He cheated I know itsa life but I need advice

Yea thats exactly how it is. He made a mistake in the past. He confessed and told me the truth or what ever but then its still like he was giving up on me and cheated on me.
Its not the fact that he isn't a virgin but the fact that he was one when we first started going out but just couldn't hold out.

I mean men who made mistakes before they met you and they have since matured and changed. Not men who are doing it while they are with you.
Move on hun, its not worth it, and I would advise you to do so even if you were 30. Life is too short to put up with such madness from anyone anytime.

I know you may hear this often but it means soo much and many dont grasp its full meaning; WE teach people the how to treat us, Have other's treat you the way you treat them.
My little sista I am going to pray for you. I was young and naive like you but I am blessed that I finally got out of that way of thinking before something really bad happened to me. We all have to live and learn. Hopefully you will learn about life before life smacks you right in the face then turns around and smacks you in the back of the head.

Cyber Hug to you.
You've gotten great advice from the ladies here. ...I'd move on. He's not worth your time, health, esteem etc.
Yea today I get a message from him saying I'm coming over for your birthday and it better not be a repeat of last year. What happened last year was I got mad because he was spending more time with this other girl than me. So I had a nasty attitude around him. And then he mad comments about the girl from my dreams butt. I mean that was a year ago but I told him not to come to my party unless he brings his male friends. But hes not going to do that so hes not coming. But we on the phone and his brother is like what time is your party im like seven but it's an all gurls thing. Then my man/ex is like yea she dosent want us there. So his brother is like Raeinna is having a house party she gots some friends for you to meet. Of course he says no. But its kinda like a relapse of what happened in Mississippi. His brother pressuring him to be a h03. I mean I'm not his girl we friends but it still hurts me to think about it that way. I just don't know what to do. About my feelings their still there