I don't know what to title this post.

Those sexual inferences are the best thing in the world...because it makes my decision to ignore you a lot easier! I hate that kind of talk...
Ya know ZZ, I noticed alot of my gf dating older guys that are just as stupid as the 20s early 30s. Gosh! Will the real men PLEASE stand up..

Had a "first date" on Saturday. At the end of the date he said he would call me when I got home, and my "assignment" was to have a question for him I didn't ask while on our date.

So. By the time he called me I hadn't come up with a question. But he had one for me, and it was "Name something wild you've never done but always wanted to do"...that's not what he said word-for-word but that was the basic question.

Well, I couldn't think of an answer at the time (it was getting to be pretty late and I just couldn't think of anything.) So I asked him the same question (name something you've never done before but would really like to do) and his response was "Have sex in a park." :look::lachen:

So I said, "Anything else...?" (He didn't know this, but asking him 'anything else' was my way of giving him a chance to redeem himself with an answer that wasn't related to sex.)

And he responded with, "Have sex in a pool in an apartment complex."


I told him I enjoyed having drinks with him earlier, ended the phone convo and went to bed.

This fool is 41 years old.
I'm pretty sure any 'wild' woman would be really disappointed with his lack of creativity. Sounds like a straight edge man having a mid-life crisis because those are about the most boring exhibitionist suggestions ever.
This may be the reason he's 40 and single. I give some men the side eye when they are older and single (I know it may be wrong but I do) I've ran into many older men who are more immature than teenagers and I can't help but to think this is the reason they are still single. I also hate it when men I barely know call me baby, sweety or anything like that- it seems so phony and weird and I hate when they want to get to sexual to fast- they are cut off quick.

I think I'm gonna need to be proactive about this one and cut it off immediately. I'd love to hear your suggestions on what to say...? :look:

i.e. "It was nice meeting you but...." (you ladies can fill in the blank for me)

I would say im not interested in a relationship (of any kind) with him. You could lie and give him the "it's me, not you" speech :lol: or you could tell the truth and say i wasnt really feeling the date and I'm looking at other options :yep:.
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I'm sure he 'would be' alotta fun-for the right woman. Which isn't me. :look:

It's interesting because he spent a great deal of the night talking about how men think it's "all about the physical" and having sex with a woman and how he's more of the "intellectual type" and how important it is to stimulate a person's mind first and blah, blah blah...

What's funny is he thought he 'was' being intellectually stimulating at first but he really wasn't :nono:

To make matters worse he did the whole 'pet name' thing...which is a pet peeve of mine; calling me "honey", "sweety", "baby", "dear", "love" all night long and I just met you...just call me by my name lol

No, no, no, and no. What's funny is that I have dated at least 2 or 3 men with almost exactly the same profile....and you gotta wonder if this ever works for them.

I would probably just ignore him, but if you want to do him a favor just tell him....everything was cool until.... And then wish him luck on his next attempt.
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Whats up with these lame older cats? Do these wack lines ever work for them I wonder? And if so who are these chics that are digging this?

I don't like the sweetie, baby, honey thing either.
^^and the sad thing is that these lines do work for them sometimes. that's the only reason why men say/do dumb $#!%. they got away with it once so they think they can get away with it again
I'm sure he 'would be' alotta fun-for the right woman. Which isn't me. :look:

It's interesting because he spent a great deal of the night talking about how men think it's "all about the physical" and having sex with a woman and how he's more of the "intellectual type" and how important it is to stimulate a person's mind first and blah, blah blah...[/QUOTE]

His idea of stimulating your mind must banging your head against the side of the pool while coloring :lachen:
I'm sure he 'would be' alotta fun-for the right woman. Which isn't me. :look:

It's interesting because he spent a great deal of the night talking about how men think it's "all about the physical" and having sex with a woman and how he's more of the "intellectual type" and how important it is to stimulate a person's mind first and blah, blah blah...[/QUOTE]

His idea of stimulating your mind must banging your head against the side of the pool while coloring :lachen:

:blush: :lol:
In regards to the bolded, I shoulda known he was about to bring up something sexual because the key word in the original question was "wild" (he said to name something wild I hadn't done before)...

Now, I wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt because he had talked earlier about being spontaneous and what have you, so I was thinking along the lines of bungee jumping or skydiving, etc.

What a huge turn off.

You can say that again.... :nono:

That would be SUCH a turn-off for me if a guy asked a question like this and answered in this way... ESPECIALLY when I've only had one date with him. :nono: :nono:

We're not even "officially" an "item" yet and you're already asking me such lewd and disrespectful questions?? Ugh! :nono2: Sounds like a very IMmature 41 year old man. That sounded like bf/gf type of talk....not someone you barely know and have only been on one date with. :ohwell:

Looks like he was only after one thing and one thing only. :nono: I think men who want something substantial w/a woman don't talk about sex so soon and early in the relationship. I could be wrong but.... :look: Most men I know who are trying to impress a woman want to at least "APPEAR" to be a gentleman around a woman they're interested in, IF they're mature and actually looking for something substantial. :yep:
HATE the "pretty lady" and "hey, beautiful" thing as well. I thought that made me wierd; glad to know I'm not alone.
What's funny is he thought he 'was' being intellectually stimulating at first but he really wasn't

To make matters worse he did the whole 'pet name' thing...which is a pet peeve of mine; calling me "honey", "sweety", "baby", "dear", "love" all night long and I just met you...just call me by my name lol

I know!!! Why do men do that?? So lame! lol :perplexed
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Girl, leave those never-married 41 year old men alone and if he's divorced, then definitely leave him alone.
In the past I've been bad about just not returning calls or texts when I'm not feeling someone. He's called/text mssg'd me a few times since Sat nite.

I think I'm gonna need to be proactive about this one and cut it off immediately. I'd love to hear your suggestions on what to say...? :look:

i.e. "It was nice meeting you but...." (you ladies can fill in the blank for me)
....I just don't think we're right for each other. But it was nice meeting you