Two White Washed People Dating?

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So I typicly date white white men, it's not that I'm not intreasted in black men, it's just that I don't connect with a lot of them, the way I do a white man.

Well.... Recently I was invited to a local skate park by my white friend who was there to cheer on her boyfriend.

Then I met him, 6ft 2, brown skin, incredible body, I could see his musuclar definition with ease as he rode his longboard shirtless. " Who is he" I asked my friend... she replied "That's Jason", "Your Boyfriend?" I said , "Sam's Friend" she replied.

Half an hour past. The boys were done skating. Jason and Sam(Boyfriend) came over, Sarah(friend) introduced me to Jason. He smiled a faint smile and continued to crack jokes at sam while the two made small talk and pleasantries and left.

Me and Sarah went to get a bite to eat, and out of nowhere she says "He's just like you" and I replied "Just Like me?" "Acts White" she replied. I wasn't offended me and my friend joke all the time about how much of an oreo I am and my white boy obsession :lol:

Jason apparently is a super oreo like me and pretty much date's thin WASP types, but I like him and attracted to him.... I can't believe it.... me the Biracial butterfly into a black dude:lachen:

Funny thing I've plenty of white men who never dated a black women, and I usally have no issue, but there's something a black man not being into black women that has my tummy in tangles...:lachen:

Wow, I kind of feel guilty, is this how all the black dude's who been intrested in me felt :nono:

Ladies how do I proceed with this one? Advice?
YouTube - Cricket Sound
*lights up a newport one hunnit n pours me some henny STRAIGHT for dis hea bu'shyt*

Martin Luther King birthday was just a few days ago and already.....

but'r uh..

first of me a favor shuga n reach on ova to da "black" side of you, if any, so dat u can unda stand dis hea post.

now, lemme git dis hea straight. u consida urself white, judgin from ur post, as u say "biracial butterfly". ur white friend sara, susan or whateva her name is introduced u to her boyfriend's friend, jason. susan or whateva...let's just call her Sue cuz i don't feel like goin back to re-read whatchu wrote. but anywho, she says that he is just like you and "acts white" and only dates white broads while u only date white dudes. u date white dudes cuz u say u can't connect with black men...or how we say on dis side of da tracks..."da brothas".

*puffs n plucks ash*

now, u stuck like chuck cuz ur interested in him..but afraid to approach him cuz ur black? yeah. uh huh. das what it now u feel phucked up cuz ur interested in him, but fear u may get rejected cuz he only dates AUTHENTIC WHITE WASPY THIN LOOKIN GIRLS. even tho u "act" white and hang wif da white folks, you don't qualify, as per ur friend "Sue".

u got some serious issues dat only u can identify wif, but i will tell u this. to Sue, Sam, or whateva da group u roll wif, puleez understand dat at da end of da day u will always be da light skinted black chick who acts white.

now, keep in mind u said u can't connect wif da brothas, so what makes u think u can connect wif him? whatchu gonna do....act real real white (like becky) n convince him dat u can be his fantasy white girl, wif a dash of me unda stand cuz an ole woman like me ain't understandin....

u say it's new territory for u, right? well chile, it's new territory for me cuz i've read alotta dumb shyt on dis board but dis one has got to take da cake. biracial butterfly, oreo, etc......

*puffs n plucks ash*

funniest post eva......:dighole:
Trying to think of something nice, but this is one time where I pause. And don't get me wrong I'm still trying to say this in the best way possible, but some stuff needs to be said (if you're not trolling). I think everyone said what needs to be said about the color issue mind fu$% that you're involved in (and bless your parents cause who knows what you've been fed through their union. Two insecure people get together and have a racially ambiguous child smdh. Has to be for you to post this, because what kinda stuff have they fed you for you to come to these conclusions about race)....anyhoo...

um he isn't interested in you so chasing him down won't help. You're probably (if you're not a troll) fascinated with the challenge. And you've stumbled upon a case of irony (not preference): you only want to date white men, he only wants to date white women. BUT why? (asks you) ...don't you qualify since your friends say you act white? Why? Because you're...sooooo different from the other black women wouldn't you qualify?(you think)....sorry even though people don't think that one drop rule applies...being non white (fully) matters in this world at times. Especially in cases like this (and with your so called friends who have the nerve to insult you and you don't even know it).

Uhm nope cause he doesn't date black (or racially ambiguous) women (depending on how you categorize yourself), only white women. You're better off chasing another white dude and calling it a day.

BUT now you know what...preferences feel like, especially when it's not preference and it's just based on some twisted ish. I think you can sense he has as many issues as you and you feel a kindship, except he's too busy feeling how different he is (in that he loves and thinks he too acts white) to even notice you. ANd drop the act white thing fyi, wth is that? Speaking correct english? If you're young and you go off into the world you'll realize that you are not some unique specimen of biracial butterfly, you are infact just a person...who happens to speak correct english. And there are many like you out there. And it has nothing to do with trying to be white, because there is no such thing. I go to Barnes and Noble all the time, go to musicals, ballet, and will listen to all types of music (from different areas from big band, to jazz, to modern day hip hop, and other alternative music) but I don't act white. I act like me. And I've had idiots try to fix their mouth to say that to which I stop them in their tracks. Because there is no set definition of how I should act. I'm not going to wear certain clothes, or talk a certain way just so you can feel better about the idea that you have of what I should be. A person like that can kim and not bother with being my friend.

You're going to have to learn to stop stereotyping people, and start realizing that the world (and people) are bigger than you could ever expect. With tons of opinions, unique outlooks, etc and none of that has to do with a person who is not white, appearing white.

omh, THANK YOU for saying everything i wanted to say!
No. Girl, you are not going to get any real advice on here! ;) I mean, this sounds... like a real issue and I'm not talking about whether or not you two will date. I DO hear you, though. I don't think this post is even minutely relatable on a personal level to a lot of ladies on this board. I hope you're 20 or under.

My phone just deleted my long edit. Long story, short: your friend only knows what she's seen. She probably doesn't KNOW he only dates White girls. Angela Simmon's ex (the d-bag skater probably was accused of the same thing growing up).

I was a Black girl in a mostly White town. My brother and I were popular (cheerleader, skater, surfer, soccer, Honors classes. Decentish mix of people for our town). Anyone who ever called me White had to elaborate and then feel ashamed... Or something!

People would be quick to tell someone else that we only dated White people-- even close friends. They were wrong.

Anyway, why do you let your friend call you White (or even worse, say you act White, b/c now she has an assumed definition about your Black side)? Wouldn't you be offended if people called you a man? You're not offended that she calls you derogatory names b/c you don't realize they're insulting you. What is being "White" in one area, is simply being normal and at peace with yourself in others. I'm not going to suggest you change to appease other people, just know that... unique ain't unique. Not a bad thing, just a reality.

Also, be weary of people who think in extremes.
Obviously this is a troll. Who makes their first post in the Relationship Forum?
so is this our official transition out of "light skin/dark skin" month? Maybe this is a preview of what our topic is gonna be for Feb perhaps?
A person with excellent grammer, convervative views, old money etc... and be of color- to me that doesnt make the person white washed- it makes them a person possessing all these attributes.

I hope the OP is young, because I got this crap from extended family for years. At times I thought I was "whitewashed" and I wished that I was "blacker." But thank goodness for Mom who always encouraged me to be better. For the record I do not believe that now. It is amazing how negative we can be to each other.

Also not related to the OP, but why in the hell do I not understand the Jersey Girl's posts?
*liso now u feel phucked up cuz ur interested in him, but fear u may get rejected cuz he only dates AUTHENTIC WHITE WASPY THIN LOOKIN GIRLS. even tho u "act" white and hang wif da white folks, you don't qualify, as per ur friend "Sue".
*puffs n plucks ash*

:lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen: :lachen:
Did the "gangsta lean" thread get poofed? If not, lank??

No comment on the op but that livejournal comment was HILARIOUS AND TRUE!!
i must be the only one that didn't think her post was that serious :look:

AGREED! Op just asked a question. Y'all are projecting your issues with the term onto her. she seems fine, and just wanted a simple answer to her simple question.

Speaking of which, here you go Op:

He only dates white women, so you may not have a chance to begin with.

SMH @ all this drama coming out of nowhere!
^^^ i don't think OP is getting the side eye b/c of interracial dating or even that she likes a guy who will probably not be interested in her. She self describes herself as an oreo and whitewashed seemingly unaware of the pejorative connotation. The dating stuff, at least IMO, is the least of any issues in the OP.
^^^ i don't think OP is getting the side eye b/c of interracial dating or even that she likes a guy who will probably not be interested in her. She self describes herself as an oreo and whitewashed seemingly unaware of the pejorative connotation. The dating stuff, at least IMO, is the least of any issues in the OP.

There's SOOOO much going on in the OP. It's just one of the many things to ponder while reading it. Negative connotations, IR dating, Self-Hate, #hesjustnothatintoyou, "he likes white women, I know he won't like me!", biracial butterfly, my friends say I act white, I don't date black men...

A conglomerate of "Chile SITCHOAZZ down somewhere."

I always freed trolls...But when I do, I feed the ones who fit the most issues they can into one post.

Two questions: What exactly is a troll? What exactly is an oreo? I thought a troll was someone who came in and caused trouble but from what people are saying in this post it's someone who comes in with something fake. I confused. :spinning: And an oreo is black on the outside and white on the inside, right?
Negative connotations, IR dating, Self-Hate, #hesjustnothatintoyou, "he likes white women, I know he won't like me!", biracial butterfly, my friends say I act white, I don't date black men...

A conglomerate of "Chile SITCHOAZZ down somewhere."

lawd, your whole post :lol:

And an oreo is black on the outside and white on the inside, right?

correct. i didn't know poeple still used this old-a## term. i guess she thinks it's cute
op's post sounds like something from a i wouldn't read...
i wish there was another automatic term to use besides "acts white". just because someone might speak a certain way or expresses interest in a certain thing doesn't mean they are "acting >insert race here<".

people aren't that different from each other if you look past vocal inflection or personal style. i mean, that's why you are able to be friends with white people in the first place, right?
Iammyhair2, you need to have a long talk with yourself and work out the type of man you are attracted to you, don't feel ashamed and under any circumstances, let anyone try and tell you what you should like and not like. Remember you are an individual and you have been given free will and you have to be honest with yourself and it does not matter what people think, that is totally irrelevant.

Try be honest with yourself and don't try to fit to anyone ideal.
AGREED! Op just asked a question. Y'all are projecting your issues with the term onto her. she seems fine, and just wanted a simple answer to her simple question.

Speaking of which, here you go Op:

He only dates white women, so you may not have a chance to begin with.

SMH @ all this drama coming out of nowhere!

Come on now, you've been here long enough to know that whether or not it is, this has all the characteristics of a troll post, so it's not "out of nowhere".
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