I need to get this off my heart


New Member
I don't know where to start or how, but I need to get this out. I have only told 2 ppl so far since last night- my two really good friends back home. I didn't have the heart to tell my parents, I just said my bf was cheating. I have not been honest with the people here or myself until now.

My bf of a year told me he was bisexual last night.

Well he didn't say that but he said he enjoyed doing and participating in sexual acts with a "strong Black man".

I had always had some suspicions things were not right--not because of anything sexual, he never strayed from the norm but he was very open and I assumed it was b/c he's older. But I felt like he's not being honest about something. He had one friend who seems DL and other than that guy, his two other friends I met seemed fine.

We met in Dec 2007 and had been dating since Feb 2008. He pursued me. I wasn't really into him at first but he was funny, liked "Black" music like R&B and seemed to be honest. Any question I asked him, he answered. Nothin was off limits and he seemed open, but I had asked him on several occassions have you ever experimented with a man and he always said "no" and looked me like "There you go overthinking again."

Small stuff irked me, like a guy friend calling in the middle of the night. Him liking the play "RENT" or the artsy sexual pics I found (and lied here and said it was my friend) But he always had an explanation---well except for the last thing, the photos--he always said "My friend needs help with something Japanese" or I assumed he liked plays b/c he was cultured. And he loves Gospel music, he even sang in a Japanese gospel choir for a bit. He was horrible but I just think "People like what they like b/c they like it" I never thought he could be bi. Until last night.

I couldn't get the pictures deal out of my head. Even though I thought he could be honest or just plain ol narcissitic--I never thought my digging for info would turn this up. We were watching tv and talking about celebrity gossip and he asked what I wanted for my bday (coming up in March) and a clip of this Vegas tranny style show comes on the Jtv. Kinda like Rupaul is thingy and I said (in what I thought was jokingly, but maybe not) tone..."Ooh let's go to that and see the men with each other" He was quiet and then very serious. And then it kinda came out. He said he hadn't been honest about the past summer. (Past summer I had a preg.scare, he was super gentleman about it and told me he wanted us to be together forever)

I was so shocked thinking, it's his ex gf! I was very calm, listening and he literally said he had been with a male friend. YES. This man is Black. He is married. He maybe military, I don't know. But he is big and muscular and my bf said that made him feel comfortable.

He said he had always been curious and acted it on in the summer. They were in the bed and it just happened. And it felt "amazing". He said he was addicted like a smoker, but this man shared similar intrests as him. Gospel music, R&B, and etc. This man filled his missing space from his father, he said. But he said "It is sex only and I cannot love him".

When it came out, it came out. Seemed like I can ask anything and he would explain why he loved me and liked sex with him. Why he "tried to quit, but kept going back" He told this man about me, about us and said he loves me and wants to end, but they contintued until December he said. He told him finally in December he cannot see him anymore.

The worst part I told him is not that he has sex with men. No that I could get over. That I can never condemn someone for, but why did he lie to me? I felt I gave him so many chances to tell me and why now? After taking him home to my family and then he asking me to move in with him next month. Why now? He couldn't say. But he could say he didn't want to lose me, he wanted to be with me and have a family and WE CAN STILL MAKE IT WORK. He said.

We have two options:
1. Put this deceit in the back of our heart and never let it happen again.

2. "YOU (me) CAN CONTROL IT" meaning I guess I say if he can do something or I moniter his desires.

He added that "you can never make it the same, but I want you to learn and try." He compared it to smoking. If you want someone to quit smoking they try the patch or gum, and eventually ween off of cigarettes. But I added so many ppl fall back into that---and this cannot be compared to smoking.

I haven't eaten since yesterday. I feel sick. When he said that to me, I think I left my body. You know how you can get outside of your body and look at yourself. I couldn't move. I could just see myself and think "maybe this isn't real", but it is.

I sat there and listened mainly b/c I didn't have the strength to move. I didn't want to hit him or cut him, I couldn't do anything but think "how many other girls has he done this too?" And I listened b/c I want to know for the future. I needed to understand why.

He said he wanted to tell me so many times, but he knew "I was a nice girl" and would leave him. He knew I wouldn accept him like that.

I can't descibe how sick I felt.feel. I am so miserable. Not suicidal but just I feel stupid that this happened to me. This happens to people on tv not like me.

If this hadn't happened, I could see myself married maybe with a kid and discovering. The truth always comes out. But thankfully I'm glad it didn't get that far. I can't go into my bedroom b/c I have so many pictures he gave me of us, I can't update my blog, b/c he's on there--I can't stand to look at him. NOT BECAUSE HE IS BISEXUAL BUT BECAUSE HES A LIAR.

Today he called me at lunch and asked if I was ok. He tried to make the conversation about filing a japanese police report against my ex. But then he said he felt so much better to get it off his chest, but he felt bad for lying to me. He feels glad he can be completly honest with us now. He wanted to "make it up to me", what can he buy me he said? How can he prove he loves me and doesn't need that man? Can we make an agreement, can we still be together? Can we have a beautiful future like he had planned?

I know I'm in Japan but I want you women to know about this. I guess if something doesn't feel right, then something isn't right. Those artsy nude pics hit me wrong. More than anything else. They just sat wrong and stayed there and that's what it all stemmed from.

I have to talk to him face to face one more time. I have to get some stuff back from his apt. I need to know who the man is. And I need my bf to know that he can't do this to another girl in the furute. My heart hurts so much, because of being lied to. I think maybe for a second, if he had told me about his desires a long time ago, I could have listened--really tried to understand, but I cannot now. I cannot look at anything he bought me or pictures because I feel so sick. I feel stupid, disgusted, and just sad. I want him to be honest with who he is, not afraid of a label, and to never make any woman feel like I am now.

I was thinking should I go home or move? My ex-husband is also a problem, making my life in this area hard. My job has also been stressful and I have been overall homesick. But I feel like if leave, I'm doing it for the wrong reason. I am thinking of moving to a totally different part of Japan. But I don't know.

How do you move on?
I know I can never trust someone again? What have I done that I deserve this? Why is this all happening to me?

I hope this post doesn't get anyone in trouble here, but I had to get this out. I feel like a bus hit me hard. Like I feel it hard. And I can't really focus on anything, but I just wanted to let you all know and be honest.
Oh.My.GOODNESS. I remember your other thread about the friend. I can't imagine the wealth of different feelings you are having. Do you have any friends or family there? PLEASE stay away from this man. Tell him you need your space to heal and absorb all this. I can't imagine what you are going through...I'm speechless.

And the part about you learning to "try to make it the same". Does he want you to do some freaky anal sex with him....OMG...
I don't know where to start or how, but I need to get this out. I have only told 2 ppl so far since last night- my two really good friends back home. I didn't have the heart to tell my parents, I just said my bf was cheating. I have not been honest with the people here or myself until now.

My bf of a year told me he was bisexual last night.

Well he didn't say that but he said he enjoyed doing and participating in sexual acts with a "strong Black man".

I had always had some suspicions things were not right--not because of anything sexual, he never strayed from the norm but he was very open and I assumed it was b/c he's older. But I felt like he's not being honest about something. He had one friend who seems DL and other than that guy, his two other friends I met seemed fine.

We met in Dec 2007 and had been dating since Feb 2008. He pursued me. I wasn't really into him at first but he was funny, liked "Black" music like R&B and seemed to be honest. Any question I asked him, he answered. Nothin was off limits and he seemed open, but I had asked him on several occassions have you ever experimented with a man and he always said "no" and looked me like "There you go overthinking again."

Small stuff irked me, like a guy friend calling in the middle of the night. Him liking the play "RENT" or the artsy sexual pics I found (and lied here and said it was my friend) But he always had an explanation---well except for the last thing, the photos--he always said "My friend needs help with something Japanese" or I assumed he liked plays b/c he was cultured. And he loves Gospel music, he even sang in a Japanese gospel choir for a bit. He was horrible but I just think "People like what they like b/c they like it" I never thought he could be bi. Until last night.

I couldn't get the pictures deal out of my head. Even though I thought he could be honest or just plain ol narcissitic--I never thought my digging for info would turn this up. We were watching tv and talking about celebrity gossip and he asked what I wanted for my bday (coming up in March) and a clip of this Vegas tranny style show comes on the Jtv. Kinda like Rupaul is thingy and I said (in what I thought was jokingly, but maybe not) tone..."Ooh let's go to that and see the men with each other" He was quiet and then very serious. And then it kinda came out. He said he hadn't been honest about the past summer. (Past summer I had a preg.scare, he was super gentleman about it and told me he wanted us to be together forever)

I was so shocked thinking, it's his ex gf! I was very calm, listening and he literally said he had been with a male friend. YES. This man is Black. He is married. He maybe military, I don't know. But he is big and muscular and my bf said that made him feel comfortable.

He said he had always been curious and acted it on in the summer. They were in the bed and it just happened. And it felt "amazing". He said he was addicted like a smoker, but this man shared similar intrests as him. Gospel music, R&B, and etc. This man filled his missing space from his father, he said. But he said "It is sex only and I cannot love him".

When it came out, it came out. Seemed like I can ask anything and he would explain why he loved me and liked sex with him. Why he "tried to quit, but kept going back" He told this man about me, about us and said he loves me and wants to end, but they contintued until December he said. He told him finally in December he cannot see him anymore.

The worst part I told him is not that he has sex with men. No that I could get over. That I can never condemn someone for, but why did he lie to me? I felt I gave him so many chances to tell me and why now? After taking him home to my family and then he asking me to move in with him next month. Why now? He couldn't say. But he could say he didn't want to lose me, he wanted to be with me and have a family and WE CAN STILL MAKE IT WORK. He said.

We have two options:
1. Put this deceit in the back of our heart and never let it happen again.

2. "YOU (me) CAN CONTROL IT" meaning I guess I say if he can do something or I moniter his desires.

He added that "you can never make it the same, but I want you to learn and try." He compared it to smoking. If you want someone to quit smoking they try the patch or gum, and eventually ween off of cigarettes. But I added so many ppl fall back into that---and this cannot be compared to smoking.

I haven't eaten since yesterday. I feel sick. When he said that to me, I think I left my body. You know how you can get outside of your body and look at yourself. I couldn't move. I could just see myself and think "maybe this isn't real", but it is.

I sat there and listened mainly b/c I didn't have the strength to move. I didn't want to hit him or cut him, I couldn't do anything but think "how many other girls has he done this too?" And I listened b/c I want to know for the future. I needed to understand why.

He said he wanted to tell me so many times, but he knew "I was a nice girl" and would leave him. He knew I wouldn accept him like that.

I can't descibe how sick I felt.feel. I am so miserable. Not suicidal but just I feel stupid that this happened to me. This happens to people on tv not like me.

If this hadn't happened, I could see myself married maybe with a kid and discovering. The truth always comes out. But thankfully I'm glad it didn't get that far. I can't go into my bedroom b/c I have so many pictures he gave me of us, I can't update my blog, b/c he's on there--I can't stand to look at him. NOT BECAUSE HE IS BISEXUAL BUT BECAUSE HES A LIAR.

Today he called me at lunch and asked if I was ok. He tried to make the conversation about filing a japanese police report against my ex. But then he said he felt so much better to get it off his chest, but he felt bad for lying to me. He feels glad he can be completly honest with us now. He wanted to "make it up to me", what can he buy me he said? How can he prove he loves me and doesn't need that man? Can we make an agreement, can we still be together? Can we have a beautiful future like he had planned?

I know I'm in Japan but I want you women to know about this. I guess if something doesn't feel right, then something isn't right. Those artsy nude pics hit me wrong. More than anything else. They just sat wrong and stayed there and that's what it all stemmed from.

I have to talk to him face to face one more time. I have to get some stuff back from his apt. I need to know who the man is. And I need my bf to know that he can't do this to another girl in the furute. My heart hurts so much, because of being lied to. I think maybe for a second, if he had told me about his desires a long time ago, I could have listened--really tried to understand, but I cannot now. I cannot look at anything he bought me or pictures because I feel so sick. I feel stupid, disgusted, and just sad. I want him to be honest with who he is, not afraid of a label, and to never make any woman feel like I am now.

I was thinking should I go home or move? My ex-husband is also a problem, making my life in this area hard. My job has also been stressful and I have been overall homesick. But I feel like if leave, I'm doing it for the wrong reason. I am thinking of moving to a totally different part of Japan. But I don't know.

How do you move on?
I know I can never trust someone again? What have I done that I deserve this? Why is this all happening to me?

I hope this post doesn't get anyone in trouble here, but I had to get this out. I feel like a bus hit me hard. Like I feel it hard. And I can't really focus on anything, but I just wanted to let you all know and be honest.

OMG!!!!!!!!! :bighug:

OP, I am so sorry. That is one of the worst things I can imagine. But right now I think the best thing you can do is get away. I would come home and get myself together. Being around people that really love you and want whats best for you is what you need. If you were my daughter I'd want you home. ASAP.

He is a LIAR!! He has sexual tendencies that you CAN'T fulfill. If someone that "loves" you lies about something, I don't care how little, or in this case how LARGE, that is a REDflag that you MUST take heed to. I know its hard and I know its real raw right now, but try to take time away from whatever you need to and get your mind straight. This man DOES NOT LOVE YOU! HE HAS NO CONSIDERATION FOR YOU, YOUR HEALTH. You already said you had suspicions. You were told in plain words that what you suspected was true. You need nothing else from him. He gave you the truth and now its up to you to do the right thing. Believe one thing, if it happens once it can happen again.

I'm praying for you.

I am sooo sorry you have to go thru this.
He completely broke the trust that he had from you by lying about the situation and sneaking around behind your back...irregardless of the other person being male or female, cheating is still cheating.
It will take some time for you to emotionally heal from this situation and learn from it. Always trust your gut instincts and please get tested :yep:

Oh, my!!!! My heart goes out to you.
Go and get yourself checked out thoroughly and seek counseling ASAP!
I said a prayer for you. God Bless!
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Girl fall into deep prayer. Right now all you have is God...pray that God will ease your heart and with time it will get just a bit easier...not much just a bit. Try right now to have your own space so you can clear your head and make a levelheaded decision. Can't make huge decisions like moving on a whim and about emotions...emotions are fickle. So just pray and try to calm yourself and just worry about you right now because before he was just worrying about him....and HIM not losing you...
I'm so sorry for this Yokoyokogirl.
Just get your stuff from his place and don't ever contact him again. Block him from your e-mail etc.

I have no words! He'll most likely do it to someone else again, so don't worry about trying to set him right or anything. Just cut him out from your life.

How do you move on? I don't know. I think you should let some time pass between him and a new relationship, give yourself time to heal and think and reflect on things. :bighug:
Oh, girl. Others will be better able to advise and console you than me, but I just wanted to give you a hug:needhug:
I'm so sorry this happened to you. I know of two women that this happened too, except they were married to the guy by then. One lady is still married to the guy, the other got divorced because the guy turned full gay at some point. From their situations I would say its great you know now, because you have avoided a great deal of DRAMA by not being married or having built years upon years with this man. Definitely take sometime for yourself so you can sort through your feelings. I spent five months in another country and I remember how hard it was to be alone, so if you have family back home that you can lean on during this hard time I would recommend taking a visit.
I don't know what to say, except that my heart hurts for you. I know you as a woman can survive this, but I also know that it must be unimaginably difficult to have heard this and know what to do next.


BTW, I don't know how old you are but it was the quickest biggest hugs I could find. I sent a prayer to God for you to have mental, physical and spiritual strength in this trying time for you.

Goes to show us women should always trust our instincts. You sensed something, and it is a good thing he admitted otherwise you'd be married to him.

I'm so sorry you are going through this.
. . .
He said he wanted to tell me so many times, but he knew "I was a nice girl" and would leave him. He knew I wouldn accept him like that. . .

I know I'm in Japan but I want you women to know about this. I guess if something doesn't feel right, then something isn't right.

Much love and hugs to you. The red will answer a multitude of your questions. In an ideal world he should have told you when it was just a desire.

The second is a great lesson for you and all of us.

I can tell you what the old folks use to tell me, it doesn't do much for the pan but it is so true: "this too shall pass" in time you will look back at this and be ok with it.

What doesn't kill you will make you stronger. it's growing pains.
I am sooooo soooooo sorry this is happening to you right now. I wish you nothing but healing and the best that life has to offer!
I don't know where to start or how, but I need to get this out. I have only told 2 ppl so far since last night- my two really good friends back home. I didn't have the heart to tell my parents, I just said my bf was cheating. I have not been honest with the people here or myself until now.

My bf of a year told me he was bisexual last night.

Well he didn't say that but he said he enjoyed doing and participating in sexual acts with a "strong Black man".

I had always had some suspicions things were not right--not because of anything sexual, he never strayed from the norm but he was very open and I assumed it was b/c he's older. But I felt like he's not being honest about something. He had one friend who seems DL and other than that guy, his two other friends I met seemed fine.

We met in Dec 2007 and had been dating since Feb 2008. He pursued me. I wasn't really into him at first but he was funny, liked "Black" music like R&B and seemed to be honest. Any question I asked him, he answered. Nothin was off limits and he seemed open, but I had asked him on several occassions have you ever experimented with a man and he always said "no" and looked me like "There you go overthinking again."

Small stuff irked me, like a guy friend calling in the middle of the night. Him liking the play "RENT" or the artsy sexual pics I found (and lied here and said it was my friend) But he always had an explanation---well except for the last thing, the photos--he always said "My friend needs help with something Japanese" or I assumed he liked plays b/c he was cultured. And he loves Gospel music, he even sang in a Japanese gospel choir for a bit. He was horrible but I just think "People like what they like b/c they like it" I never thought he could be bi. Until last night.

I couldn't get the pictures deal out of my head. Even though I thought he could be honest or just plain ol narcissitic--I never thought my digging for info would turn this up. We were watching tv and talking about celebrity gossip and he asked what I wanted for my bday (coming up in March) and a clip of this Vegas tranny style show comes on the Jtv. Kinda like Rupaul is thingy and I said (in what I thought was jokingly, but maybe not) tone..."Ooh let's go to that and see the men with each other" He was quiet and then very serious. And then it kinda came out. He said he hadn't been honest about the past summer. (Past summer I had a preg.scare, he was super gentleman about it and told me he wanted us to be together forever)

I was so shocked thinking, it's his ex gf! I was very calm, listening and he literally said he had been with a male friend. YES. This man is Black. He is married. He maybe military, I don't know. But he is big and muscular and my bf said that made him feel comfortable.

He said he had always been curious and acted it on in the summer. They were in the bed and it just happened. And it felt "amazing". He said he was addicted like a smoker, but this man shared similar intrests as him. Gospel music, R&B, and etc. This man filled his missing space from his father, he said. But he said "It is sex only and I cannot love him".

When it came out, it came out. Seemed like I can ask anything and he would explain why he loved me and liked sex with him. Why he "tried to quit, but kept going back" He told this man about me, about us and said he loves me and wants to end, but they contintued until December he said. He told him finally in December he cannot see him anymore.

The worst part I told him is not that he has sex with men. No that I could get over. That I can never condemn someone for, but why did he lie to me? I felt I gave him so many chances to tell me and why now? After taking him home to my family and then he asking me to move in with him next month. Why now? He couldn't say. But he could say he didn't want to lose me, he wanted to be with me and have a family and WE CAN STILL MAKE IT WORK. He said.

We have two options:
1. Put this deceit in the back of our heart and never let it happen again.

2. "YOU (me) CAN CONTROL IT" meaning I guess I say if he can do something or I moniter his desires.

He added that "you can never make it the same, but I want you to learn and try." He compared it to smoking. If you want someone to quit smoking they try the patch or gum, and eventually ween off of cigarettes. But I added so many ppl fall back into that---and this cannot be compared to smoking.

I haven't eaten since yesterday. I feel sick. When he said that to me, I think I left my body. You know how you can get outside of your body and look at yourself. I couldn't move. I could just see myself and think "maybe this isn't real", but it is.

I sat there and listened mainly b/c I didn't have the strength to move. I didn't want to hit him or cut him, I couldn't do anything but think "how many other girls has he done this too?" And I listened b/c I want to know for the future. I needed to understand why.

He said he wanted to tell me so many times, but he knew "I was a nice girl" and would leave him. He knew I wouldn accept him like that.

I can't descibe how sick I felt.feel. I am so miserable. Not suicidal but just I feel stupid that this happened to me. This happens to people on tv not like me.

If this hadn't happened, I could see myself married maybe with a kid and discovering. The truth always comes out. But thankfully I'm glad it didn't get that far. I can't go into my bedroom b/c I have so many pictures he gave me of us, I can't update my blog, b/c he's on there--I can't stand to look at him. NOT BECAUSE HE IS BISEXUAL BUT BECAUSE HES A LIAR.

Today he called me at lunch and asked if I was ok. He tried to make the conversation about filing a japanese police report against my ex. But then he said he felt so much better to get it off his chest, but he felt bad for lying to me. He feels glad he can be completly honest with us now. He wanted to "make it up to me", what can he buy me he said? How can he prove he loves me and doesn't need that man? Can we make an agreement, can we still be together? Can we have a beautiful future like he had planned?

I know I'm in Japan but I want you women to know about this. I guess if something doesn't feel right, then something isn't right. Those artsy nude pics hit me wrong. More than anything else. They just sat wrong and stayed there and that's what it all stemmed from.

I have to talk to him face to face one more time. I have to get some stuff back from his apt. I need to know who the man is. And I need my bf to know that he can't do this to another girl in the furute. My heart hurts so much, because of being lied to. I think maybe for a second, if he had told me about his desires a long time ago, I could have listened--really tried to understand, but I cannot now. I cannot look at anything he bought me or pictures because I feel so sick. I feel stupid, disgusted, and just sad. I want him to be honest with who he is, not afraid of a label, and to never make any woman feel like I am now.

I was thinking should I go home or move? My ex-husband is also a problem, making my life in this area hard. My job has also been stressful and I have been overall homesick. But I feel like if leave, I'm doing it for the wrong reason. I am thinking of moving to a totally different part of Japan. But I don't know.

How do you move on?
I know I can never trust someone again? What have I done that I deserve this? Why is this all happening to me?

I hope this post doesn't get anyone in trouble here, but I had to get this out. I feel like a bus hit me hard. Like I feel it hard. And I can't really focus on anything, but I just wanted to let you all know and be honest.

I'm so sorry. I don't even know what to say. I know it must be a relief to purge this. No matter what, don't take him back. If he admittedly slept with a man once, he will do it again. He might just not be comfortable saying he is homosexual right now and wants to hide behind the "bi-sexual" wal--that is how DL men operate. My heart goes out for you. I can only say at LEAST he admitted the little he did---to think you had no clue is devastating but he really just did you a BIG FAVOR.


And what resonates with me most is DH had lied about something I gave him plenty of chances to be honest on, and sh-t hit the fan when I finally discovered and confronted his blunt lies. Your bf may have lied out of shame... which is a sad but true situation- BUT IT DOESNT EXCUSE HIM or JUSTIFY ANYTHING... IT MAKES IT SOMEWHAT UNDERSTANDABLE...

Unfortunately, this doesn't make things any better once you find out, you're only that much more upset, that much more hurt, and YOU end up feeling like he never trusted or respected you. You question yourself, etc., and have to eventually realize you've done ALL you can do for this person.

I hope that you can sincerely give yourself the time and the space you need to deal with this, because this is one tough *** pill to swallow. I definitely agree the fact he lied will always cut deeper than what he lied about. The lies and the dishonesty create a problem you may not even want to deal with or work on- especially because it's NOT on your part.

Take your space, get your things, and get closure- if need be, when you want to.

Most importantly, seek God on how to forgive this issue...the infidelity during your relationship, his verbal dishonesty with you AND how to forgive him for his indiscretions. Forgiveness will be one of the only things you will need in order to find peace and move on, otherwise, you can end up bitter and only hurting youself.
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As with any type of cheating it is probably best for you to get tested and make sure that your health is in order.

I hope that you can move on from this and become better as a result. I agree with the other poster about praying hard to God to comfort and strengthen you.
WOW! That is awful! please make sure you take a few days to get some rest before, you make a decision about leaving. pray and ask for strength and guidance.
Wow. Okay I am actually crying right now. I am so sorry that you are going through this. I cannot imagine how deceived you feel right about now. I am glad that he confessed to you, but I am so bothered by the fact that "he feels better" now that he has confessed. That just makes this seems so much worse to me. He literally dropped a bomb on you, but because he feels "better", he is wanting you to forgive him.

I know it is hard when you love someone, I am sure you still love him at this point. Do me one favor though....please. Remember the anger that you feel right of how he lied to you, the anger is good for now because it will give you the strength that you need to stay away and not give him any second chances. Don't see him, accept any phone calls, nothing.

Okay he says he broke up with the guy this past Dec. But what about when the next guy comes along that he is attracted to?? Being bisexual does not make you a bad person at all but he should have been honest about it up front and then you would have had the choice to make up your mind about being in a relationship with him.

Thank you for having the courage to share this-even though you are in Japan I am hoping that you can feel the genuine love and concern of your online sisters. Do not feel alone. I am sending hugs, love and comfort your way. I am so sorry that you are going through this.
OP my thoughts are with you over there in Japan. Right, first things first you mentioned a preggie scare, have you been tested hun for HIV etc once this is done one less thing to worry about. You seem to be holding alot in from him it's ok to scream/shout at him to let him know how deep the betrayal hurts.

I really don't know what advice to give you interms of your situation as I have never been in a DL one before, but for cheating I left my SO on the grounds of his betrayal the lies and the pretence. I do not think your current SO can leave the DL life style hun to be honest, You cannot fufuill what a man wants with another man you just can't. So him saying you can and he will forget the guy well I will proceed with caution with this.

Perhaps a break away is what's needed here, you have an Ex who is causing probs now this revelation, yes I think you should relocate to another part of Japan.

Best of luck hun...:imsorry:
Too many fish in the sea. I'd chalk this one up as a loss.. unless you can get passed the whole cheating thing and the fact that it was a strong black man he cheated with. Some women are okay with it.. I'm not one of them and you should decide if you are.
Hey sweetie, I hate you're feeling like this right now. :needhug: It's never fun to be lied to.

I think the important thing is to make a huge space between the two of you. I know in some way you want to prove that you're not judging him for his sexuality and that's great, but you don't need to be there to prove that fact.

If you want, maybe leave him a simple letter when you go get your things, stating how you simply feel betrayed and how he needs to continue being honest with himself and others. Tell him to have a good and safe life, then get on with yours.

And I agree that a change of scenary would be nice. :yep::kiss:
Sending love and much comfort your way. Know that this is not your fualt. You didn't do anything wrong nor drive him into something.

He lied. And if that hurts you most of all, then you need to try and forgive him for that before you can move on and allow yourself to love. Don't deprive yourself of happiness because someone tried to rob you of it.
I'm so very sorry that this has happend to you. Please do not go back to him and talk to someone near you who can give you comfort and a shoulder to cry on.
I appreciate all of your kind words. I would hit the "thanks" button many times for all you but I'm so tired.

I WILL NOT go back to him. Don't worry.

I made him think so, so I could hear his story. I'm sure he thought he can "keep" me, but I just played along to be compassionate to understand why.

I had two questions for him tonite:

1. What is his name, who is he?

*He is a gospel preacher in the air force in Tokyo, with a wife in America. My bf said he "quit" messing with him this Dec. b/c he "Black man" wanted a relationship. And my bf "T" said "I cannot have a relationship with a man, just fun"

He also added many Black men he met in Tokyo came here on Gospel music tours are involved in Gospel music also. He said Hezekia Walker is gay and he knows from this "Black preacher man" in tokyo.

**In a way, I want to go to that base to that man's church and take his picture. I want to let his wife know or post his photo. What if she has no clue? Maybe she knows but I think this man is preaching God's word and lying to himself and the world. Just lying all up in the church.

2. Have you lied to girls before like me?

**No. That was all he said. He said I'm the first he told.
I can't believe it, but it doesn't matter.

He asked me again, if I allow him to live his life like this, he will do it in front of me or in the next room. We can make it work. He said he doesn't want to lose me. Please he said, let me buy you some jewerly some LV bag.

ARE YOU NUTS?? I couldn't say it but it's all I can think.

All I could say is please meet me to return my house key and items from your apt. this weekend.

I honestly don't care about his sexual interest. I don't care about him having sex with men. It kinda interest me, making me want to understand how this happens--how ppl live life of lies. But I don't want to be a part of the research.

Anyways I cannot share a man with anyone other than a child--no other girl no other man--and I cannot deal with lies and lies and lies. I refuse.

Thank you for all the advice, I appreciate it so much. I really do.

I was tested back in August, but I will get tested again this week. That is my biggest concern as he has been cheating all along.