If can't have someone you're attracted to...


Well-Known Member
What do you do? Based on life experience I feel that a lot women settle for what they could get, that is who approaches them since women generally don't approach men. Some women may not be all that physically attracted at all to their eventual SOs, but they try to find other intangible qualities to be attracted to, be it personality, money, stability, or what have you. However, the large majority of men do not start relationships, let alone approach women who they do not have some sort of physical attraction to. Men have the great advantage that they usually do the approaching so they have the power of choice to choose among women that they find attractive and while they may be unattractive to some women all they have to do is gain money, power, and prestige and they could make the women of their dreams reality. Women on the other hand are at a disadvantage we can choose but we only get to choose amongst the men that find us attractive and who also actually approach us, keep in mind that there may be men who find us attractive but never approach us for different reasons. It's best to leave men who seem attracted but never approach alone with their reasons. Women can't do much to improve their chances with the men who don't find them physically attractive. Unlike women, physical attraction is a make or break deal with men. That is why women compete with looks and appearance while men compete with money, power, and prestige. A man with wealth, power, and respect can have his pick of the most beautiful women and if he is good-looking that is just icing on the cake. Men don't care about intelligence, success, wealth, career of women they don't find attractive. Is that why very attractive kept men of powerful and wealthy women end up being unfaithful anyway? I don't really have an ending point just thinking.. won't really be saying anything about me experience because I don't want this to turn into a giving dating advice thread. Just what is your opinion on this subject? Do you get frustrated with your choices? How often date men you really find attractive?
I actually look for men that stimulate me through conversation and have a great sense of humor in addition to confidence over looks. I date average to very attractive guys but it doesnt really matter to me (unless they're gruesome) as long as they can hold an intelligent discussion and make me laugh a lot.
@softblackcotton, I don't know where this thought came from or what it is that led me to think this but from when I was very young, I came to the conclusion that women have so much power and can get any man they want. I still think we do. Call it the law of attraction but I've never wanted a guy so bad and he not give some type of attention. If he's with someone else, then I would lose interest really quickly. I've never really let myself settle. I think there's something about being happy in yourself that people find attractive.

When I was in elementary school I hated boys so much yet it seemed they would not stop hitting on me. Or even if not really hitting, just being nice to me which led to a lot of teasing from girls making me bawl my eyes out. When I reached teens I started to wish for male attention but I was fat and no one really gave me much attention and when they did, I'd clam up coz I had never had any male friends since I spent my young years hating boys. But I started to just daydream. I'd talk to my image in the mirror and act out scenes that I hoped would happen. I learned to smile with my eyes. And then a few friends of mine came up with the idea of "phone pals". Looking back it was more like stalking LOL, but we'd get the number of a guy we like and call him and tell hi we're phone pals. We would not give our number (and caller IDs or tracing calls wasn't common back then) but we'd promise to call whenever they wanted. And so I spent my early teens talking on the phone to my crush without him ever knowing who I was because I didn't even give my real name. I also told a lot of half-truths so they'd not track me down. And these were usually people who were family friends so there was no fear of any of them being psychos. If we got busted we'd stop calling. It was actually this way that I met my first bf. And I was at my heaviest, had a TWA that couldn't even hold a comb and a fat face and so I really didn't think anyone would give me the time of day. So phone-pals were OK and comfortable for me; I could let my personality shine without my looks getting in the way. But that phonepal insisted on meeting me. We had talked for so long so I finally agreed to it, and he was as gorgeous as I thought he'd be (I vaguely remembered him from years ago when we'd been at a family party and there were all these people I didn't know...but I couldn't for the life of me remember what he looked like until that day, plus it was a few years later). 6 feet and a tennis player. I actually used to go to the same sports club but I'd never met him and that's where we agreed to meet. He was playing squash alone when I watched him for ages before getting the courage to say hi. And he was so nice. Didn't barf at my sight or run shrieking. He actually seemed to be into me. And I suppose it was he who gave me the confidence to know that I do have something about me that others find attractive. And do you know what else? I never used to go to clubs. I was a home buddy and some girls who looked like Halle Berry met him at a club and went to talk to him (so you see? Some girls DO approach guys!). He was cordial but excused himself and went to sit at the bar. These girls didn't know he was my guy and when he came to visit me at school they were shocked that *I* was his girl. They were like, "Dayummm...you have a nice guy there because he didn't give us the time of day when we tried to say hi and flirt with him." I had no idea this had happened and they had said they thought he must date one heck of a girl or be gay coz they couldn't believe he didn't ogle them like they are used to. So it was he who also taught me about faithfulness. If it can feel so good to have someone so true to you, I decided I wanted to be that girl that guys can feel as "secure" with as I did with him.

Anyway, bottom line is whenever I was single, I never found myself pining for a guy who was out of reach. I used to have this thing where I assumed every good looking guy was taken so I'd just not even waste time wanting them. But I also had this confidence that, taken or not, gadammit he's gonna notice me. I'd not flirt or put myself out there, but I'd just be myself--act aloof but make sure my personality is noticed somehow. (Guys are attracted to what seems out of reach and someone that looks like she's fun, so the more aloof you are w/o being arrogant or looking like a snob, the more you will catch their eye). If down the road it turned out that he was available, then it was usually a bonus for me, but perhaps that thing where you're not looking for something and it finds you is what would be at work because I'd find that the one pursuing me would be someone I actually found attractive.

I will admit that I did learn over time that all that glitters isn't gold. I have always dated very good looking guys and "tall, dark and handsome" seemed to be a must before I would consider dating anyone. But with maturity, I came to appreciate personality more than looks. I didn't want to deal with anymore dogs or maniacs or be hurt anymore. I shared my story of how I met my hubby, by giving up all that superficial BS thinking and just trusting God to find me a good person (Looks no longer mattered). But as God knows my heart, he surprised me by not just fulfilling my request (inside qualities/personality) but throwing in the looks and the body I always dreamed of but didn't think I'd ever get. Most of the guys I dated were cute but not all had the physiques I liked. They were either too slim or a bit soft...never cut or toned or built or with broad shoulders...and until I met my hubby, a six-pack and perfect physique were only things I saw in magazines.

Anyway, I digress, but I do think that if women realized just how much magnetism we have, they'd use it to their advantage. I mean it isn't just about looks. There are so many women that are more beautiful than some women you may know who are dating good catches who may look too attractive for them. Men appreciate confidence and it can be hypnotizing so that they swear there's no other woman out there. It's almost as if you can convince them you're the most beautiful girl in the world if you believe it yourself. They admire their mothers because their mothers are so "together" and a woman who gives off the same air of confidence can get any man to fall for her. I really believe this. Of course some guys reading this will give me the side eye, but whatev'. If I were interested in you, I'd get you too but I'm not. :p
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Overall I agree and understand the OP's thoughts on this matter. The way I see it is that women have more options than men when they are young and beautiful but many don't realize how young and beautiful they are and waste years on a no good men. Men on the other hand gain more value as they age especially if they are successful. That's the general reality of the world. But life is still filled with so many mysteries and love is magical and our minds can create realities that others cannot imagine or see. Most women in general will not have the choices most men have but I love being a woman and what that means for me. If a woman or anyone for that matter really cultivates her beauty, spirit, heart, mind, and ambitions she can and will have most of her wishes. Most women are too sensitive and listen too deeply to what the world and men say vs. what their hearts say and what God says.
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@softblackcotton, I don't know where this thought came from or what it is that led me to think this but from when I was very young, I came to the conclusion that women have so much power and can get any man they want. I still think we do. Call it the law of attraction but I've never wanted a guy so bad and he not give some type of attention. If he's with someone else, then I would lose interest really quickly. I've never really let myself settle. I think there's something about being happy in yourself that people find attractive.

When I was in elementary school I hated boys so much yet it seemed they would not stop hitting on me. Or even if not really hitting, just being nice to me which led to a lot of teasing from girls making me bawl my eyes out. When I reached teens I started to wish for male attention but I was fat and no one really gave me much attention and when they did, I'd clam up coz I had never had any male friends since I spent my young years hating boys. But I started to just daydream. I'd talk to my image in the mirror and act out scenes that I hoped would happen. I learned to smile with my eyes. And then a few friends of mine came up with the idea of "phone pals". Looking back it was more like stalking LOL, but we'd get the number of a guy we like and call him and tell hi we're phone pals. We would not give our number (and caller IDs or tracing calls wasn't common back then) but we'd promise to call whenever they wanted. And so I spent my early teens talking on the phone to my crush without him ever knowing who I was because I didn't even give my real name. I also told a lot of half-truths so they'd not track me down. And these were usually people who were family friends so there was no fear of any of them being psychos. If we got busted we'd stop calling. It was actually this way that I met my first bf. And I was at my heaviest, had a TWA that couldn't even hold a comb and a fat face and so I really didn't think anyone would give me the time of day. So phone-pals were OK and comfortable for me; I could let my personality shine without my looks getting in the way. But that phonepal insisted on meeting me. We had talked for so long so I finally agreed to it, and he was as gorgeous as I thought he'd be (I vaguely remembered him from years ago when we'd been at a family party and there were all these people I didn't know...but I couldn't for the life of me remember what he looked like until that day, plus it was a few years later). 6 feet and a tennis player. I actually used to go to the same sports club but I'd never met him and that's where we agreed to meet. He was playing squash alone when I watched him for ages before getting the courage to say hi. And he was so nice. Didn't barf at my sight or run shrieking. He actually seemed to be into me. And I suppose it was he who gave me the confidence to know that I do have something about me that others find attractive. And do you know what else? I never used to go to clubs. I was a home buddy and some girls who looked like Halle Berry met him at a club and went to talk to him (so you see? Some girls DO approach guys!). He was cordial but excused himself and went to sit at the bar. These girls didn't know he was my guy and when he came to visit me at school they were shocked that *I* was his girl. They were like, "Dayummm...you have a nice guy there because he didn't give us the time of day when we tried to say hi and flirt with him." I had no idea this had happened and they had said they thought he must date one heck of a girl or be gay coz they couldn't believe he didn't ogle them like they are used to. So it was he who also taught me about faithfulness. If it can feel so good to have someone so true to you, I decided I wanted to be that girl that guys can feel as "secure" with as I did with him.

Anyway, bottom line is whenever I was single, I never found myself pining for a guy who was out of reach. I used to have this thing where I assumed every good looking guy was taken so I'd just not even waste time wanting them. But I also had this confidence that, taken or not, gadammit he's gonna notice me. I'd not flirt or put myself out there, but I'd just be myself--act aloof but make sure my personality is noticed somehow. (Guys are attracted to what seems out of reach and someone that looks like she's fun, so the more aloof you are w/o being arrogant or looking like a snob, the more you will catch their eye). If down the road it turned out that he was available, then it was usually a bonus for me, but perhaps that thing where you're not looking for something and it finds you is what would be at work because I'd find that the one pursuing me would be someone I actually found attractive.

I will admit that I did learn over time that all that glitters isn't gold. I have always dated very good looking guys and "tall, dark and handsome" seemed to be a must before I would consider dating anyone. But with maturity, I came to appreciate personality more than looks. I didn't want to deal with anymore dogs or maniacs or be hurt anymore. I shared my story of how I met my hubby, by giving up all that superficial BS thinking and just trusting God to find me a good person (Looks no longer mattered). But as God knows my heart, he surprised me by not just fulfilling my request (inside qualities/personality) but throwing in the looks and the body I always dreamed of but didn't think I'd ever get. Most of the guys I dated were cute but not all had the physiques I liked. They were either too slim or a bit soft...never cut or toned or built or with broad shoulders...and until I met my hubby, a six-pack and perfect physique were only things I saw in magazines.

Anyway, I digress, but I do think that if women realized just how much magnetism we have, they'd use it to their advantage. I mean it isn't just about looks. There are so many women that are more beautiful than some women you may know who are dating good catches who may look too attractive for them. Men appreciate confidence and it can be hypnotizing so that they swear there's no other woman out there. It's almost as if you can convince them you're the most beautiful girl in the world if you believe it yourself. They admire their mothers because their mothers are so "together" and a woman who gives off the same air of confidence can get any man to fall for her. I really believe this. Of course some guys reading this will give me the side eye, but whatev'. If I were interested in you, I'd get you too but I'm not. :p

OK this reminds of something that happened to me that was SO AWESOME
The was this guy at my uni who was SO CUTE. He was sooo adorable and I went throughout the whole semester thinking he didn't notice me.
One day while I was in the dorms during the summer, he stopped me and said hello and asked me what grade I gotten in the course. I was like "OMG He's talking me!". We didn't talk long but it was still nice :spinning:.
Then one day I went to go throw my trash into the chute I see him talking to his friend. While walking back from throwing out my trash I hear somebody behind me say "Hey little lady!". I look behind me, AND IT'S HIM :blush:!
I started talking to him and started asking me about our class,my major, what I wanted to do, and he even started to give me advice. Then, I started seeing him give me looks!
If I didn't know better, I would've thought he was flirting with me!
The he asked me my name again and I said "Girlfriend", which it actually does mean, but then he says (in a deep, sexy voice OMG :lick:) "You gonna be my girlfriend" checking me out!


I WAS ON THE MOON. Of course he was joking so I just giggled, but he's HOT.

We talked a little more, and then we parted ways. Would you believe he lived next door to me? Anyway, while I was walking away, I could tell he was staring at me.


I wasn't wearing anything nice. I had on sweats, a Tshirt, mismatched socks, and thong sandals OK! My hair was a mess too! On top of that, I'm nothing near a beauty queen

What I'm saying it that as cliche and corny as it sounds, you have to be yourself. I was comfortable with myself and open so I guess he picked up on that.
Also, I've flirted with guys who were "out of my league" before. Mostly , we will just talk about things we have in common

I think women have more of an advantage. Men are attracted to women and will seek women, period. Women have the power of choice, we get to choose whomever we want. I think that's really advantageous

Overall I agree and understand the OP's thoughts on this matter. The way I see it is that women have more options than men when they are young and beautiful but many don't realize how young and beautiful they are and waste years on a no good men. Men on the other hand gain more value as they age especially if they are successful. That's the general reality of the world. But life is still filled with so many mysteries and love is magical and our minds can create realities that others cannot imagine or see. Most women in general will not have the choices most men have but I love being a woman and what that means for me. If a woman or anyone for that matter really cultivates her beauty, spirit, heart, mind, and ambitions she can and will have most of her wishes. Most women are too sensitive and listen too deeply to what the world and men say vs. what their hearts say and what God says.

I think people only believe youthfulness and vitality are for the young people. I've seen older women who are soooo radiant even though they aren't young. It's more of a state of being than anything else.

You sound a little pessimistic OP. You need to change your way of thinking
I can go on and on about this but I generally stay away from the drop dead gorgeous man probably because of a bad experience as a young teenager. However, as I got older other qualities impressed me or sustained my interest far more than looks like personality, intellect, ambition, capacity to love, sense of humor etc. etc.

I did not notice my current SO at all the night we met. NOW, I think he's totally hot, eyes, skin, lips...yyyyyeaaaah, me likey. I wonder how I could have missed him that night? Then again he's not that tall. I remember when he spoke to me, I wasn't like 'wwwwwwoooooooooowwww' but I was a lil' giggly. Honestly (and this will sound very dramatic) I remember gazing at him standing across the table from me where I sat with my friends and everything else was background noise. People, sound, conversations were all in slow motion...weird. I didn’t really start liking him until we starting hanging out together and just laughing it up. I mean CRACKING up over silly things. THAT allowed me to open up more cuz lawd knows I couldn’t even kiss or hug the man for a MINUTE!

I don't consider myself a beauty queen by any stretch of the imagination. However, the same night I met my SO, the girl I was with when I met him, sent me a text when I got home commented on how 'gorgeous' I looked. I had on blush and mascara and I had broken out on one side of my face, skinny, a tank and a fedora. I felt good! I had recently emotionally detached myself from an emotionally unavailable man and was on the dating scene :)

My SO says, he liked the way I moved walking through the lounge/restaurant that I had swag, confidence and glided across the floor like I had diamonds between my thighs lol. This totally jives with my mood at the time and my friends comment. It might have helped that I was borrowing my cousin's car which was DOPE so I felt all extra good that night lololol.

You are what you project.....even in sweats and messed up hair ;)
Wow....very nice story and intresting viewpoint Nonie :yep: I need to try to project more of that type of attitude into my OWN life! I should be the "leading lady" in my OWN life gosh darnit! :lol:

I DO believe that you are what you project, but it's really hard (esp for women of color) to not fall victim and start to believe the lies that the media, family members, the public, and just society in general has told us about our self-worth. :nono:

But it is worth it to just ignore the negative and view yourself in a positive way. It's good to have a healthy does of self-esteem in oneself.

With that said....I used to only see nice-looking guys and attractive guys as "good prospects", but after having been burned in the past by quite a few guys I found "attractive", and having been treated lukewarmly by some of them, I've just decided that I'm going to try to open up my perspective a little and give the guys that I may not be so "instantly" attracted to at first a chance. :yep: If a guy has a great personality, treats me right, and there is CHEMISTRY (a must), then I'd give him a chance...just as long as he was not repulsive to me. :hand:

Sometimes....looks really aren't everything OP.... Just look at some of these men who ONLY go for gorgeous looking women who end up cheating on them or treating them like dirt! :ohwell:
intergalacticartist I hope something happen btw you and that guy at your university. Come back and complete the story. At this I would try and see if he was up for a movie or something. Safe grounds. I love yours and Nonie's stories so far. As for me I let guys approach me.
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Being interested in a guy because I'm attracted to him never works out. Either because he wasn't interested or more often, because I realize he's just not the right one for me. Physical attraction for me works better when I don't think he's drop dead gorgeous right away, we get to know each other, develop an emotional connection and then all of a sudden I'm like "He's hott!!" lol.
intergalacticartist I hope something happen btw you and that guy at your university. Come back and complete the story. At this I would try and see if he was up for a movie or something. Safe grounds. I love yours and Nonie's stories so far. As for me I let guys approach me.
I saw him once at my job and froze up like an idiot and just continued my work.
Later that night I saw him at one of the dorms and he said hi and gave me a hug
I don't go to that school anymore unfortunately.
Some random thoughts based on my experiences.

I am not physically attracted to most men. I may become attracted to them after I find out about their intellect. I don't swoon over looks, but character is oh so sexy! Unfortunately, I was never particularly physically attractive so guys didn't deal with me anyway. I am a late bloomer....around mid-20s, I started to get attention but not from any men I would consider desirable. I did meet a man who I feel head over heels for but he just didn't feel the same way. Ended up settling a couple times after realized I wasn't going to get what I wanted, but that didn't end well. My standards and set back to high, but my desire is much lower. If I can't get what I want, I just move on. One thing is for sure......I am NOT into the uber good looking, young heart throb types. I have only been with two men. Both were overweight, but had cute faces. Both had me thinking wtf at the end...lol.

sent from my Samsung Galaxy S II
Great story Nonie. I think it really does help to have some experience like that to give you some confidence.

I hope the OP can get a little nudge =)
I understand where OP is coming from, but I feel like a reasonably attractive woman can pretty much be with whatever man she wants to. There are some obvious limitations of course. . .every man has a type they are most attracted to and some refuse to venture out of that. . .but most limitations overall I find are self-imposed.

Once I dated someone I wasn't physically attracted to sophmore yr of college, but it was bc he was SOOOOOO persistent. He liked me so much I would've been crazy not to give him a chance. It didnt last long. Other than that, I've never dated someone I wasnt attracted to and I certainly do not ever plan on it. Physical attractiveness is a deal breaker *for me*.
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Anyway, bottom line is whenever I was single, I never found myself pining for a guy who was out of reach. I used to have this thing where I assumed every good looking guy was taken so I'd just not even waste time wanting them. But I also had this confidence that, taken or not, gadammit he's gonna notice me. I'd not flirt or put myself out there, but I'd just be myself--act aloof but make sure my personality is noticed somehow. (Guys are attracted to what seems out of reach and someone that looks like she's fun, so the more aloof you are w/o being arrogant or looking like a snob, the more you will catch their eye). If down the road it turned out that he was available, then it was usually a bonus for me, but perhaps that thing where you're not looking for something and it finds you is what would be at work because I'd find that the one pursuing me would be someone I actually found attractive.

I will admit that I did learn over time that all that glitters isn't gold. I have always dated very good looking guys and "tall, dark and handsome" seemed to be a must before I would consider dating anyone. But with maturity, I came to appreciate personality more than looks. I didn't want to deal with anymore dogs or maniacs or be hurt anymore. I shared my story of how I met my hubby, by giving up all that superficial BS thinking and just trusting God to find me a good person (Looks no longer mattered). But as God knows my heart, he surprised me by not just fulfilling my request (inside qualities/personality) but throwing in the looks and the body I always dreamed of but didn't think I'd ever get. Most of the guys I dated were cute but not all had the physiques I liked. They were either too slim or a bit soft...never cut or toned or built or with broad shoulders...and until I met my hubby, a six-pack and perfect physique were only things I saw in magazines.

Anyway, I digress, but I do think that if women realized just how much magnetism we have, they'd use it to their advantage. I mean it isn't just about looks. There are so many women that are more beautiful than some women you may know who are dating good catches who may look too attractive for them. Men appreciate confidence and it can be hypnotizing so that they swear there's no other woman out there. It's almost as if you can convince them you're the most beautiful girl in the world if you believe it yourself. They admire their mothers because their mothers are so "together" and a woman who gives off the same air of confidence can get any man to fall for her. I really believe this. Of course some guys reading this will give me the side eye, but whatev'. If I were interested in you, I'd get you too but I'm not. :p

Overall I agree and understand the OP's thoughts on this matter. The way I see it is that women have more options than men when they are young and beautiful but many don't realize how young and beautiful they are and waste years on a no good men. Men on the other hand gain more value as they age especially if they are successful. That's the general reality of the world. But life is still filled with so many mysteries and love is magical and our minds can create realities that others cannot imagine or see. Most women in general will not have the choices most men have but I love being a woman and what that means for me. If a woman or anyone for that matter really cultivates her beauty, spirit, heart, mind, and ambitions she can and will have most of her wishes. Most women are too sensitive and listen too deeply to what the world and men say vs. what their hearts say and what God says.

I just had to quote both of these for emphasis. Thank you hopeful and Nonie
To answer one of your questions OP: Every man I've ever dated I've been attracted to. I also believe I can get any man I want. I say that but I'm in a committed relationship now and I "approached" him. It's in quotes because I met him online. I'm 4'11, plus sized, and average looking. The men I date fall for me because of who I am not what I look like. Also I've never dated ugly & overweight men. I say that bc I'm sure its an assumption made by some and a few acquaintances have been shocked when they've asked to see pics of whatever man I'm with at the time. Some you can see them processing it as they look at the pic and then begrudgingly admit that he is good looking. Or they're all up in your business waiting for the shoe to drop bc they want what you have. I don't believe anyone has to settle but be patient bc the right one is out there.
I've read your post over and over and I guess I have alot of things to admit to myself....what I feel inside is projecting on the outside.
I'm a beautiful women who is unhappy with her life and no matter how i smile others can probably see the sadness in my eyes. I have a great career, a lovely home and drive a nice car, yet i am essentially very sad. My friends, family and aquaintances cannot understand why I am single, 'but you are beautiful and a such a nice person, I thought you would have men knocking down your door' is what I always hear.

For me settling has nothing to do with looks. It seems that I'll have to settle for someone who has a low wage job and no car but has a good heart :perplexed but I just don't find that attractive....or maybe that is saying something about me.

I don't often get to go out and 'be out there' and if I am out and about I have my daughter with me. Really, online seems to be my only opportunity but only the 'worst' of the guys on there send me messages. No one with a half decent profile that matches my achievements even bothers to message me. They look and don't bother for whatever reason. This reflects real life - lots of looks and no approach.

I recently dated who i would consider an unattractive man and he was the worst. Basically he had little respect for me or my boundaries.
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@Bublin, I don't know what to say. What do you find attractive? Money and posh car? To me those are such superficial things. You recently dated an unattractive man? Why did you? Was it the high wages and that he had a car?

There's a difference between a bum/loser and a low wage guy with skills who is hard working and who is a self-starter who just hasn't found the opportunity to soar. I recently caught a repeat of Think Like a Man and the rich guy with fancy car and big job was a jerk. Riches come and go and at the end of the day, having happiness and a guy who loves you unconditionally and who can take care of you when the money isn't coming because he is good with his hands and a go-getter to me is so much worth than that office dude who, should the economy crash and he be without a job, will just drink himself to death because all he knows is how to work in suit and call in the maintenance dude when things break.

I don't believe only the worst of guys are online. I know a girl who's the biggest snob I ever knew and she met her guy online. He was a good catch too. I'm talking about a chick whose first car was a Mercedes and even when she had a one-bedroom apartment, hired a cleaning lady. She didn't buy anything unless it was designer. She was high maintenance and a little too snooty for me and yet, she met her match and they seem to be so good for each other coz she seems humbler and just so much sweeter. (Maybe her coldness was bitterness from being single. :giggle: ) They were married within a year of meeting and are expecting their first baby.

Then another friend is on her 2nd year dating a guy she met online too. She is modelesque and her ex looked like he fell out of a GQ mag. They seemed like the perfect couple. They broke up coz there were some really obnoxious qualities about the ex. (All that glitters is not gold.) Well, what do you know, but after a few misses online, she had a good hit and they are so happy and look so perfect. I went to a party she hosted and if I didn't know better, you'd think they were married. They don't live together but the way he fits in with her family and friends and pets, it was heartwarming to see, and really a testament to how online dating can work.

Then I just found out this other couple who have been married for 7 years now and whom I thought met via friends actually met online. Not to mention my other very good friend whose online guy was in the Middle East and he is one of the nicest guys I know. She went to visit him and came back married and now they live here and have two kids...and I couldn't imagine either with anyone else.

I think sometimes we miss out on love coz we either don't know what we want or we treat this the way some people treat shopping for clothes. We sort of worry about what others will think. I see people asking what folks think about outfits they want to buy but are afraid to in case it isn't "cool" to be wearing that, and I feel the same goes for relationships. Someone said "Marry a Millionaire" so no one wants to look at the cook who has a dream to someday own a restaurant and is saving. I think of people like Suzie Orman who was a waitress and is now telling others how to get rich. Or Bill Gates who was a college dropout and is doing better than some folks who went all the way complete post grad studies.

You probably should write down what matters to you personality wise and be very specific and remember just coz someone is making a low wage now doesn't mean they always will. Passion to succeed and a plan are so much better than someone who may happen to be rich coz Daddy knew someone who knew someone so got them into high places but upstairs they are as empty as can be and personality-wise you'd do better getting a fish.

From your post, I see you talking about stuff that the world will see. Stuff that has nothing to do with personality and being able to be happy if a hurricane hit and you lost all you have and just had each other. Material things could go in a flash, then what? Could you live in a box with this person and would he inspire you not to lose hope? If he got injured and couldn't work, or vice versa, is this someone you know would not take advantage of you by exaggerating his injuries or if it is you who's hurt, not go creeping out on you? "For richer or poorer" is part of the vows because love should be deeper than stuff.

But then again, it's also OK to be single. Or not to have someone now. Never mind what your peers are doing. Could it be you're not yet ready to give (Kinda like a 2 year old keeps screaming MINE!) of yourself and yours? Coz no one says you have to have someone now! Maybe you should just enjoy life and let love find you when it will. Sometimes doors only open when we're ready.
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Funny because I know alot of people don't know what to say when I present my thoughts. I appreciate your reply and it has helped.

Just to clarify I didn't mean that only the worst men are online, I meant that only the 'worst kind' message me.

I think I have been on LHCF too long because alot of the women on here say they will only date a successful man, not one that has potential. If by the age of say, 35 they haven't made it then they never will. They want to date someone with the same educational/career level, what is the point in dating a guy that's broke as i can do broke all on my own, he has to drive blah, blah blah.

Funny because my first long term boyfriend was driving around a van, delivering frozen food. He had engineering qualifications but had gotten lazy after he was made redundant before he met me. I had no clue that he was broke because he managed to run a car and owned his own home and treated me like a princess. During the time we were together he got a job in his field and has not looked back.

Guys these days have no shame in saying they are broke and they resent paying for you or taking you out. It's not the money and the cars, it's the attitude that I have a problem with....however I have realised recently that even those with money resent treating a woman like a lady.
@Bublin, yes, we have unicorns on here and if you aren't sporting a horn, then I suggest you separate yourself from them. Make a personal list of things that matter to you (you mention having forgotten about potential... So you see "a man who in 5 years will be making it in life" might be something Bublin can work with; never mind what others say). Just open your mind to possibilities out there. You're not marrying the guy. If he's a deadbeat, you will know that in no time so you can kick him to the curb. And you won't be the first to get it wrong. The ladies I mentioned who have found love online didn't get it right the first time.

When we were in high school one of my friends asked this cool and hip, young preacher who came to preach one Sunday and seemed to have it altogether but was already spoken for, "Why is it that the good guys are so few?" His response, "Few? Don't you just need one?" He told us that every guy we meet is a potential mate. What we need to do is have a mental list of what it is we need in a rlp and then not dismiss any guy we meet but look to each one to see if he has those qualities we deem important and before we know it, we will have narrowed down the selection and from that short list, meet our match.

Maybe the way you present yourself is a little too UE that you scare away the guys who would be mates. So only those used to rejection coz they suck and who are suckers for punishment hit you up coz they deal with your sort all the time. I mean, I don't know you but from reading your post, all I got was this chick who thinks she's too good for anyone who isn't a unicorn. Not saying that to hurt you or make you feel bad but perhaps to help you look at yourself from the outside. Even the toughest guy doesn't want a woman who will be a handful or who will look down on them. Guys like respect. We joke about ballers picking the white chicks coz they can't handle a black woman, but perhaps it is coz the stereotype out there is black women are a handful and if they have money, lawd help us!

So will the real Bublin please stand up! Not the Bublin influenced by a bunch of women shooting breeze about castles in the air, but the Bublin you truly are deep inside. It may just be that you've picked up so many ideas of what's cool and what isn't, that you don't come off as legit. Or that you come off as some chick in the media who's known for being a pain to deal with because all the rumors of what a "real" woman should be has you so confused that you are trying to be all those things and failing at all. So the guys you would attract don't come to you because you are say another "insert celeb with a crazy love life here". Sometimes I think God, Mother Earth, Providence...whatever you want to call it, withholds stuff from us because we are not yet in a place to receive it.

Javan wrote this poem:

Someday I will smile
And Find the warmth of my smile
Reflected back to me

Someday i will reach out
And find that I only have to reach halfway
For someone will be reaching out to me

Someday I will find
The true meaning of the word Love
That many use so carelessly

Someday I will find
Someone with whom I can share

But for now I must try to know myself
And the World around me
So when the time comes for me to give
I will know the meaning
Of my Gift

[bold mine...but the part of the poem I wanted you to note]
So imagine if no one in the world was to know about you and your love and you were to be shipwrecked on an island by yourselves or taken hostage to another land or had to run to start your lives in a place far from all you know, what sort of man would you want to be your protector, lover, companion, comforter, etc? Who could you be all you are now and be without all you have now and still feel enriched with? Make that list. Forget everyone else's opinion or theories. Just find out what it is Bublin wants/needs deep inside...and then be real. No flourishes or bragging about what you have accomplished. Let the beautiful person you are be your profile (qualities that are you, not what you've achieved) and that guy who looked past you (as well as the ones you wish would) will take notice. But at least the one who's a probable will get in touch. But don't dismiss the "maybes". Some people really grow on you when you get to know them. And some guys seem to get better with age. So "potential" could cover so many areas.

Remember this is not Mr Hubby. This may be Mr Training...so you can know what you really like. You may get really close...and that will make finding Mr Right easier coz you will fine tune your skills. And even the ugly guy could end up being the "guardian angel" you needed in your life who will become that good friend that will tell you about yourself so you may be THAT girl. Guys who aren't good enough to be hubby might be good enough to be best friends. Stay open minded.
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I didn't even have a Unicorn way of thinking before I starting reading the Relationship Section. :nono:

You have given me lots to think about...about what I really want. If I strip it all back what I really want is very basic and doesn't include money. It's almost a new way of thinking and I have to undo all the UE conditioning :look: because deep down I'm not that kind of person.

Not sure that I think I'm too good for anyone because I am well aware of my own short comings and I'm most definitely not perfect...but...anyone who doesn't tick all the boxes seems to turn me right off and I have to stop that because most of them are superficial.

Thank you taking the time Nonie, you are a very perceptive person. I don't know what you do for a living but you should be a counsellor because you don't just give surface advice, you get to the root of the issue and offer sound advice. :yep:

I hope our conversation has also helped someone else on here.
Nonie Thanks for all your advice.

My brain can't get with the Mr. Training. I don't know how the date for fun (probably because I am 28)!

To the OP I have to be attracted to the man that I am dating. Have dated 2 guys that I was eh about their looks/body type. Eventually I fell for their looks because of their personality and intelligence.

So I know that I am capable of looking beyond the package. But recently the guys just aren't interesting to me. Nice yes, but not people that I care to know.
@Nonie Thanks for all your advice.

My brain can't get with the Mr. Training. I don't know how the date for fun (probably because I am 28)!

To the OP I have to be attracted to the man that I am dating. Have dated 2 guys that I was eh about their looks/body type. Eventually I fell for their looks because of their personality and intelligence.

So I know that I am capable of looking beyond the package. But recently the guys just aren't interesting to me. Nice yes, but not people that I care to know.

@Keshieshimmer, I think you misunderstood. I never went into any relationship thinking it's just for fun. I went into each one thinking this was the one. But it wasn't. The point I am making is if you keep shunning guys just because they don't meet all the qualities you seek, you may never meet Mr Right. Because not everyone gives away all about themselves on the first day. Just coz a guy doesn't state that he has property doesn't mean he doesn't. The point I am making is, be open-minded. Relationships that start as friendships usually last longer than those that start off with fiery passion that fizzles and then there's nothing left.

One of my friends was doing the online dating thing and she met a guy who has a kid just like she does. They seemed so perfect and while they are a different race, and my friend wasn't sure her mom would be OK with dude, dude is a family guy and really wanted to meet her mom and was sure he'd win her over. He did. For the first time, her mom wasn't fussing about her going out with guys because this guy was that good. But things didn't work out. There is just that oomph missing, but they are such good friends that when she's got questions about new guys, she can bounce her thoughts off this guy and vice versa. They have become bosom buddies who support each other. Even when she was job hunting, he helped her with her resume.

So stop dismissing people just because they appear not to meet all criteria. I remember when Bey got together with JayZ, all I heard was how he looked like the Camel on the cigarette pack...how she could do so much better. I think she's winning and they look so happy. Compare them with Chris and Rhi... These two looked so cute together, but I don't see the same realness and loyalty I see in the Carters.

Another thing I keep seeing is that if you don't get a ring in two years, then you're wasting time. I disagree with that too. I think people need to stop treating relationships like it's a one-size fits all program.
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I've read your post over and over and I guess I have alot of things to admit to myself....what I feel inside is projecting on the outside.
I'm a beautiful women who is unhappy with her life and no matter how i smile others can probably see the sadness in my eyes. I have a great career, a lovely home and drive a nice car, yet i am essentially very sad. My friends, family and aquaintances cannot understand why I am single, 'but you are beautiful and a such a nice person, I thought you would have men knocking down your door' is what I always hear.

For me settling has nothing to do with looks. It seems that I'll have to settle for someone who has a low wage job and no car but has a good heart :perplexed but I just don't find that attractive....or maybe that is saying something about me.

I don't often get to go out and 'be out there' and if I am out and about I have my daughter with me. Really, online seems to be my only opportunity but only the 'worst' of the guys on there send me messages. No one with a half decent profile that matches my achievements even bothers to message me. They look and don't bother for whatever reason. This reflects real life - lots of looks and no approach.

I recently dated who i would consider an unattractive man and he was the worst. Basically he had little respect for me or my boundaries.


@Bublin I really felt your post. Sorry you're sad. I am no expert but here are my thoughts.

First off, if you're a beautiful accomplished woman you will experience dating challenges. A lot of men (and in my experience even more black men) find beautiful, intelligent, accomplished women intimidating. And it also usually doesn't work to date men who are unattractive or underacheiving because they know you're dating below your level and that's a sign of low self esteem or loneliness and so from the get go they don't have respect for you or believe you can be taken advantage of.

But here's the good news. Even though the pool of men interested in you may be smaller, it is usually a pretty high quality pool in terms of character and often times professionally as well. So I think you need to stop thinking you need to look down and actually raise your standards with regards to the character qualities you're looking for. And then do what you can to put yourself in situations where you are likely to meet those types of men.

For example, to the extent that you can, maybe you can volunteer with nonprofits you care about (maybe even serve on a Board), join professional associations, join a climbing gym, take a Tae Kwon Do class...quality single men often have fascinating hobbies so find something you like to join. The important thing is that you become parts of communities where you not only meet the people there but you meet their friends who may introduce you to their friends. The more people you meet the more likely you are to meet a man who will think you are the bees knees.

The other thing I would say is that looks may draw a man in but what keeps him there is how he feels about himself when he's with you. Sincerity, really listening, honest praise, genuine interest in who they are as a person will go a long, long, way with your average man. They also enjoy the hunt and the chase so usually best not to give too much...whether that's information about you, gifts, or nookie, too soon. Also agree with Nonie about giving men a chance. Don't judge too soon, but also don't linger with men who aren't it.

Hope you find Mr. Perfect for You soon.
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@Bublin I really felt your post. Sorry you're sad. I am no expert but here are my thoughts.

First off, if you're a beautiful accomplished woman you will experience dating challenges. A lot of men (and in my experience even more black men) find beautiful, intelligent, accomplished women intimidating. And it also usually doesn't work to date men who are unattractive or underacheiving because they know you're dating below your level and that's a sign of low self esteem or loneliness and so from the get go they don't have respect for you or believe you can be taken advantage of.

But here's the good news. Even though the pool of men interested in you may be smaller, it is usually a pretty high quality pool in terms of character and often times professionally as well. So I think you need to stop thinking you need to look down and actually raise your standards with regards to the character qualities you're looking for. And then do what you can to put yourself in situations where you are likely to meet those types of men.

For example, to the extent that you can, maybe you can volunteer with nonprofits you care about (maybe even serve on a Board), join professional associations, join a climbing gym, take a Tae Kwon Do class...quality single men often have fascinating hobbies so find something you like to join. The important thing is that you become parts of communities where you not only meet the people there but you meet their friends who may introduce you to their friends. The more people you meet the more likely you are to meet a man who will think you are the bees knees.

The other thing I would say is that looks may draw a man in but what keeps him there is how he feels about himself when he's with you. Sincerity, really listening, honest praise, genuine interest in who they are as a person will go a long, long, way with your average man. They also enjoy the hunt and the chase so usually best not to give too much...whether that's information about you, gifts, or nookie, too soon. Also agree with Nonie about giving men a chance. Don't judge too soon, but also don't linger with men who aren't it.

Hope you find Mr. Perfect for You soon.

ambergirl You have verbalised how I've been feeling about dating someone not on the same 'level' as me. It's not that I'm acting like a unicorn but these guys know I'm dating down so therefore there is the opportunity to take the p*ss with me....however they get a shock when I realise what's going on - not that desperate!!!
I didn't even have a Unicorn way of thinking before I starting reading the Relationship Section. :nono:

You have given me lots to think about...about what I really want. If I strip it all back what I really want is very basic and doesn't include money. It's almost a new way of thinking and I have to undo all the UE conditioning :look: because deep down I'm not that kind of person.

Not sure that I think I'm too good for anyone because I am well aware of my own short comings and I'm most definitely not perfect...but...anyone who doesn't tick all the boxes seems to turn me right off and I have to stop that because most of them are superficial.

Thank you taking the time Nonie, you are a very perceptive person. I don't know what you do for a living but you should be a counsellor because you don't just give surface advice, you get to the root of the issue and offer sound advice. :yep:

I hope our conversation has also helped someone else on here.

Sure did:yep: For the past few years I've been paying attention to the real wonderful women of LHCF who drop real gems on us youngins and I cannot get enough of it!

@Keshieshimmer, I think you misunderstood. I never went into any relationship thinking it's just for fun. I went into each one thinking this was the one. But it wasn't. The point I am making is if you keep shunning guys just because they don't meet all the qualities you seek, you may never meet Mr Right. Because not everyone gives away all about themselves on the first day. Just coz a guy doesn't state that he has property doesn't mean he doesn't. The point I am making is, be open-minded. Relationships that start as friendships usually last longer than those that start off with fiery passion that fizzles and then there's nothing left.

One of my friends was doing the online dating thing and she met a guy who has a kid just like she does. They seemed so perfect and while they are a different race, and my friend wasn't sure her mom would be OK with dude, dude is a family guy and really wanted to meet her mom and was sure he'd win her over. He did. For the first time, her mom wasn't fussing about her going out with guys because this guy was that good. But things didn't work out. There is just that oomph missing, but they are such good friends that when she's got questions about new guys, she can bounce her thoughts off this guy and vice versa. They have become bosom buddies who support each other. Even when she was job hunting, he helped her with her resume.

So stop dismissing people just because they appear not to meet all criteria. I remember when Bey got together with JayZ, all I heard was how he looked like the Camel on the cigarette pack...how she could do so much better. I think she's winning and they look so happy. Compare them with Chris and Rhi... These two looked so cute together, but I don't see the same realness and loyalty I see in the Carters.

Another thing I keep seeing is that if you don't get a ring in two years, then you're wasting time. I disagree with that too. I think people need to stop treating relationships like it's a one-size fits all program.

So true! Being on LHCF too long was starting to change my mind on this matter, I felt like I needed to find me someone asap, get married to help the statistics on this for black folks...but what if my marriage is hollow? What then? I'd much rather build a rlp from the ground up at a snail's pace, bump who's got issues with it. Read an interesting article about it here: http://www.startmarriageright.com/2013/02/how-marriages-are-made-not-found/
Overall I agree and understand the OP's thoughts on this matter. The way I see it is that women have more options than men when they are young and beautiful but many don't realize how young and beautiful they are and waste years on a no good men. Men on the other hand gain more value as they age especially if they are successful. That's the general reality of the world. But life is still filled with so many mysteries and love is magical and our minds can create realities that others cannot imagine or see. Most women in general will not have the choices most men have but I love being a woman and what that means for me. If a woman or anyone for that matter really cultivates her beauty, spirit, heart, mind, and ambitions she can and will have most of her wishes. Most women are too sensitive and listen too deeply to what the world and men say vs. what their hearts say and what God says.

Wow that was beautiful...