What a woman finds Attractive in a man - by the Stars.

My mars is in pisces and I can agree ONLY with the compassionate and sensitive part all the other rest heck no. Lacking confidence, starving artist need not apply again. I actually am attracted to strong independant type men. Funny my son father sun sign is pisces and his mars is in pisces as well, so I am not looking for another starving helpless artist type man again.

My mars is in pisces so is my venus. I have capricorn in mercury and my moon both in the 7th house and the pisces( mars, venus) in my ninth house. Lets just say I have a whole lot of confusion going on.

If a woman's Mars is in Pisces, she is often impressed with a man who is sensitive, compassionate, and intriguingly complicated. Lacking in confidence is just fine, and so is a touch of helplessness. A "starving artist" type may be appealing, or a man who is downtrodden in some way, as these women enjoy men who have a distinct soft side. The strong, independent types are not turn-ons for these women.

Sounds like it was your type at one point but having that experience has turned you off. LOL
@ cutibe2

Have you actually met a Virgo that you like? If your Mars is in retrograde the opposite is true. You might want to look at the sign that comes before it like Mars in Pisces. You may also have Virgo in your house of partnerships. And remember your life experiences, upbringing, environment also plays a role. So when the characteristics don't fit it's ok. :yep: For example, you may want a man like your father or older brother, whom you've admired. Do you have Virgo strong in your chart?

Another thing to think about is that you are a Capricorn so being attracted to and wanting a Virgo is something that is natural. It may turn out you meet a Virgo with Aries strong in his chart.

I have Sag strong in my chart so I sometimes read the horoscope for Sag.
yeah see Mars in Piscese or Cancer makes more sense. What do you mean by Virgo strong in my chart? My Moon is Cancer so I am an emotions Cap lol.
According to my natal chart, Virgo is nowhere to be found in my chart.
yeah see Mars in Piscese or Cancer makes more sense. What do you mean by Virgo strong in my chart? My Moon is Cancer so I am an emotions Cap lol.
According to my natal chart, Virgo is nowhere to be found in my chart.

Meaning, you have several planets in Virgo.
interesting, but some of it is a bit confusing. I did my natal chart on cafe astrology and all of the planets in " is driving me batty!
So true about me! I love a protective man. Crazy part is my father looks intimidating but wasn't very protective. Go figure. My bf is a shriek minus the Ogar looks.

If a woman's Mars is in Cancer, she may prefer the "sensitive type" of man who is compassionate, sensitive, and protective. These women sometimes are attracted to temperamental sorts, finding moodiness in a man rather intriguing. They want men with "layers" (remember Shrek?). However, they are not into the type of "sensitive" men that Mars in Pisces women are most attracted to. In fact, they generally want men who are strong and traditionally masculine. Generally, these women prefer men who are physically strong
or at least look that way--remember that they love to feel protected.