Who doesn't want hair longer than bra strap length?

Divine Inspiration

Well-Known Member
I'm asking for 3 reasons:
1. I keep seeing ladies on the WSL 2007 challenge, and I'm like, Um, is everybody goin waist? I touch my waist and I'm like Ooh Lawd thas a whole lotta hair!

2. I saw the thread asking how far away everyone was from BSL...I know it's a pitstop on the way to waistlength for many ladies, but I wonder who's ultimate goal is bra strap...

3. I can NOT deal hair longer than bra strap...I struggle sometimes with what I have...the tangles, gettin it caught on my purse/seatbelt/lip (MAC lipglass & Lancome Juicy Tubes are GLUE :mad: ). I would imagine I'd start avoiding my hair a lot if it was a lot longer than bra strap just b/c it would start to be too much to have to condition and handle.

My goal for December is 1" below bra strap length...I'm a lil nervous about that. I'm gonna see how it goes. If I don't like it, I'll keep it trimmed to the bottom of my bra strap. There are other things I plan to do (i.e. grow this stupid V out and get a fly U with long layers :yep: , color etc etc), but I'm apprehensive about going to great lengths.

Who else has an ultimate goal of BSL or can't handle their hair once it gets past BSL?
I want to stop at bra strap. Hopefully I'll be there next year sometime, but after that, that's it. Anything beyond BS seems like too much to care for.
I dont' think I want waist length hair. I've seen some black women with waist length hair, and although their hair looks so nice and long and healthy, I just think it would be a trip to take care of! :eek:

I can only imagine how much EXTRA salons would charge you to get your hair done too. :nono:

I just think that bra strap length, or a little bit longer than bra strap length is fine for me. I think any longer and it would be hard for me to manage so much hair. I never thought I'd say that.

Who knows though??? I may get to be bra strap length and want to go waist length! :lol:
My ultimate goal is brastrap. I think waist length would be awesome but thats just too much hair for me.
I'm not even interested in brastrap. I am shoulder length and armpit level seems just about perfect for me :grin:
My goal is bra strap, no longer. I'm only 5 feet tall and I imagine that I'd look like cousin IT with hair any longer than that.
Bra strap (or even shorter) is good for me, as well.

I don't know about some people measure "bra strap" (especially when I see pics of bra straps that are not even positioned correctly) but for me, that would be pretty long. I would start cutting my hair at that point.

If was hair was natural, I would go as longer, but relaxed hair just require too much attention to have ends way down there.
When I first started out I was convinced that I wanted brastrap, but now I think I would be happy at armpit length.

Although, whose to say I don't get hair annorexia and try to grow hair down to my feet!
mkstar826 said:
me either. shoulders and shorter is fine :D

By the way mkstar826, your hair is gorgeous!

Sorry, back on topic.... I have always thought about waistlength hair since that's all that's ever talked about here, but then I always think about the amount of time and money it would take to maintain the health of it. Plus, I can hardly take care of my hair now and it's not even back to full shoulder length yet. Although I did have it at armpit until April (BC), I remember how big my hair would get especially while stretching. My arms would hurt from trying to do anything besides put it in a ponytail... and I don't even consider my hair to be that thick! Anyway, I always said that once I hit brastrap, I would stop to get my hair to its optimal health by increased trims and THEN see if I wanted to go to waistlength. I think that if that time comes, I would probably shoot for waistlength just to see if I could get there and then cut it back to BS if it was just too much.
BSL would be lovely to have! and definitely the longest i would like (straight)but im going for just past shoulders curly, that is enough for me to handle.
You know there is a thread on APL/BSL by 2005 challenge and 2006. I wouldn't mind having any length of hair as long as it was healthy, thick, strong, silky and shiny,;) , I would be happy with my shoulder length to be honest, but for me and maybe most others, goal help keep me motivated and striving to accomplish what I set out to get. So I automatically set my original first goal for WSL. I don't know if anyone else noticed, but it seems like haveing some sort of goal is the key to motivation and once it is complete we normally set another one, I see the ladies here accomplish their goal of APL, BSL, OR whatever and then chop it off or decide I want to go natural, then once they become natural and reach their natural goal they decide to get a relaxer again or texturize whatever, I'm just trying to point out how important goals are for most of us and without they sometimes things don't get accomplished. So I guess having these high expectations so early in the game may seem a bit much, but it has my hair thriving :grin: , and I would have never thought of setting hair goals let alone making a date w/my hair to make sure I keep up w/my regime (thanks to LHCF), and when I think about WSL hair is reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeally long and has to be a challenge in it self to take care of, I don't know if I reaally want it let alone if I will ever make it, nevertheless it will keep me highly motivated because I have never been a failure and refuse to. HHG to all, enjoy!!
ME! i do not WANT! or have EVER wanted hair longer than my brastrap, i too touch my waist and think noooooo i would look like an animal - thats personally - NOT to any waistlengthers! . i've already been called blanka from streetfighter!!! plus, my hair is harrrrdddd work, its too thick and to comb it i have to do arm acrobatics as once you get to armpit length hair grows quicker believe me. so yep, i'mma stop at brastrap and just trim every 3 months to keep it there, eventually i want all once length brastrap (blunt)
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me! Anything past brastrap just seems like too much hair for me. It seems like it would get boring. How in the world would I style it? plus, since i'm challenged in the hairstyling department, it would cost an arm and a leg to get it done. The only way I'd want waistlength is if I planned on chopping it off to bralength and selling the excess to locks of love.
i just want collar bone hair length(if that makes sense) to my shoulders would be fine and to the collar bone....i dont want too much of hair...because then i probably wont know what to do with it and how to keep it...but thats the length im aiming for...
I only 5'1' so I don't feel really long hair suits me. Plus I have enough trouble roller setting my hair when it is shoulder to collar bone length. I just cut my hair from collarbone to shoulder length because I was tired of it! When I was in my 20's I wore my hair an inch or 2 from brastrap. Now that I am older, I just don't want that much hair.
nicki6 said:
I'm not even interested in brastrap. I am shoulder length and armpit level seems just about perfect for me :grin:

My thoughts exactly. I am not reaching for BSL but if I do get there it would be nice but right now my major goal is armpit
Well I really only want mid back length. For me that is about 3 inches past bra strap. I couldn't see my self with waist length hair. I already know once I reach my goal of mid back I will trim to maintain that length.
I could probably only handle the length up to BSL. Just getting it caught up in everything scares me. I need to set a hair goal as far as length goes, so I can see more progress in the length area.
Well...never say never. I've never been to BSL, so I guess I will decide then. I will say though, on a side note...I notice my hair is noticeably(sp)heavier when wet now...I can only imagine how heavy all that hair would be.....lol
nicki6 said:
I'm not even interested in brastrap. I am shoulder length and armpit level seems just about perfect for me :grin:

I am with nicki6
I 'll be happy with armpit level. I will keep it trimmed somewhere between armpit and BSL. I have no desire to go wasit length or do I even care if I actually reach BSL.
HoneyDew said:
Bra strap (or even shorter) is good for me, as well.

I don't know about some people measure "bra strap" (especially when I see pics of bra straps that are not even positioned correctly)

Hey HD:
This brings up a good question....How do you know where your brastrap is supposed to be? It's certainly not parallel with the front of the bra.

As for me, I think I'm a little too old to have waist length hair. Also, I would have to invest in some HUGE mesh rollers in order to be able to dry it properly. I can't seem to find them anywhere...(If anyone knows where to find them, let me know! )

I'll probably stick with an inch or two past BS.
End of brastrap is more than enough for me. After wearing my hair in a bun since June I discovered my hair had grown to mid-back, by Sunday morning I had cut it just above brastrap. For me, long hair has given me nothing but problems earlier this year I was at mid - back and while I was trying to press my hair I took out pratically the whole left side, this left my hair paper thin and to add with this it seemed like the health of my hair deteriating, more breakage thinning you name my hair has been the worse it has ever been in my life. I got feed up and started wearing my hair in a bun. All I wants is healthy thick hair I don't care what the lenght is.
shalom said:
End of brastrap is more than enough for me...

Same here, my hair is way to thick for me to handle already. I just want to be able to wear a long braid down my back but it doesn't have to be real long. Plus I've been at BSL before and I think it suits me well, don't really need to go too far past that...
simplycee said:
Well I really only want mid back length. For me that is about 3 inches past bra strap. I couldn't see my self with waist length hair. I already know once I reach my goal of mid back I will trim to maintain that length.

I feel the same way...I would prefer my hair a couple of inches past bra-strap...waist length seems like too much to handle...and plus styling would be limited...since it'll get caught up in everything and everywhere i would only have to keep it up in a bun...What's the sense of having hair that long when I always have to keep it protected?
I gotta get to shoulder length first! LOL But other than that, I think BSL is the longest I'd ever want my hair. Anything longer than that would be extremely unneccessary at least for me anyway. Sometimes when my weaves are that long they start to get on my nerves. :ohwell:
When I was chin length, all I wanted was collar bone. When I was collarbone all I wanted was shoulder. Shoulder led to shoulderblade, shoulderblade led to armpit (hate that term), armpit led to bra strap, brastrap led to midback and now midback is leading into waist. It's addictive. I don't want waist length so that I can style it or manage it or anything else other than to say I could grow it that long.
So, I say all this to say, that you might think you only want brastrap now... but talk to me when you get there... you might be humming a different tune :lol: