that her kids are 1/2 black.

Yet, let me be out with a white man. Other YTs will walk up and give him a high five.......WTF???? Everyone assumes that this white man must be
*cool with black folks
*has a big penis
My entire family is like this. Once they find out my BF is white the first thing that comes out of their mouths is "dem white boy spend that money".

This disturbes me some. When me and my white males friends are out and they see a black man & white woman together they always have something negative to say. When I mention that they are out with a woman of a different race (me) the shake it off saying that I'm O.K. to be with (even suggesting that I make them look cool, what BS).

How are these relationships viewed in your neck of the woods.

This is very disturbing. I voted all men are equal. Each culture is full of pigs and princes.

My family think the total opposite (ok just my mum, nana and my twin sis). They are the opposite but similar in many aspects. They think dating a white man is a step down and will continue to tell me about slavery just to prove their point. My family would rather I marry a black man (of caribbean descent) OR if I do marry non black he would have to be caribbean. My father wants me to date a white man :spinning: but would prefer if I don't date EVER lol :grin:. If history is anything to go by I think my sis, nana and mother has been influenced by outsiders. My family is a melting pot and I wouldn't be here if it was not.

My extended family tend to be equal opp daters. You can't help who you fall in love with etc...

IMO London is different. No one really cares who you date it's just a minority of narrow minded individuals that like to make their opinions known. You hear comments like "white women are easy that it why black men want them" "black women are too harsh to black men" :nono: but it IS a select few.

It really depends on who you socialise with. I've since dropped people who express their pro black pro white anti interracial dating views and I've never felt happier. It's not nice to go to a social event and having to hold your breathe because you fear what your "friends" will say about your non black man. The company you keep says a lot about you. You shouldn't have to question your dating choices or feel uncomfortable about them. If you hang with wolves you become a wolf.

I think it's high time people stop assuming that interracial daters must like EVERYONE from the entire enthnicity they date. You can't like everyone from one culture. Look @ black people. It doesn't work like that.

sorry for the rant
All men have the same objective, just different ways of displaying how they get what they want.

Funny, white man got that paper, huh? At one time, that may have been a good reason for following the "paper trail", but whites are slowly losing their control over this country and with the loss of power comes the loss of PAPER! :)
Don't mistake dwindling numbers for dwindling power.

Afrikaaners were a minority and still ruled South Africa.
They are still a minority, and some say still hold alot of power behind the scenes.
I think of men as "step ups" or "step downs" based on their actions and where they are in life compared to their age. They don't have to be wealthy but they certainly have to be doing something worth while. I'm married to a 1/2 White - 1/2 Latino man, and he's my "step up" because he is simply one of nicest most kind hearted people I've ever known and is really handsome to boot. That was why I married him.

While I don't date anymore (needless to say) I can tell you that it's 3 groups of men that hit on me. Young white guys that try to act "black", middle age white men, especially European men (there are tons of them where I work) that are careful with what they say, but make their interest known, and East Indian guys who are very sweet and respectful about it. I think I can count on both hands that amount of time a black man has "hit" on me, and the middle class types never do. I'm dark skin, mid height, and fit (well depending on what kind of winter it's been ;) I've found this trend the world over for me.

And this might seem mean but in my mind we're the step up. Especially considering some of the wives of these execs. We're the step up on so many levels: looks, education, ambition, personality, usefulness...and they know it.
Don't mistake dwindling numbers for dwindling power.

Afrikaaners were a minority and still ruled South Africa.
They are still a minority, and some say still hold alot of power behind the scenes.

Really, a white man is not even POTUS anymore... if the handwriting on the wall says that the power in this country is slowly shifting, I don't know how much clearer it has to get.

I also understand that white supremacist groups are again on the rise... they know the deal even if others don't. They see what I see, and they don't "likey".

I guess I wouldn't "likey" either! :giggle: :)
Not if they are broke. Any man that has good qualities is a great person to have in your life white or black.

I have seen a BUNCH of busted white men in the world.