Who doesn't want hair longer than bra strap length?

Brastrap and a little longer so I can cut from time to time from my heat usage. I also would like to have long big braidouts.
My hair has not been any longer than shoulder length as an adult so my only goal at first was to be armpit just to see if I could get there. I would not let it get any longer than brastrap though because for me its just to much work.

Dont get me wrong, its feminine and looks so pretty on everyone else, but for me I just can't have it.

I can't take care of it and I dont want to. My hair is very thick and get tangled easy and it takes forever and a day for it to dry. If I was to grow my hair longer, I would have to dedicate an entire day to wash and dry it every week and that is just not an option right now.

The longer it gets, the more attention it requires. In fact, last year I just cut it real short out of frustration but its right back here with its ol' annoying self again.
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I do not want bra strap length hair. However, I guess that may change since I am natural due to shrinkage. I do not think long hair looks good on me.
I'm looking for bra strap, maybe just an inch or two above it. I'm not great on styling my own hair, but I would like to eventually have a swinging ponytail of my own. :D

Right now I'm trying to focus to get completely on APL, on all sides.
My ultimate goal is bsl, but right now, I just want any type of hang time with my hair. I anything longer than bsl would be too much for me and I wouldn't even want to maintain it.
I don't . I just cut my hair all off today down to 2 inches and LOVE IT!!! I look so fresh and new!

My eyes really pop.

Divine Inspiration said:
I'm asking for 3 reasons:
1. I keep seeing ladies on the WSL 2007 challenge, and I'm like, Um, is everybody goin waist? I touch my waist and I'm like Ooh Lawd thas a whole lotta hair!

2. I saw the thread asking how far away everyone was from BSL...I know it's a pitstop on the way to waistlength for many ladies, but I wonder who's ultimate goal is bra strap...

3. I can NOT deal hair longer than bra strap...I struggle sometimes with what I have...the tangles, gettin it caught on my purse/seatbelt/lip (MAC lipglass & Lancome Juicy Tubes are GLUE :mad: ). I would imagine I'd start avoiding my hair a lot if it was a lot longer than bra strap just b/c it would start to be too much to have to condition and handle.

My goal for December is 1" below bra strap length...I'm a lil nervous about that. I'm gonna see how it goes. If I don't like it, I'll keep it trimmed to the bottom of my bra strap. There are other things I plan to do (i.e. grow this stupid V out and get a fly U with long layers :yep: , color etc etc), but I'm apprehensive about going to great lengths.

Who else has an ultimate goal of BSL or can't handle their hair once it gets past BSL?
I actually stuck to this. My hair was WL earlier this year, and I cut it to BSL. :yep: Midback is perfect; WL is too much on my frame.

Any updates?
My goal is APL. I am on the shorter side of the goal line but it has to do with my height. I am very short and feel that anything longer would look just crazy on me. The absolute longest I would go is BSL.
I don't want waist-length hair, but definitely a THICk hair that is a little past my brastrap. That's my ultimate goal. I'm only 5 feet so waistlength hair for me is a no go.
I don't want to go past BSL either; I imagine it would be a little too much work! But I'm a looooong way from that anyhoo, I just want to get to APL! :grin:
I am stopping at BSL/MBL... I'm not interested in Waist Length and Beyond.
Even though I am natural and with shrinkage and all... I'm good at BSL/MBL.
i'm good at BSL/MBL when i get there. i don't want to get lazy with maintenance of my hair. and too have super long natural hair, i am afraid i will neglect my hair and have setbacks. and i am a believer that hair can be TOO long. so...yeah thats all i want
My goal is APL. I am on the shorter side of the goal line but it has to do with my height. I am very short and feel that anything longer would look just crazy on me. The absolute longest I would go is BSL.

:yep: Thick, healthy, full APL would be enough for me.
Actually about Mid-Back Length is good for me. I'm at BSL now, so hopefully by the summer of next year, it will be MBL. I'm transitioning too...so little by little, I will be cutting off relaxed hair once I reach that length.
I'm asking for 3 reasons:
1. I keep seeing ladies on the WSL 2007 challenge, and I'm like, Um, is everybody goin waist? I touch my waist and I'm like Ooh Lawd thas a whole lotta hair!

2. I saw the thread asking how far away everyone was from BSL...I know it's a pitstop on the way to waistlength for many ladies, but I wonder who's ultimate goal is bra strap...

3. I can NOT deal hair longer than bra strap...I struggle sometimes with what I have...the tangles, gettin it caught on my purse/seatbelt/lip (MAC lipglass & Lancome Juicy Tubes are GLUE :mad: ). I would imagine I'd start avoiding my hair a lot if it was a lot longer than bra strap just b/c it would start to be too much to have to condition and handle.

My goal for December is 1" below bra strap length...I'm a lil nervous about that. I'm gonna see how it goes. If I don't like it, I'll keep it trimmed to the bottom of my bra strap. There are other things I plan to do (i.e. grow this stupid V out and get a fly U with long layers :yep: , color etc etc), but I'm apprehensive about going to great lengths.

Who else has an ultimate goal of BSL or can't handle their hair once it gets past BSL?

I agree with so much hair being a hassle, but consider your height, and curves, i'm a 5'3 plus size hotty:grin:, and persoanlly waist length hair wouldn't be nothing on me, but it depends how thick, if I can get it to waist length, great, but I would prefer mid-back or very thick at bsl.....but with my curves and height, i could grow bsl in a year or less.....but I feel you with too much hair.....I mean think about the summer time and the sun beating down on you and all that hair....i'm sweating already........
I have thought about how long is too long. And I think a little below bsl is good, I just want to make sure that I have a length that I can continue to style myself. For myself if my hair is too long I have to have someone else do it. I just dont' feel like struggling with rolling or blow drying hair too too long.

I like it on others though the wl and hl.
from past experienced, i know that i need not grow past bra strap. i'm not patient enough for the maintenance, and i'll get tired of handling my hair.
I'd like for my natural (unstretched) hair to come to my shoulders. I have no idea how long that'll be stretched / straightened.
Sylver makes me want WL. I'll see when I get there (BSL that is) if I want to keep growing or maintain that length.
ME! i do not WANT! or have EVER wanted hair longer than my brastrap, i too touch my waist and think noooooo i would look like an animal - thats personally - NOT to any waistlengthers! . i've already been called blanka from streetfighter!!! plus, my hair is harrrrdddd work, its too thick and to comb it i have to do arm acrobatics as once you get to armpit length hair grows quicker believe me. so yep, i'mma stop at brastrap and just trim every 3 months to keep it there, eventually i want all once length brastrap (blunt)

I just love your hair!!!!!
I would be feeling like a glamazon with full healthy APL!

Though if my hair has the ability to grow to my waist, I would so go there. I'm tall so I think that the extra long hair wouldn't look like too much.
My main goal is APL and MBL is my dream length, I would never go for WL:nono:first b/c I'm too short and 2nd because it's too much work to take care of it (I think you use more product each time you wash-condition-moisturize)
:grin::lachen:LIARS ALL OF YA! You know you're in longhaircareforum to get the longest hair you possibly can! LIARS!:lachen::lachen:

I tease, I tease

No one come attack me, okay?

I do want waist length. I'll see when I get there if it is too long and then decide whether to cut it or not.:yep: