I'm Bra-Strap Length, BABY!!!!!

luvlonghair said:
Girl, your hair looks fabulous!!!:grin: Congratulations:grin: :grin:

O.k, now this is where the hateration comes in:lol: J/K.....

I'm so jealous.....I want my hair to grow up and look just like yours:grin: :grin: :grin:

I'm going to try to hide my hair until Xmas...heck or even June.

If my hair can look like this after 9 or 10 months, then it's well worth it.

Keep doing what you do. By this time next year you'll be at WL:eek:

I want BSL Hair:wallbash: :wallbash: :nuts: :hammer: ......(rolling on the floor like a two year old):rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

You Grow Girl!!!!

Girl who says you can't get it!! Shoot, you better grow girl!

Thanks ladies for all the loving words.:D
determined_to_grow said:
Mizani what happen to the ends of your hair are they exposed or do you some how tuck them under...

I guess you can call them exposed :lol:. But the funny part is they never completely dry out. I got this idea from CandyC. She once stated that the closer your ends are to your scalp (where the most sebum is) the less they tend to dry out. And my hair has proven that that was true.

I never really "bun." I never have even did a bun and don't know how. When I do do a ponytail I always tuck the ends in the scrunchie, so my ponytail does an O type thing. I baggy every night so when I wake up my ends are very moist. They do loose some (which is to be expected) moisture by the end of the day but I always spray them and baggie them again and the cycle continues. But they never absolutely dry out.

I also do a lot of phony ponies with the baggie on my ends. I do this about once a week.
girl, your hair is so gorgeous now !!!!! I know you are an inspiration to a lot of the ladies here.....keep up the good work....smile
Thanks Mizani you have been such a great help- oh OT/ btw- last night I did the baggy thing and it does work wonders (my hair was extremely dry and now it is really moist)!!!

MizaniMami said:
I guess you can call them exposed :lol:. But the funny part is they never completely dry out. I got this idea from CandyC. She once stated that the closer your ends are to your scalp (where the most sebum is) the less they tend to dry out. And my hair has proven that that was true.

I never really "bun." I never have even did a bun and don't know how. When I do do a ponytail I always tuck the ends in the scrunchie, so my ponytail does an O type thing. I baggy every night so when I wake up my ends are very moist. They do loose some (which is to be expected) moisture by the end of the day but I always spray them and baggie them again and the cycle continues. But they never absolutely dry out.

I also do a lot of phony ponies with the baggie on my ends. I do this about once a week.
MizaniMami said:
Um, I usually just make one big twist-like the twist braid, just two stranded, and pin it up with a cute clip or with my reg. duck bill clips. This is a pic of my sis' hair. It looks just like this when I do it.

Thank you SOOOO much!! I just tried this on my hair, and it looks great!:D
MizaniMami said:
I guess you can call them exposed :lol:. But the funny part is they never completely dry out. I got this idea from CandyC. She once stated that the closer your ends are to your scalp (where the most sebum is) the less they tend to dry out. And my hair has proven that that was true.

I never really "bun." I never have even did a bun and don't know how. When I do do a ponytail I always tuck the ends in the scrunchie, so my ponytail does an O type thing. I baggy every night so when I wake up my ends are very moist. They do loose some (which is to be expected) moisture by the end of the day but I always spray them and baggie them again and the cycle continues. But they never absolutely dry out.

I also do a lot of phony ponies with the baggie on my ends. I do this about once a week.

Ohhh, ok, I was worried about exposing my ends. I'll start doing the baggy, too, since you've proven that it works great.
Okay, I am way late but Mizani, You Grow Girl!! Your hair is absolutely fabulous. I've got my DH over here loving it too:lol:
Way to go...your hair is beautiful! :notworthy You want to be an inspiration, and you've certainly inspired me--thank you!
Mazani Mami,

Congrats on your recent goal of BSL! I know how excited you must be! I can't wait until the "hide your hair til Christmas" is over so we see everybody's progress! MBL here you come!!!!
CONGRATS!!!! Boy do I love these type of comparisons, you GROW girl. :D I should have put some shades on b4 entering that shine is serious. :cool:
Thank yall ladies again. I am off to bed after taking my vits. I literally have been on here for hours fotki stalking!

Thank you again ladies!