Who doesn't want hair longer than bra strap length?

bra strap length is my goal, but if i can get it even farther past that, then i'll be happy w/ that, too. i want to see just how long my hair can grow.
BSL is my limit, I can't imagine how long it would take under the dryer for more than that...also the amt of product, harder to handle, etc...

I want full natural BSL.

Of course when natural, it will shrink, so I won't appear BSL unless I straighten. But that is my goal and probably about all the hair I can manage...
I thought I wanted BSL, but now that I'm a little past there I don't feel that it's long enough for someone of my body size. Perhaps somewhere between MBL or WL...we'll see, but I'm still praying that the Lord will let me achieve WL in 09.
If I'm at BSL in the back, APL at the shortest layers. I think I would curl up in a ball and cry my eyes out if my hair didn't get longer than this. My goal is classic length.

I think I have a touch of hair anorexia, bc I feel like my hair is just so short. I want it to grow already!
My main goal is APL and MBL is my dream length, I would never go for WL:nono:first b/c I'm too short and 2nd because it's too much work to take care of it (I think you use more product each time you wash-condition-moisturize)

This is me too :yep:

All I need is APL to feel content, but MBL (1-2 inches past BSL) is drool worthy for me :lick:
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I'll be just fine with BSL... if I ever get there :wallbash::wallbash::wallbash:.
Ofcourse, my views may change, but I think that when I get to BSL, I will keep trimming it to retain that length.
I am 5'9, currently a little past BSL, I want MBL at the most. I will eventually grow it to around WL and and cut it back to MBL (blunt cut), I am too lazy for longer than that.
It's so funny to see those earlier posts, some even say with conviction how they won't go past BSL and in their current siggys they have MBL/WL hair or in a WL challenge. Guess you really never know until you get there...

I'm with Allandra though. I just want my shrunken hair to sit on my shoulders, maybe a little past. With the way my hair shrinks, there's no telling how long that'll be stretched.
I don't think I'd care for hair that long, I think it would limit styling options for me personally PLUS...:shhh:...a couple of threads from here someone said they spent 10-12 hours on their hair a week...:nono: I still can't get over that.
It's so funny to see those earlier posts, some even say with conviction how they won't go past BSL and in their current siggys they have MBL/WL hair or in a WL challenge. Guess you really never know until you get there...

I'm with Allandra though. I just want my shrunken hair to sit on my shoulders, maybe a little past. With the way my hair shrinks, there's no telling how long that'll be stretched.

Isn't it?! :grin:
I'm asking for 3 reasons:
1. I keep seeing ladies on the WSL 2007 challenge, and I'm like, Um, is everybody goin waist? I touch my waist and I'm like Ooh Lawd thas a whole lotta hair!

2. I saw the thread asking how far away everyone was from BSL...I know it's a pitstop on the way to waistlength for many ladies, but I wonder who's ultimate goal is bra strap...

3. I can NOT deal hair longer than bra strap...I struggle sometimes with what I have...the tangles, gettin it caught on my purse/seatbelt/lip (MAC lipglass & Lancome Juicy Tubes are GLUE :mad: ). I would imagine I'd start avoiding my hair a lot if it was a lot longer than bra strap just b/c it would start to be too much to have to condition and handle.

My goal for December is 1" below bra strap length...I'm a lil nervous about that. I'm gonna see how it goes. If I don't like it, I'll keep it trimmed to the bottom of my bra strap. There are other things I plan to do (i.e. grow this stupid V out and get a fly U with long layers :yep: , color etc etc), but I'm apprehensive about going to great lengths.

Who else has an ultimate goal of BSL or can't handle their hair once it gets past BSL?

If i can get to WS and my hair looks full yes. if it doesn't then I am definately keeping it at brastrap....I am not walking around with thinner hair just cause is longer
I will be just thrilled at APL! But BSL is my ultimate goal. I love how I look in long hair but I think anything past BSL would be too much to handle. I'm too simple and it seems like a lot of work.
I don't think I want to be longer than BSL/MBL. Though, I might grow it as long as I can and then cut it because I just don't know what I'll do with all that hair. I don't even know what I'll do with BSL hair.
I like the idea of BSL, but I personally wouldn't want anything longer than BSL. I'lleven settle for hair between APL & BSL. The longer my hair gets, the thinner it gets, that's my dilemma. I wouldn't want to claim BSL with thin and straggly hair. Does anyone agree ?
I've said before that my goal is APL....if it gets longer...great! but jeez....WSL is so much hair. You can imagine how much product the WSL crew goes through?

I think BSL is nice....I like that length.
I'm kinda torn I guess. My ultimate goal is BSL but now that I'm into this hair growing game I'd have to say my final stop in my journey would be MBL....no longer than that. I think my hair would be too much to maintain.
It's funny going over the old posts and seeing the ladies who said BSL and no longer and some now have hair at WL :lol:
I say MBL, I have been around WL before (~1" shy) and it was hard to comb and deal with and I was relaxed then. Combing and dealing with my natural hair is harder so I say MBL and blunt ends (I have never had that before). I have another 3" to go to reach it then I'll maintain it there until my ends are blunt. Happy Growing ladies :)
When I joined, my only goal was full SL! I guess I've gotten greedy because I want WL, now. I think I was inspired the most by Traycee.

-Waist Length in 2011!
MBL is my ultimate goal. If I don't make it past BSL no big deal though. Past mbl is too much hair for me. I'd have to switch over to cheap products, I'm a little heavy handed.
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BSL is my end goal too. I had dredlocks that reached MBL and I though that was a whole lot of hair - heavy, hot and a pain to wash and dry. So BSL length seems like the perfect length for me now that I'm a freeform natural.

Unfortunately it's taking longer than I want to get there. I was making great progress until I dyed my hair last summer. Now I'm just trying to get my hair back into good condition. Because dying damaged my hair, I've been stuck at APL for far too long.