I went to a meet my single friends party + i got set up


New Member
and it was hilarious!!!!! our group was cute, 4 of us age 23-28. cute girls. turned out we were the hot girls! :look::lachen:

The crowd average age was like......... 39 and prime candidates for what not to wear. It was awful. We decided that we'd stand in a circle and be the mean girls. We quoted the movie for like... 30 minutes lmao.

so then we went to the "art wall" which was a couple of tables with markers and pens and paper and clay. We colored. My friend is really intense and was doing some networking there and didnt want to be inappropriate so she made a christmas tree.

Me and the other girls drew a dick with blue balls and a mouth....... then we made the same thing out of clay.

Some losers came to talk to us, but they werent cute or very witty... so we werel ike :look: it was soooo funny. yes we were being betches.:perplexed:look::lol: but we were nice to the guys. just not interested.

We wanted to be open but it just wasn't the crowd for us at all. The other girls (who were white btw) decided that i should meet their friend John. Then one girl was like " i think you should meet, not cause you are both black but because i think you guys are similar and would get along and you guys wnet to the same hs!) :look: so i was like... ok. dude finally comes and hes awkward looking though extremely nice and very smart.

So anyways, one thinks it was a miss and the other thinks hes going to ask for my number. I didn't think he liked me like that, but i would be willing to go one date with the guy. He seems nice and I miss being treated like a lady.

Just wanted to share my hilarious night :lol: anyone else been to a single friends party? or set up with someone just cause they are black (except not)? :lol:
Well, one of my white fellowship-mates is trying to set me up with another fellowship-mate. I've never had a white person try to set me up with another white person before. I didn't know what to say...lol. He's just like, I think you have similar personalities and would be great for each other. I hope this is a joke. The guy in question is super nice and friendly, but I don't see it as him being flirtatious.

I'd love to set up a singles party though... though it wouldn't have that name. Just a "mandatory bring a friend" dinner party of some sorts.
A meet my single friends party? That sounds like a great idea.

I'm so upset with you all for drawing penii on the board. :nono: :lol:
its a 'thing' i guess here. the group that did it charges 10 bucks and the idea is that you get to meet other singles, but they arent crazies and stuff because people actually know them.

the unfortunate part was that the network that was involved... was just all ugly and old. lol. it was saaaaad.

our paynus was beautiful! even the clay structure was beautiful. ima ask my friend for the pic and ill post it ... maybe. if i dont get hit with the band.
Tamrin, was it organized by a white or black host?

Maybe there should be an age range for those invited? *scratches chin*
CarLiTa oh the whole entire crowd was white. i was the only black person :perplexed. thats the issue with these social kinds of things, because if you say invite your friends, and people dont have diverse groups of friends... then the entire situation is of one race. kinda annoying.
See I think our downfall is having too much fun with other women instead of going for the men (lol) I know I'm guilty.

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LOL i dont mind expanding my horizons which is why i went........................................................... that particular view wasnt pretty though.
oh, hehe, sorry Tamrin! lol.

Thanks for answering, Tamster. I was wondering/trying to anticipate how a black group might respond to suggestions for an event like this... with the rise of "thirsty" comments, and the like.
CarLiTa thats annoying. thirstiness is not just looking thirstiness is... its on a different level. oh and an age range would be good. definitely. LOL.