is it just me or do average looking women always have a man?

Hmph, I'm more concerned about these nice looking, marriage minded men dating/committing to ratchet women who are unemployed and have nothing to offer in the relationship.

Not really concerned...just curious. And I know this because I have family members and men who have been in my life who end up with women like this...I don't get it.
Personality has nothing to do with a man approaching a woman.

IDK where I fall on the spectrum. I'm at least upper middle average :look: I'm smart, self aware, confident, funny, good style, ample t, slight a :lachen:
However, since I generally have a serious look on my face I've been told I look stank/mean. I also wouldn't say I was a friendly person, so very little grinning and chatting people I don't know. I'm rarely approached by the guys at my school, but the hood ninjas down the block love me.
average to whom though?

maybe these men dont think they're average?

I agree. :yep:

I've always said time and time again that what we as WOMEN think men want/like in a woman or a wife, usually is NOT the same as what MEN actually really want or like.

I think that there is often a huge gap between what women think is important and what actually is important. Like many things, the way that women compare themselves against other women has everything to do with women making themselves feel better about themselves than with what is actually true. The same phenomenon is observed in threads about overweight women having SOs and DHs.

Anyway, it's very possible that *some* women who are very beautiful learned to rely on that and didn't develop much more, or they also probably get hit on a lot more by men who view them as a sex target even if they're not into them for anything serious. Very few people actually commit to someone because of their looks; that might be a part of the attraction, but being in a relationship is based on other factors.


Exactly. :yep: That's why when it comes to men, I don't even really try anymore. :look: *shrugs* I used to wonder why whenever I would go out dressed to the nines I would get a lot of men LOOKING (Sure!) but very rarely would I ever get good quality men coming up to me, asking me out on a date, etc. I'd get men staring, and saying "hello" and all that, but very rarely do I get asked out when I'm all dressed up.

But let me be running into the Target with no make up on, a pair of sweats and my hair just doing it's own thing, and guess what?? I actually get MORE men (and people in general) wanting to talk to me! Go FIGURE!! :wallbash:

Honestly, I really think it's pretty simple. I think women who are SUPER beautiful are intimidating to men...plain and simple. I think they may like what they see, but they either feel like a woman THAT gorgeous probably already has a man already, or is SUPER picky. :look:

In fact, many guys I know used to chase very attractive women, but after dealing with SOME of them (notice I said SOME, not all :look:) they found that a lot of times some of these women were either stuck up, high maintanance, didn't treat them right, or just DIFFICULT in general to deal with. I agree too w/the person who said that it seems like highly attractive seem to have problems in their love lives. :look: I don't think this is a general RULE, but I think I have seen a lot of attractive women have issues w/romantic partners, but then again I've also seen a lot of avg and even ugly women having problems too! So, who knows.....maybe we just ALL have romantic issues lol :giggle:

Bottom line, I will ALWAYS agree that a wonderful personality is hands down much more important than good looks. The looks may get you in the door with a guy, but it won't keep you in the HOUSE. :nono: I think when men finally settle down and get married, believe it or not it very rarely has anything to do w/looks. :nono: In fact, when men talk about their wives/their fiancee's the word beautiful/sexy is hardly mentioned. Why? Because it's usually the QUALITIES that their woman possesses that means much more to them. Now, of course a guy has to find you attractive in order to even want to spend time with you, but when he falls in love, it's NOT about looks. Good-looking women are a dime a dozen. But a woman who makes him FEEL good, compliments him (as in being a compliment), supports him, is tender, gentle, kind-hearted, etc. THESE are the qualities most men are looking for. :yep:

I think sometimes, not all, that some beautiful women are looking for the same level of attractiveness they are and wont settle for less. Like my sister, she is beautiful, and I am not saying that because she is my sister. But she has always been expectionally beautiful, well she is single now too :look:. She was engaged at one point in her life, but she has always been extra hard on guys. She wouldn't talk to them if their ears was too big or if they had a big head.ALL the guys she dated has been very attractive, but losers too. She feel like since she is beautiful she won't give a "decent" looking guy a chance. She has passed up alot of great guys because of that. Now average looking girls may not be that caught up in the looks departments. Dont get me wrong, I am not saying we are dating Shreks, but alot of times if the guy is an overall nice guy you wont typically just turned down an "average" looking guy . This is just an observation.

You're right...I've seen this happen too. :yep:
I think 90% of people walking around are average so I hope folks are pairing up or else the human race would die out! :lachen:

Seriously, men don't have the same criteria as women do when they are choosing a partner. True, she may have an average face but she could have an awesome body, be super sexy, make him laugh his head off, and be a great cook. A man will take an average woman who is sexy as hell any time. I see examples of that every day of my life.
I think 90% of people walking around are average so I hope folks are pairing up or else the human race would die out! :lachen:

Seriously, men don't have the same criteria as women do when they are choosing a partner. True, she may have an average face but she could have an awesome body, be super sexy, make him laugh his head off, and be a great cook. A man will take an average woman who is sexy as hell any time. I see examples of that every day of my life.

One of my best girlfriends is like this. Guys stay calling her sexy. She is attractive, but not in the traditional sense that alot of us women think men want, but she has her flirt game down. If she walks in a room, she is immediately panning it with her eyes, she'll walk past a guy and do the "look back" thing and lock eyes with them and hold it..that kind of stuff.

One time we were on the phone talking and a guy she claimed was on her nerves clicked in, she says to me "girl, let me get this fool off the phone and click back over", but when she clicked it was still to me. I hear her say "Hey sexy daddy, how was your day" :look: I was like "Umm..its still me" We both started laughing, I said "that's how you talk to a guy on your nerves?"..she just started laughing again.

Anyway, I think knowing how to flirt with men gives many women a leg up and the argument could be made that some women learned early on how to do it and do it well, vs just resting on their physical assets.
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Confidence looks great on everyone-from oogly to average to pretty. I think some "pretty" women rely on looks to make them and never really gain confidence in other areas. Some average women learn to hoan other gifts and just be confortable in their skin and men love it.

This is what I've heard. Pretty women don't develop much of themselves beyond their beauty and they have trouble carrying a real conversation. I've heard this more than once from guys, good marriage material guys.
It might seem like but I think average looking woman might be more confident and approachable than drop-dead-gorgeous women. Often times men think super gorgeous women are already taken and don't even ask them out. Looks can take women but so far. Also, what a man finds beautiful varies. Being attractive/beautiful is what might make a man approach you. But what comes out of your mouth and your actions is what will keep him around.

This right here.

theres more "average" people than gorgeous people, maybe thats why.

its like a bell curve. 10% of people fall into unattractive, 80% of people into average & 10% into very attractive. So when you are out you will notice more "average" people paired up because there are more "average"people in the population.

lol cute
IME...really attractive people tend to have messed up attitudes and think they are god's gifts to he world, b/c they have been fawned over since birth....
IME...really attractive people tend to have messed up attitudes and think they are god's gifts to he world, b/c they have been fawned over since birth....

Yea I work with a girl who is constantly told she is pretty and she has a permanent stank face and attitude. she thinks that what applys to the rest of us doesn't apply to her
Lets not jump to conclusion about people who are attractive because there are some attractive people who have great personalities. There are also some people who are average looking who have what someone would call a "stank" personality.
nadaa16 said:
Personality has nothing to do with a man approaching a woman.

IDK where I fall on the spectrum. I'm at least upper middle average :look: I'm smart, self aware, confident, funny, good style, ample t, slight a :lachen:
However, since I generally have a serious look on my face I've been told I look stank/mean. I also wouldn't say I was a friendly person, so very little grinning and chatting people I don't know. I'm rarely approached by the guys at my school, but the hood ninjas down the block love me.

THIS all day long!!! Hood ninjas approach me with a quickness. They like my mean mug and think I'm 'bout that life' I try to smile and look more approachable but the so called nice guys still wont talk to me because they assume I'm taken or out of their league. Wth!
THIS all day long!!! Hood ninjas approach me with a quickness. They like my mean mug and think I'm 'bout that life' I try to smile and look more approachable but the so called nice guys still wont talk to me because they assume I'm taken or out of their league. Wth!

Can someone post a pic or give an example of an average-lookin woman? I think I'm a bit confused:look:

ETA: Or better yet...someone who is beautiful without makeup...celeb pics or whatever. Post yourself if you want, I don't care lol
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Can someone post a pic or give an example of an average-lookin woman? I think I'm a bit confused:look:

ETA: Or better yet...someone who is beautiful without makeup...celeb pics or whatever. Post yourself if you want, I don't care lol

Sarah Jessica Parker
Tori Spelling

Uma Thurman

Rashida Jones
LaFemmeNaturelle said:
LMAO!!!:lachen::lachen: That was NOT my intention! I was being very serious. I just think I along with my family and friends have a different definition of whats average and what's beautiful so was wondering how other people felt.

How about any black or latina women? lol

Lots of people here think Michelle Obama is average. I'm not among them. I think she is somewhat above.
Since ya'll think I'm being bad, I'll post why I asked. I rarely rarely think someone is ugly and it's usually if they are unattractive plus an ugly attitude....even then I can find some attractiveness about them. I think most women can be beautiful with the right makeup. I also think alot of women that are seen as "beautiful" by women, are just average without makeup (e.g. Beyonce and Rihanna off the top of my head). I also think the average woman is pretty. So I guess I just need a spectrum to go off of?

Is ugly and unattractive the same thing? In that case, no one is ugly.

Below average? Like what is that?-->Average-->Attractive?-->Cute/Pretty-->Beautiful? Is that it?

ETA: I think Michelle is pretty...beautiful sometimes...but guy friends tell me I think too many women are pretty/attractive. Oh well. I really just need to worry about myself I guess:lol:
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LaFemmeNaturelle said:
Since ya'll think I'm being bad, I'll post why I asked. I rarely rarely think someone is ugly and it's usually if they are unattractive plus an ugly attitude....even then I can find some attractiveness about them. I think most women can be beautiful with the right makeup. I also think alot of women that are seen as "beautiful" by women, are just average without makeup (e.g. Beyonce and Rihanna off the top of my head). I also think the average woman is pretty. So I guess I just need a spectrum to go off of?

Is ugly and unattractive the same thing? In that case, no one is ugly.

Below average? Like what is that?-->Average-->Attractive?-->Cute/Pretty-->Beautiful? Is that it?

ETA: I think Michelle is pretty...beautiful sometimes...but guy friends tell me I think too many women are pretty/attractive. Oh well. I really just need to worry about myself I guess:lol:

Trying to nail down attractiveness amongst a varied group is an exercise in futility.
I can see how some might not find their particular looks to be compelling, but I wouldn't say they're "average-looking" by any means. Average is the middle line of what everyone looks like--definitely not Uma Thurman at least. I think that women also focus a lot on the face and personal style and leave out body shape and other things that go into attractiveness to the opposite sex.

Sarah Jessica Parker

Tori Spelling

Uma Thurman

Rashida Jones
Since ya'll think I'm being bad, I'll post why I asked. I rarely rarely think someone is ugly and it's usually if they are unattractive plus an ugly attitude....even then I can find some attractiveness about them. I think most women can be beautiful with the right makeup. I also think alot of women that are seen as "beautiful" by women, are just average without makeup (e.g. Beyonce and Rihanna off the top of my head). I also think the average woman is pretty. So I guess I just need a spectrum to go off of?

Is ugly and unattractive the same thing? In that case, no one is ugly.

Below average? Like what is that?-->Average-->Attractive?-->Cute/Pretty-->Beautiful? Is that it?

ETA: I think Michelle is pretty...beautiful sometimes...but guy friends tell me I think too many women are pretty/attractive. Oh well. I really just need to worry about myself I guess:lol:

I personally don't feel you need to explain yourself to people. If you need to ask a question then ask. If they make the mistake of misinterepting your post then oh well!

To me average is when I look at someone and can't say they are ugly nor can say they are pretty. I feel this way about Halle Berry, Lolo Jones, Uma Thurman, Tori Spelling, Sara Jessica Parker, Salma Hayek, Jennifer Lopez, Beyonce. When I think pretty,l I think Charlize Theron, Kelly Rowland, Gia Carangi, Thandie Newton, Brigitte Lin.
I think men are more in tune with inner beauty and other below surface characteristics of women, they spend way more time reading body language than we do so they can "screen" for true beauty more easily...not saying that above average women aren't true beauties... Also someone said something about Beyonce' without all that makeup she's pretty average looking, not that that's a bad thing, IJS. I've met guys who thought I was a beauty, but I've also been ignored, it's all preference and cultural.
CafedeBelleza said:
I think men are more in tune with inner beauty and other below surface characteristics of women, they spend way more time reading body language than we do so they can "screen" for true beauty more easily...not saying that above average women aren't true beauties... Also someone said something about Beyonce' without all that makeup she's pretty average looking, not that that's a bad thing, IJS. I've met guys who thought I was a beauty, but I've also been ignored, it's all preference and cultural.

I don't think it's about inner beauty because well I see women abusing and acting crazy with the nicest guys. Seems men can find something in women who don't even try to be nice, but it's not inner beauty IMO.

Not that men don't look at inner beauty because I think at the end of the day it is about personality; and I think a lot of men just like who they like or look for more of a friend than just arm candy. I also know men will date someone who looks nothing like their ideal beauty.

I agree it is all preference.
Lol. This reminds me of when I was in school and I dated the guy a lot of the girls had a crush on. Then we broke up and I started going out with the other cute guy--that not everybody had a crush on because he was super cute--cuter than the first guy--but short :look: Anyway, one night one of the girls got drunk and said through almost tears "I just don't understand. What do they see in you!? :whyme:" :look: I was like "aw, boo :sad: :giggle:" :rofl:

I don't necessarily "keep a man" but the thread title made me reminisce :Blush2:
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Lol. This reminds me of when I was in school and I dated the guy a lot of the girls had a crush on. Then we broke up and I started going out with the other cute guy--that not everybody had a crush on because he was super cute--cuter than the first guy--but short :look: Anyway, one night one of the girls got drunk and said through almost tears "I just don't understand. What do they see in you!? :whyme:" :look: I was like "aw, boo :sad: :giggle:" :rofl:

I don't necessarily "keep a man" but the thread title made me reminisce :Blush2:


You are nice.
^^It was funny because she....thought she was superior in looks because she dressed nice or for whatever other reason:look:...and she probably didn't know what they "saw in me" because at the time, I walked around dressing like Megan Good with the wifebeater/jeans special :look: but I was just carefree and cute/fun to be around, so that's really all there was to see. It was endearing because she was so devastated about it and all I could do was comfort her :giggle:

I think women label a lot of other women average or ugly and men don't see it that way. I try not to talk negatively about other women but sometimes I'm sincerely puzzled about the consensus that a particular woman is hot or whatever and if I express that one of my male friends or former SO's will gently be like "no. She's pretty hot. I mean, she's doing alright for herself; I'd ask her out :look: Calm down :look:" They really aren't as hard on us as we are on ourselves, even the so-called picky ones.