I'm Bra-Strap Length, BABY!!!!!

Oh, your original BSL date is my birthday :D, and also my BSL date (blunt cut, I hope).

Congratulations! Your hair looks beautiful! You made so much progress in just one year! It's very inspiring. I hope I have that much progress a year from the date I joined LHCF.
Hey, I just wanted to say congratulations and happy hair growing!:D
Your hair is soooooooooooo beautiful!!!! Such an inspiration!!!!! Love the shine!!!!! Also keep the tips coming!!!!! Your baggie method is such a lifesaver!!!!
Congrats Mizani!! Your hair is simply BEAUTIFULLLL! I love the silkiness and the shine. Best of luck on those next 5 inches, you can do it!
Congratulations, you're growth is amazing!!! You've really inspired me; I'm going to buy some Biotin and B150 this weekend and continue to stretch my relaxer for a few more weeks. (I'm at the end of 10 weeks post)
Congratulations! I guess it's just me, but I always thought your hair was BSL anyway, lol. It was always long and flowy.
Just wondering how I missed this thread :scratchch !

Mizani, babygirl, your hair is the TRUFF :lol:

Congrats on reaching brastrap! I cant wait to see future updates!
Wow! that's amazing. New lhcf girl here. I've been lurking so i know you were working your behind off to get here!

big up!!!!



I love it when I see my fellow LHCF sistahs reaching their goals.

The hair's got great shine, what do you use to give it that shine Mizanimami?
Your hair looks great! Keep upthe good work whatever you were doing stick to it...that is where I went wrong if it aint broke then dont try to fix it....great shine also.

Summa Bliss said:


I love it when I see my fellow LHCF sistahs reaching their goals.

The hair's got great shine, what do you use to give it that shine Mizanimami?

I cannot believe this thread is still going! Thank you ladies. You are so supportive.

Summa for the shine I used Aveda Brilliant serum on each section that i flat ironed!