Is Being Beautiful a Curse?


Well-Known Member
Do you think that pretty/beautiful women are cursed?

I know one woman who is extremely pretty yet the men won't approach her and the women seem to hate her. She's actually a great person but no one will give her a chance. Hence my question that women like this never seem to be good enough for either sex. I really don't what to tell her except to just continue to live her life.
No there are TONS of beautiful women in the world living their lives. I saw a thread like this on LSA.
Well what is it about her, I am trying to figure out why men don't approach her and why the women hate her something sounds off to me
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Well what is it about her, I am trying to figure out why men don't approach her and why the women hate her something sounds fishy to me

For example, when I go out with her, men will just stare and stare yet won't say anything to her. Hell, they'll even come around her and just fidget the whole time yet won't speak. I've never spoken to the men so I don't know if they like or hate her but from my observation, it seems like they want to talk to her but are scared or something. The women on the other hand, they will stare also but sound really snotty when they compliment her. I don't think they are being genuine. Then comes the whole, "she's stuck up", "she thinks she better", etc. lines which she is really none of those. She feels that women don't like her and yes she has friends that are women so she's not only friends with one sex.
For example, when I go out with her, men will just stare and stare yet won't say anything to her. Hell, they'll even come around her and just fidget the whole time yet won't speak. I've never spoken to the men so I don't know if they like or hate her but from my observation, it seems like they want to talk to her but are scared or something. The women on the other hand, they will stare also but sound really snotty when they compliment her. I don't think they are being genuine. Then comes the whole, "she's stuck up", "she thinks she better", etc. lines which she is really none of those. She feels that women don't like her and yes she has friends that are women so she's not only friends with one sex.
Umm from this I get maybe the men are intimidated by her beauty and afraid of getting shut down by her. The women are probaly intimidated as well and also they are jealous. Do she date a lot?
I met someone who is beautiful and cursed.

She's biracial, really gorgeous, but really ambiguous-looking. She kinds looks like a young elizabeth taylor with long, fluffy hair like the texture of Alicia Keys'

She said black males date her, but just to see if they can "get" her and she is not really accepted because she's too "white looking." White males date her, but not seriously because she's "black." She was really suffering, because I just walked up to a bank window and she was the teller. I didn't even know her, but she was crying and spilling her guts.

I could see beauty being a curse in her case. I don't think if she looked like Tiny she would have all that trouble.
It may be a curse for really shy personalities, because they might not know how to deal with the attention....but if you have an outgoing personality it can draw attention to your beauty.
It all depends on the woman. No matter what women tell you, many of them are insecure and will prejudge a beautful woman and find things about her to make her ugly. Men on the other will make assumptions about her personality, status, financial desires and not even bother. It can be a curse. Especially if she is shy. I agree with many of the posters above.
It may be a curse for really shy personalities, because they might not know how to deal with the attention....but if you have an outgoing personality it can draw attention to your beauty.

Well, she is really shy so maybe that's why. I mean she won't even make eye contact with a man unless she knows him.
Is being ugly (or so-so) a blessing then?:spinning:

I don't think being beautiful is a curse, sometimes it's just not all about looks :ohwell:. Drop dead gorgeous women can be single too-- just like the super-sweet and funny chick EVERYONE likes or the seemingly quintessential wife material-type girl. That's just how life is :yep:.

Men do get intimidated by women sometimes, as is often the case with extremely successful or highly educated women, but I won't see a strikingly beautiful woman at the mall and think "aww poor thing, she's cursed with beauty. She'll never get a man.":lachen:
Aren't goodlooking ppl generally treated better by the public, kids gravitate towards them more, and don't they usually get hired for jobs easier? and since ugly betty's rarely become trophy wives, I'm unconvinced that being beautiful is a curse just because a few pretty girls are manless. Some men just need to get over themelves with their own shortcomings and insecurities, tis all.

The beautiful haven't been cursed, they (we :grin: ..........j/k :rolleyes:) enjoy many perks :yep: (as I have heard/observed).

My $0.02 :yawn: .
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Well, she is really shy so maybe that's why. I mean she won't even make eye contact with a man unless she knows him.

Yeah, then I don't think it's her beauty that's the problem. She is perhaps too shy or introverted so it's hard to see or appreciate her personality. Unfortunately, shy girls are often perceived as being standoffish or get mislabeled "stuck-up".:sad:
There are many terrible things that happen to people in this life.
Being beautiful is not one of them.

hmmm a long time ago, i would have agreed with you.
but after seeing someone with my own two eye who was drop dead grog - by popular opinion - AND who would be an ideal study for that whole scientific face shape analysis and human attraction - suffer from severe, severe, severe body dismorphic disorder, i have to say that it actually can be. :nono:

though what we all consider "beautiful" can only be measured on a sliding sale, the majority of people who suffer from bdd are considered by doctors who treat them to above avg in attraction.
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hmmm a long time ago, i would have agreed with you.
but after seeing someone with my own two eye who was drop dead grog - by popular opinion - AND who would be an ideal study for that whole scientific face shape analysis and human attraction - suffer from severe, severe, severe body dismorphic disorder, i have to say that it actually can be. :nono:

though what we all consider "beautiful" can only be measured on a sliding sale, the majority of people who suffer from bdd are considered by doctors who treat them to above avg in attraction.

Yeah, I know someone who suffers from this and it's not a pretty sight to see. She often makes comments about slicing her face off because she thinks she's horrible looking.
I think beauty can be a curse if you don't learn how to disarm people right away.

I know someone who is very beautiful, but she is very outgoing and she has a very silly, fun personality so people give her a chance. She has mentioned many times that she plays down her beauty (no make-up or frilly clothes) and she knows that her goofy personality and willingness to laugh at herself makes her endearing to others.

I know others who are very beautiful, but not as outgoing :nono:. Men are certainly intimidated and both men and women make negative comments. Some of the men call them stuck up b!tches because they think the women are out of their league and the women talk sh!t because they don't want to openly admit that another woman is prettier and completely steals their shine.

God help me, I hope I never turn into a bitter old hag like some of these women. Why not just say the woman is pretty and k.i.m.?
I met someone who is beautiful and cursed.

She's biracial, really gorgeous, but really ambiguous-looking. She kinds looks like a young elizabeth taylor with long, fluffy hair like the texture of Alicia Keys'

She said black males date her, but just to see if they can "get" her and she is not really accepted because she's too "white looking." White males date her, but not seriously because she's "black." She was really suffering, because I just walked up to a bank window and she was the teller. I didn't even know her, but she was crying and spilling her guts.

I could see beauty being a curse in her case. I don't think if she looked like Tiny she would have all that trouble.

It sounds like her problems go far beyond being considered beautiful. :nono:
anything can be a curse if you let it.
but I have seen people who are stunningly beautiful experience some nasty stuff because of other people. I've come to understand that there is a LOT of envy in the world and people can give you hell for having what supposedly THEY should have.
anything can be a curse if you let it.
but I have seen people who are stunningly beautiful experience some nasty stuff because of other people. I've come to understand that there is a LOT of envy in the world and people can give you hell for having what supposedly THEY should have.

She's has stuff happen to her that would qualify for what you have stated. I won't go into detail but it's amazing how others can treat you yet they never bother to try to get to know you.
It's the shyness, since people stare often she is already anticipating people judging her so she probably ends up freezing up in social situations. Shy people need to feel comfortable and warm up a little before they open up. If somebody is mean mugging you and doesn't ever say anything I would definately be uncomfortable. I'm the sweetest person but I've heard a million times oh I thought you were mean or serious just cause I wasn't smiling the first two seconds of a conversation or telling my whole life story.
It all depends on the woman. No matter what women tell you, many of them are insecure and will prejudge a beautful woman and find things about her to make her ugly. Men on the other will make assumptions about her personality, status, financial desires and not even bother. It can be a curse. Especially if she is shy. I agree with many of the posters above.

That's really a shame that they are treated that way. I'm in awe of really beautiful women. If I have a chance to befriend one and she's nice, I always do.