I told what I knew because her life is in danger...i think


House Head
Chick here at work get's busted up every other week by her boyfriend. She a walking billboard for NO self-esteem whatsoever, not LOW but NO.

She's been coming in 3 hours late all week and has been dragging in late for the past few weeks. I knew it was because of ole raggedy butt dude. She told me she was going to put in her notice because he constantly calls her here and disturbs her department. So today, she said she wish she was dead because her life is to hard. (this episode started because she has a 7 y/o and 2 babies by the butt kicker and the 7 y/o dad wants to come to her b-day party, this set the butt kicker off into another rage and he's been raging all week). I get in today and a chick from her dept. is sending me IMs beating around the bush because i was playing dumb and giving her short answers. Next thing i know she's asking is the girl's man or kids giving her problems. I said I didn't know, we only discuss school.

Next 10 minutes i get a call from security (the head of security) and she's asking me wht I know because apparently the girl is over there bruised up and got scratches on her face. I told, i didn't want to but i told. I told he'd raped her 2 weeks ago. This week he jumped her twice and the second jumping happened monday p.m and he tied her up and put her in a closet for 6 hours. I almost cried while telling but I'm thinking the next tie up and stuffing will be her dead body in the trunk of her car.

Security called her and now she's gone for the day. I didn't mention she had kids but security said "we have to protect her and her kids" which makes me know that someone made a call to them and told them that she talks to me a lot.
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You did the right thing. No one should be a motherless child in this world particularly because of some dude. She deserves to be protected even if she can't protect herself.

Don't beat yourself up for what you did not do in the past. You now know if it ever happens again in another situation how to handle it.

Wishing your coworker all the best. You too. :yep:
Is this the same girl that the guy was calling every number in the dept. trying to get ahold of her when they broke up?

If so, I'm so glad someone else is trying to help this girl. Its a difficult call to make, but she obviously isn't strong enough to break free and this might be the help she needs to finally break away.
Is this the same girl that the guy was calling every number in the dept. trying to get ahold of her when they broke up?

If so, I'm so glad someone else is trying to help this girl. Its a difficult call to make, but she obviously isn't strong enough to break free and this might be the help she needs to finally break away.

Yes, same girl.:yep:
Wow, so sad. You did the right thing.
I am so glad someone is intervening on her behalf, because, yeah, she could end up dead. :nono:
I would have told a long time ago---an anonymous call to the cops... Those children do NOT need to be in an environment like that. And if he's doing that to her WHAT might he possibly be doing to the children?!!?

I'm glad you told.
you can't force help on anybody or save anybody from themselves when they don't want it for themselves, but its never wrong to not want to help somebody....if u made the choice to tell from ur heart because u care then thats all that matters what happens to her or doesn't happen to her isn't because of you either way, it will always be because of her
You did the right thing because she needed a voice. She's too scared to talk up for herself and too tired to ask for help. He's beating her body but it's touching her soul and she needed you rather she realizes it or not. I hope things work out. I hope he's not being abusive to the kids.
i just read her facebook status, it says "really upset right now, living the single life"
i just read her facebook status, it says "really upset right now, living the single life"

That's so sad, it sounds like she's upset at being "single" vs the rapes and beatings she's endured for who knows how long. I hope she realizes she needs help before it's too late for her and those kids :sad:
You did the right thing, and quite possibly saved her life. I just hope there is a safe haven for her, because she cannot go back to that house.
This sounds like a lady that was on Oprah once.

Can you imagine how you would feel if she comes up dead and you had the ability to say or do something? Bless you and I will be praying for her.

As crazy as this dude is, he could very very easily come into the job and just starting shooting. The fact that he called every # in the dept to find her is quite scary. This man will end up killing her, in all likelihood.

You know, I find it puzzling that people say they hope he isn't abusing the babies. Um.... beating the feces out of their mamma and putting her in a closet for six hours IS abusing the kids. It is terrifying emotional torture of the worst kind.

There is a great book that I reccomend whenever I get the chance... it's called When Dad Hits Mom by Lundy Bancroft. He really tries to hammer home the point that abusing a child's mother IS abusing that child. I mean, if a dude tortured a child's dog we would agree he was hurting the child, right? So how is torturing the child's mother any better/different?
You weren't wrong for telling but this girl needs some serious help. Maybe the man is locked up for NOW but someone with no self esteem that will accept anykinda man is an easy target for the next loser.
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you know i felt bad at first fearing she would find out i was interviewed too but now i really don't care, if she does not understand then one day she will.

she looks a mess at work and this guy pointed out to me that she looks so bad he don't speak to her no more because he doesn't want folks to know she knows his name and he said she oozes issues. I was shocked but he said that's how he feels and he's not a young man.

I can't believe she let a trick daddy reject have her like this and the sickest part is she blames his mother for his actions instead of him.
You had every right to do this for her safety, her kids, you & your coworkers.

Even if she does nothing to change & she may be mad at you, you did the right thing. It's better doing that than wondering what if... Many times women go back but you never know, sometimes that's just what they need to stop the abuse.
You had every right to do this for her safety, her kids, you & your coworkers.

Even if she does nothing to change & she may be mad at you, you did the right thing. It's better doing that than wondering what if... Many times women go back but you never know, sometimes that's just what they need to stop the abuse.

Agreed because she's done nothing th prove to herself she knows how to handle this alone. The security chick is part of the FBI and can definitely help and now she's put on the line to do something about her situation.

THANKS LADIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You weren't wrong for telling but this girl needs some serious help. Maybe the man is locked up for NOW but someone with no self esteem that will accept anykinda man is an easy for the next loser.

And this is the sacriest part of the whole situation..... she could end up right back in this position.... and had probably been here before

If she is not ready or willing to do the hard work it will take to put her life back together then it does not matter who steps in to offer their assistance because to her, it is safer to go with what she knows. What I say is not a criticism or judgement nor am I saying it is right, but an observation. I have been there, done that, can tell my story and several others but the bottom line is it she does not want the situation to change it wont, no matter who she is with.
i hope you are documenting everything she tells you with dates and times b/c there was a case where the man murdered the woman and the nail in the coffin in court was her co-worker who kept a log/journal of everything she was told

This sounds like a lady that was on Oprah once.

Can you imagine how you would feel if she comes up dead and you had the ability to say or do something? Bless you and I will be praying for her.

I was just thinking the same thing.
You def did the right thing OP.